
D/508/0491 Unit 6 Managing a Successful Business Project

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  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 22 / Words 5419
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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  • Downloads: 1426
Organization Selected : Aston Martin Lagonda
Question :

For the accomplishment of the report, there are various questions which are given below:

  • Analyse the project aims, objectives & time frames based on the chosen theme.
  • Conduct a small-scale research, information gathering & data collection, generating knowledge for supporting the project.
  • Provide the project 7 give recommendations on conclusion from the gathered evidence.
  • Analyse the value from the project and its effectiveness for sustainable business performance.
Answer :


Equality and diversity is current concept that is used for creating equal opportunities at workplace. Equality aim at ensuring that no one in organisations should be treated differently or discriminated because of its characteristics, background or culture and everyone must have equal chance of up skill and learning something new at workplace (Abdullah and Foo, 2019). Diversity basically deals with tacking account or managing differences between people and groups created on the basis of their diverse characteristics for placing a positive value on those differences. For having a better understanding on concept of equality and diversity this research report is based on Aston Martin Lagonda which is a British independent luxury car group headquartered in England, United Kingdom. In this assignment, project aim and objectives along with detailed project management plan is included. Beside this, Gantt chart and work breakdown structure is also included to provide timeframes and different stages of completion. Further, a small scale research applying qualitative and quantitative is also conducted and use of appropriate tool and techniques is also used for analysis of collected data. Finally, recommendation and reflections for this project are also included.

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P1) Aims and objective for this project

The concept of equality is basically focused on ensuring that any individuals or group are not treated less favourably or differently on the basis of their characteristics, gender, race, religion, disability, belief, age and sexual orientation (Allaoui, Bourgault and Pellerin, 2019). On the other hand, diversity aim at recognising, respecting and giving value to people's difference to achieve their full potential through promoting an inclusive cultures for all employees and workforce..


Aston martin is a manufacturer of luxury cars from more than 100 years and having specialisation in creating most beautiful and accomplished automotive art across the world. Automotive sectors is characterised with male dominance, thus Aston martin group is also facing challenges and issues related with Equality and diversity (Araten-Bergman, 2016). Thus,to get a comprehension about equality and diversity this research is conducted on Aston martin with following aims.The main aim of this research is, “ To evaluate and understand that how companies like Aston martin are responding to handle the increasing issues of equality and diversity at workplace”. This research also having a focus at assessing different forms of discrimination found in a workplace which are mainly related with gender pay gap, sexual harassment, etc.


Following are the main targets and objective of this research conducted on Aston martin

  • To make a comprehension and understanding about current issues of equality and diversity at workplace.
  • To have a look into the various challenges like gender pay gap, sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination which are created by equality and diversity at workplace of Aston martin (Bryson, 2018).
  • To analysis and determine the various ways and strategies which are adopted by organisations to handle and effectively respond on current issues of equality and diversity.

Question Tag

  • What are your perspective and understanding about current issues of equality and diversity at workplace?
  • What are the various challenges which are created by equality and diversity at workplace of Aston martin ?
  • What are the various ways and strategies which can be adopted by organisations to handle and effectively respond on current issues of equality and diversity ?

P2) Project management plan

A project plan is a formal and approved written document that is used to guide both project execution and its control to achieve the desired objectives through showing the major milestones and activities that are required for effective completion of project or research (Christian, 2019). It is necessary and important for a manger or researcher to prepare project management plan as it facilitates document planning assumptions, communication among stakeholders and employees and document approved scope, cost and other schedule baselines. This current project and research is based on analysis and evaluation of equality and diversity at workplace of Aston martin. A brief about its various elements is provided below:

Cost- It represent the expenses made and various cost incurred for acquiring resources and accomplishing a research. For this research proper analysis of estimated cost is made on the basis of current market analysis and situation. Beside this deep discussion with all team members is also made to have a better estimation of cost of this research. Below a description about various cost incurred for this project is provided:

Cost Break Down

Amount in GBP

Cost of data collection


Cost of travelling


Cost of data analysis resources


Cost of communication of outcomes with stakeholders


Other costs


Total costs


Thus, the total estimated cost for this project is £280. The expenses made on data collection amounts for £90, estimated cost of travelling is £45, cost of analysis of data is budgeted as £65 and cost of communication of outcome is £50. beside this a margin of £30 is also kept for other expanses.

Time- This factor represent the total time duration needed to complete a research and project (Hajro, Gibson and Pudelko, 2017). This particular research is conducted on issues faced by Aston martin related with equality and diversity. Various activities and task are included in this research and for meeting objectives of this research sufficient amount of time is required. Time duration need depends on the efficiency and performance of team members and researcher. It is expected that all will be perform their tasks and duty in a disciplined and efficient way thus, or this research estimated time duration required to meet the objectives and aims is 10 weeks.

Quality- This factor is mainly concerned with the reliability and authenticity of data collected so that the quality of research and related decision making can be maintained. For ensuring the quality of this research work use of both quantitative and qualitative method are made so that an authentic and trustworthy information can be collected. Use of Quantitative method provide an efficient way for presentation of data in form of tables and charts while qualitative data facilitates in depth and detailed knowledge about the perceptive and attitude of respondent. Beside this, data is collected form primary source to maintain the reliability and quality of research and use of secondary data is also made to support the findings of primary source.

Communication- It is a key aspect of any research as it is related with communication the results and analysis with various stakeholders and other related parties. Timely reports, records and others documents are prepared for communicating result of research work with stakeholders like mangers, directors, etc. Use of different analytical techniques and tool are also made for effective presentation and communication of collected data. Use of both formal and informal mode of communication are made by researcher to properly communicate all aspects of research with stockholders and its team members to reduce the chances and situation of confusion and chaos while conducting this research. Beyond this, both oral and written channels of communication are also used to have an efficient communication and presentation of collected data.

Risk- All the possible threat and challenges which can hinder or effect the research progress is included in this factor (Iacobucci and Rosa, 2019). For this research the associated threats and risk are related with insufficient resources and lack of time for effectively meeting the objectives of research. Use of best methodologies ensure achievement of maximum objectives but still some issues and risk related to insufficient resources and time are possible. To cope up with these issues of time and resource management use of WBS and Gantt chart is also made by researcher to ave better implication and execution of research.

Resources- This element provide information about various resource and assets used for accomplishment of a research and project. For this particular research use of most talented and skilled human resource, statistical tools, financial resources and many other assets are made for the purpose of data collection and communication. Beside this it is ensured by research that proper allocation and efficient use of all resources should be made to achieve the targets of this research with minimum possible cost. For maintaining the efficiency and performance level of human resources poorer direction and motivation is provided by researcher. All possible efforts are made by researcher to maintain a balance and coordination among all resource for effective completion of this research.

Scope- This factor represent the chances and probability of success of a research in future (Keskin, Ozorhon and Koseoglu, 2019). It also includes the future benefits and advantages that will yield by any particular research. The scope of this research is very good as it will lead to better understanding of equality and diversity and will also facilitate effective decision making in future. The chances of success and achievement of objectives are also very high as use of best research method and communication channels are made for this research. Along with this, this research has also improved bad develop better communication and time management skills in researcher thus, have good scope in future.

P3) Timeframes and Stages for completion

Use of following two project management tool is made for completion of research in given timeframes and also provides stages for completion.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) : It is a tool which s used to breakdown or divide a complex project into smaller components and tasks, so that accomplishment of work can be done more easily (Kordova, Katz and Frank, 2019). It is basically a hierarchy structure which provides clear picture of whole project thus, reduce the chances of duplication and overlapping of work. Use of this structure is made for effectively dividing work into small chunks so that effective communication and workflow of operation can be achieved.


Gantt chart: Use of this management tool is made for having a graphical presentation of all activities of a project so that all the tasks and activities can be schedule properly and in effective way. This graphical presentation is helpful in detecting and finding wasteful activities and other bottlenecks so that research can be made more cost effective (Lin, Jalleh and Huang, 2019). Thus, use of this model lead to management of resources and time for meeting and accomplishing objectives on time.


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P4) Small scale research

Research is basically refer to the systematic investigation about any specific topic or concept in order to collect facts and data for reaching and making an effective conclusion and decision. The main aim of conducting any research is to get and collect most authentic data so that an effective decision and strategy can be formulated for better growth and success of organisations.

Primary research- It is a research methodology used by a researcher to collect data directly from the respondents instead of depending on data collected for any previously done research. Thus, primary research provide a most updated and authentic data which is completely related with current research and a provide a in depth analysis for efficient decision making (Minbaeva, 2018). The primary research is quite time consuming process and also require huge resources. Data under primary research is collected through interviews, surveys, focus group, etc.

Secondary research- It is also known as desk research in which use of already existing data is made to increase the overall effectiveness of research. For this research, to increase the viability and understanding and to support the findings of primary research, use of secondary data is also made which is collected from books, data bases, journals, published surveys, etc.

Quantitative Research

This provide a way for conducting systematic investigation through gathering and collecting quantifiable or numerical data with the help of statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. This data is focused on getting perceptive of individuals and does not include in depth information about the attitude or behaviour thus, it is easy to present in tabular or graphical form. Use of questionnaires is made for collecting quantitative data for this research.

Questionnaire- It is basically a research instrument which consists of a set of questions used with the aim of collecting information from a respondent (Ng and Rumens, 2017)(zum Felde, 2019).

Sampling- It is a process of choosing or selecting a pre determined set of observations and unit from a large population on the basis of some common feature or characteristics to increase the efficiency of research.

Simple random sampling- It is a subset of statistical population in which each and every member or unit of population have equal probability of being chosen thus, provide a unbiased selection and representation of a total population.

For this research use of simple random sampling and questionnaire is made to collect information from respondent. Following questionnaires is prepared to evaluate the opinions and views of stakeholders of Aston martin on the topic, “ Equality and diversity”.


Q1) Are you having any comprehension and understanding about current issues of equality and diversity at workplace?

a) Yes

b) No

Q2) What are the various form of discriminations and unfairness that can be found in an organisation?

a) Gender pay gap

b) Sexual harassment

c) Gender divide in leadership

Q3) Do you agree with the fact that high level of gender pay gap is existing at workplace of Aston martin because of male dominance in automotive industry?

a) Agree

b) Disagree

Q4) Which is the main challenge created by equality and diversity at workplace of Aston martin?

a) Lack of coordination

b) Difficulty in decision making

c) Increase in workforce conflicts

Q5) What are the negative implication of having a gender pay gap at its workplace for Aston martin?

A) Reduction in moral of employees

b) Lack of loyalty and commitment

c) High employee turnover

d) All of the above

Q6) What possible strategies or ways can be implemented by Aston martin to deal with and effectively respond on equality and diversity at its workpiece ?

a) Implementation of unbiased HR practices

b) Effective and unfavoured leadership style

c) Strict action against discrimination

Q7) Which can be the best policy or practice that can be adopted by Aston martin to reduce the gender pay gap and male dominance with in its organisation?

a) Transparency in salary

b) Promoting female entrepreneurship

c) Elimination of negotiation

Q8) Any further recommendation for Aston martin to deal with chlalene of equlaity and diversity at workplace?

Qualitative Research

This research method seeks at naturalistic inquiry that provides a in depth and detailed understanding about social phenomena and experience of human being. Subjective data is collected under this method which is difficult to present in a form of a table, graph or chart (Vuorinen and Martinsuo, 2019). Use of qualitative research method is made for this research to get deep understanding and overview about the behaviour and attitude of respondents on equality and diversity. Use of interview is made to collect detailed and in depth information from respondents.

Interview- It is a two way conversation between a researcher ( interviewer) and respondent that is used to collect and gather in depth information about people's opinion, thoughts, experience and feelings.

Purposeful Sampling- It is a widely used sampling method for qualitative research which facilitates the identification and selection of information-rich cases related to the phenomenon of interest and current topic of research (Skjerven, 2019).

Qualitative interview questions

Q1) What are the possible factors of equality and diversity that are found in the workplace of Aston martin?

Q2) What are your view points regarding male dominance in automotive sector and its effect on workplace of Aston martin?

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P5) Analysis and interpretation of collected data

From a large population of stockholders of Aston martin which includes its directors, mangers, employees, partners, clients, customers and other related party, a sample size of 30 respondents are selected for analysis of their perspective on equality and diversity. For this research use of thematic technique is made for analysis of collected data. Evaluation and presentation of this data is provided below:

Theme1: Current issues of equality and diversity at workplace

Q1) Are you having any comprehension and understanding about current issues of equality and diversity at workplace?


a) Yes


b) No



On the basis of above pie chart it can be interpreted that 26 respondents out of 30 are having understanding and comprehension about current issues of equality and diversity at workplace while 4 respondents are not aware about this current fact and issue.

Theme2: Various form of discriminations and unfairness that can be found in an organisation

Q2) What are the various form of discriminations and unfairness that can be found in an organisation?


a) Gender pay gap


b) Sexual harassment


c) Gender divide in leadership



From the above picture it can be evaluated that 18 respondents are in favour of the fact that gender pay gap is most commonly found discrimination in an organisations while 7 respondents are in support of sexual harassment. Beside this, 5 respondents believes that gender divide in leadership is mainly seen unfairness that exists in an organisation.

Theme3: High level of gender pay gap is existing at workplace of Aston martin because of male dominance in automotive industry

Q3) Do you agree with the fact that high level of gender pay gap is existing at workplace of Aston martin because of male dominance in automotive industry?


a) Agree


b) Disagree



In respect of above pie chart it can be said that 25 respondents are agreed with the fact that high level of gender pay gap is existing at workplace of Aston martin because of male dominance in automotive industry but 5 respondents are disagreed with this fact.

Theme4: Main challenge created by equality and diversity at workplace of Aston martin

Q4) Which is the main challenge created by equality and diversity at workplace of Aston martin?


a) Lack of coordination


b) Difficulty in decision making


c) Increase in workforce conflicts



From the above pie diagram it can be analysed that 9 respondent are in support of fact that lack of coordination is a main challenge that is created by equality and diversity at workplace of Aston martin while 5 are in favour of Difficulty in decision making. Along with this 16 respondents believes that equality and diversity at workplace of Aston martin will lead to an increase in workplace conflicts.

Theme5: Negative implication of having a gender pay gap at its workplace for Aston martin

Q5) What are the negative implication of having a gender pay gap at its workplace for Aston martin?


A) reduction in moral of employees


b) Lack of loyalty and commitment


c) High employee turnover


d) All of the above



The above pie chart reflects that 5 respondents believes that gender pay gap at workplace of Aston martin is cresting reduction in moral of employees. 10 respondents support that lack of loyalty and commitment among employees is the negative implication of gender pay gap. 7 respondent are in favour of high employee turnover while 8 respondent support all the above negative implication as a result of gender pay gap in an organisations.

Theme6: Strategies or ways can be implemented by Aston martin to deal with and effectively respond on equality and diversity at its workpiece

Q6) What possible strategies or ways can be implemented by Aston martin to deal with and effectively respond on equality and diversity at its workpiece ?


a) Implementation of unbiased HR practices


b) Effective and unfavoured leadership style


c) Strict action against discrimination



On the basis of above chart it can be concluded that 8 respondents are in support of implementation of unbiased HR practices that should be implemented by Aston martin to deal with and effectively respond on equality and diversity at its workpiece while 15 respondents are in favour of Effective and unfavoured leadership style. Further, 7 respondents believes that Strict action against discrimination is an effective way for responding on equality and diversity at its workpiece

Theme7: Best policy or practice that can be adopted by Aston martin to reduce the gender pay gap and male dominance with in its organisation

Q7) Which can be the best policy or practice that can be adopted by Aston martin to reduce the gender pay gap and male dominance with in its organisation?


a) Transparency in salary


b) Promoting female entrepreneurship


c) Elimination of negotiation



The above pie chart clearly shows that 14 respondents are in support of transparency in salary to which can be adopted by Aston martin to reduce the gender pay gap and male dominance with in its organisation while other 9 respondents are in favour of Promoting female entrepreneurship for this purpose. 7 respondents believes that elimination of negotiation in selection process is an effective way to reduce the gender pay gap and male dominance.

Interpretation of Qualitative interview questions

Theme1: Possible factors of equality and diversity that are found in the workplace of Aston martin


Factors of equality and diversity

Explanation in context of Aston martin

Gender equality

This factor is missing workplace of Aston martin because of male dominance in automotive industry.

Pay equality

This element is also not found in Aston martin as male are valued more than female.

Work place diversity

Large amount of workplace diversity is seen in Aston martin.

Ethnicity/ race diversity

Employees from different race and culture are also found in Aston martin

Geographic diversity

As Aston martin is a multinational organisation thus, geographic diversity is also exist at Aston martin.

Cross functional diversity

Many cross functional teams having members with diverse experience, expertise and skills exists in Aston martin

Experience and knowledge

Employees with different level of experience, age and knowledge are also welcomed at workplace of Aston martin.


Theme2: Male dominance in automotive sector and its effect on workplace of Aston martin


On the basis of analysis of collected data it has been interpreted that maximum number of respondents believes that automotive sector is dominated by male as they are having more interested and passionate for cars and other automotive and also posses more capability in IT and innovation sector which has created a situation of sexual discrimination and gender pay gap in Aston martin.

P6) Recommendation

From the analysis of above data following recommendations can be made for Aston martin:

  • To remove the biasness and to develop an inclusive workforce, use of democratic or any other participative leadership style is recommanded for Aston martin as it facilitating effective communication and interaction in the organisation and reduce the chances of cultural conflicts.
  • Adoption of transparency policy in salary and unbiased HR practices are also recommanded for Aston martin to have a positive atmosphere at its workplace free of male dominance and gender pay gap .
  • Strict action against those who are involved in any kind of harassment or encourages sexual discrimination is also a good way for dealing and responding towards the issues of equality and diversity.

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P7) Reflection on own learning and performance

While performing this research I have learnt so many things like my knowledge about challenges of equality and diversity has improved. My understanding regarding research and different research method is also get improved as use of qualitative and quantitative research method are made by me. Many values and important documents are also produced by me like project management plan is prepared to develop an effective understanding about different elements and aspects of research like cost, time, scope, resources, etc. Use of Gantt chart and WBS structure is also made by me which has facilitated timely completion of research. The different aims and objectives of this research are efficiently achieved and an authentic and reliable information about the issues and challenges of equality and diversity is collected for effective decision making. Proper analysis and evaluation of collected data use of various statistical tool and techniques are also made by me. Further for presentation of this data I had made use of Thematic approach and pie chart. This research has developed and improved my communication and other interpersonal skills. My time management and team bonding skills are also improved as many efforts are made by me for having better coordination among teams and employees. Thus, this research has opened many opportunities and increased the scope of success and growth for me in future.


From the above research work it can be summarised that timely research are organised by business organisation to have an effective decision making process for success and better growth of organisation. Aims and objectives are set to have a clear picture about what ends results should be achieved by this research. Project management plan is prepared to have an effective planning regarding all the possible aspects of a research. Use of Gantt chart and WBS are made for ensuring proper stages of completion and execution of task with in prescribed time limit. Use of various research method like primary, secondary, qualitative and quantitative are made for collection of data. Different statistical and analytical tools are also there for analysis and interpretation of collected data.

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