
Hospitality Industry - Gallery Park Hotel & SPA



Hospitality industry is one of the highest income generating industry in world. The hospitality sector of Latvia is developed and revenue has been produced by it. The corporate culture defines core of business by which guests are attracted to hotel and come back next time as well (Understanding Hospitality Culture. 2018). The culture of unparalleled service captures loyalty of customers. This corporate culture is effectively carried out when staff fulfils their roles and responsibilities. In present research, corporate culture in Gallery Park Hotel & SPA as means of quality improvement is conducted by which firm can attain enhanced culture.

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To assess the importance of corporate culture as a means of quality management improvement- A study on Gallery Park Hotel & SPA


  • To analyse factors vital for maintaining corporate culture in Gallery Park Hotel & SPA
  • To evaluate quality management improvement in Gallery Park Hotel & SPA
  • To recommend ways by which corporate culture can be improved in hotel

Research Questions / Hypothesis

Q1. What are the factors leading to contribute towards quality management improvement in Gallery Park Hotel & SPA?

Q2. Do corporate culture influences overall performance of Gallery Park Hotel & SPA?

Importance of study

The corporate culture is required to be enhanced so that business may be able to attain benefits in the form of increased customers. Services offered by organisation should be proper in order to make them loyal. Productive employees which adequately receives customers easily leads to attainment of firm goals. In relation to this, researcher has conducted research in Gallery Park Hotel & SPA culture so that quality of services can be improved. The scholar can answer to research questions being formulated so that conclusion can be accomplished.


Theme 1- Importance of corporate culture in hospitality industry

As per the views of García-Cabrera and (2018), corporate culture influences better way for company in attaining stated goals. Customer loyalty is effectively achieved when appropriate services are provided to them. To be highly productive is important for firm in order to achieve desired sales. Nguyen, Long and Nguyen (2018) says that feelings of commitment by employees towards their profession easily induces employees to be productive towards their work. This helps organisation in providing better room services, resolving issues of guests and ensuring customers are satisfied quite effectively.

Theme 2- Relation between corporate culture and quality management improvement

In accordance to Mitreva, Saneva and Miteva (2018), quality management and corporate culture are interdependent elements leading to attainment of goals. Since, hospitality industry is service-based industry, quality of services play crucial role. Staff performance in hotel is essentially needed so as to resolve queries of customers in the best way possible. On the contrary Veliverronena and Grīnfelde (2018), says that attitude of workers is easily driven by organisation's staff policies and procedures. It is required that corporate should maintain positive culture should be incorporated so that employees may feel committed in effective manner.


Research Type- The research has been conducted by taking quantitative method so as to ascertain corporate culture of Gallery Park Hotel & SPA. It has been applied because quantitative facts and figures could be easily generated.

Research Approach- Deductive and inductive are two approaches that can be used for research. For current research, scholar has used deductive approach for getting results for making existing general theory to particular specific one (Ledford and Gast, 2018).

Research Design- Exploratory and descriptive research design both are used for conducting research. However, for current study, exploratory design is being applied so that scholar may be able to ascertain outcome of research.

Sampling- Sampling is required and currently, simple random sampling method is implemented by taking sample of 30 employees of Gallery Park Hotel & SPA for accomplishment of results with ease.

Data Collection- Data has been collected by issuing questionnaire to employees serving primary source of data (Quinlan, Babin, Carr and Griffin, 2019). On the other hand, data has been generated from books and journals, articles and thus, secondary data is collected.

Data Analysis- Analysing data is important part of gathered data (Farmaki, 2018). For current study, quantitative method is applied and as such, themes are produced for better results in effective manner. 





Demographic Profile-


Q1. Do you agree that corporate culture has major influence on customer loyalty?

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree

Q2. Do you feel that overall atmosphere in Gallery Park Hotel & SPA encourages employee engagement?

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree

Q3. Do you believe that various departments share information for coordinating their job efforts?

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree

Q4. Do you think that improvement in quality of services induces customers to avail services in Gallery Park Hotel & SPA?

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree

Q5. Among these, which area needs improvement for enhancing corporate culture in Gallery Park Hotel & SPA?

  • Taking feedback from customers
  • Top management support
  • Formal planning system
  • Employee retention

Q6. Do you believe that sufficient training is provided by Gallery Park Hotel & SPA?for shaping skills?

  • Yes
  • No

Q7. Kindly provide any other suggestions for service improvement.......

Data Analysis

Theme 1- Corporate culture has major influence on customer loyalty 

Q1. Do you agree that corporate culture has major influence on customer loyalty?


Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree







Interpretation- It can be interpreted from above chart that corporate culture has major influence on loyalty of customers as 10 respondents strongly agree with it. 8 of them also agrees that culture induces guests to get services. While, 5 strongly disagree and 7 disagree with the statement.

Theme 2- Overall atmosphere in Gallery Park Hotel & SPA does not encourage employee engagement 

Q2. Do you feel that overall atmosphere in Gallery Park Hotel & SPA encourages employee engagement?


Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree







Interpretation- Above chart shows that atmosphere of hotel is not good and employee engagement is not encouraged as majority respondents strongly disagree. While, 5 disagree with it. Other agrees that employees are engaged in offering better services.

Theme 3- Departments share information for coordinating their job efforts 

Q3. Do you believe that various departments share information for coordinating their job efforts?


Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree







Interpretation- It can be analysed that 12 respondents believes that information is shared by department for coordinating among them. 6 also agrees with it. While, other employees such as 5 of them strongly disagree and 7 disagree that efforts are not coordinated by departments.

Theme 4- Improvement in quality services have positive impact on customers 

Q4. Do you think that improvement in quality of services induces customers to avail services in Gallery Park Hotel & SPA?


Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree







Interpretation- It can be assessed that 10 employees says that customers are attracted to hotel because of improvement of services. On the other hand, 9 agrees with it that customer gets lured due to better services. While, 5 workers strongly disagrees and 6 respondents disagree that quality improvement has no impact on customers.

Theme 5- Feedback is important for enhancing corporate culture

Q5. Among these, which area needs improvement for enhancing corporate culture in Gallery Park Hotel & SPA?


Taking feedback from customers


Top management support


Formal planning system


Employee retention





Interpretation- It can be interpreted that 10 respondents believes that taking feedback is important for increasing corporate culture in organisation. While, 8 says support from top management is necessary and 6 answered formal planning system is essential and remaining said employee retention is required.

Theme 6- Sufficient training is provided by organisation 

Q6. Do you believe that sufficient training is provided by Gallery Park Hotel & SPA for shaping skills?









Interpretation- It can be analysed from chart that sufficient training is provided by firm to employees as 16 are in favour of it. While, 14 do not agree with it. Thus, it is required that sufficient training needs to be imparted to employees for increasing productivity level.

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Hereby it can be concluded that quality management improvement is necessary for increasing credibility of corporate culture. It is analysed from research that Gallery Park Hotel & SPA should provide sufficient training to employees for shaping their skills in a better way. Moreover, it is recommended to implement good atmosphere so that employee engagement can be achieved. Thus, by incorporating such suggestions, it will be able to achieve more growth and profitability position will be increased quite effectually.

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  • Farmaki, A., 2018. Tourism and hospitality internships: A prologue to career intentions?.Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education.23. pp.50-58.
  • García-Cabrera, A. M and, 2018. Negative work-family/family-work spillover and well-being across Europe in the hospitality industry: The role of perceived supervisor support.Tourism management perspectives.26. pp.39-48.
  • Ledford, J. R. and Gast, D. L., 2018.Single case research methodology: Applications in special education and behavioral sciences. Routledge.
  • Mitreva, E., Saneva, D. and Miteva, N., 2018. Total quality management in hotel industry.Yearbook-Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics.3(2). pp.229-235.
  • Nguyen, T. Q., Long, N. T. and Nguyen, T. L., 2018. Impacts of corporate social responsibility on the competitiveness of tourist enterprises: An empirical case of Ben Tre, Vietnam.Tourism Economics.
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