
Supporting Significant Life Events


Significant life event refers to a specific occurrence or event which maybe negative or positive, however, which have a very long term impact on a person's life. In case an individual is suffering from a negative life event, it is essential for health and social care organisations to provide them ample support to help them recover from such aspects (Ucbasaran, 2018). The following report is based on supporting significant life events. It involves understanding impact of significant life events on individuals and their social networks. The report also includes understanding the support available for individuals experiencing significant life events. In addition to this, analysis of responses made by health and social care services has also being undertaken to people experiencing these events.

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Task 1

1.1. Impact of significant life events on individuals

There are various events that take place in an individual' s life which have a long term impact on their physical, psychological and social impact on these people. Before supporting these individuals, it is imperative that such impacts be appropriately understood. This is because it would provide effective guidance for the kind of healthcare which is to be given to these individuals. These significant life events as per the case study could be Dementia and Bereavement. The impact of such events is discussed below:

  • Physical Impact: There is various physical impact associated with Dementia as well as Alzheimer’s (Bucciol and Zarri, 2013). The foremost impact is the lost of appetite. This is because the sense of forgetfulness which these patients deal with makes them somewhat forget these essentials as seen in the case of Jacqui. Moreover, another impact associated with this disease is the lack of sleep which is referred to 'sundowning', which is quite frequent in these cases.
  • Psychological Impact: Individuals like Jacqui suffer from various psychological disturbances due to their health conditions. Experiencing bereavement makes a person quite unstable in handling their emotions. Moreover, as seen in the case of Jacqui, a person suffering from Dementia or Bereavement tend to be confused most of the time, which enhances a feeling of stress and disturbance. Another psychological impact is loss of confidence. As per the case study, Jacqui was struggling hard to cope up with her daughter and thus, she was not confident enough to lead her own life and ultimately moved to her parents.
  • Social Impact: Socially, individuals suffering from dementia or bereavement tend to be socially isolated. Except for people in the close circle and immediate family, they are likely to be neglected. However, support from community and other individuals could help people like Jacqui in coping up with their diseases and effectively help them to raise above their health and lead a better life (Gutierrez, 2012).

1.2. Group Responses to significant life events

Individuals who suffer from different health conditions like Alzheimer’s and Bereavement tend to receive varied responses from other individuals like their family and friends. In addition, society too provides emotional support to these individuals. A group acts in ways which is in the best interest of individuals suffering from these issues. They provide immense support to these people which contributes in betterment of their condition in a consistent manner.

Family members provide these patients with immense moral support which is essential for the patients. For instance, parents of Jacqui would be providing her support in caring for her daughter as well as carrying her daily tasks with utmost ease.

Another group for individuals suffering from significant life events are associates which respond in a sympathetic way which is essential for recovery of Bereavement. A sense of emotional support is present in their care and they undertake various other activities which could help in recovery of these individuals from their significant life event.

In addition to this, there are various support groups that work to provide a better healthcare and support to these individuals and could be easily contacted through social media. They provide assistance as well as better counselling and exercising sessions which could help Jacqui as well as others like them in recovering from Dementia as well as Bereavement.

1.3. Analysis of the impact of others in health and social care when individuals experiencing significant life events

Various other people are associated with cases of bereavement and dementia. These individuals are counsellors, nurses and other healthcare workers available in health and social care organisation. They play a significant role in improving the conditions of people experiencing these events. In case of Jacqui, the nurses as well as other healthcare workers have quite an evident impact on her health and the way she coped up with it. Care units appoint various physical as well as mental therapists who have this duty of making patients work towards improving their condition. Moreover, they provide a healthy and supportive physical environment which contributes in these individuals to cope up with their conditions better. Care workers, nurses and doctors tend to their daily needs and appropriately assist them in developing a better mental capacity which helps in recover and has a positive impact on their health. They also tend to their food and medicine habits which further broadens the scope of betterment in their conditions. Thus, it is essential for health and social care organisations to hire those individuals which are competent enough to help and support individuals with significant life events. Their support as well as healthcare provided by them are favourable in every aspect where the treatment of diseases like Alzheimer’s and Bereavement is concerned (Bell, 2013).

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Task 2

2.1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of organisational policies and procedures in supporting individuals and their social networks affected by significant life events

Health and social care organisations must function in ways which is essential as per the requirements of patients. It is very important and crucial for these associations to provide effective and adequate services to their care users. This is because such services would further help these patients in recovering in an even better manner. Moreover, the policies as well as procedures adopted by these firms must be channelised in supporting these individuals. There are various life events such as Alzheimer’s which requires immense medical attention as there are chances that it gets worse with time. Thus, organisational policies and procedures must aim at providing utmost care and attention to people suffering from such issues.

One such organisation according to me in the UK is NHS, which have various healthcare professionals tending to individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s and other harmful events. Moreover, these are various policies and procedures to support these individuals. Effectiveness of its policies and procedures in supporting these individuals are mentioned below:


  • Health and Safety Policy, 2017:This policy effectively aims at providing excellent health and social care to patients. Moreover, to achieve this, organisation is working upon improving health management systems while attaining effective and pre set standards effectively.
  • Confidentiality Policy:Another imperative policy which is followed by NHS in supporting individuals experiencing significant life events is confidentiality policy. It aims at safeguarding crucial and sensitive information about patients without disclosing it to a third party without prior consent of individuals. To achieve this, automated security systems are installed in facilities within the organisation which is essential in protecting such information from unauthorised access. This further enhances the effectiveness in supporting people experiencing from events.


  • Maintenance of Diagnosis Rate:To appropriately provide support to people suffering from conditions like Dementia, NHS England has took an initiative to maintain appropriate diagnoses which revealed that almost two thirds of population suffering from this disease must be effectively diagnosed.
  • Post Diagnostic Care:Another procedure to support individuals experiencing significant life events like dementia is the care provided post diagnosis. To support them, NHS uses its financial incentives and develop care plans to further provide other care services.

2.2. Explanation of how others in social networks may provide support to individuals experiencing significant life events

There are various social systems and groups in my view that provide adequate support to people with significant life events like bereavement and dementia. In social networks, these groups help in providing appropriate ease to other individuals. In addition to this, ample cooperative methods and techniques are being adopted by these systems in social network to solve the issues of individuals with significant life events. The agenda behind such effective support is to consistently administer individuals with live events and provide them as much health and social care as required. Below is the explanation of how these groups could provide effective support:

  • Physical Support: Social Groups could determine various strategies which could help individuals to cope with Alzheimer’s and bereavement. They could provide them physical support through helping these people with their daily routine, making them exercise to relieve tension and stress. Moreover, they could also help them in meditating which somehow would reduce the effect Alzheimer’s and bereavement have on individuals.
  • Psychological Support: A bereavement is an event which requires effective counselling and thus, these groups could provide them with appropriate and essential counselling that is necessary for them to cope better with the event. In case of dementia, psychological support could be provided by these groups by providing support and care to their family members which would help them recover in a better manner (Powell and Bui, 2016) .
  • Spiritual Support: This is completely associated with developing a feeling of optimism and relief to those who experience such events. Spiritual support provided by these groups and social systems could actually help in ensuring utmost cooperation of individuals during further treatment.

It is essential as per my views for individuals experiencing events like dementia and bereavement to acquire utmost care and support from others in social network which would develop a sense of relief and positivity which is essential for them to cope with the event successfully. Furthermore, such support might also heal them quickly and permanently.

2.3. Evaluation of suitability of external sources of support for those affected by significant life events

According to me, external sources help individuals coping from life events by consoling them effectively in various ways. In addition to this, another purpose of external sources is to prevent any sort of association between patients as well as infections and illnesses. These sources provides mediations such as mental and profound advice, corresponding treatments, recovering, therapies and so on. Suitability of external sources of support is mentioned below:

  • Training: Within healthcare organisations like NHS, where people with such diseases are tended effectively, it is imperative that the medical as well as non-medical staff receive effective training in order to support the healthcare treatment. This requires them to acquire tertiary qualification as well as adequate discipline. Such cases would be suitable in cases individuals suffer from a severe case of dementia or bereavement. This is because, there are chances of collapsing and relapsing which requires trained staff to handle their situation.
  • Give-and-Take Treatments: Another external support which could be provided to individuals are various medical treatments such as homeopathy and needle therapies. This would help them in gaining more energy which would remove dizziness and make them more active. Moreover, one best way for patients to cope and recover from significant life events is to stay attentive and active which would enable these individuals to grasp their senses and function in an effective way. The scope of treatment would hence Mediations involve the corresponding treatments, profound and mental advice, recovering and eating schedule etc. various therapies are given in the terms of the private segments and help the patients in curing sooner and more effectively.

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Task 3

3.1. Analysis of possible organisational responses to the need to support individuals experiencing a significant life events

Every healthcare organisation is required to effectively respond to the need of supporting individuals that have suffered or are currently experiencing significant life events. For instance, it must be an utmost priority of NHS to develop strategies and further methods to tend to needs of its service users. These responses are discussed as under.

  • The first and foremost response by NHS could be to effectively achieve various standards to effectively train and develop their healthcare professionals in providing utmost care and adequate treatment.
  • Another response by NHS could be to appropriately make themselves capable enough to assess each situation quickly to provide immediate actions effectively to provide better healthcare to individuals. Moreover, they are also required to adopt and buy various equipments and resources which is essential to carry out such emergency situations appropriately. Moreover, they must follow up with their patients to respond effectively to the problems beforehand.
  • Another response is quite a long-term one which requires NHS to develop tactics and strategies for patients with significant life events to effectively cope up with their conditions. This requires them to give appropriate support services, daily needs of treatment and assurance of patients remaining quite comfortable.

3.2. Reflection of own personal contributions to support of individuals and experiencing significant life events

As a healthcare professional, I think it is very important to tend to needs of the individuals with significant life events to effectively achieve a better healthcare standard and provide better support to them. I believe, my personal contribution as to tending the needs of such individuals is somewhere in development stage. I am familiar with basics to provide effective support to patients as well as their families. In addition to this, I think it is very important for a healthcare professional to showcase genuine care to provide effective support. In addition to this, I believe I tend to possess various effective skills needed for supporting these individuals.

For instance, I have effective communication skills, which allows me to develop appropriate connection with patients. In addition, I am good at giving psychological support to them by motivating them through their treatment and making them exercise to improve their conditions. For dementia, I know how important it is to effectively analyse the symptoms early and diagnose a patient suffering from the same to determine severity of the problem. Such analytical skills help me in supporting them in a better and effective manner. Moreover, I indulge in regular training and development programs which is essential for developing essential capabilities in providing effective support to individuals with significant life events.

3.3. Recommendations for improving the support available in health and social care organisation

In health and social care, there is always a scope of improvement which is essential for organisation in reducing their shortcomings and enhancing their productivity to handle such situations effectively. NHS is a global organisation which is world renowned for its services. However, with Dementia and bereavement, the firm could use various recommendations which are mentioned below:

  • There must be a standard and specific procedure for operating to treat higher and more severe levels of dementia. Moreover, the firm must have advanced technological processes which are essential in bringing suitable changes in the way healthcare is provided to individuals.
  • Employees within the organisation must be trained enough to handle and tend to each need of individuals. Moreover, they must be capable enough to appropriately handle each and every situation even with minimum guidance which is essential for NHS to enhance the scope of improvement.
  • A family centric approach must be developed by NHS were family must be central element of the treatment and each major measure regarding improvement of health of individuals be effectively discussed with family. In addition to this, transparent communication must be adopted in order to effectively enhance the scope which is crucial for organisation to support their treatment.

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Thus, it is concluded that significant life events are required to be paid attention to and patients suffering from the same must be effectively supported. It is crucial to determine the impact of these events on individuals which would help in developing appropriate strategies to support. Moreover, Group responses and impact of others are necessary to deliver proper healthcare to these individuals. It is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of organisation policies and procedures in supporting individuals. In addition to this, it is also important that suitability of external sources be analysed and evaluated. Lastly. Possible organisational responses along with personal reflection and appropriate recommendations are necessary to improve the amount of healthcare provided by an organisation to support individuals suffering from significant life events.

You may also like to read: 


  • Bell, K. M., 2013. Supporting Childbearing Families Through Infertility.International Journal of Childbirth Education. 28(3).
  • Bucciol, A. and Zarri, L., 2013. Financial risk aversion and personal life history.
  • Gutierrez, K. M., 2012. Experiences and needs of families regarding prognostic communication in an intensive care unit: supporting families at the end of life.Critical Care Nursing Quarterly. 35(3). pp.299-313.
  • Powell, T. M. and Bui, T., 2016. Supporting social and emotional skills after a disaster: Findings from a mixed methods study. School Mental Health. 8(1) pp.106-119.
  • Ucbasaran, D., 2018. Life after business failure: The process and consequences of business failure for entrepreneurs. Journal of Management.39(1). pp.163-202.
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