
Principles of Food Packaging and Sensory Analysis

Introduction to Business Organization

Business organization now a days focuses on the packaging and labelling of the products so that they can attract number of customers towards companies services. The food industry pack the items so that they can protect them from the external environment. Packaging is a factor through which the enterprise can advertise and promote their products. Further, they will be able to create a strong base of customers and they can also earn profits in the market. If packaging is proper then people will be able to know about the information of goods. The present report is based on HP Food Limited which perform its operations in food industry. They focuses on the packaging of their products (Robertson, 2016). The below mentioned report is based on the packaging of the products that help the firm in order to achieve their objectives. Along with this, it also explains that how these factors may influence the evaluation test. Furthermore, it also explains that how decisions can be evaluated and test can be used by an enterprise.

The current demand for packaged food

The demand of the packaged food is increasing in the market and through this companies global image is also get improved (Mahalik and Nambiar, 2010). Along with the income of people their need for packaged good is also increased. Now people are conscious for their health so they prefer to buy goods that have proper packaging because through this they will be able save their health from the outside world.

Now packaging of the commodities is different from the last 20 to 30 years at that time people are not that much conscious for their health. In the past years, the scope of the internet is not wide so companies will not be able to offer their services at global level. So, they don't focus on the packaging (Duncan, 2011).

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The main packaging materials used in the food processing industry

HP Food Limited can use some of the packaging materials in order to pack the products so that overall goals can be accomplished. The right kind of material and technology can improve the brand image of the firm because through this quality of the products can be maintained. Some of these material are glass, metal, plastics, paper and paper board (Hawkes, 2010). By using these stuff, a retail industry pack the products so that safety of the food can be increased. The manager can also conduct a research in the market so that they will be able to identify the factors that may affect the packaging of the food (The functions of packaging. 2011).

How packaging is useful for the industry

The packaging of the products is important for the food industry because through this they will be able to protect the goods (Silvestre, Duraccio and Cimmino, 2011). If packaging is good then its quality can be maintained for a longer period and along this their safety can be ensured. Through this, the industry can protect the food item from the chemical and biological factors. Along with this, this will also reduce the wastage of food items in the environment and it save the good from the environmental factors. It will increase the convenience for the users and it minimize the efforts of the customers. Innovative packaging can increase the sales in the market and through this consumers will be able to know about the features of the products.

Packaging is depends upon the food item

HP Food Limited has to pack their items on the basis of the type of food so that their freshness can be retained for a long time (Yam and Lee, 2012). There are some items like vegetables, high fat content products and high moisture products. The packaging of these items are difficult for the food industry because they have to attract more consumers by providing them healthy and safe products. Through these, they will be able to improve their global business in an efficient manner.

Describe the layer and purpose of the packaging

UHT milk is the most common product that is consumed by the people of United Kingdom. For this, the firm use pasteurized process so that quality of the product can be ensured and for its packaging the food industry uses tetra pak shelf safe carton (Siracusa, 2012). Some of the layers of this product are the first layer of this product seals in the liquid, adhesion layer, aluminium foil, paper and last it covered in the top layer. The purpose of this type of packaging is to provide the safe and healthy products to the customers. Through this, transportation of the heavy products can be easy for the food industry.

Achieve a long life product with an approximate shelf life of 6 to 9 months

The packaging of products is an important tool that is used by the food industry so that they can save their goods from the environmental changes, pollution, manufacturing date and expiry date. These organization can use MAP(modified atmosphere packaging) technique so that products can be preserved for a long time. In this technique, the firm insert the gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen in order to preserve the products (Kirwan and Strawbridge, 2011). On the basis of this the company can offer fresh and safe food items to the people of the country for a long period.

Compare the packaging of different products

There are three types of packaging of the products with proper labelling so that customers will be able to know about the product information. The first one is showing the packaging of the products in cane and its outer layer is made by the metal. The another product is showing the packing of the products in a plastic wrapper on which all the information is given about the product. In the last product the product is packed in a glass bottle with the proper information. Through these packaging the food can be preserved.

For MAP packaging processes describe the effect of the each gas

In MAP technology, the firm uses the different gases such as oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide in order to preserve the product for a long time. When these gases get mixed with each other then they only they can preserve the goods for their customers. Along with this, this mixture is depend upon the type of product and their packaging (Food Packaging Materials. 2017). Through these chemicals product can be preserved for a long duration (Mihindukulasuriya and Lim, 2014). Furthermore, on its packaging the firm can provide the information regarding to the products its manufacturing and expiry date.

Packaging methods and technologies designed to extend shelf life

Greggs plc can use different type of packaging methods and technologies so that self life can be extended of the products. The food industry can use field packing, shed packing and repacking in order to provide the products through the world. These packaging should be used by the organization so that food items can be protected from the virus, bacteria and listeria. If food products are in the contact of the environment than through the environmental factors these pathogens can be grow in the products (Raheem, 2013). The freshness of the product can be identified by the sensory organs.

What improvements can you foresee occurring in the packaging industry?

In future, these packaging industry can gain success in the market as compare to other market players. Through this the food industry will be able to increase the level of satisfaction among all the customers. Supply chain network can be designed in a more efficient manner so that their overall performance can be improved (Williams and Wikström, 2011). Relationship between customers and organization can be improved. Furthermore, companies will be able to increase their profits and decrease the cost. On the basis of some factors the food industry will be able to improve their actual performance as compare to the standards.

What are some of the factors that can impact on a foods quality even before it is packaged?

The quality of food is get affected due to some factors these can be related to the environment, moisture, atmosphere and temperature. When products are manufactured then the manager of HP Food Limited has to focus on these factors so that safe products can be delivered to the customers. Along with this, he has to focus on the sensory factors so that its quality can be ensured in an efficient manner. These all factors should be managed properly so that overall quality of the food item can be improved (Jung, Puligundla and Ko, 2012).

Good practices allow us to work well within a culturally diverse workplace

Every business organization perform its operations in the environment so that overall needs of the customers can be fulfilled. Some of the practices that are performed by the food industry such as top leadership commitments, recruitment, succession planning and diversity training. Through these approaches the firm will be able to perform well in the culturally diverse workplace and accomplish all their objectives (Blanco and Siracusa, 2013). The manager of HP Food Limited can involve its employees in the decision making process so that overall performance can be improved. Through training process, employees will be able to provide quality services to their customers.

Description of labelling information to be included on the packaging

When HP Food Limited launch their new product in the market with an effective packaging then through this they will be able to create a strong base of customers. Along with an effective packaging the technologist has to focus on the labelling so that consumer will be able to know about the product (Stumbo, 2013). Some information that should be included in the labelling and these are name of the food, manufactured date, expiry date and quantity information. Along with these, some information can also be given on the front, side and back of the product. The other information is like ingredients, name and address of the manufacture, the lot number, any special storage conditions, instruction for cooking and so on.

What is required of the package in regards to function and convenience

There are some functions of the packaging through which the food industry will be able to achieve its specified goals. Some of these functions are related to the protection, storage, transport, sales, promotional, service and guarantee of the products. By using the concept of packaging, HP Food Limited will be able to provide quality services to their customers. Packaging should be effective so that they will be able to attract number of customers towards their services. Furthermore, consumers will be able to get the healthy and safe products. If proper labelling is given on the product then people will be able to get the information and it is more convenience for them (Ercolini, 2013).

State the packaging materials and recommended for all the packaging requirements for product

HP food Limited can use different packaging materials in order to pack the food item. Some of these materials are paper, paper board, plastic, glass, metals and so on. But here, the food industry can use metals and paper board in order to pack the products and labelling is necessary in order to make packaging effective. Along with this, the technologist of the food industry can use the shipping container in order to distribute the commodities at different locations (Motilva, Serra and Macià, 2013). Through this container, the organization will be able to protect their goods in an efficient manner and offer the goods to the consumers their satisfaction level can be increased.

Packaging materials

The food industry can use paper board and metals in order to make the packaging effective. Through these materials, they will be able to make their environment safe and health of the people can be ensured. Through the shipper container the shelf life of the products can be improved for a long duration and people will be able to get the quality products. HP Food Limited can offer their products at the global level because through this approach they will be able to improve their brand image (Chandrasekaran, Ramanathan and Basak, 2013). Other than packaging, the food industry can deliver their products at the home of the customers. Through this, the level of satisfaction can be increased among all customers.

What quality control tests would you perform on these packaging materials?

The packaging technologist of HP Food Limited can perform some of the quality control tests on the packaging materials so that quality can be ensured. Some of the quality control test can be performed by the food industry and these can be chemical control, appearance and customers usability (Chemat and Khan, 2011). The appearance of the food item should be good in the market as compare to the other products. Chemical testing is important for the products so that health of the people can be ensured. These quality tests will be conducted by the manager on the basis of the characteristics of product.

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Explain the reuse and disposability factors of the packaging

There are many reuse and disposability factors that play an important role in the packaging of the product. HP Food Limited can use different approaches such as recycling, composting and combustion in order to make the environment safe. Lot of material is needed when the firm is developing the packaging of the products and they can reuse the material in order to pack the goods. Through this approach, pollution can be prevented in the city and the food industry will be able to save their money.

Q1. What are the key organoleptic properties of food

Organoleptic properties of food are related to the sensory properties and food can be experienced on the basis of some senses. These senses are sight, smell, touch, taste and sound. These properties play a vital role for the customers because on the basis of these they will buy products. The quality of the food can be evaluated on the basis of these senses and people will be able to identify through their experience (Herath and Henson, 2010). On the basis of sensory evaluation the person will be able to know differentiate between the products. Along with this, the technologist can analyse the samples of the food so that they can improve their products.

Q2. Briefly explain the senses that how they work and how they interact

A human being has five senses through which they will be able to examine the quality of the products. These senses are eyes, nose, tongue, ears and the last one is skin. Through eyes the person will be able to see the products and interpret the information. Noses can help the person in smell the product. Ears allowed a person to hear a sound and through tongue the customer will be able to taste the food. On the basis these sense, he will be able to make his decision that whether he have to buy products or not.

Q3. Testing used which meet 3 different objectives

HP Food Limited can use different testing methods so that their overall objectives can be accomplished. Through these testing methods they will be able to improve their performance in the market as compare to other market players (Quality control testing of packaging materials. 2016). Some of these testing methods are discrimination, ranking and scaling test. Difference test is the simple method that is used by the food industry in order to test the product. If more options are available at the same time then consumer can use this method and can select one. In the another scaling method, size of sensory elements are identified. Through these methods, the food industry will be able to achieve their objectives.

Q4. Identify factors, which may influence the results of a sensory evaluation tests

There are some factors which may influence the results of the sensory evaluation tests. Some of these factors are physiological such as adaptation, enhancement, habitual error, presentation of samples and so on. These factors may influence the decisions of the customers and they made purchase on the basis of these their need. HP Food Limited have to identify the needs of the people and provide them products as per their demand. In order to identify the need of the people, the manager can conduct a research in the market so that their overall performance can be improved.

Decisions by which food to be evaluated along with the description of the product

In this, the chosen product is chocolate bar which is selected for making an evaluation and all of the decisions are taken on the basis of quality of the products as well as the prices. Chocolate bar contains some of the components such as cocoa solids, sugar along with cocoa butter (Amerine, Pangborn and Roessler, 2013). Further, it also contains some other ingredients such as fruit, nuts and caramel. Thus all of the decisions related to the food are based on the quality of products and materials which is used in the product.

Characteristics of food to be tested along with the information to be taken from test

There are different types of characteristic are there in a products which are required to be tested. In this, some of the objectives to carried out test such as to measure the attribute of the food to be tested and assess the quality of products in a appropriate manner. Further, to identify the contaminants in food and to analyse the defects in the products. In addition to this, evaluation includes the use of chemical techniques rather than using human sensory organs for the purpose of evaluating the quality of product (Munoz, 2013). Thus, there is appropriate information will be taken from the test so that they can make evaluation in an effective and efficient way.

Justification on type of the chosen test

Sensory analysis can be defined as the discipline of principles which is to be applied by using human senses in order to evaluate the consumer products. There are different types of tests are employed for the evaluation of food so that there is selection of sensitivity test is done for assessing the ability of an individual for detecting the various types of tastes, feel and the specific factors (Xiao and, 2015). The selection of this test is based on the members for evaluating the quality of the products so that it is essential to conduct sensitivity test that is beneficial for the company.

Date time and venue of conducting test and factors which are important for success of test

The test is conducted on 14th February 2017 at 11 am. At London street that is sensitivity test on some of the random people. With the help of this test the material which is created as a substitute for the standard products (Kono and, 2015). Further, some of the factors which are considered to be important in order to achieve success such as analysis regarding the quality of food and to know the perception of the consumers and to evaluate the different types of activities of the business. Thus, this test is helpful for identifying the quality of products that is to be advantageous for the business.

Panellists screened for suitability and the important factors to be considered

Panellists screened is based on the method of sensory test which is considered to be the sensitivity method of test. Further, affective testing needs minimum skills through the consumer use the products. The consumer like the product which is chocolate bar and the liking is based on the age, availability, gender and it does work in the product manufacturing company (Ruan and Zeng, 2013). This determination of the products is based on the affective tests which decides the preferences of the product. There are some of the important factors which are to be considered such as quality of the products which is required to be control at the time of requirement.

Preparation of food samples, plates and utensils organised

HP Food Limited have to prepare their food samples and organize the utensils so that customers satisfaction can be increased. For this, the food industry should provide the training and development to their employees so that food and utensils can be prevented. Through this staff members will be able to provide the quality services to their customers. It is the responsibility of the workers to clean the area so that health and safety can be ensured to the people of the country.

Questionnaires and pencils

The manager of HP Food Limited can conduct the survey in the market so that he will be able to know about the needs of the people. Questionnaire is a kind of tool that is used by the food industry and this will be conducted on a small group of people. On the basis of that group, the organisation will be able to gather the information about the customers. Along with this, results can be calculated and overall specified objectives can be achieved.

Host the evaluation – How did you make the testers comfortable

The food industry can appoint a person who will take care of the people who will test the products of the company (Alsaffar, 2011). Testing can be done on the basis of the sensory technique and these will be done on the basis of the senses. It is the responsibility of the manager to make the tester comfortable so that he will be able to make his own decision and made purchase of that product.

Collating and analysing results

Here, at this stage the packaging technologist will be able to get the data and on the basis of that he make his decisions. The data can be gathered on the basis of findings and after that the manager has to analyse the results.

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Report significance of your results, including any errors/bias or unexpected variation

HP Food Limited can use these techniques so that they will be able to improve their results and outcomes. When company focuses on the packaging of their products then it will incur some cost and firm will not be able to generate more revenues. On the other hand, through this approach the food industry will be able to attract more customers towards companies products.


From the above mentioned report it has been concluded that the packaging of the products is necessary for the food industry. Through this they can protect their products from the environmental factors and chemical factors. Along with this, they have to do proper labelling so that people will be able to know about the information of the product.


  • Chandrasekaran, S., Ramanathan, S. and Basak, T., 2013. Microwave food processing—A review. Food Research International. 52(1). pp.243-261.
  • Chemat, F. and Khan, M.K., 2011. Applications of ultrasound in food technology: processing, preservation and extraction. Ultrasonics sonochemistry. 18(4). pp.813-835.
  • Duncan, T.V., 2011. Applications of nanotechnology in food packaging and food safety: barrier materials, antimicrobials and sensors. Journal of colloid and interface science. 363(1). pp.1-24.
  • Ercolini, D., 2013. High-throughput sequencing and metagenomics: moving forward in the culture-independent analysis of food microbial ecology. Applied and environmental microbiology. 79(10). pp.3148-3155.
  • Hawkes, C., 2010. Food packaging: the medium is the message. Public Health Nutrition. 13(02). pp.297-299.
  • Herath, D. and Henson, S., 2010. Barriers to HACCP implementation: evidence from the food processing sector in Ontario, Canada. Agribusiness. 26(2). pp.265-279.
  • Jung, J., Puligundla, P. and Ko, S., 2012. Proof-of-concept study of chitosan-based carbon dioxide indicator for food packaging applications. Food chemistry. 135(4). pp.2170-2174.
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