
Human Resource Management of British Airway


Human resource management is defined as the strategic approach for effective management of an organisation which helps business to achieve competitive advantage. It is the process of hiring, selecting and managing employees of an organisation and also known as HRM or HR. The given assignment is related with British Airway which is largest airline company in United Kingdom. It was founded on 31 March 1974 at Harmondsworth. Here will discuss about Human Resource Management (HRM) and its importance in context with British airway. Also the external environment should be evaluated by company for the success (Lee, Lee, and Kang, 2012). There are various legislative laws made for service industry which should be followed and it effect on employer. The employment laws also affect to HRM should be studied. The employer should be made aware about job description and profile of job and accordingly appointed. The discussion is also includes about of importance of training and development activities require in company.

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1.1 Role and Purpose of Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management is the process of recruiting, selecting and managing people of organisation. It is use for describing employees’ management within company. It is also called HRM or HR. There are three main responsibilities of human resource manager which are: employee compensation and benefits, staffing and designing work. It mainly focuses on system and policies of an organisation. Its purpose is to achieve success with the help of staff. Every business requires HR for the sustainability. It also includes planning personnel needs, job analyses, benefits & incentives, orienting & training, resolving disputes, evaluating performance. HRM plays significant role in service industry for management of employees. The role and purpose of HRM in British Airway are as follow:

Human Resource Planning

It is the responsibility of human resource manager to select the best resource for the organisation. Here the company is airline which requires airhostess, ground staff and pilot. The planning is done as per forecasting techniques such as number of required person, employees on leave and others services. The planning depends upon the scale and nature of the industry. It helps in achieving the result for organisation.

Recruitment and Selection

The success depends upon quality service provided to customers. The HR department helps in selecting suitable candidate for company like qualified personnel. The main purpose of recruitment is to attract large number of candidates for job vacancy. It can be done by help of newspaper advertisement, campus drive, etc. After recruitment, the next step is selection which is done through interviews, aptitudes, and tests for selecting right candidate for given post. It is necessary to appoint the best and skilled staff for vacancy.

Employees Compensation and Perks

The HR department should design compensation and perk for their employees in British airway. This helps in motivating staffs and workers. It should be made as per the company’s standards. It helps to work for goals and objectives of industry (Hoque, 2013). It is importance for every employer and employee to get benefits from their workplace.

Training and Development of Employees

Here, the HR department of British Airway to arrange training and development programmes for their employees to improve and enhance knowledge and skills according to recent trends. On regular basis different workshops and training sessions should be arrange for staffs. They should also ensure whether worker is competent and technically skilled for promotion.

Performance Management

The HR should develop system for performance management and motivate staff to perform better. British Airway keep looks on career planning of employees. The performance should be checked on frequent basis and improvement should be done accordingly (Husin, S.Chelladurai, and Musa, 2012).

Employee remuneration

In British Airway, remuneration is managed and decided by human resource management. The policies regarding remuneration should be formulated by HRM department among employees. The internal and external factors are considered before remuneration. The external factors can be labour law, economy, labour rate and internal factors are performance, job evaluation and job specification. There are certain methods for remuneration according work profile they are paid for example guards and cleaners are paid as per hour or daily basis wages. 

1.2 Human resource plan based on analysis of supply and demand

The first step is human resource planning for organisation and second stage is analysing demand and supply of human resource which forecast skills required in future. Human resource planning helps in selecting right employees for right work with effective skills. Here, demand and supply is analysed for future requirement. Demand is the prediction of employees in future which can be quality and quantity term. Similarly, supply is the availability or capacity of employees in British Airway. With the help of current scenario it can be analysed future needs at British Airway. It is important to view market as well as business about requirement of employees. After analysing the need of employees, management decision took place which should be fulfilled through external and internal sources. In British Airway, through help of external sources which includes advertisement at newspaper& magazine, interviews at colleges and employee referral recruitment is done. Also with help of internal sources which includes promotions in departments, internal advertisement and transfers the gap between demand and supply is fulfilled. This source is supervised by top management in order to prevent discrimination in organisation. Airline sector need more number of employees as it provides services to the consumers in flight from entrance to exit. After requirement of staffs British Airway analyse matching need of demand and supply. When there is less supply of worker gap should be fulfilled by company with hard effort to manage deficiency. Similarly when there is less demand and supply is high the management need to manage employees accordingly. It is British Airway management responsibility to implement demand and supply action plan. Sometimes it depends upon season or festival time. In winter or summer more staff required to provide service to visitors. In that point of time management should manage this demand and supply need so that loyalty and goodwill can manage (Jung and Yoon, 2013).


2.1 Current state of employment relations in service industry

The regulation of employment relationship among employer and employee both individually and collectively and determining issues and conflicts at workplace is called employment relations. There should be good and peaceful relationship among worker at working in order to achieve goals and objectives of company. The balance between need of employer and employee gives good relationship which maximum productivity, more pleasant working environment, opportunities and job satisfaction. Every company need good relationship with their employees and staff for achievement of results (Wu and Ko, 2013).

Nowadays airline industry is the largest in global market. It is within the business environment which keeps on changing because of high increase in technology and competitiveness among each others. People of organisation always remain the important factor because frequent changes in technological is adopted by them for the business. This is the reason for the employment relations in an organisation. The advantages of wealthy relations with employers help in increasing productivity and problem solving is easier. Also extra information and support is provided for staffs and unions on circumstances which occur in workplace and environment.

British Airway is the largest airline company in the United Kingdom which flying to 550 destinations worldwide. Since from incorporation of this, market share and company development took place over the years. In order to avoid industrial actions, disputes, strikes in the company good employment relations should be maintained. Here, British Airway has not only maintained and developed harmonious relationship with its employee but hit company’s future growth in market among competitors.

In present scenario, British Airway has faced disputes because of cutting jobs for staff contracts in order to cope crisis of global market. When telegraph online web page invented cabin crew staff were unhappy because of cost cutting, reducing wages, re-structuring contracts. But company made negotiations for business as well as employees (Choi and et. al., 2014). The following practices which British Airway adopted for high performance and healthy workplace are:

Implementing new capital and technological development for increasing performance

Developing human capital which increased skills of employees and customization of services

Engaging of staffs in solving issues and improvement

For knowledge sharing and coordinating work, social capital has built.

Researching helps in new technology, quality, and efficiency improvement. 

2.2 Employment law affecting management of HR

There are number of acts made by government for welfare of employees at work place. The impact of employment laws in human resource management are described as below:

Equal employment opportunity

This law is related with equal employment opportunity for all employees working in British Airway irrespective of any discrimination on basis of caste, religious, sex, color. This helps in prevention of harassment and victimization. All should be given equal right and chance which helps in development and success of firm (N and Kline, 2013). This also helps in motivating existing and new staff to join organisation.

Equal pay

This law is related with equality act which means both men and women should be paid equally without discrimination. The pay depends on knowledge and skills of employees but on the gender basis. British airway follows this act in order to motivate their worker for achieving result of company. If all organisation follows this act then there will be not be any discrimination and inequality.

Human Rights act

The act which give freedom of thought and expression to all people of organisation as well as country. It is also included in constitution of India which help worker to present their views and expression. British airway also provides this right to their staff for achieving goals and objectives of business. This encourages and motivates a lot to worker to work effectively and efficiently.

Recruitment laws

This provision has made to describe minimum criteria to recruit employees for airline industry. This is especially for higher post as pilot or manager. This helps in getting right candidate for the required profile. This removes discrimination because of minimum set qualification. British airway requires skilled, knowledgeable and experienced candidate for the organisation to work effectively.

Health and safety act

This act is very important for all types of organisation. Every company need to follow health and safety act for their employees. British Airway should check all the equipment and aeroplane before flying in order to protect their employees and health. Every staff needs proper health and safety environment for working (Tang and Tang, 2012). The hazardous substances should be avoided and hygiene should be provided.


3.1 Job description and person specification

Job description is type of document which describes duties, task and responsibilities of given position. It specifies qualifications, skills, salary of an employee. It is developed after conducting job analysis includes examing tasks which need to be performed. It is also known as terms of reference and form person specification. It is also used in recruitment process by HR. It is very important for all types of company to know exact roles to be done in organisation. British Airway also need this to aware its employees about profile to be done in organisation. It helps them earlier about all works to be done. Person specification means qualities, skills, knowledge of candidate about particular field in which performance is best. There are various department in British Airway inorder to perform activities of those specialist required. As per British Airway, pilot profile is vacant which is described as below:

Job Title





Spice Jet


Three years at the beginning, extended till retirement


$45000 to $60000 per months with benefits

Expected Duties to be performed

To travel for an average of 240 days in a year

To know local language and English

To coordinate with high authority

To monitor each and every equipment inside flight before taking off.

To take additional responsibilities when required by high department.

To take care of all passengers while travelling

To wear all caps, phones while flying

To have capacity in taking risk.


3-5 years in particular field

Equivalent degree for pilot

Excellent communication skill

Bachelor or Master in Aeronautical engineering

Able to work in team

Thus, above is the job description along with person specification required for the profile of pilot in British Airway to make work easy and simple. This helps in achieving result of the business (Psychogios, Atanasovski and Tsironis, 2012).

3.2 Selection process of different service industries business

Selection is process of selecting suitable candidate for the given post or profile in an organisation. The candidate is selected on the basis of knowledge, skills required by company for particular profile. It begins with recruitment plan. As selection process is expensive but if it select right person for right job at right time might reduces cost. The selection process for different service industry business is described below:

For healthcare service industry,

The selection process in synergy healthcare in UK industry begins by invitating candidates for vacant post through help of uploading curriculum vitaes on website or offline. After that the candidates asked for interview and depth is taken by panel which is in two forms. First can be screening of the applicants or basic questions asked by panel and second is depth interview which can be long period of time to know more about knowledge of candidates. There are some written tests which may vary from one to another organisation. After all this, psychometric test is taken by company and if it clarifies then called for group discussion in synergy health care. At last reference checking is done and selected or become part of organisation. After selecting the candidate is send for attending training and development program to improve and enhance knowledge and skill (Lu and et. al., 2015).

For Airline service industry

The selection process at British Airway is firstly candidates are called for the vacant profile. The candidate has to upload resume through its website or offline and after screening is done. After the candidates with maximum criteria are selected. After screening candidates are called for interview process which can be in two phase. The first phase is about general questions to check communication and interpersonal skills by panel and second phase is about depth knowledge of particular field. After this telephonic is conducted by management to know conversation skills of candidates and other tests such as situation, financial analysis, computer, organisational. After completion of all test, reference is checked and finally offer letter given to selected candidates (Beuren, Ferreira and Miguel, 2013).

As all process of selection in different industry starts from recruitment and ends with training, development and induction but some tests and depth knowledge is checked in between these two. If all criteria are fulfilled then final selection took place.


4.1 Contribution of training and development activities to the effective operation of service industry

Training and development is the part of an organisation which enhances and improves performance of groups and individuals. Training is the educational process sharpening skills, changing attitudes, concepts and gaining more knowledge. The company’s performance can be improved by providing good and efficient training to their staffs. With the help of training individual can learn about new technology, methodology, information and refreshment of existing knowledge and skills. Sometimes training is confusing with development as both are different in circumstance. The opportunities for created for employees through development which is long and short term in nature. Through training, employer can know about staff development and accordingly assigned works. The major difference between training and development is that training focuses on current staffs needs or competency gaps whereas development is for preparing workers for future responsibilities and assignments (Training Best Practices and Organizational Success. 2018). Thus, British Airway also needs training and development programmes for improving workers and company as well. The contributions of this are as follows:

Increased productivity

Every organisation work for profitability and productivity with the help of manpower performance took place. British Airway also conducts training and development activities for employees to achieve maximum result through help of increased productivity (Lashley, 2012). Thus, it is required in every business for success and sustainability. The increased in output leads to profit which also increases goodwill of firm in market.

Less supervision

If proper training provided to employees then less supervision required. As they became aware about responsibility, roles and duties so easily can do work. This helps in increasing and improving performance of staffs. Every employees of British Airway should be provided training related to work on regular basis for enhancing knowledge and skills. This helps new comer to take assist from existing one.

Job satisfaction

Every employees work for money and knowledge increment which leads job satisfaction. It is very important contribute from training and development to satisfy their customer as well as staff. Company run with the assist of worker if they are satisfied goals and objectives can be achieved easily which leads to success and sustainability. Thus, it is significant among all other factors for any type of business (Montague, 2013).

Skills development

Skill development means enhancement of skill and knowledge of the employees. Through help of training and development individual can easily develop existing and new skills, talent required in an organisation. Thus staff should learn and became part of training to develop more and more skills to improve themselves. British Airway also provides and conduct program for staff welfare which ultimately bring result for company (Mok, Sparks and Kadampully, 2013).

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From the above mentioned report it can be concluded that every organisation requires human resource management. It talked about roles of HRM in British Airway and human resource plan for demand and supply of airline industry. The demand and supply of staff is forecasted and gap is fulfilled through internal and external sources. It also discussed about employer and employee relationship in workplace. There are various laws and act which company need to follow for their workers benefits and achievement of results. The file has covered current employment relations at British Airway and improving any issues if found. The employment law which directly affect management of HR. According to nature of company and scale the employees are appointed and they should be made clear about job description and specification. The report also discussed about selection process of different service industry and contribution of training and development activities for business.

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  • Lee, S. M., Lee, D. and Kang, C. Y., 2012. The impact of high-performance work systems in the health-care industry: employee reactions, service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty.The Service Industries Journal. 32(1). pp.17-36.
  • Hoque, K., 2013.Human resource management in the hotel industry: Strategy, innovation and performance. Routledge.
  • Husin, S., Chelladurai, P. and Musa, G., 2012. HRM practices, organizational citizenship behaviors, and perceived service quality in golf courses.Journal of Sport Management. 26(2). pp.143-158.
  • Jung, H. S. and Yoon, H. H., 2013. The effects of organizational service orientation on person–organization fit and turnover intent.The Service Industries Journal. 33(1).pp.7-29.
  • Wu, H. C. and Ko, Y. J., 2013. Assessment of service quality in the hotel industry.Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism. 14(3). pp.218-244.
  • Choi, C.H., and et. al., 2014. Testing the stressor–strain–outcome model of customer-related social stressors in predicting emotional exhaustion, customer orientation and service recovery performance.International Journal of Hospitality Management. 36. pp.272-285.
  • N. Torres, E. and Kline, S., 2013. From customer satisfaction to customer delight: Creating a new standard of service for the hotel industry.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 25(5). pp.642-659.
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