
Human resource development

Introduction Human Resource

Human Resource Development is concerned with the continuous improvement in human resource management and this also aids in increasing efficiency of employees. The present research report has been made on Hotel Marriott International which is being involved in continuous improvement of human resources so as to facilitate growth and success. Thus in context to that, different learning styles have been stated along with the role of learning curve and theories of planning and designing learning event. Furthermore contribution of different learning styles and importance of transferring learning at the workplace is also discussed in subsequent research study. Training is considered as the one of the most crucial aspect of human resource development since it aids human resources to increase efficiency level with numerous tools and approaches.

Understand Different Learning Theories And Learning Styles

Learning styles are useful for the purpose of encouraging the efficiency of individual at workplace and through this; the current level of understanding and ability level can be identified. (O’Grady, 2013). These are the generalized styles that have been working in different levels and many people at workplace also find these styles as efficient for knowledge and capability enhancement. Amongst these styles, it is evident that some people learn with verbal tools and methods whereas some increases their learning level by other methods.

According to Honey and Mumford style

Honey and Mumford style is also the other example of learning styles in which it is stated that how learners usually develops learning level in different ways. The categories are differentiated in numerous ways such as activist, pragmatist, theorist and reflector.

Activist are those people who learn usually many things by doing it and they need to get their hands dirty so as to do the work in concentrated manner (Leadbeater, 2000). These learners usually have open minded approach to learning and they involve themselves fully in identifying new things in order to enhance the degree of experience. Theorists are those learners who comprehend things behind the actions and they also need models and concepts to engage themselves in learning process. They usually prefer to analyze new things and information for developing logical thinking. Pragmatist increases their learning level by applying the knowledge in practical actions, they usually learn through making experiments on different aspects. These types of learners get the things done in proper manner for exploring new ideas and information. Reflectors are also the other type of learners that usually learn things by observing and thinking about what happened.

Myers- Briggs

Hence from the discussion, it is clear that all the above mentioned styles are useful for different purposes and as per the requisites, styles can be applied in practical terms. Apart from this, Myers- Briggs learning indicators are also discussed:

  • Extroversion: Through this learning style, learner focuses outwardly and tries to gain energy from others.
  • Introversion: These learners emphasizes inwardly and they gain energy from cognition. Learners also speak less while acquiring training and comprehends more.
  • Sensing: Here the main focus is being paid on the five senses and experience.
  • Intuition: People focuses on many possibilities due to having sense of bog pictures (Bennett, 2006).
  • Thinking: Learners mainly focuses on objective, facts, effect and causes.
  • Feeling: Here learner focuses on subjective meaning and values so as to manage their job roles in effective manner.
  • Judgment: Here an individual focuses on time element and planned decisions which are must for learning and development.
  • Perception: Focus is being paid on oriented decision making.

Kolb's learning style

All the mentioned theories are suitable for these four learners; however another learning style can also be adopted in the same case that is of Kolb's learning style:

  • Concrete experience: A new experience of situation is encountered, or a reinterpretation of existing experience.
  • Reflective observation: People learn through observing others and they also develop their own ideas and views (Freeman and Ceriello, 2011).
  • Abstract conceptualization: People considers modifications in existing ideas for comprehending actual situations.
  • Active experimentation: Learner applies concepts practically so as to seek desired outcomes.

There are numerous styles through which learning of individual can be augmented such as visual, aural, verbal, physical, logical, social and solitary. These different styles should be properly used by the learners so that knowledge level and learning type can be encouraged in suitable manner. As per the present case, four learning styles are stated here which different learners could adopt for managing their growth aspects.

  • Visual: Learner in this style can prefer images, diagrams, colors and mind maps to comprehend different things. This is the most effectual style whereby learner can get knowledge of varied facets merely through pictures and posters (O’Grady, 2013).
  • Physical: Such style means learning through doing and this is also essential in terms of enhancing experience on varied aspects. Drawing diagrams, using pictures and role plays usually aids learners to learn many things.
  • Aural: In aural style of learning, people prefer music sources and rhythms so as to identify things going around them. This style is also suitable in the case when learner is unable to speak.
  • Verbal: One of the most effective ways of learning things is through listening words and speech which also helps learners to derive knowledge on different aspects (Eisele and, 2013). Hence all the four learners here can use these styles for increasing their learning curve.

Explain the role of learning curve

Learning curve helps learners to identify the level of learning and the areas where improvements are required. With the help of learning curve, students and other learners can identify and compare themselves with others. Learning curve plays crucial role in ascertaining knowledge and understanding level of individual and hence on that basis, improvements can be stated (Bennett, 2006). As per the views of many authors, experience and learning curve models are developed especially for individuals and organizations for the main aim of acquiring knowledge on different aspects. The learning curve discusses that employees of an organization are emphasized towards improvements and development.

How it is used in an organization

With the help of continuous learning curve, learners of Hotel Marriott International can identify the need for training and development and this is also useful in encouraging the level of services. In Hotel Marriott International, learning curve is made so as to analyze continuous improvement in employee performance and this is one of the criteria by which performance appraisal method can be managed (Bertocci, 2009). Learning curve is essential for the hotel to use since through that, the ability and performance of the employees can be analyzed. In the present case also, learning curve is used as a source for employee appraisal and recognition and on that basis, employees are further provided with different roles and responsibilities.

What is meant by transfer of learning

Learning is required to transfer at workplace so as to increase overall productivity level of the organization and through that; competitive advantage can also be acquired at the same time. At Hotel Marriott International, the hotel has been transferring learning among employees so that they can learn different ways to maximize customer satisfaction by serving adequate amenities. There must be different learning sessions at Hotel Marriott International for management of diverse processes and this is also crucial for facilitating employee development in the organization. Learning is necessary to transmit so that other workforces of the business entity can also learn many new and innovative ideas (Boaden, 2006). The main aim of transferring learning at Hotel Marriott International is to enhance learning level of the employees and also to make the customers satisfied in terms of service provision. Employees who emphasize on different learning styles helps organization to enhance the opportunities of growth and success.

In Hotel Marriott International, numerous learning events are organized yet for the purpose of facilitating continuous improvement and development in employee and organization’s performance (Eisele and, 2013). Learning styles such as visual, verbal and social are most common and frequently used in contemporary scenario as through this, knowledge on different grounds can be acquired. At the time of planning any learning event, it is essential for the organization to preplan everything likewise what sorts of learning style will be used in the session and this is also useful in determining subsequent style so that to make the session more comprehensive.

Hence from organizational analysis, it is clearly identified that learning styles are usually dependent on the basis of employee’s ability to comprehend it (Fleetwood and Hesketh, 2010). At the same time, it is also essential for the planner to identify the area on which employee need assistance for better productivity. Most of the trainers say that learning is dependent on the areas which need to be managed in proper manner for augmenting employee performance for quality services. At the time of designing learning event, it is essential for trainer to analyze the efficiency of learning style as well so that its contribution in lifelong development can be scrutinized. Hence from the discussion, it is clear that learning style is basically critical to analyze so that employee development can be facilitated. The styles as well as theories should be appropriately applied in such sorts of events so that systematic success can be facilitated (Freeman and Ceriello, 2011).

Explain the process of planning a learning event

While planning for learning event, it is crucial for the organization to identify the people who will participate in such event. Learning styles actually contributes lot many things in enhancing the efficacy of employees and most importantly, such styles are useful in planning about numerous aspects. Continuous learning assists employees to comprehend different dimensions of management and this thereby could help them to deliver proper guidance while managing learning event.

The process of planniIn Hotel Marriott International, numerous learning events are organized yet for the purpose of facilitating continuous improvement and development in employee and organization’s performance (Eisele and, 2013). Learning styles such as visual, verbal and social are most common and frequently used in contemporary scenario as through this, knowledge on different grounds can be acquired. At the time of planning any learning event, it is essential for the organization to preplan everything likewise what sorts of learning style will be used in the session and this is also useful in determining subsequent style so that to make the session more comprehensive.

Hence from organizational analysis, it is clearly identified that learning styles are usually dependent on the basis of employee’s ability to comprehend it (Fleetwood and Hesketh, 2010). At the same time, it is also essential for the planner to identify the area on which employee need assistance for better productivity. Most of the trainers say that learning is dependent on the areas which need to be managed in proper manner for augmenting employee performance for quality services. At the time of designing learning event, it is essential for trainer to analyze the efficiency of learning style as well so that its contribution in lifelong development can be scrutinized. Hence from the discussion, it is clear that learning style is basically critical to analyze so that employee development can be facilitated. The styles as well as theories should be appropriately applied in such sorts of events so that systematic success can be facilitated.

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Training Needs For Staff

Training is an important source of boosting employee performance in the organization since it aids in learning numerous ways for managing efficiency development in the employees. From past many years, training sessions are organized at Hotel Marriott International on different areas and concerns for augmenting overall development of the hotel. Although the staff members of Hotel Marriott International have been managing their roles and responsibilities in adequate manner, still they need training and guidance in numerous areas for enhancing the ratio of customer satisfaction (Importance of Online Learning, 2011). Thus from the analysis at Hotel Marriott International, during training period thety need to complete their internship they need a proper assignment help to be perfect in this field. They will ask for the final report about the training

These are the major aspects that help employees to serve better services to the customers and hence this is also apparent in managing customer satisfaction on higher extent. Here in the department, training is requisite so that current menu can be changed and this is also useful in facilitating innovation and creativity in food services (Leadbeater, 2000). At the same time, F&B department is considered as the sole area which manages customer satisfaction since it delivers adequate services to the customers. Hence from the discussion, it is clear that on the job and off the job training both the methods can be used for the subsequent case.

  • Food & beverage department also requires training since through this, menu can be changed and this is also useful in managing diversified needs of visitors.
  • Housekeeping department needs training as the workforces are directly involved in managing diversified services for the customers. The staff members are entirely engaged in managing different services such as clean and eco friendly environment, best accommodation services and etc.
  • HR department of the hotel needs to learn different methods so that potential clients can be retained (Fleetwood and Hesketh, 2010). The department is required to emphasize on employees as well so that prominent services can be provided.
  • Finance department should also acquire training for allocating resources for different purposes. This could also assist the hotel to manage investment and other aspects in optimum manner.

Advantages of On the job training methods

  • Simplicity
  • Economy
  • Actual work station
  • Immediate productivity
  • Quick learning
  • Multi skill

Disadvantages of On the job training methods:

  • Low productivity
  • Errors on production
  • Costly activity
  • Possibilities of absence in training events

Benefits of off the job training

  • Experts in the field need not to cover the courses of training since they already have idea about the subject matter
  • Aids employees to get more time for training and coaching
  • Helps employees to augment the level of performance

Training Feedback

  • Trainer and trainee feedback: The comments of trainer and trainee can be counted in the present case so as to showcase the actual role and contribution of training aspects in employee performance.
  • Customer comments: On the other hand, comments of customers can also be acquired regarding the efficiency of employees and their services provided to the customers (Wilkins, 1997).
  • Training audits: Trainers can audit the efficacy of training by direct monitoring and controlling.
  • Achievements of awards by trainee: The success of training can be defined by depicting the ratio of awards achieved by the trainee in specific courses.

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Some of the methods such as on the job and off the job have been stated alongside. Finally the research has included success aspects of training event and some approaches which can specify success of training event. Lastly the role of government in training and development and lifelong learning has been discussed. There are so many contemporary initiatives which have been introduced by government of for managing human resource development at Hotel Marriott International.

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  • Bagshaw, M. and Bagashaw, C., 2002. Radical self-development – a bottom up perspective. Industrial and Commercial Training
  • Bennett, B., 2006. Personal development plans: evidence from research on their use. Development and Learning in Organizations
  • Bertocci, I. D., 2009. Leadership in Organizations: There is a Difference Between Leaders and Managers. University Press of America.
  • Boaden, J. R., 2006. Leadership development: does it make a difference?. Leadership & Organization Development Journal
  • Eisele, L. and, 2013. Employee motivation for personal development plan effectiveness. European Journal of Training and Development
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