
Professional Communication Skills for Nurses Level 5 London School of Business and Management


The professional skills are the necessary set of competencies that are required in the field of profession. These skills are time management, leadership, communication etc. For a leader, it is necessary to have the skills of managing the team, leading them in an efficient way, solving their grievances etc. (Arnold and Boggs, 2015). the present report is based on a case study where attempt is made to reflect the professional skills of a leader.

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1.1 Problem

In an organisation there are three man who do their work effectively and achieve higher profit and great success. After some time, their was some problem in between Sam and John. The problem is they both are jealous about their individual success and they are blaming each other to stole their clients and serving services. So, in that situation one is generating higher targets and second one has feel complex. This problem is rendering an impact on the whole performance in there they does not concentrate on their performance. Along with that, they all have mental stress too and create misbehaviour with each others. On the other hand Bob is also facing some problematic situation due to some financial problems at his home. In there workforce, Bob do overtime and doing extra work at night and morning. So in that situation workload has created an impact on his performance quality. In that situation his quality has degraded and sales target has become inefficient. Because Bob has financial problem in his family so that's why he is doing work from early morning till late night.

1.2 causes of conflict

there are so many cause which would be arise in workplace in context of problem which is facing by the Sam and John , in an organisation with the context of problem in between Sam and John where as they both are create a unhealthy environment which would be affect the whole organisation process (Bellanca ed., 2011). Along with that problems are affected to their performance efficiency. In an organisation unhealthy competition is arising that is more harmful of the cite organisation. They bot are wont focus on their individual performance level which is render impact on the whole organisation productivity. On the other hand they both are doing misbehaviour with other one's and build grouping in their concerning organisation.

1.3 Ways to avoid conflict

Problem solving technique is very useful and very important techniques in their organisation. Resolution techniques are helpful for the effectively resole all conflicts which are occurring their workforce (Gibson, Dollarhide and Moss, 2010). In context of case study Sam and John's problems are not that much bug problem . So in that situation management take initiative to resolve their conflicts. One more thing management do conduct discussion in between them so they put their own point and problems. With the help of this management will resolve their conflicts and again established a friendly environment in between workforce. On the other hand Bob has financially problem where management concern about that to top management give them some accommodations and allowances facilities where they feel relief from that side of. So in that situation Bob can do again effectively work and create their effective quality efficiency towards their organisation. In all these situation organisation has to face so many problems and consequence and now after resolving all these problem organisation again generate effective higher profits and productivity which would be laid to increasing organisation level (Harris and Jones, 2010).

1.4 Ways to mange the conflict

The above case has described a situation of conflict and also the status of a poor work performance in the company. A conflicting situation between Sam and John has taken a serious form as per which the team has been divided. Besides this, Bob who is having financial problems is doing more and more work so as to settle down the situation. But, he is getting opposite results where his performance has degraded and sales figures have also decreased. Thus, for solving these situations, several measures taken by the leader can be helpful which are as follows:

Time management: The time management is an important professional skill which is necessary to possess at workplace. A leader must develop the time management skills among their team members so that they can finish their allotted tasks on time (Desimone, 2011). For this, they can be taught about maintaining a sheet in which all tasks that have to be done on a specific day must be noted down along with allotment of time. As per this, they must be instructed to follow it so that they can complete their work as per the set time. In the above case, it is shown that Bob is doing work till late night which has impacted his performance to a great extent. Thus, it is necessary to develop time management skills in employees.

Stress management:The stress from work in a corporate business world is an inevitable part which requires a worker to develop skills so that they can manage their stress in efficient way. Therefore, the leader of a team must give training and learning to team members so that each employee can become capable of managing stress level at workplace (Dede, 2010). Leader can also have discussions with their team members so that they can share their problems and feel stress free. The leader must develop team work skill so that work load can be managed and employees can remain stress free. The manager in present condition noticed Bob who was having stress in personal and professional life which can be settled through having discussions. Similarly, Sam and John also developed stress at job by having conflicts. All these situations can be handled through discussions and negotiations.

Business etiquette: The business etiquette means the behaviour which should be maintained by an employee at workplace (Kimble, Grenier and Goglio-Primard, 2010). As per the case, Sam and John completely violated the norms and shown improper business etiquettes by having a fight and conflicts. A leader can manage the conflicts by developing ideal etiquettes among workers by developing a good spirit of work and by teaching the principles of business. Thus, conflicts can be managed in a better way by the manager.

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2.1 Introduction and rationale

The policy for social event employee behaviour is a set of some ideal behaviour that is expected from the workers of an organisation. As per this, the staff must behave in right etiquettes and in professional way. The need to apply this policy in organisation is required so that workers can understand the significance of a professional behaviour at workplace and also at social events of office (Zepeda, 2012). Besides this, it will be helpful in maintaining discipline at workplace and social events so that the workers can behave in right way without any conflict situation.

2.2 Scope

The policy of social event employee behaviour must be constructed and be applied to all the employees, managers and concerned workforce of the organisation. As per this scope, all the staff is covered under this so as to manage the conflict and perform in a proper way.

2.3 Acceptable behaviour

The acceptable behaviour which must be developed within organisation by employees must be based on following principles:

  • Carrying out all tasks with cooperation in a team so as to achieve the objectives.
  • Management of all activities and performance in just and fair way.
  • Getting feedbacks from the seniors about the about the day to day work so that work performance can be measured (Gabbett, Jenkins and Abernethy, 2012).
  • Establishment of sound working relationships.

2.4 Unacceptable behaviour

The unacceptable behaviour can be termed as the behaviour which includes those actions and gestures which can result into stress in other employees of the organisation. This behaviour can take place in any form like through written communication, e-mails, telephones etc. there can be some examples related to such behaviours like:

  • Aggressive behaviour like to shout on or insulting someone.
  • Unwanted physical torture
  • Misusing the power of designation and position at workplace
  • Gossiping and spreading rumours for any colleague (Trust, 2012).

2.5 Informal resolution

The informal resolution of any conflict can be termed as the attempt that have to be made at lowest possible level if the deeds does not involve any kind of serious issue and can be solved without interference of the HR and other high level managers. So, the discussions can be made between both accused and suffering person so as to come up with a solution.

If the concerned parties does not feel that the issue is resolvable between them y their own efforts than, they can take the help of their managers and leaders. The manager can take appropriate actions and steps to resolve the problem.

2.6 Formal investigation

The formal investigation takes place only in the case of serious concerns where the involvement of HR and other top level managers is there (Bellanca, 2011). Here, the managers and HR can take advices from the higher authority so as to resolve the situation. They can monitor the entire situation and can give right solutions for the case.

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a) Servant leadership

The servant leadership is a concept which follows the traditional method of leadership where all the powers and decision-making authority lies with the person who is at the top level of management (Harris and Jones, 2010). As per this, the leader shares his powers and gives more priority to others' needs. Thus, in this leadership, the leader gives more opportunities to his team for developing themselves. This theory was developed by Robert K. Greenleaf (Desimone, 2011).

b)Ways to resolve conflict through servant leadership

This principle believes in sharing the powers and authorities with the employees so that they can be given opportunities for developing themselves. Besides this, they are also responsible for discussing with the team members so that they can share their griefs for which the manager can give more priority to their needs and can get their problems resolved. Thus, in present case also, the leader can use this leadership style and can manage the conflicts in better way.


The above report has made an analysis on the conflicting situations as per the case study which reveals different causes of this conflict (Dede, 2010). Besides this, it is also concluded that, at workplace it is necessary to have professional skills which can help in getting the problems solved and manage workload.


Journals and Books

  • Arnold, E.C. and Boggs, K.U., 2015.Interpersonal relationships: Professional communication skills for nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Bellanca, J.A. ed., 2011.21st century skills: Rethinking how students learn. Solution Tree Press.
  • Dede, C., 2010. Comparing frameworks for 21st century skills.21st century skills: Rethinking how students learn,20, pp.51-76.
  • Desimone, L.M., 2011. A primer on effective professional development.Phi delta kappan,92(6), pp.68-71.
  • Gabbett, T.J., Jenkins, D.G. and Abernethy, B., 2012. Physical demands of professional rugby league training and competition using microtechnology.Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport,15(1), pp.80-86.
  • Gibson, D.M., Dollarhide, C.T. and Moss, J.M., 2010. Professional identity development: A grounded theory of transformational tasks of new counselors.Counselor Education and Supervision,50(1), pp.21-38.
  • Harris, A. and Jones, M., 2010. Professional learning communities and system improvement.Improving schools,13(2), pp.172-181.
  • Kimble, C., Grenier, C. and Goglio-Primard, K., 2010. Innovation and knowledge sharing across professional boundaries: Political interplay between boundary objects and brokers.International Journal of Information Management,30(5), pp.437-444.
  • Trust, T., 2012. Professional learning networks designed for teacher learning.Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education,28(4), pp.133-138.
  • Zepeda, S.J., 2012.Professional development: What works. Eye on education.
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