
Children's Physical Health and General Well-being


Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease and also provide long term healthy benefits. The report will cover benefits of exercise for children and in order to develop and improve physical as well as brain growth. Different types of physical activities for various age group children to develop and improve will be discussed in this report.

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Explaining benefits of exercise for children's

It can be said that physical activity is important for all the people in order to make their life healthy and effective. Physical activities help children, adults and old age people to keep their body strong and healthy by improving mental and physical health by reducing depression, pain, loneliness and anxiety (Bassok, Fitzpatrick and Loeb, 2014). Regular use of physical activity will help children to develop in a range of ways. It also improves brain functions and emotional well being of of child.

Benefits of activity for physical health

Regular physical activity helps children to develop his or her movement skills to become more stronger which builds strong muscles and healthy heart. This will also help to maintain body fat and weight. Moderate intensity exercises can even helps to relieve some chronic (long-term) pain condition by maintaining physical functions and decreasing fatigue. It will also help ease symptom of premenstrual syndrome in girls. Moderate exercise will help body to produce endorphins hormones which is good for health (Wansink and Brumberg, 2016). It can be said that these are the natural painkillers which helps to release pressure and keeps children in happy mood effectively.

Improve relationship: There are some children mostly live alone and unable to make friends that physical activities can helps them by providing sense of companionship and belonging. Children with social anxiety might feel alone and find difficulties to be in a group environment. Sport is one of the best activity for children in order to reduce their pressure of study and also maintain growth and development effectively. This will also help to build relationship ship with other students which will help to feel free and improve relationship status of children mind.

Improve body and brain: when a children see something different such as dancing, jumping, walking, running and playing, they are more likely to do that which helps to develop their body and brain. Sport is a sector where children uses both his or her brain and physic in order to give best performance. It is important for parents to develop awareness as early as possible to promote healthy body and brain through their own behaviour effectively (Black, MatvienkoSikar and Kearney, 2017). In addition to this, there are some different things such as healthy food, juice, vegetables and fruits that will help to recover the bad health of any person. This will also help to develop brain that Almond is one of the best and effective protein.

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Activities for children to exercise


Children Involved


Equipment Required

Arm and Leg exercise


6-12 Months

Baby massage Oil

Movement Songs and Fun Indoor


1-3 Years

Songs for Kids, Ball, Pedal tricycle

Running and Cycling


3-6 Years

Cycle and Running equipment (Jarrett, 2018).


Arm and Leg exercise: Arm and leg exercise is very important for children between age of 6 to 12 months. It is just because they are not able to do this with own. Parents are responsible for daily massage of their children with the use of baby massage oil which helps to develop growth and build them strong (Leitner, 2017). This will also help to improve physical strength which lead towards faster growth of brain.

Movement Songs and Fun Indoor: Children between age of 1-3 years requires some equipments such as ball, mini cycle, songs to dance and move body etc. this will help to them to understand various things as they make different activities (Bünning, 2015). In this age, children learn from practical things that parents should spend time with their children in order to provide learnings. There should be a criteria for children such as playing in home not outside. Monitoring is required as possible as much time in order to ensure safety and security.

Running and Cycling: Children age between 3 to 6 years are mostly mischievous and naughty. Different activities such as cycling and running, playing sport will also help them to learn something different which helps towards growth and development (Almqvist and Duvander, 2014). Sport is one of the best activity for children in order to reduce their pressure of study and also maintain growth and development effectively. Parents should keep watch on their children activities in order to ensure they learn right things not wrong. This will help to manage behaviour of children in a right manner which develop positive energy effectively.


It can be concluded from the above analysis that physical activity is one of most important thing in human life in order to keep their body strong and healthy by improving mental and physical health by reducing depression, pain, loneliness and anxiety. This will also help children and adults to improve and develop their skill as well as healthy physic. There are different types of physical activities for different age group children which should be followed by parents in order to improve physical standard and knowledge. Sport is one of the best activity for children in order to reduce their pressure of study and also maintain growth and development effectively. It is important for parents to develop awareness as early as possible to promote healthy body and brain through their own behaviour.

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Books and Journals

  • Almqvist, A.L. and Duvander, A.Z., 2014. Changes in gender equality? Swedish fathers’ parental leave, division of childcare and housework1.Journal of family studies20(1)pp.19-27.
  • Bassok, D., Fitzpatrick, M. and Loeb, S., 2014. Does state preschool crowd-out private provision? The impact of universal preschool on the childcare sector in Oklahoma and Georgia.Journal of Urban Economics83pp.18-33.
  • Black, L., MatvienkoSikar, K. and Kearney, P.M., 2017. The association between childcare arrangements and risk of overweight and obesity in childhood: a systematic review.Obesity Reviews18(10)pp.1170-1190.
  • Bünning, M., 2015. What happens after the ‘daddy months’? Fathers’ involvement in paid work, childcare, and housework after taking parental leave in Germany.European Sociological Review31(6)pp.738-748.
  • Jarrett, T., 2018. Childcare:" 30hours" of free childcare–eligibility, access codes and charges (England).
  • Leitner, S., 2017. Reconciliation of Employment and Childcare in Austria, Germany and Iceland. Examples for Gender Equality in Family Life?. InGender and Family in European Economic Policy(pp. 111-128). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Wansink, B. and Brumberg, A., 2016. P19Smarter Kids Café: Testing Smarter Lunchroom Scorecard Techniques for Childcare.Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior48(7S).
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