
Get Dissertation on Ethernet and Wireless Network

Executive summary

In today's global environment, consumers want a fast internet connection so that they can complete their work in a lesser time. In digital era, most of the companies nowadays are adopting advanced and latest technologies to expand their business and better perform against other business rivals present in the marketplace. As per the current economic period, most of the companies highly prefer the installation of wireless network as it is much cheaper to implement. A wireless connection is the most popular type of internet connection as it perfectly fits for the customers who need to access the internet from multiple places at once. On the based on the secondary data analysis, it can be said that performance of the wired Ethernet is very sensitive as compared to Ethernet LAN and number of users increases in network then collisions increase resulting in larger wastage of medium and throughput decreases. Hence, it can be interpreted that throughput of Wireless LAN (WiFi) is greater than Ethernet at transmission speed of 10 Mbps. However, companies can reduce security related issues in both wired and wireless network through maintaining confidentiality and data integrity in all business processes and use of licensed sources in their day to day business functions. The main aim of the research is to differentiate between Ethernet and Wireless network for business. With the help of this research, top business stakeholders can take sound decisions whether the Ethernet network configuration is more beneficial to Wireless. From the comparison between PPPoE and IPoE, it is cleared that PPPoE (point to point protocol over Ethernet) suffers more and its traffic varies widely as compared to IPoE (Internet Protocol Over Ethernet) in case of Half Duplex 1Mbps link. Moreover, it can be determined that companies can get several benefits of implementing one of the network configurations over the other because Wireless network offers more benefit to the business as it delivers more effective operational framework.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Background of the research

In order to promote business success, most of the companies nowadays are adopting advanced and latest technologies. New emerging network topologies used by enterprise flashes many images on the canvas of the mind of customers as well as employees (Howard, 2007). The rise of Wi-Fi or Wireless network has also been responsible for the downfall of wired networks. In addition to this, many new computer models like Apple’s MacBook Air do not support Ethernet connections anymore. Earlier, most of the organisations were using Wi-Fi devices using 802.11g standard but some serious limitations were associated with it such as they were not capable of transferring up to 54 MB/s data over network (Peterson, 2011). Wireless network is a cost effectiveness deployment as compared to wired network in terms of providing a secured and faster means of connectivity anywhere and anytime. The present research is based on the benefits of network configurations and how it helps the companies in achieving their target. It also aims to differentiate between Ethernet and Wireless network for business. With the help of this research, top business stakeholders can take sound decisions whether the Ethernet network configuration is more beneficial to Wireless or if it is the reverse (Odom, 2004). It can be easily identified with checking out the implementation of both the networks and costs of installing the different sets of computer networks. The present study describes the impact of Wireless Network on performance and business operations on enterprise with help of business case scenario.

Overview of Ethernet

Computers in small business organisations, home and offices are connected with each other through a LAN Ethernet which allows them to send and receive information from one node to other effectively. Ethernet has some unique features such as easy to plan and install, robust and reliable and supports more hardware and software (Van, Mattson and Haas, 2011). It uses a shared medium which contains MAC (Media Access Control) address, for sending and receiving information. Apart from this, Ethernet has used carrier sense multiple access with Collision Detection (CSMA/ CD) to avoid collision raised when two nodes transmit data at the same time. Ethernet is beneficial for the organisations in terms of easy installation, easy troubleshoot and transmitting data onto the access medium (Sarkar, 2006).

Ethernet is quicker and more reliable and operates at baseband speeds of either 100Mbps or 1000Mbps (Gigabit Ethernet). By using Ethernet, users can easily add and delete computers on the network. It requires cable to be connected to each and every computer in the network and cost of Ethernet is low because devices used in network design are very cheap as compared to wireless networks (Hart, 2013). Ethernet protocol is straight forward and users can easily install hundreds of thousands of nodes and remove them without bringing the network down.

However, along with several benefits some drawbacks are also associated with use of Ethernet such as it requires analog circuits for sensing the carrier and sensing collisions and due to its non-deterministic characteristic, it is not guaranteed to access information within specific time interval (Jackson, 2010). In addition to this, due to limited cable length, Ethernet device is unable to prioritize traffic and overcome propagation delay which can reduce performance of network. As well as, durability, length, installation time and high Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) are major weakness of Ethernet.

Description of Wireless Network and devices

As per the current economic period, most of the companies highly prefer the installation of wireless network as it is much cheaper to implement. Most of the organizations are preferred to use Wireless network because it is providing a pace to the means of accessing network resources for different purposes such as education, business, banking and defence. Due to occurrence of rapid advances in the field of wireless network, most of the enterprises and researchers are emphasizing towards use of simulation techniques in their day to day business operations for reduced cost of implementation model at the workplace (Dashore and Singh, 2013). In wireless network, various kinds of network simulators including NetSim, NS-2, GloMoSim and OPNET are available to enhance flexibility and scalability of network. By using wireless network, users can move around freely within the area of the network by using various devices such as Laptops and handheld devices effectively (De Beasi, 2009). Enterprises also concentrate towards use of different types of Wireless technologies including Bluetooth, Mobile telephony and Short message service for data transmission.


Wireless network has different advantages such as it easily share files and other resources with other devices without using any cabling. Besides that, enterprises can easily handle a larger amount of users and instant transfer of information from source node to destination node properly. Infrastructure and implementation cost is cheaper than wired network as well as companies can easily reach at non-reachable places such as across river or mountain or rural area etc. This type of device is ideal for temporary network set-up and flexible in even ad-hoc situation (Sukhroop and 2012).

Along with several advantages, Wireless network has some drawbacks also including lower speed compared to wired network, less secure, more complex to configure and sometimes, it creates problem for people who are not experienced with computers and Wi-Fi devices (Sarkar, 2006). In addition to this, risk of outsider accessing the network and performance degradation factors including large distances or objects between wireless devices, coverage (allows individuals within 150 to 300 feet to access the network) and security (intercepted by unauthorized users) influences performance of Wireless Network.

Businesses case scenarios

AT&T knowledge venture, (2006) described business scenarios for different organizations to understand the business benefits of Wireless network and mobile solutions. A larger retail enterprise of UK has used wireless network to connect with the individual retailer and customers around the world and share information regarding inventory, sales status and other issues. Earlier, enterprise used ISDN and Ethernet Network which can be problematic for remote access and customers were failing to access information at late night (AT&T Knowledge venture, 2006). To overcome such kind of issues, network administrator of firm had taken initiative to use Wireless network for accessing distributor data, product information and sales figures data.

By establishing a Wireless LAN at the workplace, enterprise was able to provide tremendous flexibility to its employees, faster product delivery times and effective access to business-critical data. Apart from this, by using it, firm was able to reduce its cost on infrastructure set-up and reduced connection cost (Flick, 2011).

Reason for adopting wireless network

Increased collaboration and mobility: By implementing this, employees of the firm will be able to roam around office or different floors without losing network connections.

Improved responsiveness: It provides opportunity to company to quick response to queries and concerns of customers (Wright, 2010).

Better access of information: Wireless network and mobile solution used by company helped them to access to areas that would be difficult to connect to a wired network.

Easier network expansion: By establishing network, firm has been able to add employees or reconfigure offices frequently without any extra effort and spend cost.

Enhance guest access: In addition to this, by using Wireless network, UK based retail company was able to establish secured network access to customers and business partners and offer a unique value-added service to them at stipulated time (Hart, 2013).

Critical comparison between Ethernet and Wireless Network

In cut throat competitive market, organisations are trying to adopt changes in their network infrastructure and attracting towards implementation of Wireless Network at the workplace. IT revolution and new emerging wireless network are providing easy and flexible operations to customers and enterprises to boost up their performance effectively (Sarkar, 2006). Along with the growth of digital connectivity, risk is of using sensitive and high-value data are also emerging. In the study, investigator has done critical comparison between Ethernet and Wireless network to understand their impact on performance of business. According to Howard, (2007) wireless network is better than Ethernet in terms of freedom of movement and easily sharing files without using cables. Most of the organizations are showing their interest towards deployment of Wireless network at the workplace due to various features such as ease of installation, performance, security, total cost and reliability (Mitchell and Jolley, 2012)

On the other side, when researcher critically evaluated the performance of Wireless network against Ethernet, it was found that Wireless network is more beneficial for business enterprises in terms of configuration and requirement of network equipment such as Wireless adapters and access points which were inexpensive as compared to Ethernet. In terms of reliability and security, wired or Ethernet network is more beneficial for companies because it allows multiple users to access large amounts of information securely (Peterson, 2011). However, according to cost perspective, enterprises will pay high cost for Ethernet to set up a wired network in some cases. When investigator had done comparison between these two terms on the basis of connection speed and businesses point of view, then he found that Ethernet is not convenient for public use but it provides faster speed as compared to Wireless network. As per Flick, (2011) Ethernet and wired network are more advantageous for traditional offices and smaller enterprises in terms of connection speed which is usually faster and more secured than wireless.

On the basis of the study, it can be interpreted that wireless network devices are more beneficial for business perspective in terms of improved communications through better information sharing and supporting faster and better decision making. Wireless solutions can be helpful for enterprises to understand customer perceptions through providing flexible delivery of services at right time (Sarkar, 2006). Moreover, this research mainly emphasize on the benefits of a business to implement one of the network configurations over the other as well as comparison between Ethernet and Wireless network for business.

Purpose of Research

The research is conducted for critically compare between Wireless Network and Ethernet technologies.

Aim: The rationale behind conducting the present study was to differentiate between Ethernet and Wireless network for business.


  • To examine the concept of Ethernet and Wireless network for business
  • To critically evaluate Ethernet and Wireless devices in terms of various parameters such as speed and security
  • To investigate about the best suitable technologies used by modern organisations in terms of enhancing market share and profit margin
  • To determine the factors that motivates enterprise to adopt Wireless solutions at the workplace

Significance scope of the study

Main reason of this research practice is to gain better ideas about subject matter so that proper decisions making can be done. With the help of this research design, researcher can gain the most appropriate information with the help of the secondary sources. Through identifying benefits of Wireless technologies, enterprises would be able to have proper implementation of this technique at their workplace. In addition to this, by critically comparing between Ethernet and Wireless network, company will able to capture market opportunity and better perform against its core competitors.

Research questions

Investigator develops research questions to provide the direction to entire study and helps in deriving answers to following research questions properly.

  • What is the concept of Ethernet and Wireless network?
  • What are the major differences between Ethernet and Wireless network?
  • What are the best suitable technologies used by modern organisations in terms of enhanced market share and profit margin?
  • What are the major factors that motivate enterprise to adopt Wireless solutions at the workplace?

Research framework

Research philosophy: Interpretivism philosophy was used because it helps researcher to better understand critical comparison between Wireless and Ethernet techniques.

Research design: Exploratory research design is taken into consideration as it helps the researcher in identifying the proper information about the given subject matter.

Research approach: Inductive research approach helps the researcher to start from collecting of data that are relevant to research objectives and proper theories are developed on the basis of gathered information.

Data Collection and Analysis: In order to collect qualitative data, secondary sources such as books, magazines, journals articles are taken into consideration. With the help of all these sources, researcher can collect the information. Thematic analysis has been done because it helps the investigator in finding out information very quickly.

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Literature Review

Review of literature is conducted to understand the reviews and opinions of other authors regarding to the study. It is a crucial part of any study because on that basis investigator can easily identify issues and weakness of past studies which are conducted by other researchers effectively. Rationale behind conducting this section is to critical compare between Ethernet and Wireless networking. This section provides information about concept of Ethernet and Wireless network and their advantages for organisations (De Couto and, 2005). Further LR covers the aspects of difficulties that are faced by enterprises in term of security and privacy measures and overcome these kinds of problems through implementing new technologies and counter measure over issues effectively.

Background of Ethernet and Wireless Network

In today's globalized world, most of the companies are adopting advanced technologies in order to enhance their business as well as success of business. With the help of the setup of different computer networks, computers can easily exchange data. It helps the company in easy sharing of data as well as information. Organizations are implementing the quality configuration for the success of their business operations. They are adopting different Ethernet and Wireless network for business. With the help of setting proper network configuration, an individual can easily connect local network with the home computers as well as work computers with following different IP addresses (Hung and Liang, 2001). Ethernet is cables and wired networking which are highly used for home purposes as well as desktop computers.

As per the views of Akyildiz, Wang and Wang, (2005), Ethernet refers to a product which precedes the IEEE 802.3 standard (Akyildiz, Wang and Wang, 2005). However, Zhu and Ma, (2004) argue that in today's times, Ethernet can be referred to any 802.3 compliant network (Zhu and Ma,2004). It can be analyzed that over the past years, there has been continuous evolution of Ethernet. This includes 10base5 using thick coaxial cable which was approved for the use in the year 1986. It was followed by twisted pair wiring which was used in 10baseT and was approved in the year 1991. According to Wang, Zhang and Wang, (2006), fibre wire in 10baseF was approved in 1994 – 95. It was in the year 1995 that 100Mbps Ethernet was released which increased its speed (Wang, Zhang and Wang, 2006). This was further increased with the release of gigabit Ethernet in the year 1998 – 99. From this, it can be evaluated that there will be continuous growth in the speed of Ethernet. Ethernet is not excluded from industrial automation. It not only provides the advantages of standardized communication but also provide other benefits. With industrial Ethernet, there is creation of a smooth infrastructure from the office to the machine (Flick, 2011). Also, a wide range of transmission media is offered by industrial Ethernet. This includes copper, fibre and wireless.

Pandey and Tyagi did performance analysis on Ethernet and Wireless network using NS2 Simulator. They use NS2 tool because it is cheap and supports both protocols and platforms. In addition, they studied about the analytical modelling, simulation and measurement performance measurement techniques. The result of the study argued that, Ethernet is the fastest wired network protocol and it worked with three different topologies. Star network is a simplistic type of topology and used to connect three or more computers together effectively. Small businesses and even home networks used this topology at their workplace. However, vulnerability is the measure disadvantage of this topology and if host fails the entire network will fail. In bus network, all computers are linked on a single circuit. There is no central computer if one computer will fail then others will not be affected (Hawkins, Yen and Chou, 2000.). Ring network is similar to bus network and it does not rely on a central host computer. However, data transmission is slow in long distance and interference is very limited. These are the major weakness of star topology. In wired network static routing, when link breaks between nodes then re-routing is impossible. While on the other hand, in wired dynamic routing if link breaks between nodes then routing is possible. Distance Vector Routing Protocol is helpful for the firm in such kind of situation (Hung and Liang, 2001).

There are different network infrastructures which allow mobility. However, Kotz and Essien, (2005) argue that the most important wireless network in a business environment is the wireless LAN (Kotz and Essien, 2005). This is also known as WLAN. Wireless LANs have similar origin to Ethernet LANS. The 802 LAN/MAN portfolios of computer network architecture standards have been adopted by IEEE. In this regard, it can be analyzed that two dominant working groups consist of 802.3 Ethernet and 802.11 wirelesses LAN. However, it can be critically analyzed that, there are various differences between the two. Henderson, Kotz and Abyzov, (2008) explored that WLANs use radio frequencies (RF) in place of cables at the physical layer and MAC sub layer of the Data Link Layer (Henderson, Kotz and Abyzov, 2008). Cable and RF can be compared. Radio frequencies have various characteristics. RF is not guided by boundaries. This means that radio frequencies do not have limits of a wire in a sheath. It can be analyzed that due to absence of boundaries data frames are allowed to travel over the RF media. In this way, these are available to anyone who can receive the signal of radio frequency (Kotz and Essien, 2005).

Yick, Mukherjee and Ghosal, (2008) found that RF is not protected from outside signals. As compared to this, cable is surrounded by an insulating sheath (Yick, Mukherjee and Ghosal, 2008). It can be critically evaluated that radios can interfere with each other when they operate independently in same geographic area and use similar frequencies (Yick, Mukherjee and Ghosal, 2008). Moreover, transmission of RF faces certain challenges. These are inherent in any wave based technology. De Couto and, (2005) found that with WLANs, clients are connected to a network through a wireless access point. Most of the modern business networks are dependent on switch – based LANs. They use this for carrying out day – to - day operations at the workplace (De Couto and, 2005). As per the views of Kassar, Kervella and Pujolle (2008), a fixed location to a definite time period does not restrict productivity. In today's time, people want to be connected at all the times and places, be it in the office or outside it (Kassar, Kervella and Pujolle, 2008).

Security measures in Ethernet (Wired) and Wireless Network

A number of issues arise in wireless communication. Ghazisaidi, Maier and Assi, (2009) found that issues lie around the area of privacy and security of confidential information. It can be analyzed that data from wireless networks is transmitted between devices (Ghazisaidi, Maier and Assi, 2009). This transmission takes place through air via radio waves. It is susceptible to access from unauthorized people. Flammini and, (2009) asserted that emergence of IT governance and new security protocol acts as a solution for these problems (Flammini and, 2009). However, it can be critically analyzed that these protocols are not capable of providing protection against the location boundaries of transmission of radio waves. It can be analyzed that, as data is not travelling via a wired network there is possibility for an unauthorized person to intercept it. As such, there is a need for security measures in Ethernet and wireless networks.

With a recovery attack on Wired Equivalent Protocol (WEP), position of user can be tracked by an unauthorized person. Moreover, there are interface identifiers that help in tracking of locations over time. As such, they assist in unique identification of each client. Yick, Mukherjee and Ghosal, (2008) suggest that if interface identifiers are disposed, the location of a user can be kept secret (Yick, Mukherjee and Ghosal, 2008). However, it can be critically analyzed that, use of MAC is insufficient for protection of privacy of data. In this regard, there can be use of the current location of Wi-Fi access for providing security to the access points for those users who work with confidential data. A more accurate understanding of privacy can also help in providing security to the data. Akyildiz, Wang and Wang, (2005) argue that for eliminating the threats, emerging security technology should be used (Akyildiz, Wang and Wang, 2005). The performance of networks has been improved due to wireless security patches. These security paths allow more band width. This is beneficial as it provides increased speed to the network user. However, it can be critically evaluated that the data can be distorted by viruses and other malware. This creates the need for good management. Wang, Zhang and Wang, (2006) suggests that for eliminating the threat of cracking of keys, Message Integrity Checks (MIC) can be used (Wang, Zhang and Wang, 2006). According to them, management frameworks cannot provide required security because there is leakage of signals which can allow unauthorized access to network of the organization.

Model Analysis and conceptual map of evolution of wireless network

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) established protocols to enhance secure connection of wireless network at the workplace. This newly development model was scalable, secure, transparent and helpful for companies in detecting jamming attacks in wireless networks effectively (Imafidonm and, n.d.). In order to control wireless activity, some researchers suggested for robust locations scheme and indoor location tracking system to improve on the signal reception. IEEE 802.11 protocol faced problem regarding performance and quality of real time services. In such kind of circumstance, simulation models would be helpful for companies to control and overcome traffic congestion threats.

Security vulnerabilities and stronger encryption techniques would be helpful for enterprises in order to overcome issues faced by wireless networks. Threat Model will be helpful for enterprises in term of providing solutions to reduce existing wireless network security deficiencies within network (Van, Mattson and Haas, 2011). This model can be beneficial for enterprises to reduce security and privacy related threats that are present in the workplace. According to Wright (2010) Radio Frequency Identification Prototype (RFID) will be helpful for the company to provide rank the severity of potential threats and monitor over unauthorised persons trying to gain access of sensitive information of employees and customer's at the workplace.Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) established protocols to enhance secure connection of wireless network at the workplace. This newly development model was scalable, secure, transparent and helpful for companies in detecting jamming attacks in wireless networks effectively (Imafidonm and, n.d.). In order to control wireless activity, some researchers suggested for robust locations scheme and indoor location tracking system to improve on the signal reception. IEEE 802.11 protocol faced problem regarding performance and quality of real time services. In such kind of circumstance, simulation models would be helpful for companies to control and overcome traffic congestion threats.

Imafidon and other researchers followed a case study methodology approach to implement Network Security Trust Models in small medium enterprises (SMEs) with identifying security threats to wireless networks. This model describes that privacy and security arise in wireless networks that influences the performance of company and customers.

Critical Comparison between Ethernet and Wireless Network

In today's global environment, consumers want a fast internet connection so that they can complete their work in a lesser time. One of the major priorities of people is that the given connection should be affordable. According to Hart (2013) there is always the choice between a wireless and Ethernet connection services. Moreover, wireless connections are often regarded as a more practical and feasible choice between two.

At the time of starting any modem, a person might see a LED indicator for its network connection. It is the best way to represent that the internet connection a person is using is directly linked with the modem through a USB cable. It can be clearly identified that wired connections are in less popularity rather than using wireless connections (Howard, 2007). One of the major drawbacks of using wireless connection is that mobile access to the internet usually comes under the higher cost. It is beneficial to use if a person have a limited budget for the home or business. There are different Ethernet cables used by the organizations as it provides faster speed than wireless versions because the connection is more consistent. Further, most of the people and organizations are using wireless connection nowadays, as it can be accessed by them very easily at any time. Most of the network administrators are using wireless connection rather than using Ethernet networking as it is very cost effective and it can be easily accessed by a person at any time (Levine and Young, 2011). Having physical infrastructure is a good thing as per the management point of view. It also offers cheap deployment and it requires different connections as per the wiring. It is essential for the companies to maintain proper wiring for their business throughout the building as it can be costly to maintain (Karsai and, 2011).

Further, implementing two different set of computer network platforms requires several resources such as network interface cards, static router, switches etc. With the help of setting up all these resources in an effective manner, an individual might get a proper connection and network. In addition to this, if a person needs to transfer a large amount of data then he/she might use both a modem and wireless router. At the time of transferring data, a person should have to select the link on their laptop to Ethernet. There are lot many differences in wireless and wired connection. People mostly preferred wireless connection as it is not bound to use any cable (Hawkins, Yen and Chou, 2000). In addition to this, both the networks can be easily determined with the existing configuration. In case if an organization works with the tight budget then it is quite difficult for the company to choose the wired or wireless computer network. In the case of wireless network, company only needs a router that must be connected with their network modem. On the other hand, Ethernet network requires special wiring (Littman and Boyan, 2013).

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These types of wiring are very expensive and require lot more amount to install. It has been identified that recent wireless standard has made wireless local area network as it is much faster than the ordinary Ethernet configuration. Due to this reason people are most likely to adopt wireless technologies and it helps them it finding out required data at the time of their requirements. Estimated costs for the wireless network are much cheaper than that of Ethernet (Mitchell and Jolley, 2012). Most of the time Ethernet provide quality services to their customers it helps all their users in transfer the ever increasing large business data. Meisel, Pappas and Zhang (2010) stated that wireless network is one of the best network through which person can easily access files and their prints from anywhere in your home area.

With the help of such connections, an individual can synchronize their files and easily share it between different computer networks. Further, wireless network connections are always on which determines that that person can connect to the internet whether user want to access the services without waiting for modem to dial in. Laptops can be easily carried out from one place to another and service can also be accessed by the user at different places. In addition to this, Ethernet can also be known as wired network and the top most benefits of using this technology is that it provides secure connected. Wired networks are inherently more secure than wireless network (Peterson, 2011). At the time of using such services, user does not require any password to access the network. Further, security is the major drawback of using wireless network (Peterson, 2011). Moreover, it can be stated that wireless and wired network can be used by company as per their network usage as well as security concern and effectiveness.

Critical comparison between Ethernet/ Wired network and Wireless network can be done on the basis of some factors that can be understood as follows:

Ethernet/Wired network

This network is able to provide speed more than 1000 Mbps, so that it is faster than other wireless networking devices (Van, Mattson and Haas, 2011). To set-up infrastructure and configuration, organisations will require high spending in wired home (Coaxial cables) or Ethernet network. Wired or Ethernet devices are more reliable, faster and able to transfer large amount of data effectively. It cannot be used for mobile network and it looks very messy when it is installed outside. Public sector enterprises are generally using these types of devices.

Wireless network

For the future perspective and reliable working, this network would be beneficial for enterprises. These devices are easy in installation in term of price and reliability as compared to other Ethernet device (Wang, Zhang and Wang, 2006). No requirements of any types of cables and wiring for installation.

It can be determined as top most benefits of using wireless network as it provides mobility and flexibility. Further, wireless networks allow greater flexibility in office configuration. It also provides increased mobility factor through which company can easily increase their productivity as well. It is not reliable and generally it is best for mobile devices and laptop (Sarkar, 2006). In addition, these devices are not faster as compared to Ethernet devices. Wireless network will deliver a much more beneficial operational framework (Sarkar, 2006). With the help of using wireless network, company can bring freedom of all their operations and speed up the working process. Wireless network helps in improving the process of overall business operations. By expanding the overall network company can easily expand their business and grow their network cost effectively. With the help of such connection, company can enable their visitors to use company can enable their visitors to use internet (Jackson, 2010). With the assistance of such network, company people can use this to make telephone calls using voice over internet protocol (Littman and Boyan, 2013).

Along with several advantages some drawbacks are also associated with the use of wireless network connections within enterprise which provide higher flexibility to user to connect their personal devices to corporate wireless devices which can create security issues from firm (Patterson and Hennessy, 2013). However, enterprise can overcome such kinds of problems through educating employees about security measures and impact of misuse of wireless network for illegal purpose. Another major weakness of wireless network is its slow speed which is slower as compared to other wired devices.

According to Odom (2004) a combination of wired and wireless technologies are required to satisfy needs of its mobile workers and ensure enterprise to meet security, reliability and control requirements effectively. E.g. Cisco is defined as new Unified Access platform by using combination of both wired and wireless connections in one switch together. Its new set-up is beneficial for companies because 5760 Unified Access WLAN controllers enable them to manage wireless connection and reduce security and privacy related threats at the workplace.

By managing both devices together, firm could be able to successful run its business and reducing the weakness associated with used of wireless devices (Kassar, Kervella and Pujolle, 2008). According to Meeru network, passive monitoring is required to control over Wireless LAN operations and boost up speed of network devices. Network developed by organization enables all wireless enterprises to deliver better quality of services and reduce infrastructure set-up cost.

Strategies developed for Wireless network

The University of Pennsylvania's defined some strategies for increasing performance of wireless network against Ethernet. Initially enterprise increased number of shared devices among end users for increasing peer-to-peer wireless access in classrooms and meeting spaces. It was very challenging task for enterprise to provide the highest volume and density of end user (Ghazisaidi, Maier and Assi, 2009). Organisation handled this risky task through monitoring use of wireless network and high emphasized on future wireless features that support end user devices. For advancement in wireless technology and increased network speed, it suggested Wi-Fi 802.11ac technology (Akyildiz, Wang and Wang, 2005). In addition, by using authentication infrastructure models developed by Network Planning Task Force (NPTF), enterprises would be able to overcome security and performance regarding issues and will able to performance of Wireless network effectively.

Major factors motivate enterprise to adopt Wireless solutions at the workplace

Consumers always make clear perception about both the services before making their final choice (Creswell, 2003). It helps them in achieving greater success in their business as well as running all their business operations. A wireless connection is the most popular type of internet connection as it perfectly fits for the customers who need to access the internet from multiple places at once (Flammini and, 2009). This is one of the most popular connections among today's generation as it is commonly used for the laptop and computers. With the help of this, customer can easily choose the link for their internet connection at any time within the range of the modem. According to Meisel, Pappas and Zhang (2010) wireless connection is the most convenient connection as it doesn't require the installation of cables. On the other hand, Ethernet can be described with the help of the data cables that connect computer to the internet (Howard, 2007). It may also represent as a wired connection. Ethernet connection can be easily explained by the modem.

Best suitable technologies used by modern organisations in terms of enhanced profit margin

In digital era, most of the organisations are concentrating towards use of mobile technology, big data and cloud computing technologies to provide quality of services to their customers without any delay at stipulated time (Hart, 2013). By using wireless mobile technology, enterprises would be able to maintain supply chain and logistic operations and effective use of organisational resources in order to accomplish firm goals and enhance profit margin as well. In addition, Wireless Sensor Network, Fully Redundant Mesh Routing and Wireless gateway used by companies will be helpful in terms of increase sales margin and reduce costs and efforts (Karsai and, 2011).

Security measures for Wireless and Wired network

In global era, threats of hackers and crackers are present for organisation which is created security and privacy related issues for companies. In addition to this, viruses, worm, DoS and other kinds of serious attacks influenced performance of enterprises and theft data of customers, employees and other business partners (Hart, 2013). However, enterprises can overcome security related issues in both wired and wireless network through maintaining confidentiality and data integrity and effective use of Denial-of-service (DoS) protection and Replay protection tools, firms can prevent attacks at both the link layer and the network layer. Access control and compartmental security would be beneficial for the company in order to reduce priority of threats and increase security of wired and wireless technologies used at companies (Henderson, Kotz and Abyzov, 2008).

Summary of LR section

Moreover, it can be determined that companies can get several benefits of implementing one of the network configurations over the other (Hart, 2013). Wireless network offers more benefit to the business, as it delivers more effective operational framework. By applying security models, enterprises can easily provide secure network access to all their guests within the organization. Wireless LAN allows a business to bring network access to that area and helps in improving the process of overall business operations (Fitzgerald and Dennis, 2009). By using different networking configurations and WLAN, company can not only achieve business goals but also helps to building competitive advantage of a particular business.

Research Methodology

This is one of the most important sections of any research is to help the researcher in finding out most suitable and effective conclusion. There are several tools and techniques will be used in order to find out more reliable information. For collecting and analysing information, different methodologies and technologies that have been applied in the present research. This chapter focused deeper into the detail comparison between wireless and wired technologies as well as it also justifies the reasons for selecting the wireless technologies as compared to wired technique in business operations.

Research design

In addition to this, exploratory research design is taken into consideration as it helps the researcher in identifying the proper information about the given subject matter (Fitzgerald, and Dennis, 2009). Main reason of this research practice is to gain better ideas about subject matter so that proper decisions making can be done. With the help of this research design, researcher can gain the most appropriate information with the help of the secondary sources (Jackson, 2010).

Research philosophy

Interpretivism philosophy is being utilized as research is qualitative in nature. In order to collect qualitative data, secondary sources such as books, magazines, journals articles are taken into consideration. With the help of all these sources, researcher can gather the required information (Wright, 2010). It is very cost effective technique and it helps the researcher in finding out information very quickly.

Research approach

In the present case, Inductive research approach is being utilized as it starts with the proper accumulation of data and helps the researcher in come up with the most effective information (Creswell, 2003). Inductive research approach helps the researcher to start from collecting of data that are relevant to research objectives and proper theories are developed on the basis of gathered information. This approach is used as no hypothesis being developed in the present research and all the data is being collected by the secondary sources (Ghazisaidi, Maier and Assi, 2009).

Research type

As per the present case concerned, qualitative research technique was used because all data was collected from secondary sources. It enables the researcher to analyse the major difference between wireless, Ethernet and point to point techniques. With the help of qualitative research technique, researcher can collect the information (Kassar, Kervella and Pujolle, 2008). Most of the time researcher cannot find data easily after searching it for a deep. By using this approach, investigator would be able to get detail information about the topic of the study and interpret the results effectively.

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Data collection

Current research will be done by secondary sources as it helps the researcher in gaining most appropriate information about the benefits of a business to implementing different networking configuration (Patterson and Hennessy, 2013). Secondary data collection was employed in the study because it will help researcher to evaluate the findings and conclusions of the report in more authentic and accurate manner with deeper insights and views.

Data Analysis And Finding

For analysing the secondary data, thematic approach was applied and test of different technologies including wirelesses, Ethernet, point to point and so on, done by researchers in their previous studies have been considered in this study to better understand comparison between wireless and wired technologies.

Debnath, Cranley and Davis (2006) analysed the performance of video streaming applications that affect the perceived video quality at the receiver end. They evaluate different parameters varied such as bit-rate fluctuations, packet loss and loss due to excessive delay when using a wired and wireless video streaming server. The result of the study shown that trade-off exists for wired and wireless streaming.

Experimental test bed

For conducted the experiment, two video streaming configurations investigated. The set-up was done when the video server is located on wired server and video was streaming via the Access Point (AP) to a wireless client. While on the other side, video server is located on the WLAN and video was streaming via the AP to a wireless client. With help of the packet monitoring tool, both client and server were configured effectively and clocks were synchronized before each test using Net Time. For measured delay time, difference between the time at which the packet sent and received was monitored at the link-layer of the sender. Variation was come as per changes occurred in video frame sizes which is generally varied from 3.1kB, 6.1kB and 9.2kB (Van, Mattson and Haas, 2011). Variation was raised in packetisation scheme, frame rate of the video, and the size of the video frame while video content streaming over the network. They used RTP tools for generated and streamed video across the network.

With increasing in a bit-rate, frame rate (every 300sec) and video frame sizes (every 100sec) were varied and reaches a maximum bit-rate of 2.1Mbps. To support streaming by a server, Hint tracks were used and it also explores that how server should packetise the data. In addition, it ensures that no packet for this stream will exceed 512B (Wright, 2010). Video frame sizes were set {6, 12, 18} in range of packets per video frame while using a hint track512B. On the other hand, the video frame sizes were set 3,6, 9} in ranges of packets per video frame using a hint track setting of 1024B.

Test results

From the result of the study, received video quality was affected by two major factors include packet loss and loss due to excessive delay. In addition, performance of wired and wireless network was measured in terms of the received bit-rate, mean packet delay, and loss rates (AT&T Knowledge venture, 2006).

With help of Bit rate analysis, received bit rate at the client side is measured. For a wired and wireless located video server, maximum received bit-rate were measured through using a packetisation scheme of 512B and 1024B. On the basis of the result Debnath, Cranley and Davis found that in the wired network, client receives the maximum bit-rate of 2.1Mbps from the video server. While on the side, packetisation scheme reduces the received bit-rate but number of concurrent video streams increased continuously (Davis, Cranley and Debnath, 2006).

Comparison between Wired (Ethernet) and Wireless on the basis of received bit-rate

On the basis of the received bit-rate, Debnath, Cranley and Davis concluded that each client received the maximum bit-rate of 2.1Mbps and 2.0Mbps when using packetisation scheme of 1024B. They got similar trends when they were used a wirelessly located video streaming server. While in other cases of using an MTU of 1024B and packetisation scheme of 512B, e maximum received bit-rate per station is reduced. Hence, on the basis of the interpretation, it can be interpreted that when three concurrent streams sent then WLAN becomes saturated (Functions of networking devices, 2013). While on the other side, using 1024B and 2.25Mbps using 512B packetisation scheme, wireless located server achieves a maximum throughput of 3Mbps. When wireless located server was used then received bit-rate was always less than as compared to wired server for multiple clients. They found that video stream occupies twice as more resources in case of both the server and client are located on the same WLAN (Malhotra, Gupta and Bansal, 2010).

Comparison between Wired (Ethernet) and Wireless on the basis of loss rate

In addition, Debnath, Cranley and Davis found that in term of resources usage, wireless technologies take more resources against Ethernet (wired technology) to transmit on the uplink to the AP and on the downlink to the client side. With help of loss rate analysis, wireless and wired techniques can be compared effectively (De Beasi, 2009). Using a packetisation scheme of 512B and 1024B, the loss rate variations for wired video server for different video streams can be measured. From the figures, it is cleared that twice as many packets are required to transmit the video frames. While figures (c and d) explored that due to collisions and packet retransmissions, packets losses occurred in the WLAN medium. It can be said that there is a higher loss rates when a smaller packet size is used. It can be intercepted that the observed loss rates were not affected by the number of concurrent streams (Dashore and Singh, 2013).

Comparison between Wired (Ethernet) and Wireless on the basis of network delay

On the basis of the delay analysis, it can be interpreted that mean network delay averaged every second varies for three concurrent video streams of 1024B and 512B. With help of the figure, it can be seen that with increasing the number of video stream, mean delay is increased so that packet must wait longer in order to be transmitted (Wang, Zhang and Wang, 2006). When using a wireless server mean delay of server is high as compared to wired network server. Using a packetisation scheme of 1024B and 512BIt, wired server reaches a maximum of 636ms and 562ms that can be seen in below figures.

For the comparison between wired and wireless network server using two different packetisation schemes (1024B and 512B) in terms of bit-rate analysis, loss rate analysis and delay analysis, it was found that when using a wired server and large packetisation scheme then received high bit-rate (Van, Mattson, and Haas, 2011).

Final outcome of the experiment

Performance measurement of Ethernet and Wireless network server result stated that wireless server has a lower packet delay and loss rates as compared to wired or Ethernet network (Zhu and Ma, 2004). While on the other side, wired server performs better in term of bit-rate. Hence, on the basis of the experiment result, it can be concluded that wireless connections are the most convenient connections as it does not require any cables to connect. While in Ethernet, cabling is required for the purpose of providing the best effective services to all the users.

Comparison between Wi-Fi and Ethernet LAN using OPNET Modeler

upta and Kaur (2010) was done comparison between wired and wireless network on the basis of various performance parameters. The rationale behind conducting the study was to compare the throughput of LANs using Ethernet and WiFi under different scenarios using simulator OPNET-MODELER. Ethernet is a multi-access network and it is inexpensive, reasonably fast, and very popular LAN technology (Gupta and Kaur, 2010). Through can be understood in term of the average rate of successful message delivery over a communication channel in specific time. Generally it is measured in bits-per second (bit/s or bps). Simulation was set-up for Ethernet network model in a star topology and at a data rate of 10Mbps using OPNET Modeler 14.0. All computers were connected with each other to provide wireless connectivity to devices such as portable computers and PDAs etc. (Gupta and Kaur, 2010).

Comparison between Point-to-Point protocol and Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet in term of Quality of Service (QoS)

PPP is used a serial interface for communication between two computers by connecting phone line to a server. It is full duplex protocol that is used various physical media for transmission of information such as twisted pair or Fiber optic lines or satellite etc. (Van, Mattson and Haas, 2011.) In PPP, QoS mainly deals with low bandwidth links such as modem links due to this high time is taken in transmission of information from sender end to receiver end (Imafidonm and, n.d.). E.g. over a 28.8kbps modem line, 1500 byte packets being transmitted and in transmission 0.4s transmission time was taken. Transmission time taken in transmission was high as compared to other real-time applications such as IP telephony because large packets occupied a relatively significant amount of time and efforts in fragmentation of large packets into smaller one (Sukhroop and, 2012). While on the other side, in PPP over Ethernet no major Quality of Service efforts has been made but burst traffic conditions and a light load, it delivered high QoS. For carried out the experiments, they were used Packet delayer, Traffic generator and Traffic monitor tools (Stockholm, 2000). Throughput measurement was done by using few test cases include 10Mbps Full Duplex and 10Mbps Full Duplex under 9Mbps traffic load.

Validity and Reliability of Data

In the current report, in order to maintain reliability and validity of the data, data was collected from valid and authentic sources. In addition, to avoid the biasness and misinterpretation of data, reliability and credibility is also maintained in the entire research work (Levine and Young, 2011). Along with this, secondary data collected from previous studies of researchers and scholars analysed in credible way in order to examine critical comparison between wireless and wired technologies.

Ethical considerations

As per the present case concerned, the entire report is performed with ethical aspect. In addition, investigator is maintained integrity and honesty in order to better comparison between different technologies such as wireless, Ethernet and point to point in an effective manner (Karsai, and, 2011). In addition, to ensure better outcomes for the study, data collection and analysis sections were performed properly without any biasness.

Research limitations

Some limitations exist while gathering, analysing and representing information effectively.

Easy accessibility of literature review and secondary data: While extracting relevant information from existing literature, it takes time and limited availability of critical comparison between wireless and Ethernet technologies are challenging task for researcher to carry out the tasks at stipulated time (Howard, 2007).

Constraint of time: In addition to easy accessibility of secondary data, time is another major constraints that was created issues in successful implementation of study.

Conclusion And Recommendations

From the above research, it has been identified that organizations need to adopt the best suitable technologies through which they can easily enhance their market share by providing suitable business solutions to their customers. On the based on the various performance parameters, it can be said that performance of the wired Ethernet is very sensitive as compared to Ethernet LAN and number of users increases in network then collisions increase resulting in larger wastage of medium and throughput decreases. Hence, it can be interpreted that throughput of Wireless LAN (WiFi) is greater than Ethernet at transmission speed of 10 Mbps. Throughput decreases in case of users is increased beyond the certain limit in network.

It has been identified that people are much more concerned about the wireless technologies rather than wired technology. With the help of using wireless technology, people can easily get access of internet anywhere. Wired technological connections are exclusive for desktop computers. It comes into appearance by using modem with the help of USB cable connectivity. Computers those uses Ethernet connections are most commonly connected with the modem and with the help of such computers a person can easily transfer large amount of data. Further, all the data is being collected by the secondary sources and it helps the researcher in finding out most suitable information as per the given subject matter.

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It has been concluded that at the time of using different networking technologies, network administrator might need to have some special equipment. It is cleared that PPPoE (point to point protocol over Ethernet) suffers more and its traffic varies widely as compared to IPoE (Internet Protocol Over Ethernet) in case of Half Duplex 1Mbps link. It can be said that smaller packets are slightly affecting more than larger and traffic suffers dramatic drops even in the larger scale. Further, several benefits of the wireless as well as wired connection have been discussed. With the help of this, it has been identified that by using different networking configurations, company can not only achieve the set out business goals but also boost the global competitive advantage of a particular business.

Further, as per the comparison between both the technologies Wireless and Ethernet, it has been concluded that wireless connections are the most convenient connections as it does not require any cables to connect. While in Ethernet, cabling is required for the purpose of providing the best effective services to all the users. However, companies can reduce security related issues in both wired and wireless network through maintaining confidentiality and data integrity in all business processes. By effective use of Denial-of-service (DoS) protection and Replay protection tools, firms can prevent attacks at both the link layer and the network layer (Henderson, Kotz and Abyzov, 2008). While on the other side, access control and compartmental security tools would be beneficial for the company in order to reduce priority of threats and increase security of wired and wireless technologies used at companies. Apart from this, Wireless Sensor Network, Fully Redundant Mesh Routing and Wireless gateway used by companies will be helpful in terms of increase sales margin and reduce costs and efforts.

Further Work

From the overall research, it has been concluded that wireless network will distribute a much more valuable operational framework and people are using this technique in order to come up with the successful business. Further work can be conducted by comparing throughput by use of different wired and wireless network protocols effectively and rather than throughput, based on the other parameters include latency, bandwidth and so on, results may be concluded. In addition, using any other simulators rather than OPNET Modeler, study may be done.

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