
Sample on Ecommerce

Task 1 Research Proposal

To analyze the influence of constant advertising on the purchasing behavior of people: A case study on e-commerce.

In this current era of technology, e-commerce marketing is high in demand as this mode has provided ease and comfort to business towards making worthy customer interaction. Every business seeks to promote their business through means of e-commerce as it offer sound platform for attracting wide mass of customers (Joseph, 2006). Under this system, businesses attract customers through various types of internet promotions. Considering their influence on molding consumer behavior the current report has been carried out.

Research Aim- Key aim of undertaking this research is to analyze the role of constant advertising in persuading people to buy products that they don't really wish to buy. In order to conduct this study in an effective manner, e-commerce marketing has been taken into due account. Based on this following research objectives have been initiated-

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1.To analyze the impact of constant advertisements on consumer buying behaviors.  
2.To identify the benefits that will be retrieved by companies by means of e-commerce marketing.
3.To assess different types of constant advertising.

Factors Contribution in selection of Research Project

There are many factors which influences in selecting the research area. Considering this aspect, present research has chosen to explore e-commerce marketing as it is not explored in much detail. E-commerce has been most influential and persuading in changing buyer’s perspective and purchasing patterns (Kumar and Petersen, 2006). From this report, specific role of e-commerce marketing has emphasized on hypnotizing customers mind and instilling in them to make purchases. From e-commerce, business is actually able to offer more variety of products than through traditional means of business.

Literature Review

In this section, discussion on the past literature is being considered so that general information can be gathered from it. In this aspect, secondary source have been chosen as a method of research to identify possible impact of e-commerce on consumer buying behavior (Dholakia, 2002). This includes books, journals, online articles, magazines and scholar page.

Types of Constant Advertising

Getting persuaded by constant advertisements has led to drive everyone's focus on such advertisements. Consumers are constantly poked to draw their attention on such ads and to get motivated to explore  products which are being advertised (Bhasker, 2006).  E-commerce business has widened their range of scope to endless medias with the ultimate aim to provoke customers to buy their products whether they are in need of it or not.

Whether, it is the -

  • Constant Bing Ads on the internet sites; or  
  • The pop up advertisement on web pages; or  
  • Twitter/Facebook Ads splashing on their sites; or
  • AdMob Ads appearing within the mobile apps; or  
  • Television Advertisements; or
  • Urban Advertisements and many more.

All this has rampant the consumers' attention towards their business and notifying them to make purchase  by hook or by crook (Doyle and Bridgewater, 2012). All these Medias have tended to serve as a medium of interaction of businesses with their customers.

Benefits derived by the companies

With the rampant commercialization of the economy it has become strongly evident that people are becoming more materialism. Businesses are serving whatever they can and are promoting them through constant advertisements (Viscolani and Zaccour, 2009). Consumers are believed to be now professional buyers and hoarders of things that they don't really aspire. With this tendency of consumers, businesses have become successful in attracting more and more consumers.

Impact of Constant Advertisements on consumer buying behavior

It is important to determine that with the advertisements, attempt was to persuade one to buy products. The constant flash of commercials and according to a news report, about 2000-4000 cores are being spent by e-commerce brands on  promoting their consumer brands just on television (Punch, 2013). A new lifestyle is promoted by such e-commerce constant advertisements that are causing widespread social dysfunction. Constant exposure to displays of happy people purchasing things from e-commerce business has forced them to buy things they don't need. Time constraints as a matter of fact are also one of the reasons that have also curbed our ability to think critically. None has been able to secure themselves from constant outpouring of advertisements (Chaffey, 2009). The effect of ubiquitous marketing is palpable, but still hard to quantify.

Research Question

For conducting this research and focusing on the aim, following questions have been taken into consideration:

1.What are the factors that influence consumers in performing e-commerce activities?
2.How effectual are the e-commerce marketing in persuading consumers buying behavior?

Plan and Procedure

In order to carry out this research, exploratory design will be used to draw significant insight into the subject matter. Furthermore, data shall be gathered from both the sources primary and secondary. In the primary source, data shall be recorded from the customers who use e-commerce sites for shopping (Chilisa, 2012). Under this, set structured questionnaire will be utilized. Sample size of this survey will be taken to determine 30 customers who are addictive to e-commerce amusement sites. Also, secondary data will be approaches as well for a detailed study from sources like books, magazines, journals, magazines, newspapers, online articles and other similar sources. For the purpose of conducting data analysis, qualitative measures will be used where thematic method will be pursued. In this, different themes will be used for the purpose of obtaining results from them. Moreover, graphical presentation shall also be practiced in this research. The following time table shall be used to conduct the research in order to assure themselves that it is completed within the time duration.

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Matching resources efficiently to research questions

The key aim of this research is to determine the impact of constant advertisements in persuading people to buy products they don't really want to buy within the context of e-commerce business. On the basis of this following objectives have been taken:

1.To analyze the impact of constant advertisements on consumer buying behaviors.  
2.To identify the benefits that will be retrieved by companies by means of e-commerce marketing.
3.To assess the different types of constant advertising.

Research carried

It is quite apparent that the research is a very rigorous process demanding a lot of concentration and focus. It is highly important that the research tools and techniques must be adequately planned. Research Methodology provides the way through which relevant and authentic data can be gathered (Dr. Lazar, Dr. Feng and Dr. Hochheiser, 2010). In this part, some key points on the aspects of research methodology such as philosophy, data collection, type, designing, approaches etc will be discussed. Thus, it can be said that research methodology play a crucial role in this study.  For understanding this study following tools and techniques can be used-

Research philosophy

Researcher is enabled to acknowledge and understand in a better way in relation to the subject through philosophy (Srinagesh, 2006). There are mainly 4 type of philosophies realism, positivism, pragmatism and interpretive. In the positivism approach, the researcher looks at the world in an objective way. In the pragmatism the researcher handles all the research activities along-with fact and it is based on practical results. In interpretive, the world is interpreted in a subjective way and research is carried on the basis of interest of the researchers.

For this study the realism approach is selected which is based on interpretive and positivism. It pays attention on assumptions and tries to imply the subjective quality of human beings (Newman, 2000). This key philosophy has been used to explore the subjective nature of their customer for making purchases after getting influenced with content advertising.

Research approach

It is considered as a most important methodology through which researcher can carry out the research by selecting appropriate path. Inductive and deductive are two major research approaches (Hartas, 2010). Researcher can establish different theories and models in relation to the given subject matter with the help of selecting appropriate research approach. Inductive research approach is most suitable when researcher can move from more specific theories to general one. On contrary, deductive approach will be incorporated when hypothesis is being framed. Further, in the present study, Inductive research approach has been incorporated as no hypothesis is being formulated. With the help of incorporating Inductive research approach researcher is able to develop most suitable theories on the basis of gathered data and frame a valid conclusion as well. Moreover, it helps in identifying some of the best information as well as related theories and models with e-commerce.

Research design

It is the most effective technique through which overall study can be made as simple as possible. There are different types of research designs i.e. Descriptive, meta-analytic, experimental and explorative which enables the researcher to enhance the quality of their research (Kotzab and, 2006). Further, descriptive research design is one of the most suitable for the present study as it helps the reader to go through various concepts and data about the content. It helps in gaining deeper insights about the given subject matter also determine that constant advertising persuade people to buy those products which they really don’t want. This is an empirical method which consists of observation and then describing the actions and behaviors of subjects without manipulating them in any manner. With the help of this, appropriate information and data can be gathered and research can be developed on descriptive basis.

Research type

Qualitative and quantitative are two major research types which help the reader in assisting and understanding the whole content of research in a more effective manner (Srinagesh, 2006).  On the basis of current report, qualitative research techniques have been used because hypothesis has been developed. A research is said to be qualitative if the aims of the study are defining the particular state of activities. With the help of using qualitative technique appropriate conclusion can be made and all the finding and data are represented in the graphical manner.

Data Collection

It is considered as a most important part of any research through which researcher can collect most suitable information as per the given subject matter. Primary and secondary are two major sources of data collection in which primary method helps in collecting data directly from people. On the other hand, secondary data collection refers to collecting data directly from online sources (Chilisa, 2012). As per the current scenario and given subject matter, data has been gathered from primary as well as secondary sources. In order to collect information from primary sources, a questionnaire has been filled by different customers who use e-commerce and does online shopping. With the help of gathering appropriate information through survey better findings as well as conclusion can draw upon it. On the other hand, secondary data has been gathered from online articles and magazines.


Sampling plays a crucial role in gathering information from different sources. It can be done by two ways i.e. probabilistic as well as non-probabilistic random sampling. Selecting appropriate sampling technique as well as sample size is considered as a most important task for the researcher. Sample size should be according to the basis, size and scope of the study (Lazar, Feng and Hochheiser, 2010). In the present study, purposive sampling technique has been selected under which sample size of 50 customers has been incorporated (Kotzab and, 2006). Purposive sampling has been taken into consideration in order to collect the sample as per the purpose of reason behind the specific subject matter. Customers can give better response about the purchasing of products as due to the constant advertising. They can give better justification that is it possible to purchase those products which they really don’t want. With the help of gathering varied responses from different customers appropriate information about their purchase behavior can be attained. However, in this report, sample size of 50 customers has been chosen and data has been gathered through primary sources.

Data Analysis

One of the most important sections of any research is to frame most suitable findings as per the given topic. Researcher can draw better conclusion on the basis of developing appropriate findings (Hartas, 2010). In the present study, data has been analyzed by the way of qualitative techniques. The major reason behind selecting this technique that the whole findings section is based on the different viewpoint of customers and no hypothesis is being developed. Under this, thematic analysis as well as graphical representation has been taken into consideration. In this, different themes have been developed on the basis of different responses.

Using appropriate research evaluation techniques

For this study thematic analysis has been undertaken for the purpose of evaluating the collected primary data from customer  who are influenced by constant advertisements. A questionnaire has been designed in which a set frame of questions is drafted. Following research evaluation technique are employed in this given study.

The key aim of this research is to evaluate the influence of constant advertisements on the consumers. The answer to following question will be recognized.

1.What are the factors that influence consumers in performing e-commerce activities?
2.How effectual are the e-commerce marketing in persuading consumers buying behavior?

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From the above study it can be articulated that customers have been repressively persuaded to buy products through e-commerce websites. The reason of their persuasion can be seen as the constant advertisements on various platforms. It is recommended to consumers to be aware of such sites and take their decision wisely. It is evident that e-commerce has been using all possible platforms to attract customer  globally. The massive exposure to all such commercial is turned out to be harmful for users. They are driven by the content of such advertisements and tend to get motivated to buy products which they don't really aspire. It is important for consumer to realize that the rampant advertisements are not good for them. Rather than being obsessed with it, one must make a judicious decision to avoid and control their urge to materialistic cravings. In addition to it, this research can be used as a base for conducting further research. In this context, present study can be used for assessing the behavior of customers in different context. Further, modes of effective marketing can be analyzed in future with the help of this research.


  • Dholakia, N., 2002. Global E-commerce and online Marketing. Greenwood Publishing Group.
  • Doyle, P., and Bridgewater, S., 2012. Innovation in Marketing. Routledge.
  • Dr. Lazar, J., Dr. Feng, H. J. and Dr. Hochheiser, H. 2010. Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction. John Wiley & Sons
  • Hartas, D., 2010. Educational Research and Inquiry: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. A&C Black.
  • Joseph, T. P., 2006. E-Commerce: An Indian Perspective. 2nd ed. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
  • Kotzab, H. and, 2006. Research Methodologies in Supply Chain Management. Springer.
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