
Qbic Hotel Research Project: Part 2


Digital technology has changed the way individuals live, play, communicate and work. Digital technology is the most essential tool for an organisation in order to achieve goals and objectives in an effective manner. In order to enhance the marketing share in local as well as global market, digital technology plays an effective role (Alper, and Goggin, 2017). In the world of globalisation, none of the organisations can even think about ignoring the use of digital technologies within organisation. Transformation in digital technology helps an enterprise in increasing profitability, encouraging speed to market for product and leveraging satisfaction of customer into loyalty. In the present research, Qbic Hotel of UK is taken for assessment. It is a small hotel industry in London. Primary and secondary research is conducted in this research project. Questionnaire is also prepared in this assessment. Addition to this, reflection on the effectiveness of research is also included in this research.

P.3. Conducting primary and secondary research using appropriate methods for business research project

There are several methodologies used in research project for gathering the information related to operations and functions of marketing at Qbic Hotel. The procedure which is used to assemble data and information for the aim of making decisions of business. Research methodologies is one of the most essential part as it shows the techniques, tool and methods which are utilized in entire research project (Nambisan, 2017). Research methodology is the set of instruments in order to identify the impact of digital technology on Qbic Hotel. There are variety of techniques and methods that could applied in present selection, which help in concluding valid answer. Research Methodologies are as follows-

Research Approach- - Research approaches includes brief step specify about the process and methods which is to be followed. It also involves the methods of collection of data as well analysing the data. This research will help researcher in assembling information and then after interpreting the collected data in following approach. Deductive and inductive approach are two types of approaches which can be used by the researcher. In order to make the research project effective, it is very important to select one of them. It is one of the best tool that to decide the theory and model at working environment. For the present research, deductive research approach has been utilized that distinguishes noteworthy program at work environment (Marsh and, 2017).

Research Philosophy- Research philosophy is the framework of guidelines in order to assemble and analysis the collected data that is according to the belief about the way in which data is to be collected, assemble, analysed and utilized. It is the most essential part in research methodology. There are majorly two types of research philosophies which are positivism and interpretivism. Interpretivism research philosophies is approach to social science that opposes the positivism of natural science. Positivism research philosophies is approach to the study of society that relies specifically on the evidence of science. In this present research, positivism and interpretivism theory is being used by the researcher (Onwuegbuzie, Gerber and Schamroth Abrams, 2017).

Research Strategy- Research strategy is the systematic way or plan of action that provides direction to researcher thoughts and efforts that enables to conduct the research systematically. In order to conduct research systematically and on schedule to furnish quality results in research project it is very essential to select the most suitable strategy. Strategy is the step by step plan of action to get valuable results. Qualitative and Quantitative are the  two type of research techniques that can be use by researcher. In this research project, quantitative research techniques.

Research Design- Research design refers to the plan of action which is selected by the researcher for analysing multiple components of research project in a systematic manner. The role of research design in research project is significant as it ensures that the evidence obtained to effectively address the problems or issues of research unambiguously and logically as possible. Research design is used to get the fabulous and amazing results in research project. Thus, it is very necessary for the researcher to select appropriate research design. In present research report, descriptive research design is being used by the researcher effectively. Thus, descriptive design helps to determine various models which are related to the main subject of research. 

Data Collection- Data Collection is the process of assembling and evaluating information on targeted variables in an established systematic trend which enables researcher to answer the relevant questions as well as to measure the outcomes. There are various methods of collection of data such as survey, interviews or questionnaire. Primary and secondary are the two types of data which researcher has used in collection of data When the data is collected by the researcher himself, it is  known as primary data while secondary data are those data which can be collected by different sources. Examples of primary data are survey, interview, group discussion, questionnaire, etc. While, internet, articles, books and journals are the examples of secondary data. In present research, researcher has used both primary and secondary data. Questionnaire is prepared by the researcher to collect the data.

Sampling- Sampling is the procedure which is used in statistical analysis in which predetermined number of observation are taken from large population. It is performed in statical analysis. It is mainly concerned in the selection of observations. It helps to make statistical interferences about the population (Keller, Mendes and Ringrose, 2018.). It is tiny part of collected data from large population. There are two major divisions of sampling methods which are probabilistic and non-probabilistic. In research project, the method of sampling which is used by researcher is probabilistic. This includes views and opinions of people from whom data is collected. Consequently, 20 representatives of Qbic Hotel have picked to investigate the principle point of the exploration and survey the suggestion computerized innovation on the business.

Ethical considerations- Ethical consideration are the principles and values that states what is good or bad in the affairs of human. There are critical ethical considerations in research project. Ethics in general term are norms and standard for conduct the distinguish in between right or wrong. Ethics assist individual to make difference in between what is acceptable and what is not acceptable behaviours. There are some principles that lies in the framework of ethics are non-maleficence, beneficence, health maximization, efficiency, respect for autonomy and justice.  In Addition to this, when conducting research, there are some norms which are to be followed by researcher like the data or information which is collected should be informed consent, it does not harm, it should respect for confidentially and anonymity and last the most important is it should respect the privacy of data. In present research, researcher has obeyed and follows all the norms and rules conducting research (Livingstone, Mascheroni and Staksrud, 2018).

P.4.Apply appropriate analytical tools to analyse research findings and data.

Theme 1: Digitalization will be good for Qbic Hotel.







Not sure




Theme 2: Company use digital technology for enhancing your business process.







Not sure




Theme 3: Kind of digital technology is been used by management of Qbic Hotel.



Interactive Hangers


Location Based Services


Virtual reality


3-D printing




Theme 4: Company is getting benefits by the use of digital technology.







Not sure




Theme 5: See increment profit in your organisation.







Not sure




Theme 6: Technical factors is being used by your organisation.









Non of above




Theme 7: Organisation is affected by the use of digit technology.









Not Sure




Theme 8: Organisation is collecting information.



Social Media


Directly from customers.


Loyalty Programmes


Not Sure




Theme 9: Benefits in implementation of digital technology.



Reduces Cost


Profit will increase


Efficiency will improve


All the above




Theme 10: Qbic Hotel use internet for advertisement of its services.







Not sure




Theme 11. Digital technology is helpful for your organisation. 







Not sure




Theme 12: Sales revenue is improved with the use of digital technology.







Not sure




Theme 13: Customers are happy with the use of digital technology.







Not sure




Theme 14: Digitalization is the best tool for competing in global and local market.







Not sure




Theme 15: Process which among this is getting help from the use of digital technology.



Manual Process


Attendance Process


None of these




P.5. Research Outcomes.

Theme 1: Digitalization will be good for Qbic Hotel.

Interpretation- As per the above analysis it has been identified that digitalization will be very good for Qbic hotel, about 15 employees are agreed that it will be very beneficial for hotel. Beside this, about 4 employees are disagreed, they said that Digitalization will be not good for organisation as they think that digitalization will consume high power. Addition to this, they are disagreed because there is lack of digital literacy. Only a single employee are not sure about their answer.

Theme 2: Company use digital technology for enhancing your business process.

Interpretation- As per the above analysis it was identified that among 20 employees, 14 employees are agreed that organisation use digital technology for enhancing its procedures of business. 4 employees are disagrees as they said that company is not using digital technology for enhancing its business procedures, they also said that digital technology will increase the cost of operations of Hotel. Beside this, 2 employees are not sure about their answers.

Theme 3: Kind of digital technology is been used by management of Qbic Hotel.

Interpretation- As per the above analysis it was identified that in Qbic Hotel, there are four types of digital technology is been used by management which are Interactive hangers, location base services, virtual reality and 3-D printing. Among 20 employees, about 9 employees said that interactive hangers is the best techniques of digitalisation in Qbic Hotel. 4 employees used Location Based Services is used by Qbic Hotel and same 4 employees said Virtual reality is also used in Qbic Hotel. Beside this, 4 employees states 3-D printing is also used by Qbic Hotel.

Theme 4: Company is getting benefits by the use of digital technology.

Interpretation- Above analysis states that about 16 employees of Qbic Hotel are agreed that company is getting enormous benefits with the implementation of digital technology. They said that company is increasing its productivity and it also enhanced security of documents many other benefits too. 3 employees are disagreed, they said that Hotel does not have any benefits from the use of digital technology. Only a single employee is not sure about their answer.

Theme 5: See increment profit in your organisation.

Interpretation- From the above analysis it was determined that about 13 employees see increment in the profit of Qbic Hotel. After the use of digital technology, company sue to pay rewards, benefits to employee on regular basis. 4 employees are not agreed, they said that company does not have increments in their profit. In their opinion, digitalisation increase the cost of product which decreases the profit of Hotel. Beside this, 3 employees are not sure about there answer.

Theme 6: Technical factors is being used by your organisation.

Interpretation- As per the above analysis it was determined that there are some technical factors which is used by the Qbic Hotel are Email, Texting, Websites etc. About 8 employees are used email, 4 employees used texting and 5 employees used websites. Furthermore, about 3 employees are not sure about their answer.

Theme 7: Organisation is affected by the use of digit technology.

Interpretation- As per the above analysis, it was identified, digitalization is very important for organisation ignoring the use of digitalisation will have very bad impact on Hotel. In global competitive world, each and every organisation has to use and implement digital technology. Among the analysis taken by 20 employees, 15 employees said that digitalisation will have positive impact on operations and functions of Qbic Hotel. 3 employees said that it lays negative impact on the function and operations of organisation as they said that still the mindset of people are pre-digital. Beside this, 2 said there is moderate impact of digitalisation.

Theme 8: Organisation is collecting information.

Interpretation- There are several methods of collecting informations with the use of digital technology. As per the above analysis, it was identified that 10 employees said that company should use social media for assembling information or data as because in today's era, there is excessive use of social media by people. 6 Employees said that company should collect data form directly from customer's as per their views it builds happy and healthy relationship with customers. Beside this, 3 employees said that company can also collect information by organizing loyalty programmes. Only a single employee is not sure about there answer.

Theme 9: Benefits in implementation of digital technology.

Interpretation- There are various benefits with the implementation of digital technology within organisation for example, it reduces cost, profit will increase, organisation efficiency will increase, productivity will also increase and many other benefits as well. As per the above analysis, it was identified that about 7 customers said that with the use of digital technology, it reduces the cost of production. 8 employees said that it will increase the profit of Hotel. Furthermore, 3 employees stated that company's efficiency will be improve in great extend. Beside this, 2 employees said all the above options are the benefits to the company.

Theme 10: Qbic Hotel use internet for advertisement of its services.

Interpretation- From the above analysis it was identified that, Qbic Hotel used internet for advertisement of its services. Maximum number of employees are agreed that Qbic Hotel used internet for advertisement of its services which was about 16 employees. Internet has broad range of area served. Addition to this, 4 employees said that Qbic Hotel does not use internet for advertisement of its services. Beside this, only a single employee is not sure about the answer.

Theme 11. Digital technology is helpful for your organisation.

Interpretation-From the above analysis it was determined that digital technology is very helpful for Qbic Hotel. Among 20 employees, 9 employees are agreed that digital technology is very helpful for organisation's functions and its operations. Beside this, 9 employees are disagreed, they said they organisation is not getting any help from the implementation of digital technology as it make the work more complex.

Theme 12: Sales revenue is improved with the use of digital technology.

Interpretation- According to the above analysis, it was identified that the sales of Qbic Hotel is increase with the use of digital technology as makes the work faster and easier which automatically increases the sales revenue of company. Among 20 employees, 15 employees said that after the implementation of digital technology, it increases the sales revenue of Qbic Hotel to very high extend. 4 employees are disagreed that there is no increment in the sales revenue of Qbic Hotel. Beside this, only a single employee is not sure about there answer.

Theme 13: Customers are happy with the use of digital technology.

Interpretation- As per the above analysis, it was identified that customers of Qbic Hotel are very happy with the implementation of digital technology within organisation as it makes easy and fast for them to book rooms, etc. Among 20 employees, 8 customers are agreed that customers are very happy with the use of digital technology. 4 customers are disagreed with the use of digital technology. Beside this, 3 employees are not sure with there answers.

Theme 15: Process which among this is getting help from the use of digital technology.

Interpretation- From the above analysis, it was identified that manual process within organisation gets help with the implementation of digital technology. About 10 employees are in favour that it help in reducing manual work to the great extend as it makes the work easy and faster. Addition  to this, attendance of employees is also very improved and become fast and easy with the use of digital technology.

P.6. Reflection.

In order from previous research, I structured that different activities can be performed through technology and through systematic innovations. Likewise, Qbic hotel can also influence in making different creative advancement in handling more fruitful and adjustable. I encompassed that data can be collected through crucial and substitute manner.  In addition to this, I also found that necessary information should be used in the first flow of productivity while other information must be utilised in the outer layer of the inspection which makes it more strong and appropriate (Lorenz and, 2017). This hotel uses different software programs for daily performances. While investing. I figured that illustrations of Qbic hotel specimen will be enough in providing better impact of progressive innovation in the organization. Qbic hotel should also provide different techniques of learning and direct them in order to get the clear usage of advance technology. In research to this, Qbic hotel uses technology regarding self purpose and not for any exploitation.  Further, the group of the organization must be with collective mind performing number of activities in order to make it advanced. Advanced technology also assist in maintaining different performances by keeping records. It refers to time consuming. Technology makes better skilled force.  In addition to this, technology focuses more on making employees productive and eligible. Technology helps in making an individual educated which makes the society educated too.  Lastly, they should be given training in order to perform their work rapidly. In order to this, direct advancement of technology can be done by representatives in respect to their capacity. Technology helps in getting connected at home. It helps in increasing efficiency. So we can conclude with that it's our duty to go relatively with advance technology which help in society welfare. It aims at more productivity in less time through which business crosses its border widely in terms of production.

P.7.  Alternative Research methodologies

From the above research project, I collected information from various sources to make the research project successful. I collected data from primary sources by preparing questionnaire, which can be filled by their own hands. Information of all the research project is collected by the primary sources. The questionnaire is prepared in the context of the impact of digital technology within organisation. Furthermore, I also collect data from secondary sources to make the research project effective. In the research methodologies, interpretivism and positivism philosophy both philosophy is been used by researcher. Thus, realism philosophy can also be used by the researcher in collecting data to make the research project more effective. Researcher has used deductive research approach in this present project. Researcher can also use inductive research approach in this present research project to make the research project successful. Descriptive research design is use in this research project, researcher can also use exploratory research design to make the research project more effective (Livingstone, Mascheroni and Staksrud, 2018).


From the above research project, Qbic Hotel implement digital technology and make development as well as improvement in there work. They can replace manual work by the implementation of digital technology. In order to enhance the marketing share of Qbic Hotel in local as well as global market, it is very essential, digital technology has effective role. Further, the report also included primary research by preparing questionnaire on the impact of digital technology. Moreover, this report also conclude various research methodologies top make the research project more effective and efficient. Further, reflection and alternative research methodologies is also included in this research project.


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  • Keller, J., Mendes, K. and Ringrose, J., 2018. Speaking ‘unspeakable things’: Documenting digital feminist responses to rape culture. Journal of Gender Studies27(1), pp.22-36.
  • Livingstone, S., Mascheroni, G. and Staksrud, E., 2018. European research on children’s internet use: Assessing the past and anticipating the future. New Media & Society20(3), pp.1103-1122.
  • Livingstone, S., Mascheroni, G. and Staksrud, E., 2018. European research on children’s internet use: Assessing the past and anticipating the future. New Media & Society20(3), pp.1103-1122.
  • Lorenz, K and, 2017. Technology-based tools and services for people with dementia and carers: Mapping technology onto the dementia care pathway. Dementia, p.1471301217691617.
  • Manganello, J and, 2017. The relationship of health literacy with use of digital technology for health information: implications for public health practice. Journal of public health management and practice23(4), pp.380-387.
  • Marsh, J and, 2017. Young children’s initiation into family literacy practices in the digital age. Journal of Early Childhood Research15(1), pp.47-60.
  • Nambisan, S., 2017. Digital entrepreneurship: Toward a digital technology perspective of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice41(6), pp.1029-1055.
  • Onwuegbuzie, A.J., Gerber, H.R. and Schamroth Abrams, S., 2017. Mixed methods research. The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods, pp.1-33.
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