
Sample on Employability Strategy Skills

Introduction To Employability Skills

In the contemporary scenario, at the workplace for attaining success an employees must possess employability skills that support them to progress within their job (Hind and Moss, 2005). The present study is made on Audi which is one of the notable automobile companies those manufacturers premium class cars for their premium segment customers. Therefore, employees and workers rendering services in the manufacturing department require certain skills to accomplish their objectives and services in an effective manner.

Own responsibilities and performance objectives and effectiveness against defined objectives

Appointed as Human resource coordinator for head office of Audi in the UK market I have certain roles and responsibility which I need to carry out in the premises in order to accomplish the task and services. As a human resource coordinator, I must support the HR management team in executing HR related functions and tasks within the organization (Jackson, 2014). The responsibility also includes record keeping of all the employees, recruiting and enabling training and development sessions for the new joiners. However, my responsibility is to maintain effective relations with the employees by communicating proper policies of the organization. Furthermore, my core responsibility is to fill the vacant job post with the help of promoting through advertisement as well as recruiting and scheduling the interview of the selected candidate.

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In addition to this, as a HR coordinator my responsibility is to assess the current legislation regarding manufacturing process, employment, wage payment etc. so that I must ensure ethical practices within the Audi organization (Baker and Henson, 2010). However, my responsibility is to abide the legislation within the manufacturing process so that it may overcome unethical practices. From the above evaluation of own responsibilities and duties as HR coordinator I am effective in recruiting and scheduling interviews of the recruited employees so that Audi management can select qualified and competent personnel for their organization. However, I must possess effective skills and abilities which support me in managing the relationship among employees.

Recommendation for improvement

Using the self-evaluation method I must assess certain improvement which I require so that I can effectively perform my activities as HR coordinator in Audi (Chatzoglou and Theriou, 2008). The recommendation for improving own skills and abilities are enumerated as follows-

Encourage communication- One of the effective recommendation is to improve and enhance skills and abilities I must focus on enabling one to one communication with the staff and employees those who are rendering services in Audi organization. One to one communication with the employees and staff results in knowing the behavior of staff and employees.

Importance of motivational techniques and how it can be used to improve quality of performance

Motivation is defined as process that prompts the individual to perform the action to meet their needs and wants. There are different types of motivational techniques that are used by HR coordinator of Audi so that they can easily improve and enhance the quality of employee’s performance within the workplace (Cuyper and et. al., 2014). The significance of enabling motivational techniques in Audi results in enhancing the performance of individual those are rendering services in manufacturing department which further impacts the productivity and output of the organization.

For example, HR coordinator of Audi focuses on providing monetary incentives as motivational technique for their employee those who are working within their environment so that they can get satisfied and meet their basic and necessary requirement. By providing monetary incentives to the employees will leads in boosting their morale thus, they will render quality services within their department that will positively contribute to the overall organization (Poon, 2012).

Time management strategies and how it supports in development

Working as HR coordinator in the Audi I must possess adequate time management skills so that I can consume time and utilize it for improving the performance of the organization (Sanders and Grip, 2004). Therefore, time management skills are essential for HR coordinator as it will support the management in utilizing time in the effective and efficient manner by accomplishing the stated objectives. The different time management strategies include-

Preparing checklist- One of the effective time management strategy is to prepare the checklist of all the activities and task that HR coordinator have to perform to accomplish the objectives. Preparing the checklist will support in developing the individual as they must be aware with the activities that they have to perform in the day.

Prioritizing the activities- Another time management strategy includes prioritizing the activities according to their nature that is importance and urgency. Important and urgent activities must be scheduled first so that they can perform the urgent activities (Sanders and Grip, 2004).

Delegation of activities- Another time management strategies include delegating the activities it include less important activities and tasks must be delegated to the lower personnel. Delegating tasks to the lower personnel will overcome the burden on HR coordinator and they will be able to work effectively.

Avoid multitasking- Another effective time management strategy that must be used by HR coordinator is avoiding multitasking activities thus, it results in avoiding duplication of activities and also saving the time of personnel (Wu and Passerini, 2013).

Usage of planning tools- However, HR coordinator may also use planning tools as time management strategies as it will support them in planning their time and activities so they must consume time and use it in the future for developing own skills and abilities.

The roles people play in team at Audi and team dynamics

According to Beblin he has observed and enlisted that while working in the team there are different roles that are perceived by the team members for successfully accomplishing shared goals and minimizing the problems and issues at the workplace.

Alternative ways to accomplish shared goals

Two alternative ways that would support the team dynamics of Audi to successfully accomplish the shared goals include sharing responsibilities and leadership within the team. For instance; team members should be given specific responsibilities that they would perform to achieve the share goals like members within the team must be allocated with the tasks that is one should make effective decisions while other member should monitor the result and their quality (Forsyth, 2006). while another team member will resolve the conflict and problem that arises in rendering services. Therefore, sharing the roles and responsibilities within the team will termed as an effective way to accomplish the shared goals. Another method is to break-down the overall activities among team members that support in accomplishing the objectives on time.

Solution to work based problems and how will you communicate plan to direct line manager

Working as a HR coordinator in Audi employees identified certain work based problems at the premises that HR coordinator have to deal so that they can maintain friendly behavior at the workplace among the employees. For instance; the common work based problem arises within Audi include improper maintenance of raw material that may act as the problem while processing the manufacturing activities. Therefore, to overcome the work based problem, HR coordinator must focus on implementing the computer based system within their premises which would enable in maintaining the proper record regarding the unprocessed stock at the workplace. For communicating the implementation of computer based system, they can follow upward communication plan to directly communicate with the line manager (Nazzaro and Strazzabosco, 2009).

As Audi management has arranged a training program for the employees but during the event, the problem of overtime payment may arise that need to be overcome. One of the effective method for solving the issue regarding overtime payment may include taking feedback after the event from the employees and workers so that management come to know about their perception and preferences.

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HR coordinator can also develop an effective strategy for resolving problem of overtime. This could be done by providing training and development sessions from time to time as it will support me in improving skills which I will require in accomplishing my roles and responsibilities at the workplace (Sung and Ramos, 2008). However, the impact of enabling training and development in Audi will result in enhancing skills and abilities of the employees and workers those who are rendering services in Audi as this will lead in enhancing their organizational performance.


From this report it can be concluded that that HR coordinator have certain roles and responsibilities for achieving performance objectives which support them in achieving the objectives. Furthermore, the report also measures different role of individual working in the team as it would result in achieving shared goals in an effecti

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