
BUS020C445S Social and Cultural Issues Assignment Level 5


Present case study will discuss key social and cultural issues that are involved in early childhood. Furthermore, it will explain ethical issues in the research with human participants. Study will conduct interview and will analysis semi structure interview.


Early childhood education plays significant role in the human life. Involvement of parents, culture, society affect their learning (Kagitcibasi, 2017).. There are various cultural and social issues that are involved in education and early childhood education that give unique experience to individuals. Cultural diversity is considered as one of the major factor that impacts on overall learning and development of individual to great extent. When children study in the class where other cultural people also get education then sometimes language creates issue for the kids to communicate with other children (James and Prout, 2015). In such condition they fail to share their views that decreases their confidence and they fail to develop interpersonal relationship with others. If believes, values and aspects of one person in different from others then it gives negative experience to the person because individual fail to share theirs views with others which decreases their confidence. This is the major cultural issue that is involved in the early childhood education. Furthermore, values of someone is different from others. If teachers belong from different culture then some times they fail to understand learning needs, habits of children significantly. In such condition they fail to create positive environment for the kids which impacts on their development to great extent (Kagitcibasi, 2017).

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There are many Emotional issues hat are involved in education. This is considered as social issue that impact on overall childhood learning of students. As in the society divorce rate in increasing with the rapid speed. In such condition it has become difficult for the learners to pay attention on their core studies. They always remain in tension and face loneliness due to their family condition. UK is the country where many children having single parents. When child grow up with the broken family then their emotional state gets' week and in such condition they do not interact with other children in the schools (James and Prout, 2015). This decreases their confidence and they become negative towards the society because they do not get right amount of love from their mother and parents. When I was in pre school at that time my parents are getting divorced (Kagitcibasi, 2017).. This was shocking news for me and I was unable to adjust this news. I started feeling lonely and this has affected my communication skills. I did not coordinate with my classmates and always kept silent. I never took participation in the games because I was not having any enthusiasm. When I was in preschool then due to cultural differences I was unable to speak English properly. This has created communication issue for me and due to this many of other children were bullying me. This communication problem was barrier for me because due to which teacher were unable to interact with me and providing me adequate knowledge. That is why at that time I was unable to get proper education. Both these cultural and social issues are involved in the education and gives different experiences to the person. These issues impact on overall learning and growth of children as well.


Ethical consideration plays significant role ion the research. Whenever individual conduct an investigation on any topic then it is very important to follow ethical aspects otherwise it may create huge difficulty for the researcher (Kagitcibasi, 2017).. Many times in the primary research scholar has to involve human being in the research in order to get primary information about the topic. Informed consent is the major ethical issue in the study with human participants. As per the view of Harriss and Atkinson, (2015) respondents are required to give their consent for sharing their views in the research. Researcher can not force any human being to give answers of the questions. Before conducting interview with the participants' scholar has to send written consent for to all respondents. In this consent form all these details about the study are involved. By going through this consent form participants get to know objective of the study. They singe this form and send back to the researcher. This helped in gaining their positive concern that they are ready to share their views with the researcher. Thomas, Silverman and Nelson, (2015) argued that beneficence do not get harm is another major ethical concern while conducting research on any topic. Ethical principle of research states that respondents need to be benefit and individuals do not get harmed. If researcher fails to follow this principle then it may create ethical issue for the researcher (Harriss and Atkinson, 2015) . By this way individual may get failed to get valid results and complete entire study in effective manner. Any kind of discomfort whether it is physiological or emotional considered as harm to the human participants which impact negative on the entire research project. Ethical guidelines have been made for the welfare of the researcher so that individual can identify things that need to be perform and things that need not to be perform while involving human participants in the study. If individual ignores any aspect then it may impact on their results and may create issues for the scholar.

According to Ledford and Gast, (2018) respect for anonymity ad confidentiality are considered as essential ethical aspects. That help the researcher in completing the entire investigation in effective manner and getting desired results. It is responsibility of researcher that to respect human participants those who are involved in the research and maintain confidentiality in the study. Researcher need not to disclose confidential details regarding the research and data with any third party (Kagitcibasi, 2017). If this happens then it may impact on entire study and research may get failed to submit this study properly. Researcher is required to maintained all the details in password protected computer and this information need not to be shared with others. If this mistake occurs then it is considered as serious ethical issue for the researcher. Scholar need to give respect to privacy. Personal information of respondents need to be kept confidential. Privacy can get affected if researcher circulated these details without informing the human participants to any other person (Harriss and Atkinson, 2015). Privacy or confidentiality is the possible ethical issue that may create conflict situation in the investigation. This is professional code of practice for the researcher that they will not disclose details with any others.


In order to identify ethical and cultural issues in educational practices I have conducted interview with the fellow students. This technique is helpful in gathering first hand information about the research areas and supports in finding accurate answerers of research questions. Interview questions are described as below:

  • Did you wear uniform in your school?
  • Did you like your uniform in the school?
  • What is the positive and negative impact of wearing uniform?
  • Do you think that uniform makes differences between you and your friends?
  • What is the positive and negative impact of wearing uniform on you?

The main reason of asking about uniform in the school so that it can be identified that how different cultural people think about wearing uniform whether their culture impact on their dressing and thinking. Second question has been raised in the interview about did you like this uniform or not. This explains that how cultural issues impact on educational practice sand how students deal with these issues. Furthermore, scholar has asked about positive and negative impact of wearing uniform. This question gives in-depth detail about ethical issues related with early childhood.

While taking the interview researcher has taken care of ethical aspects. At the initial phase of interview individual has directed that if the respondent is comfortable with the question then give answer otherwise person can say stop. This shows that participants has not been forced to share their views about the subject matter. This is considered as essential ethical guidelines that makes the research more effective. Ethical guidelines explains that it is very important to take prior permission from the respondent before taking interview. In the present interview session individual has taken permission thus, participants was ready for this interview. This has helped in minimizing complexity in the investigation.


Did you wear uniform in your school?

Interpretation: When researcher has asked about wearing uniform in the school then respondents has replied that yes she has wearer uniform. She used to wear skirt, tie, blezzer in school time. From the above answer it can be interpreted that children have to wear particular wear in the school time. It is strict norms that apply in the educational institutes that they have to wear particular dress. This creates equal environment and cultural issues do not take place in this respect. Respondent has replied that she was feeling little comfortable with the school skirt. We can move in this dress easily and that enhances their interest in the classroom activities.

Did you like your uniform in the school

Interpretation: When researcher has asked about liking of uniform in the school time then participant has replied that yes she likes her uniform pretty much. She feels happy in her school skirt. She can play games and can run easily. When she wears comfortable dresses then they like such dress up. But later on when her dressed gets changed and she used to wear pens and other tight uniforms. Then she was not happy with this look. She was feeling uncomfortable in such dress up. In the pre school her dress up was very impressive but in the initial classes her uniform was too uncomfortable. She did not like to wear this dress up. From the above discussion it can be analysed that if dress up is comfortable then individual like to wear this dress but if it is not comfortable then it feels irritating wherever such type of uniform wear by the children. T

What is the positive and negative impact of wearing uniform

Interpretation: When researcher has asked about positive and negative impact of wearing uniform. Then respondent has replied that one of the major negative impact of wearing uniform is that individual can not express themselves. They have to live under strict environment. They always get observed and monitored by their teachers. This sometimes create mental pressure on them and they fail to freely enjoy school experiences. On other hand wearing uniform also impact positive because individual get chance to learn more in the school. Each school prefers that their learners come in the school uniform so that decorum of the place can be maintained. If they wear proper uniform then they get judge by others which gives them chance to get developed. If teachers judge them then they will learn more things which will be beneficial for them to improve their knowledge and understanding. Other positive impact of wearing uniform is that people get chance to get new dress up. Small kids always like to wear new shoes, uniform etc. Parents buy new shoes and uniforms for their kids that make them feel happy. These new things enhance their confidence and they pay more attention on the classroom activities. Wearing uniform is completely new experience for the children. That depends upon their upbringing and their family background. If people are wearing uniform in the schools then they look like similar to other kids. Thus, no one can make difference on the bases of their culture or other things.

Uniform makes differences between you and your friends

Interpretation: When interviewer has asked did uniform makes difference between you and fellow friends then respondent has replied that yes uniform makes difference between two people. As due to my uniform my family friends find me different from them. They do not communicate with them easily. Some of the friends those who read in other school they have to wear different uniforms thus, this dress up create difference which impact on friendship sometimes. On other hand uniform develops equality among all people thus, all the fellow members look like same. There is no difference related to culture, language etc. if all people are wearing the same dress up then it will create positive environment and people will feel comfortable to communicate with other people easily.

Positive and negative impact of wearing uniform on you

Interpretation: When researcher has raised question about the positive and negative impact of wearing uniform on individual then respondent has replied that I feel so comfortable in wearing skirt, tie and shoes. I get to know importance of uniform in the educational institutes and how these uniform can abolish inequality on the bases of culture. But negative impact of uniform on me is that I felt so under confident and can not express myself effectively. Sometimes I felt that teachers are observing me and monitoring my performance. In uniform all the children look same thus, they communicate with each other easily. But this uniform create difference between me and my fellow friends.

From the above analysis it has been found that experience of children is different from others. Each student face some ethical and cultural issue s which impacts on their learning aspects. Some children like to wear uniform because they think that they look same as other students. Thus, if they belong from lower class family or other culture then no one can judge this thing and they behave equal with them. This judgement helps them in getting more quality knowledge and making new friends in n the school. But it is essential to have comfortable school uniform. Skirt, shoes, tie is the comfortable dress up for the girls but when they move to other class and their uniform get changed to pent then they feel uncomfortable. If all learners wear same dress in the school then they can be able to make new friends and will be able to develop their cognitive skills.

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From the above study it can be concluded that social and cultural issues are involved in the education or early childhood. Cultural difference create issue in communication because language is the main barrier between two people. In order to resolve this issue educational institute make it compulsory for all the students to wear same uniform so that all people can coordinate well with each others and no comparison between two people can be held. It is very important for the researcher that to follow ethical aspects carefully while conducting interview with the human participants. Individual needs to take prior permission and have to give them freedom. Individual can not force to the respondents to share their views. This freedom support the scholar in completing their study in effective manner and getting desired results.

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  • Harriss, D. J. and Atkinson, G., 2015. Ethical standards in sport and exercise science research: 2016 update. Int J Sports Med. 36(14). pp.1121-1124.
  • James, A. and Prout, A., 2015. Constructing and reconstructing childhood: Contemporary issues in the sociological study of childhood. Routledge.
  • Kagitcibasi, C., 2017. Family, self, and human development across cultures: Theory and applications. Routledge.
  • Ledford, J. R. and Gast, D. L., 2018. Single case research methodology: Applications in special education and behavioral sciences. Routledge.
  • Thomas, J. R., Silverman, S. and Nelson, J., 2015. Research methods in physical activity, 7E. Human kinetics.
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