
BUS020C415S Communicating in Health & Social Care Organisations Level 5


Communication plays a vital and crucial role in handling health and social care operations that will help in better management of wide range of operations that supports the individuals to gain a good control over the functions that are operated in an organisation to operate effectively (Betancourt, Green and Owusu Ananeh-Firempong, 2016). For the report, NHS is taken as the organisation of context. It is a UK based health and social care firm. Report will lay emphasis on the use of communication skills in health and social care with dealing measures of inappropriate interpersonal interaction among individuals. Also, the use and effect of various communication strategies is analysed. Besides this, relevant communication theories and process influencing individuals and different legal measures with their effectiveness are assessed. Also, the impact of ICT on the user and provider of health and social care is analysed (Yonker, Zan and Kinane, 2015.).

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Q1. Using communication skills in a health and social care context (P1.2)

The communication skills play a crucial role in the handling of health and social care that is been provided to the individual. A good and effective communication skills that are been adopted and practised by an individual will help the social care organisation to provide a better service to its customers and clients in a setting. The implementation and practising of good communication skills will help employees at NHS to get effective knowledge of the problems or issues faced by an individual in a health and social care setting (Makai, Brouwer, and Nieboer, 2014). The poor and inexpressive communication will create a state of confusion and dilemma that will lead to a gap in between a patient and health care service provider. Besides this, the health care firm has to look after the better handling of different operations and measures that will help in better management of wide range of operations that will help in efficient delivery of health care measures.

Other than this, the workers of NHS or other nursing care entity must look after the usage of good verbal communication skills that will impact the growth and development of wide range of operations that will help in good management of different functions that will help in suitable handling of delivering a good treatment and other medical help to its clients and patients. But, this will only be possible if people in organisation practise an effective communication process that will support eradication of interaction gap and help in developing good communication skills (Glasby and Dickinson, 2014). The usage of interpersonal statement that are inappropriate must be deemed from usage at NHS.

This will reduce the awkward situation and will help in better management of wide range of operations that will help in suitable rise in various business entities that will lead to growth and development of a health and social care organisation. Apart from this, management of NHS must look after the better management of certain operations that will cause organisation to carry operations of company in a much effective and better way. Some practices like avoiding words showcasing endearment, inappropriate touching, using first name without permission and giving bad verbal cues will cause conflict in between a patient and a health and social care worker. Thus, efficient steps must be taken to avoid such conditions (Arnold and Boggs, 2015).

Q2. Reviewing methods of dealing with inappropriate interpersonal communication between individuals in health and social care setting (P1.3)

Various measures and preventive methods will be taken in consideration by health and social care settings like NHS to avoid inappropriate interpersonal communication. Such conditions will be taken in consideration to develop a good relationship in between a patient and health and social care worker (Brownson, Colditz and Proctor, 2017). This will not only fulfil the communication gap but will also help in developing a good understanding that will help the organisation to keep a check on behaviour of their employees. Some effective measures that are been taken in efficient thought process are as follows:

Provide introduction loop: This approach will involve usage of various screening techniques that will help NHS to have a better control over inappropriate behaviour of its employees. Keeping check on the behaviour of workforce will help the organisation that will lead to build a trust level in between workers and clients.

Listening carefully and using interpreter: Effective listening of problems faced by individuals will help organisation to have better understanding of problems that are being faced by individual patients in a nursing care home. Apart from this, to reduce language barrier, work force can use an interpreter or translator to act as a bridge in between employees and patients.

Speaking clearly: A clear speech will support in better understanding and grasping of information that helps a worker in social care setting to provide its clients with better services and medical support (Dickinson and O'Flynn, 2016).

Adapting the need: Requirements of patients might be changing constantly and thus, in this case, a firm like NHS has to develop a strategic plan to adopt the needs of its patients and come up with better health and social care services (Cameron, Lart and Coomber, 2014).


Q. 5 In health and social context apply a range of relevant communication theories to communication in health and social care contexts (P1.1)

A wide range of theories will be taken in consideration by a health and social care firm like NHS to facilitate the good communication process. The implementation of these theories will help in facilitating a good communication in health and social care firms and help it to meet the requirements of their clients and patients of nursing care home in a better way. Some theories that are been taken in consideration are as follows:

  • Adaptive structure theory (AST) : the organisation will look after the better following of different operations that will help in better management of business operations which will help in suitable handling the requirements of health and social care firm. This will support the firm to take effective decision based on the adaption of different measures that will helps in effective fulfilment of requirements of clients in a better way.
  • Agenda setting theory: This approach will lead to the setting of a plan or agenda and all the reforms and other measures are been taken in consideration as per the decision. It will help work force to identify the requirements of respective clients in a much effective and better way. Also, it supports the better transfer of various services at nursing firm (Grajales III, Sheps and Eysenbach, 2014).
  • Communication accommodation theory: this involves the adjustment of the communication style in an organisation. The communication process is adjusted as per the requirements and the changes are been made in verbal and non verbal communication process. It involves the approaches like convergence and divergence. The convergence is used to get the approval in the implementation of an approach in company while the divergence approach will help in getting an interpersonal communication process.
  • Cognitive Dissonance theory: it helps in rectification of the different conflicts that are been taken in effective consideration by the organisation. This will help in removing the differences between the work force and clients or patients of a hlath and social care setting in a better way (Lewis, 2015).

Q. 6 Explain how the communication processes are influenced by individual values and cultural factors.

The cultural beliefs and the individual values lay a very deep and significant impact on the health and social care firm. Many times, the personal practices and cultural methods act as the barrier in providing of proper health and social care to an individual client or an employee. Even the organisational culture lay a very deep and significant impact on the overall growth and development of the innovative and better services that will lay an impact on the functionality of a firm like NHS. The health care entity has to look after that no employee or individual client is been discriminated on the basis of his/her cultural and personal ideology and beliefs. The organisation has to avoid the situations which can lead to the rise in conflict between the individuals and helps them to meet the operational requirements of the organisation in a better way. Other than this, it will help in effective controlling of sense of hatred, disrespect, and hesitation to treat and communicate with clients and individual employee's. This help in better facilitation of the communication process in a health and social care setting.

Q. 7 Explain how legislations, charters and code of practice impact on communication processes in health and social care (P2.2)

The legal measures that are been taken in the consideration are been play a very deep role in the handling of the wide range of operations in a health and social care setting. The adoption of better measure lay a very deep impact on the operation that are been followed in an organisation (Grajales III, Sheps and Eysenbach, 2014). There are various legal tools and act that are been taken in consideration by the organisation for the effective management of wide range of operation which help in suitable rise in the operation of a health care firm. Some legal measure that are been taken in consideration for effective handling of health and social care measure is a follows:

  • Right to health and social care: This will help the firm to ensure the better rights sand providing of effective health carte measure in an individual that will help in better management of operation and meeting of their requirements in a better way. This will look after that every individual, requiring proper health and social care services should be provided with it, without any discrimination (Coulter, Locock and Calabrese, 2014).
  • Equal opportunity Act 1995: this will help in better handling of operations in a better way that will help in meeting their requirements. This approach will help in better handling of operations in a better way. This ensures that every one gets the equal opportunity to communicate and express his/ her views.
  • Human Right Act 1998: This will help to prevent the discrimination at the work place and will help the firm to avoid any sort of conflict. This will help every individual in the health and social care setting to get access to the service in vicinity.

Beside this, the charters and code of practices that are been set in a health care firm help in improving the functional condition and will look after the better management of business operations in a better way, by diminishing the differences and conflicts.

Q. 8 Analyse the effectiveness of organisational systems and policies in promoting good practice in communication. (P2.3)

The organisational structure of a health and social care firm like NHS will see through the effective handling of different functions that will help in better rise in operational capacity of organisation in a better way. The organisational system and structure and the policies that are been set in an organisation like NHS will help it to gain a better scope of communication process that will help in better rise in it efficiency and effectiveness. Other than this, a good organisational structure will help the firm to meet its operational requirement in a better way. This will support better transferring of messages, develop a good understanding and help in meeting the needs and demands of the users in a very effective way.

The following of policies will help in meeting the organisational requirements of the organisation and help it in meeting the requirement of organisation in a better way. This will also help in maintaining the ethicalness in the firm (Lewis, 2015).


Fact sheet

Analyse how legal considerations in the use of ICT can impact on health and social care.

The legal measures that are been taken in the consideration in a health and social care firm as it helps in better growth and development of the operation. With the advancement in technology, firms like NHS are using the ICT to effectively carry out their operations in a better way. Thus, these approach helps in better handling of various health care that will help in suitable rise in effectiveness of a health and social care setting. Although, the rise in cyber threats and misuse of ICT tools have been emerged as the major issue for an organisation (Arnold and Boggs, 2015.). Thus, a firm has to see through the better management of different measures that will impact its growth and development in a better way. Beside this, it is required to adopt effective cyber security measures that impact the growth and development of a health and social care organisation.


Analyse the benefit of using ICT in health and social care for users of services, care worker and organisation.(P 3.2)

The effective usage of ICT will help in suitable rise in the effectiveness in the providing of good service to an organisation in a better way. It will help in increasing the effectiveness of the organisation. And it workers. The proper utilization of technical tools and measures will help in better management of medical and health care measures that are been taken in consideration by a firm. It improves work efficiency and client satisfaction level (Glasby and Dickinson, 2014).


Analyse how legal considerations in the use of ICT can impact on health and social care.

The legal measures that are been taken in the consideration in a health and social care firm as it helps in better growth and development of the operation. With the advancement in technology, firms like NHS are using the ICT to effectively carry out their operations in a better way. Thus, these approach helps in better handling of various health care that will help in suitable rise in effectiveness of a health and social care setting. Although, the rise in cyber threats and misuse of ICT tools have been emerged as the major issue for an organisation (Arnold and Boggs, 2015.). Thus, a firm has to see through the better management of different measures that will impact its growth and development in a better way. Beside this, it is required to adopt effective cyber security measures that impact the growth and development of a health and social care organisation.

Analyse the benefit of using ICT in health and social care for users of services, care worker and organisation.(P 3.2)

The effective usage of ICT will help in suitable rise in the effectiveness in the providing of good service to an organisation in a better way. It will help in increasing the effectiveness of the organisation. And it workers. The proper utilization of technical tools and measures will help in better management of medical and health care measures that are been taken in consideration by a firm. It improves work efficiency and client satisfaction level (Glasby and Dickinson, 2014).

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Thus, it can be said that Communication plays a very deep role in handling of clients in a health and social care setting liker NHS. The report laid an emphasis on use of communication skills in health and social care with dealing measures of inappropriate interpersonal interaction among individuals. Also, the use and effect of various communication strategies and relevant communication theories and process influencing individuals and different legal measures with their effectiveness is been assessed. Also, the impact of ICT on user and provider of health and social care is been analysed.

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  • Betancourt, J.R., Green, A.R. and Owusu Ananeh-Firempong, I.I., 2016. Defining cultural competence: a practical framework for addressing racial/ethnic disparities in health and health care.Public health reports.
  • Yonker, L.M., Zan, and Kinane, T.B., 2015. “Friending” teens: systematic review of social media in adolescent and young adult health care.Journal of medical Internet research,17(1).
  • Makai, P., Brouwer, W.B., and Nieboer, A.P., 2014. Quality of life instruments for economic evaluations in health and social care for older people: a systematic review.Social science & medicine,102, pp.83-93.
  • Glasby, J. and Dickinson, H., 2014.Partnership working in health and social care: what is integrated care and how can we deliver it?. Policy Press.
  • Arnold, E.C. and Boggs, K.U., 2015.Interpersonal Relationships-E-Book: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Brownson, R.C., Colditz, G.A. and Proctor, E.K. eds., 2017.Dissemination and implementation research in health: translating science to practice. Oxford University Press.
  • Dickinson, H. and O'Flynn, J., 2016.Evaluating Outcomes in Health and Social Care 2e. Policy Press.
  • Cameron, A., Lart, R. and Coomber, C., 2014. Factors that promote and hinder joint and integrated working between health and social care services: a review of research literature.Health & social care in the community,22(3), pp.225-233
  • Naslund, J.A., Aschbrenner, K.A. and Bartels, S.J., 2016. The future of mental health care: peer-to-peer support and social media.Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences,25(2), pp.113-122.
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