
Unit 4 Research Project Level 6


1.1 Formulating and recording possible research project outline specifications


To deal with social media activities, Facebook is the major consideration which assists to increase customers in industry. In this regard, tourism marketing grows continuously that helps to target people with demographic characteristics. This is because; it helps to focus on customer’s demand and requirement. Apart from this, people are sharing their ideas, experience, etc. to tell about travel industry (Wang, Xiang and Fesenmaier, 2016). Therefore, it is also the major consideration which helps to develop significant marketing opportunities at workplace of tourism enterprise. Nowadays, people share their live video broadcasts with Facebook communities so that it will influence other organisation to connect and engage ideal people in the enterprise. In this way, tourism brands create more awareness and consideration to develop significant results. Apart from this, Facebook continually dominant social media platform across all age groups of people. Therefore, it regulates a systematic work performance to attract people.

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In order to consider effective results in tourism, it can be stated that present research determines important activities in the enterprise. In this regard, Facebook implement to focus on provide feedback on the basis of photos, videos, etc. It gives results with fantastic content to reach towards effective functioning (Ben-Shaul and Reichel, 2017). In Thomas Cook Group, Facebook blog generally consider take advantages and boost results in a significant manner. Therefore, it will help to maintain creative results in company. 94% internet users have account on Facebook so that they access information from it towards development of enterprise in a significant manner.

Aim and objectives

Research Aim: “To assess the impact of social media on tourism activities in UK – A Case Study on Thomas Cook Group”

Research Objectives:

  • To understand importance of social media in travel and tourism sector
  • To analyse the significance of Facebook to promote tourism activities in UK
  • To interrelate Facebook implementation and growth of Thomas Cook Group in UK
  • To recommend the ways through social media activities could be increases in order to attract customers

Research questions

  • What do you understand by social media in travel and tourism sector?
  • What is the significance of Facebook to promote tourism activities in UK?
  • How to interrelate Facebook implementation and growth of Thomas Cook Group in UK?
  • What are the recommendation should be provide to Thomas Cook Group to increase their customers?

1.2 Factors that contribute in the process of research project selection

To consider the present research, there are several factors exist that develop an important part in research project selection. Therefore, following elements included in it are:

  • Knowledge: To consider the present research, it can be stated that researcher has a wide knowledge regarding Facebook implementation. In this way, they develop their understanding and effectiveness to attain the desired results.
  • Scope: In the present research, there is a wide scope to implement aim and objectives. In this regard, effectiveness also develop to consider further activities and tasks as well. With the help of research project on the impact of social media influence, researcher is able to develop creativity in enterprise.
  • Interest: Moreover, researcher has a lot interest to find implementation of Facebook to grow systematic work performances in the business. In this regard, systematic results will be attain through maintain more creative work performances in the enterprise.

1.3 Critical review of references

In order to conduct effective research, it can be stated that, secondary data has been taken from different authors views. On the basis of their views, activities set and maintain systematic work performances in the company. As per following themes, literature review has been taken at workplace:

Theme 1 Importance of social media in travel and tourism sector

According to the point of view Mariani, Di Felice and Mura, (2016), social media consider important role in business success and outcomes. Therefore, Facebook is major perspective that assists to fulfil needs and requirement customer through know about their existence in the market. With the help of Facebook, every travel and tourism country get more customers and about their information as well. In this regard, more than 1,55 billion users generally use it so that it consist as popular network for tourism industry. In this regard, the organisation also able to attain important attributes that assists to diversify content that publish on the site. On the other hand, Ladhari and Michaud, (2015) stated that Facebook tool help to attain significant results with increasing customer views and promotion in the business. It helps to maintain significance and catch user attention. This is because, quality content make and gain lot of visibility which enhances long term basis outcomes. This element help to increase connectivity level so that aims and objectives will be complied to gain more long relationship. Apart from this, Buhalis and Foerste, (2015) argued that there are several kinds of blogs are also written by customers regarding business. As results, it is important to focus on their experience and ideas regarding organisation. In this way, new people able to know about the business program that carry to attain and maintain desired results. With consideration of different activities, company able to attain proper results from customer attraction. With focusing on different social media activities, it can be stated that better results and performances will be consider at workplace.

Theme 2 Significance of Facebook to promote tourism activities in UK

According to the view of Kang, Tang and Fiore, (2014), there are several factors exist that help to promote tourism activities in UK. In this regard, Facebook consider several advantages and effectiveness to perform tasks and goals as well. This is because, it creates network to show connectivity among several people in the enterprise. As results, it helps to increase tourism functioning in the new areas.

Theme 3 Interrelate Facebook implementation and growth of Thomas Cook Group in UK

the usage of Facebook will be very beneficial and effective for the Thomas cook Group in UK. As FB is a very popular social media platform and is easily accessed by the people all over the world it will help in better rise in customer satisfaction level that will help in better management of the operations that are been followed by the organisation. The Tomas Cook Group can use the Facebook as the interactive tool that will help the organisation to carry out its operations in a better way and help the organisation to meet the needs and demands of the tourists or customers of cited travel and tourism enterprise. The firm can incorporate the connectivity of the social media platform with its services, especially with it swebsite that will support a better access to the customers for its products and services. Besides this, Thomas Cook Group can use the social media tool to promote and allocate its plans, vouchers and tickets in order to attract the customers in an effective and significant manner.

Other than this, the organisation will look after the better rise in compatibility and functional capability of the travel and tourism enterprise. It will help in effective handling of the operations and meeting of the targeted operations and actions that will be followed by the organisation in a better way. Thomas Cook Group will also look after the good rise in customer satisfaction level that will help in better management of the operations that will help in suitable handling of the business activities in an effective and better way. Other than this, Facebook can prove as an effective tool or medium for the customers or tourist of the organisation to give out their reviews and feedbacks over the location, destination, or a services and product that is been offered by the travel and tourism entity. This will support a good development of insight about the alterations or improvements that can be made within the organisation to increase its revenue and productivity and thus will supporta good rise in the operational capability of the organisation.

Theme 4 Recommendation should be provide to Thomas Cook Group to increase their customers

various recommendations can be followed by the cited travel and tourism entity that will help in the effective management of the operations and meeting of operational capability of the organisation. Looking at the technical advancement and digitalization of the services in every field, the travel and tourism firm can opt for the development of a mobile app that will aid the firm to easily and effectively connect with its customers, anytime and anywhere. The usage of smartphone has also increased with the passage of time. Seeing through it, Thomas Cook Group will look after the better rise in the operational capability and meeting of the targeted actions that are been taken in consideration by the travel and tourism entity to have a good share of market operations and meeting its targeted aims and objectives that will help in better rise in functional capability of the organisation.

Besides this, the real time update of the flights, cruise and other means of transportation related to a destination, usage of the geolocation and gaining the feedback of the users hand to hand will improve the overall functionality of the organisation that will support a good rise in effectiveness of the travel and tourism enterprise. The firm has to see through the advance development of the activities which will help in improving the efficiency of the firm. Other than this, as the cited entity is one of the largest service provider in the travel and tourism sector, it can opt for opening its service and help desks or centrers to the major tourist attractions around the globe. Besides this, many other facility like food and beverages, accommodation and transportation service details on the local level can be incorporated by the organisation that will help in suitable rise in the operations and meeting of the targeted aims and objectives of the organisation.

These recommendations and improvement measures will help in increasing the effectiveness of the operations and thus will support a good rise in the compatibility and functional effectiveness of the organisation that will support an improvement in company's market share and revenue generation.

1.4 Research project specification

Research consider important focus on systematic review to gather relevant data from different sources. In this regard, methodology has been considered to focus on the desired results and outcomes. This is because; research method is an essential consideration to solve issue and problem that is associated in the business. It includes the following elements:

  • Research design: Research design related with planning in which clear system and outcomes considered in the business. In this way, aim and objectives are based on the systematic research design that assists to accomplish desired results (Confente, 2015). From the different kinds of strategies, researcher select descriptive research design which help to attain more effective results at workplace.
  • Data sampling: It is another method that is used for selecting, controlling and measuring data. There are mainly two methods considered in data sampling such as probabilistic and non-probabilistic (Oliveira and Panyik, 2015). Researcher considers non-probabilistic method that helps to identify the useful program at workplace.
  • Research philosophy: To consider the research philosophy, there are two options exist in front of researcher that assists to find useful information such as interpretivism and positivism. In the present research, interpretivism research philosophy has been selected to gather relevant and effective information (Leung, Xue and Bai, 2015).
  • Research approach: To consider effective results, there are different types of research approaches exist that assist to find useful results. There are two types of research approaches exist such as inductive and deductive. Present research based on inductive research approach that help to maintain creativity and effectiveness in the business (Figueroa-Domecq, Pritchard and Villace-Molinero, 2015).
  • Data collection: In order to collect data, there are two methods exist such as qualitative and quantitative. From the above, researcher selects qualitative research methodology from which thematic analysis is considered in research outcomes.
  • Ethical consideration: Apart from this, researcher need to focus on real facts and figures that assists to maintain effectiveness at workplace. They should follow all rules and regulations must be consider with ethical aspects. All members need to focus on keep security (Standing, Tang-Taye and Boyer, 2014).
  • Sample: In the present research, 20 sample size has been taken that are students of UKCBC of the UK.

1.5 Appropriate plan and procedures

In order to focus on the systematic work performances, it can be stated that plan and procedure is important element that assists to set different activities on the enterprise. Furthermore, there are different activities and tasks has been considered to accomplish desired results.


2.1 Research Question and hypothesis



The research is focused on analysing impact of digital technology on consumers.

Secondary sources will be books, online articles, reviews, and publications.

Primary research will be done with the help of interview of respondent on the basis of questionnaire.

Objectives of research will be helpful in determining themes for collecting information from different sources

Further, to meet the requirement of objective the research is based on data collection with the help of 20 sampled students of UKCBC college.

Research questions

The questions will be analysed with the help of thematic analysis in order to develop clear understanding over the framed question in order to meet objectives of study.

2.2 Research investigation with the use of proper methods

Competitive advantage





1. What according to you is the best tool of digital technology?

Social Media Advertising


E commerce

2. Do you believe social media advertising is effective for tourism business?


May beNo

3. What according to you are the benefits of social media advertising for Thomas Cook?PromotionCreating AwarenessOffering online discounts

  1. What social media channel according to you is effective for tourism activities?




    You tube

    5. Do you believe that use of Facebook has assisted Thomas Cook in managing growth and development?


    May be


    6. What according to you is the most effective way of gaining attention of travellers when adverting on social media?

    Posting travel information

    Flashing of images

    Posting video

    7. What is the major limitation of advertising on Facebook?


    Negligence of population

    Lack of Control

    8. Do you have access to Facebook?


    May be


    9. What according to you can be best marketing strategy for social media advertising?

    Launching online campaign

    Online buying and selling

    Networking Events

    10. How often do Thomas cook make use of social media advertising?





2.3 Record of data

Theme 1: Social Media Advertising is the best tool of digital technology

What according to you is the best tool of digital technology?


Social Media Advertising




E commerce


Theme 2: Yes, social media advertising is effective for tourism business.

Do you believe social media advertising is effective for tourism business?




May be




Theme 3: Promotion is the foremost benefit of social media advertising for Thomas Cook

What according to you are the benefits of social media advertising for Thomas Cook?




Creating Awareness


Offering online discounts


Competitive advantage


Theme 4: Facebook is the most effective social media channel for promotion of tourism Activities?

What social media channel according to you is effective for promotion of tourism activities?








You tube


Theme 5: Yes, Facebook has assist Thomas Cook in managing growth and development.

Do you believe that use of Facebook has assisted Thomas Cook in managing growth and development?




May be




Theme 6: Posting travel information is the most effective way of gaining attention of travellers when advertising on social media.

What according to you is the most effective way of gaining attention of travellers when advertising on social media?


Posting travel information


Flashing of images


Posting video


Theme 7: Negligence of population is the major limitation of advertising on Facebook

What is the major limitation of advertising on Facebook?




Negligence of population


Lack of Control


Theme 8: Yes, majority of students have access to Facebook

Do you have access to Facebook?




May be




Theme 9: Online buying and selling is the best marketing strategy offered by social media advertising

What according to you can be best marketing strategy for social media advertising?


Launching online campaign


Online buying and selling


Networking Events


Theme 10: Thomas cook make use of social media advertising sometimes.

How often do Thomas cook make use of social media advertising?











3.1 Evaluation techniques of research

Evaluating use of research technique is the practice in study which help the scholar in choosing tool according to the objectives and aim of study. The choosing of alternative method is based on the study and methodological tools implemented (Bragg, Roberto and Elbel, 2018). Thus, in this study, the researcher is focused on evaluating impact of social media advertising on Thomas cook the researcher conducted primary interview of which it is important for scholar to determine the best assessment method from the following:

Formative: the formative research process that is been followed by the organisation that involves the exploratory research process in order to get the suitable data and information related to the research process. The formative research or data evaluation process will help in the effective handling of the actions that will support the gaining of the proper and detailed gaining of the insight or outlook about the identification of the problem and its solution process. Thomas Cook Group will look after the better rise in the effective development of the research process that will help in effective handling of the actions and meeting of the targeted aims and objectives of the firm.

Summative: Summative research process will be followed by the organisation at the end of research process and it will help in better rise in the knowledge that will support a good idea about the measures that firm is required to take in order to improve its performance and gain a good customer satisfaction level. The cited travel and tourism enterprise, Thomas Cook Group will look after the better rise in the operational capability of the organisation and improve the market performance in a better way.

3.2 Interpretation of results in accordance to research specification

The interpretation of collected data is based on response of 20 sampled students of UKBC college. In accordance to their views the scholar will focus on framing assumption which are as follows:

Theme 1: Social Media Advertising is the best tool of digital technology

As per theme 1, it has been determined that according to majority of students of UKCBC college social media advertising is best and biggest advantage of social media advertising. According to respondent it offers the easiest mode of targeting large population at one time. Further, the students quotes that the scope of social media platform is not limited because there are numerous tools can helps tourism company in connecting with travellers. However, according to 6 students it has been demonstrated that there are people who believe that biggest tool of digital advancement is E commerce as it allows online buying and selling (Gora and Bauer, 2013). Apparently, it can be argued because social media advertising establishes direct connection with buyers and promotes indirect buying and selling activities. Nevertheless, according to 2 students administration is the use of digital techniques which helps in easy digital recording and storing of information.

Theme 2: Yes, social media advertising is effective for tourism business.

According to theme 2, it has been demonstrated that 10 student of college believes that social media advertising is an effective tool for tourism business as it helps the firm in connecting with travellers at online platform. It establishes easy mode of communication and also assist the organisation in determining consumer response instantly with the launch. However, 6 students were confused for effective of online advertising because the people believes that there is population who do not have access to social media and therefore gets neglected (.Chesher, Kaura and Linton, 2013). Apart from this 4 people were against social media advertising for tourism business because according to these people the consumer access social media for limited time and for specific purpose. Thus, as per the analysis it can be stated that social media advertising is an effective tool but on the other hand it is important for the tourism firm to launch advertisement on possible channels like social media, television, radio etc.

Theme 3: Promotion is the foremost benefit of social media advertising for Thomas Cook

As per theme, it has been identified that according to 7 travellers promotion is the biggest advantage which comes up with the use of social media advertising. According to these individuals it is important for Thomas Cook to make promotion commercial specific with regard to travelling information. Apparently, as per 7 students online discounts by Thomas Cook is the benefits which helps the organisation in attracting travellers because consumers are price sensitive and minor discount in price attract buyers to visiting site and over view complete information about travel plan. On other hand, as per the views of 5 students social media advertising is internet marketing tool which assist the tourism organisation in creating awareness among travellers about different travel deals according to changing seasons and travel plans.

Theme 4: Facebook is the most effective social media channel for promotion of tourism Activities

According to theme 4, it has been demonstrated that according to 13 students of UKCBC thinks that Facebook is the social media channel which is mostly use of Thomas Cook for its marketing and promotional activities. These individual believes that Facebook enables firm to target large population with one commercial across the globe. These people states that Facebook provides easy access to advertisement and thee is considered as most prominent platform for online marketing. Nevertheless, as per the views of 5 participants it has been denoted that Instagram is most effective tool of social media advertising because it is new social media channel ad majority of Facebook population has shifted to Instagram. However, the platform is limited to images and videos and therefore there are millions of organisation who launch advertisement on their page which is public that is can be viewed to all. Thus, as per response, it can be stated that there are various social media channels offer different type of advertisement technique in order to connect with travellers (Leamer and Storper, 2014).

Theme 5: Yes, Facebook has assist Thomas Cook in managing growth and development.

As per theme, it has been evaluated that according to 14 students Facebook is the channel which is assisting Thomas good in its successful growth and development because with the help of commercial launch on Facebook the firm is able to connect with a million travellers at one time. The students also shared his example where the boy quoted that the summer trips of Thomas cook are viewed by him via Facebook because it is the source where the individuals able to tracks discounts (Nyangwe and Buhalis, 2018). Apparently as per 2 respondent Facebook is not the reason behind growth of Thomas cook because the individuals believes that there are numerous people who have access to internet and social media but prefer tourism services of Thomas Cook.

Theme 6: Posting travel information is the most effective way of gaining attention of travellers when advertising on social media.

According to theme 6, it can be concluded that 10 students believes that posting information on social media platform is the most effective technique of promotion. With the help of this strategy the firm is able to share travel plans and details of company. This is done b organisation to seek consumer views and response on certain information. This minimizes the risk of dissatisfaction. However, as per 6 travellers video are source of attracting consumers because in this the viewers are able to understand the travelling plans because it is focused on integration of information, images and services offered by tourism firm (Perreault and Mosconi, 2018). Thus, there were 4 students according to whom time frames flashing of images on social media seems an effective plan of promotion because it makes viewers curious about the services offered b company.

Theme 7: Negligence of population is the major limitation of advertising on Facebook

As per theme 7, it has been analysed that according to majority of students that is 11 the biggest disadvantage of social media advertising is negligence of population because there are a million of people who have access to social media due to their personal reasons which limits the promotion strategy of company. However, as per 5 respondents advertising on social media restricts the control of company over commercial and sometimes its leads to negative publicity die to negative consumer response which can be via feedback, comments and sharing of reviews (Shaw, Blanning and Whinston, 2012). In addition, as per few students, it has been determined that the major limitation of advertising on social media is cost investment because it is sometime free and sometime very expensive and therefore investment on online promotion can be uncertain to tourism business.

Theme 8: Yes, majority of students have access to Facebook

As per theme 8, it has been denoted that majority of people haves access to Facebook which makes marketing plan of Thomas cooks successful but on the other hand there are millions of people who use Facebook for limited purpose and uses Instagram and twitter because according to theses respondents these social media channels are less time consuming in comparison to Facebook. As per 6 respondents, it has been demonstrated that the individuals uses Facebook for limited purpose because according to them checking inn to Facebook consumes time as it connects with various application and pages altogether.

Theme 9: Online buying and selling is the best marketing strategy offered by social media advertising

As per them 9, it has been analysed that best marketing strategy offered by social media advertising is online buying and selling. Like as per 8 travellers, the travel advertisement on social media provides direct access to online booking which makes easier for the consumer to directly book tickets and travel scheme according to their convince. The interest of travellers in secured via online buying because in this the students books schemes mid night or time of happy hours when instant discounts are launched for limited period (Zha, Yang, H and Huang, 2018). Apart from this, 7 consumers believe that launching online campaigns is the best marketing strategy for tourism business offered by social media advertising.

Theme 10: Thomas cook make use of social media advertising sometimes.

According to theme 10, it can be concluded that the tourism organisation Thomas Cook makes use of social media advertising but sometimes because the student stated that there are times of season when the individuals seeks for discounted schemes but are unable to connect with firm. However, there were 4 people who stated that the firm launches' advertisement all the time but is for limited period due to which the travellers are unable to know about changing travel and schemes of organisation.

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3.3 Recommendation

Social media recommendation to improve their online service they try to manage their all social accounts and post their social contents timely. In the tourism industry firm use social media differently to other tourism organizations. Firms updates their all places which Thomas cook suggest their customers. The firm make sure content that they provide its effective and respectful, they write contents on big block and post picture of all holidays tour so people aware for the faculties which provide by Thomas cook-and other tourism organizations. Social media mainly include network for use of conversations and sharing content. And also used to promote their services which is provided to the customers. Tourism industry used social media to used professional purpose and also protect for professional reputations. To more improve tourism social media accounts, grim post video their holidays attractive places and also post video to attractive that customer attracts with their firm holidays packages. To improve social media of tourism they give discounts deals on their social media accounts and also updates review of people and comments of people which already having Thomas cook holiday package.


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  • Bragg, M.A., Roberto, C.A. and Elbel, B., 2018. Marketing Food   and Beverages            to Youth Through Sports. Journal of Adolescent Health. 62(1). pp.5-13
  • Buhalis, D. and Foerste, M., 2015. SoCoMo marketing for travel and tourism: Empowering co-creation of value. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 4(3), pp.151-161.
  • Chesher, M., Kaura, R. and Linton, P., 2013. Electronic business & commerce. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Confente, I., 2015. Twentyfive years of wordofmouth studies: A critical review of tourism research. International Journal of Tourism Research. 17(6). pp.613-624.
  • Figueroa-Domecq, C., Pritchard, A. and Villace-Molinero, T., 2015. Tourism gender research: A critical accounting. Annals of Tourism Research. 52. pp.87-103.
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