
Writer : Luke Brattan


About Writer

I pursued my masters in the field of Management from Charles Sturt University, Melbourne and have gained an experience of more than fifteen years in the same. To guide the students in their academics, I provide assistance in assignments, dissertations, thesis, research paper, term papers, etc. I have provided writing support to the college students in the topics like Marketing Research, Organizational Behaviour, Finance Management, Project Management, and many more.

Subjects Covered

Management Theory and Practice Strategic Management Accounting and Financial Management Marketing Management Research Methods Communication in Business Organizational Behavior

Strategic Management

Customer’s feedback:

Strategic Management- I am one of those students who has extreme fear of writing. In spite of constant efforts, I could not impress my professor and ultimately, I decided not to risk my grades in the final year. I reached out to seek help from Luke and was impressed with the kind of assistance he provided. The service was affordable and I could finally complete my college with excellent grades. It was a dream come true.

Writer Feedback:

It has been a pleasure to assist you. Good luck for the future!

Finance Management

Customer’s feedback:

Finance Management - I was not very clear with my Finance concepts and thus, needed help while doing an assignment on this subject. When I presented my assignment work through his assistance, I secured excellent grades. That's a dream come true.

Writer Feedback:

It has been my pleasure assisting you and seeing you score top grades.

Management for Sustainability

Customer’s feedback:

Management for Sustainability - My professor expected me to submit an excellent writing work within a prescribed deadline. So, I approached him and was able to submit the document much before the stipulated submission date. Thank you!

Writer Feedback:

It has been a pleasure to assist you Buddy. Thanks a lot for your appreciation.

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