
Earthquake In Nepal

Environmental sustainability is used in order to protect the environment from harmful factors so that their overall performance can be improved. Now days, these practices are performed so that overall needs of people can be met (Tilman and Clark, 2014). The aim of sustainability is to protect  environment from the harmful factors. The present report is based on earthquake in Nepal and how they affected the environment of country. In this context, it explains  environmental sustainability. Along with this, it focuses on other factor that how climate was affected before and after the earthquake.

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Environment sustainability  

Sustainability refers to maintaining constant level of performance in any field. Surroundings sustainability refers to  using the natural resources in the manner so it does not harm the environs. This sustainability helps today's generation so that they can get the resources which are required in order to fulfil the needs and demand.. Environment can affect the business, economy and culture of the particular country. It is important to use  resources so that the society of particular economy does not suffer in the future (Eltayeb, Zailani and Ramayah, 2011). When the environment left alone they have the tendency to  grow alone. But the human enters and use its resources at that time the changes took place in the environment because human start using the resources without application of property methods. Human actions can destroy the nature and it decreases its sustainability.

Importance of environmental insubstantiality

The sustainability is important for very sector in the country. It affects small parts of the economy. Following are the importance of environment sustainability. 

Fulfil the agriculture needs: This can help in growth of the agriculture sector and further fulfil all needs of the agriculture. Agriculture is primary activity which takes place in very country and sustainability play very important role to provide resources for agriculture purpose.

Accommodating city development: As population increase, people needs more accommodations so that basic needs can be fulfiled. If there is lack of sustainability, the prices of living will also increase. As the resources are used to develop the infrastructure that increase the prices of the fossil fuels over the period. The fossil fuel is required to generate the energy. This can negatively impact on the air quality (Caniato and et. al., 2012). 

Sustain biodiversity:  Biodiversity can cause due to over consumption. Sustainability maintains the biodiversity and has the positive impact on agriculture activities. But, if the farmer uses pesticides then the bees can die and cause negative impact. This biodiversity can human to breathe because many human depend on algae species for breathing activity.

Before and after Earthquake impact on environment sustainability of Nepal:

Earlier, there are many wildlife and forests in the Nepal which provides the sustainability to the environment to this country, the soil was fertile before the earthquake occurred in the country. There were many landscapes, hills and mountain which gives the unbeautiful view to Nepal. Nepal is rich in biodiversity and its water resources (Papadopoulos and et. al., 2017). The country population is majorly depended on the natural resources. The country also has the good number of tourism. Nepal was having good economy before the earthquake. But this incidents brings loots of changes in the Nepal environment.

 The hills and landscapes were fully destroyed. There stones fix with the water which affects and killed the domestic fishes. Most of the forests were  destroyed due to earthquake. Due to earthquake, many people lost their life. The wildlife of Nepal got affected by this incident. Because of landslides, breaking down many lives hood dies. Landslides blocked the roads and also damage the infrastructure of the country. This made it difficult for the Nepal population to fulfil their basics needs. Many women get abortion due the earthquake attacks. The water sources also got damage. Some of the areas are getting bad quality of water. Earthquake leads to poor economy of Nepal.

Environment and climate of Nepal before earthquake

Nepal is a place which is surrounded by many hills and flatlands. The culture of Nepal is based on three dimensions such as economical, spiritual and cultural (Mohanty, 2011). There are many heritage and tourism places in the country which attract many people from all around the world. They do some of the agricultural activities so that economic benefits can be achieved and due to this the country’s economy can be enhanced. There are approx 70% people who do their business in agriculture. When climate changes in Nepal it affects the agricultural activities and livelihood of people. All people have to perform their activities in more efficient manner so that environment can be protected as through this overall health of people can be also be ensured.

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The environment of the country represents the traditional culture and due to this many visitors come to visit the place so that they will be able to know about the different values and beliefs. The place can generate more revenues due to these kinds of tourism places as this play an important role in increasing the overall GDP (Hada, 2014). There some other places which also contribute into the overall economy of the country. There are several temples, mountains valley, cultural landscape which can attract tourist. There are some local bodies which make some of the laws and acts that have to be followed by each and every individual.  

There were forest in the country and people use the wood of these forests in order to make the fuel as this was the best economical option available. The water resources were available in Nepal as people have no issues regarding the water supply. So, in this manner they had a good environmental culture which can grab the attention of many people and due to this their overall economy get improved.  

Climate of every place is different from each other and Nepal has different climatic conditions. The monsoon conditions cannot be understood between the landscape and rainfall. Nepal have different seasons so their climate is get changed from time to time (Regmi and Walter, 2017). So, when climate suddenly changes then people who do agriculture have to face loss and they will not be able to achieve profits and revenues in more effective manner. The environment and climate of Nepal got influenced after the earthquake. On the basis of this, people have to suffer and overall economy of the country also got affected. When  climate issues are occur then they arise suddenly and people will not be able to predict  those issues in present. People will be able to know about these hazards before some minutes, seconds and few days back.  

So, climate and environment of the country was very good before the earthquake and after that overall environment got affected. This lead towards the higher poverty and people were unable to fulfil their economic benefits. On the basis of these, the other countries which are associated with Nepal are also get influenced such as Kathmandu. Local bodies took some actions in order to prevent their climate and environment from hazardous activities.  

Environment and climate of Nepal after earthquake

Environment of Nepal got affected due to earthquake and other natural disasters. Due to these kinds of disasters, the overall economical level of the country was influenced. There are some of the challenges which are faced by Nepal such as deforestations, monsoons and glacial lake outburst flood (Rasul, 2015). On the basis of these, the overall climate and environment got changed and people suffered.

When there is an earthquake it affects the environment sustainability in a bad manner. Prior to this incident, the Nepal is having extreme climate, high seismic activities, Nepal is having sensitive geographical condition which makes the environment highly venerable and on that when human highly consume these resources then this will  leads to the earthquake. In history, When in Nepal heavy rainfall combine with the earthquakes that attack the landslides, hills and mountains of country. As a result, it took many dangerous incident in this country. The earthquake incident destroyed the landslides and 31 districts. This incident destroyed all infrastructure, house, agriculture, forests and other resources and human died in the accident. And the environment is fully demolish (Marsden, 2016). The small partial of the sand is travel much to the down wards and which result in rising river beds. This can increase the risk for the agriculture.

Water resources:Some of the issues related to water supply are faced by the country. Some of the places are affected by water resources. As the quality of the water changes in some part of the Nepal. This affected the rural water supplies and caused conflicts in the communities. The earthquake affected the water resources like it damaged the local fishes. The local communities of Nepal depend on ecosystem for live hood and if the natural resources are destroying the people of the country will not be able to fulfil the basic needs. There are some of the factors which can affect particular environment and these are as follows:  

Biodiversity and forestry: Nepal is having good number of forest. The country is rich in biodiversity having the global wildlife species (Orlitzky, Siegel and Waldman, 2011) The majority population of the country depends upon the natural resources. These natural resources give the live hood to the Nepal population. But after the earthquake everything changed.  This accident damaged the forest and the country lost its forests. And now to gain the forestation in this country can slight take the growth and take several years to come at same position. wildlife also got damaged in Nepal due to earthquake. As some of the animals transfer to new place the human loose its natural resources.   

Tourism: The companies in Nepal are facing the losses. Sometimes these factors can affect the tourism in the country so in this manner they will not be able to enhance their economic benefits.  Many tourists cancelled the trip of Nepal due to earthquakes which tends to result in the losses for travelling company. Many roads and ways got damaged and it became difficult for all the people to do trekking and visit the place (Moldan, Janoušková and Hák, 2012). Due to this, employment rate in the country got decreased and their living of standard also affected.  

Sustainability is very much depends on the environment because if there is loss of natural resources no one can survive or sustain on the earth whether they are big companies, country population or others. So for the greater future their should eduction given to the people about the property and impact of this on different resources (Elliot, 2011). Sustainability and environment is interlinked with each other they have the direct impact on each other. Whether the impact is positive or negative. Along with these, the climate of Nepal is also get affected and due to this many natural disasters are happened in the country like storms, landslide and flood.     

It is the responsibility of government to prevent the climate by focusing on the environment changes. Along with this, they should identify the threats that can be occurred and due to this there nature is get affected. When climate is get affected then  due to this people have to face many challenges related to the nature. 


From the above mentioned report it has been concluded that environmental sustainability plays an important role in overall economy of the country. There are some factors which can affect the environment and due to these overall economical activities, political activities and legal laws are influenced. Environment and climate of Nepal is highly affected after earthquake and there were less supply of  water and all forest were damaged. Furthermore, overall heritage and tourism places got damaged after such kind of environmental activities. 

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Books and Journals

Caniato, F. and et. al., (2012). Environmental sustainability in fashion supply chains: An exploratory case based research. International journal of production economics. 135(2). 659-670.
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Orlitzky, M., Siegel, D.S. and Waldman, D.A., 2011. Strategic corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability. Business & society. 50(1). pp.6-27.
Tilman, D., & Clark, M. (2014). Global diets link environmental sustainability and human health. Nature. 515(7528). 518-522.
Climate of Nepal. 2017. [Online]. Available through:<>. [Accessed on 15th May 2017].  
What Is Sustainability and Why Is It Important?. 2017. [Online]. Available through:<>. [Accessed on 15th May 2017].  

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