
Psychology Spss


Psychology is the one of the main discipline that is used to study and understand the thinking of normal human being. Mentioned discipline help one in identifying the impact that specific situation have on the human brain and play an important role in formation of perception towards specific thing. It can be said that psychology is the one of the most important subject and today it is used in number of areas like marketing and human resource management etc (Ziping, 2011). In the current report detail study is done in respect to psychology that people have towards job, career and office environment etc. In this regard regression analysis is done and under this some independent and dependent variables are taken in to consideration. Chronbach alpha is also used to measure the reliability of scale. Finally, discussion section is prepared in the report.


In the statistics there are number of tools and methods that are often employed by the researchers to analyze the data and reliability of scales. In the current report, regression analysis is done and under this six variables are analyzed. The coefficient and significant difference among variables is identified by using these tools (Choobforush Zadeh, Kalantari & Molavi, 2010). Chronbach alpha is also computed to measure reliability of scales and to ensure that data can be taken in to consideration for analysis purpose. In order to check normality of data Kolmogorov and Smirnov test is used in the current research study.

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Hypothesis 1

H0: There is no significant difference between the behavior under which one abstain from confronting others and negative feelings that one have towards oneself.
H1: There is significant difference between the behavior under which one abstain from confronting others and negative feelings that one have towards oneself.

Chronbach alpha

Chronbach alpha is revealing that data is reliable in nature and appropriate scales are taken in the present research. Value of statistical tool is 0.564 and validity percentage is 95.6%. Out of all questions only question “I have potential to succeed in life” can be removed. This is because if same will be deleted then in that case value of Chronbach alpha will not decline at fast rate.


Results reflects that in case of most of variables value of level of significant is >0.05 which reflects that in case of most of categorical variables data is normally distributed.


Results reflects that value of R is 0.524 followed by R square 0.274. Adjusted R square value is 0.258 and this means that with slight modification in the model value can be changed to 0.258 from 0.274. Level of significance is 0.00

Hypothesis 2

H0: There is no significant difference between the condition under which one feel useless and negative feeling when other colleagues does not support self-actions.
H1: There is significant difference between the condition under which one feel useless and negative feeling when other colleagues does not support self-actions.


Value of level of significance is higher than 0.05 which is standard value and it can be said that data for the both variables is normally distributed.


Results depicted that R value is 0.622 and R square is equivalent to 0.387. Adjusted R square is 0.373 followed by the value of level of significance is 0.714 which mean that there is no significant difference between dependent and independent variable.

Hypothesis 3

H0: There is no significant difference between the perception that people have in respect to them in terms of potential about achieving success in life and achievement of goals.
H1: There is no significant difference between the perception that people have in respect to them in terms of potential about achieving success in life and achievement of goals.


Results are revealing that data is not normally distributed and this is verified from the low value of level of significance which is less than 0.05.


Level of significant difference is 0.328>0.05 and this means that there is significant difference between mean values of the variables. Apart from this, value of R and R square is 0.153 and 0.023 and adjusted R square valued at -0.01. This reflects that there is no significant difference between dependent and independent variables.


Results are reflecting that there is a significant mean difference between the dependent and independent variables. It can be observed from the table that value of level of significance is 0.00 Results in respect to second hypothesis is reflecting that there is significant difference between dependent and independent variable. Results are indicating that when actions taken by the individual are not approved by the peers in respect to work then in that case one feel useless to great extent. This is further supported from the fact that value of R is 0.622 which reflects that there is moderate relationship between the dependent and independent variable. R square is indicating that 38% variation comes in the extent to which one feel useless when someone show less confidence on actions of same person.

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In respect to third hypothesis it can be seen that value of level of significance is 0.328 and its value is higher than 0.05 which means that there is no significant mean difference between dependent and independent variable. Means that if one assume that same have huge potential to become a successful person then it is not necessary that chances of achievement of goals will increase to great extent. This is proved from the fact that R value is 0.153 which reflects that there is low degree of relationship between the dependent and independent variable. Moreover, value of R square is 0.023 which means that 2% variation comes in the dependent variable with change in the independent variable. Overall it can be said that achievement of goals and perception that one have huge potential to get success in the life are different. Positive perception that one can do anything does not lead to achievement of determined goals to great extent. Hence, one must focus on hard work instead of focusing on merely positive attitude towards oneself.


  • Ziping, G. A. O. (2011). From Job Burning to Job Identity: Paradigm Alternativeof Working Psycology of Liabrary and Information Talents [J].Journal of Intelligence.
  • Choobforush Zadeh, A., Kalantari, M., & Molavi, H. (2010). The effectivness of Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management on Subjective Well-Being in Intertile Women. of Clinical Psycology.
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