
Sample on Tourist Destination


Tourist destination are of core importance as is referred to as a place of interest of the visitors. In travel and tourism sector, the organizations are selected by the customers on the basis of destination providers as a key factor in selecting the best tourist operators (Cooper, 2012). The places of interest are identified on several grounds such as natural or cultural value, historical importance, built beauty, entertainment, adventure or amusement. Present is prepared to explore the tourist destinations and the related statistics by selecting two countries namely UK and Italy. Various attributes such as social, cultural or physical features of locations are compared for enhancing visitor's appealing. Thomas Cook which is the largest tourist operator of UK has been researched on assessing its product development department. Lastly, issues affecting popularity of the tourist destination are analysed and potential of responsible tourism to enhance host community have been explored.

Analyzing the main tourist destinations of the world: UK and Italy

The following two destinations have been used to analyze the main tourists attraction as follows:


Tourist destination is a place where the visitors like to visit at the most because of the major attraction sources. UK is regarded as a tourist generator nation and is the world's eighth biggest destination for visitors. According to VisitBritain, UK's most spending of tourist remains in the hands of domestic tourism (Murillo, 2014). Tourists are attracted in Great Britain as it is inclusive of various castles, zoos, gardens, theme parks, royal palaces, art gallerias in its major four cities, London, Wales, Scotland and England.

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Tourism at Italy is one of the fastest developing and most profitable sector. It is the fifth most visited nation of the world. Every year approximately, 47 million visitors came to Italy. The major cities are inclusive of Rome, Milan, Pisa, Bologna etc and are attractive because of its rich art, beauteous beaches and coastlines, history, fashion and culture (Brown and Cave, 2010). Italy is identified as richest in World's Heritage Sites in the world.

Analyzing statistics to determine tourist destination trends and predicting future trends

Tourism trends is of core significance as it helps to analyze the behavior and perception of visitors to visit the place (Greaves and Skinner, 2010). The analysis of statistics of UK and Italy as the two major tourist destinations are analyzed below as follows:

UK tourism trend analysis:

The tourism in UK is growing at a very fast rate and as per the statistics, most of its tourists came from The United States of America. They spend about £2.1bn in 2010. there are various sectors which are part of the tourism industry in UK (Heeley, 2015). It covers the airline industry, lodging companies, travel organizations, motor coach workers and cruise lines. The European tourism has faced an issues such as recession, economy instability, political unrest etc. This has affected its tourism business as well.

Italy tourism trend analysis:

Visitors at Italy at its famous places such as Italian museums, archaeological sites and art galleries has increased in recent years, rising from 30.4 million in 2003 to 38.2 million in 2013 (Italy24. 2015). In 2012 the visitors dropped to about 37.1 million. Monuments and archaeological areas are attracted by the largest number of people (more than 19 million in 2013) (Leask and Rihova, 2010). Very positive was also the execution of 38 museum circuits active in Italy in 2013. Paying visitors in 2013 were 17.6 million analyzed to 16.8 million in 2012. Overall, non-paying visitors were 8.7 million. The number of people who had access to one of the 208 sites with no entry fee was very high, too. In 2013 they reached 12 million (11.5 million in 2012) (Italy24. 2015).

Analyzing cultural, social and physical features of the destinations

The UK is regarded as a land of museums and there exist various destinations known for culture, religions, politics, amusement etc. Various destinations have been evaluated on the following grounds as follows:


Culture of UK: Visitors to UK came for enjoying the rich culture of UK. There are various such places such as churches, monuments, man made buildings etc which are mostly attracted (Office for National Statistics. 2013). Different food patterns and entertainment events are identified in stated destinations of UK. Including the four major cities of UK namely, England, Wales, Scotland and London, rich cultural resources exist here which is the major source of tourist attraction (Durmaz, Platt and Yigitcanlar, 2010). Majorly, in cultural respect, The museums of UK are the most appealing destination where the ample of customers came throughout the world.

Culture of Spain : The visitors came to Spain to enjoy Spanish culture which is widely known for Flamenco music and dance, bullfights, fantastic beaches and lots of sunshine. The people infuse full efforts in providing an extraordinary artistic heritage and architectural ranges. Some famous places where the tourist visit the most are Balearic Islands to the Roman ruins of Merida and Tarragona, the decorative Lonja in Seville, Mudéjar buildings, Gothic cathedrals, castles, fantastic modernist monuments and Gaudí's intricate fabulous sculptures in Barcelona (Jackson and Harssel, 2014).


Social feature at UK:  The term social refers to inclusive of national, local or social group destinations. In UK, this factor plays direct role in attracting and appealing visitors. They work altogether to provide an environment to satisfy the visitors coming from abroad to visit the place. The attitude and behavior of the localities of UK highly play role in appealing customers.

Social feature at Spain: Social life is very vital at Spain. They interaction with the people in informal manner, physical contacts, greetings, embraces are very common. Shopping is very popular for both local and tourist people. The nightlife at Spain is legendary. Several bars and discotheques are available for whole night. The hospitality sector in this nation is considered as most vibrant sector.


Physical feature at UK: There are some of the visitors who are in the category of natural lovers. The reason for their visit to the UK is the scenario and beauty of the physical locations. Physical features are inclusive of famous landscape, lakes, coastlines, mountains, hills, flora and fauna, sand dunes etc (Martin and Woodside, 2011).  which are highly contributory in making tourist appealing for the UK destinations. Tourists coming from cross boundaries generally looks for developing the special appeal in the mid of UK people who welcome them (Mail Online. 2015). Therefore, in UK places, which have rich physical and rich physical resources possess great appeal in making tourist attract.

Physical feature at Spain: This country is the second highest and most mountainous nation in the world. The factors such as region and type of travel experience defines the time of traveling for tourists (Pechlaner and, 2012). To plan holidays at beaches of Spain, June to August is the best time. These are the busiest months for tourism along the coast and on the Spanish islands. Those are among high prices and the most crowded place.

Comparing features of tourist destination in developing and leading tourist destinations

Tourism is the most vital part pf income generation for UK which is facilitated by the attributes of the physical destinations. They are significant as they play role in attracting and appealing people to their nation (Pearce and Schott, 2010). Various physical, social or cultural factors are responsible for making the consumer preference for making a visit successful. Other factors such as infrastructure, transportation etc also makes people attract for the place (Fraga, 2014). Moreover, festivals, religions, lifestyle, programs, events etc also plays major role in appealing towards destination in developed countries of the world.

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Evaluation of characteristic of a UK as a tourist destination

  • Various benefits can be attained from the tourism. It is inclusive of economic or social advantages. There are possibilities that may lead to the negative outcomes as well.
  • There is an argument based on the subject that weather the role of tourism and its impact in the nation is beneficial or harmful for the environment (Baggio, Mottironi and Corigliano, 2011). However, it is generating income for the nation but are affecting the ecology and surrounding of the nation in many ways.
  • The characteristic of tourism that it generates good job opportunities for the citizens are well identified. Various sectors inclusive of hospitality, transportation, infrastructure, retail etc are major sources of income generation.
  • In contrary to same, although, they are source of income and job opportunities but are temporary not permanent.  
  • There is a probability that the tourism affects the life of various local citizens of the nations as well (Pechlaner and, 2012). Activities such as traffic, pollution, harm to wildlife, littering etc have adverse affect in the life of the ample of people.
  • The characteristic of tourism is that it made exposure of various resources such as locations, sites and wildlife with the visitors from all around the world. However, there are events when the same visitors creates a negative impression by harming the location and area for entertainment purpose.
  • There are visitors who came from far off international borders to develop them into buildings and areas for serving their business purpose.
  • There are some of the tourists who came to the nation and knowingly or unknowingly share the unwanted diseases in the home country.
  • London has a presence of well defined infrastructure which includes the presence of underground networks as well as well constructed buses.  
  • Weather in London is also favorable to make the visitors enjoy good times.  
  • The language used is English which does not make the visitors suffer from any issue.

Evaluation of characteristic of a Spain as a tourist destination

  • Every year in Spain, millions of tourists came to this holiday destination. Beautiful beaches, resorts, city destinations and cultural activities are major attractions.  
  • Spain is the best place for one who is intended for adventurous visit and passionate about arts and architecture.  
  • This nation is characterized by tapa,  sangria, great wine, top class cuisine, beautiful scenery and superb beaches.
  • Various historic places such as Alhambra Palace, the prado and fascinating cities such as San Sebastian, Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga,Pamplona, Toledo and Granada are widely known for top holiday places in Spain.
  • It is the best tourist destination for families which provides relaxing holiday at beach to more excited outdoor activity.
  • Spain is flooded with natural beauty in terms of forests, beaches and waterfalls.

Analyzing issues affecting popularity of tourist destinations

Issues affecting popularity of tourist destinations in UK

The issues affecting the popularity of the tourist destinations in UK have been analyzed. With the ample of dissimilar features, there is impact in the economy of the nation. Beside other factors, there are some more reasons that influences the tourism altogether. Financial system is the most vital form of economic contributory element. The reflection of ample of people who visit across borders is a sign of their lifestyle, richness and livelihood. It shows their power to invest in other nation UK or Costa Rich as well (Carlo, 2015). The strong financial families takes into account the aspect of journey as for their leisure and is concerned with the sound economic condition. However, there are times when the negative trends affect the dreadful situation and affect the tourism in many ways. There is happening of event such as natural disaster, fire etc which may cause harm of live and money of the number of families or visitor who came to visit the destination. For an example, a London attack of terrorist on 7th July 2015, made lot of visitor who came from abroad to visit UK and had lost their lives (Kavin, 2010). Similarly, there are more such events that got affected with the natural calamities such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods etc and have affected by lost negatively.

Issues affecting popularity of tourist destinations in Spain

The issues affecting the popularity of the tourist destinations in Spain have been analyzed. There are ample of tourists who visit the nation for fun and to spend holiday with families and friends. But, there are also associated some issues that affect the popularity of the place to be called as a tourists destination (Correia, Kozak and Ferradeira, 2011). Spain has been dubbed as one of the hazardous place for people coming another nation in terms of sickness and injury. In summer season, the fun at sunshine and around swimming pools leads to people fall ill.

Potential issues responsible for tourism to enhance the host community at the worldwide tourist destination

Potential issues in UK

There are various potential issues which are responsible for tourism to enhance the host community at the worldwide destination. Responsible tourism are defined in broad perspective as the one who are involved in reducing the harmful financial, communal and ecological effects. They are the one who produces more economic advantages for both local and social communities by accessing towards the business (Heeley, 2011). They play role of engaging the local people of nation in creating accepted and civilized inheritance.

The major objective considered to involve sightseeing individuals with the World Heritage activities need to put attributes of UK with the Costa Rich which is also an isolated region. There is suggestion for destination such as Costa Rich to focus on areas for developing tourism (Kozak and Bagloglu, 2011). These attributes are inclusive of developing well planned and beautiful resort townships, good welcome, natural attractiveness and a variety of things which are attractive in those destinations.

As a part of tourism sector, the major function of every nation lies in understanding the fact that generation of income and profits are the major need. There are various tour operators who functions competently with each other in an order to contribute for the economy of their nation. They act as a major responsibility to provide facilities more better with each other in an order to enrich number of customers for their nation. Every country is responsible to lay down tourism objectives as a part of their economy's function (Mok, Sparks and Kadampully, 2013). This made all the organizations working to develop in the way for growth. Various destinations are the integral and beautiful part of the whole Earth. However, it depends on the individual country responsibilities to plans and lay policy framework for its site seeing places and locations. It is also inclusive of providing the security and protection to both the local and visiting citizens as well to enrich in most respective manner. As all the factors such as social, economic, physical features of the destinations are taken into account, it is important to consider them all in terms of aesthetic values. This is made with the help of co-operation and coordination of all the citizens to work as a contribution to enhance the growth (Pastor, 2014). The aspect of joint initiative should be the responsibility of every citizen to create and generate better prospective of growth in the tourism industry.

There is further a presence of terrorism issue that may aid to vows for tourism industry of London. Other than that, London government is also required to work on pollution by making the norms related to it very strict. It can ensure that hotels adhere with water recycling policy and conserve water as well as electricity.

Potential issues in Spain

The visitors and tourists who visit to Spain generally needs to privileged with all kind of facilities. It is inclusive of high demand for environment and food. Since, they came from another nation, it is essential to have good and clear signage, proper notice boards,appropriate maps and internet campus all around. Spain has tried to full to provide services and facilities to all the visits from worldwide. However, there are also various loopholes which affect the tourism of Spain (Carlo, 2015). Therefore, efforts are made in continuous basis to improve and enhances the facilities for the visitors coming from abroad.

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In the present report, various things has been concluded. UK was analyzed along with inflow of tourist in different cities in UK. London has been identified as the major source of tourist inflow for UK due to its heritage and cultural significance. Various factors such as social, cultural or physical features has been analyzed and it was found out that these factors in developed tourist destination such as UK are much supporting in comparison to the developing nations. Moreover, appeal for tourist destination in was analyzed and factors affecting appeal of tourist destination were evaluated. Issues affecting tourism such as economic, political and social factors. Also role of tourism industry in United Kingdom to promote responsible tourism activities were understood.


  • Carlo, M., 2015. A model for destination strategy assessment: an analysis of Italian urban destinations. International Journal of Tourism Cities.
  • Cooper, P. E., 2012. Volcanic Tourist Destinations. Springer Science & Business Media
  • Correia, A., Kozak, M. and Ferradeira, J., 2011. Cross-Cultural Heterogeneity in Tourist Decision Making  in Tourism Sensemaking: Strategies to Give Meaning to Experience Advances in Culture Tourism and Hospitality Research.
  • Durmaz, B., Platt, S. and Yigitcanlar, T., 2010. Creativity culture tourism and placemaking: Istanbul and London film industries. International Journal of Culture  Tourism and Hospitality Research.
  • Fraga, V., 2014. Tourist destination Azores: Perspectives and strategies to overcome less favorable conditions. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes.
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