
Unit: 14 Working with and leading people-Level 5-BTEC HND Business


Present report is based on the business operations related with United parcel services. Report contain information like documents needed for the selection of a employee and impact of legal and ethical factors on the process of selection is also described under the report. What are the main steps involve in selection of a employee are contain in this report. As united parcel service is one of the largest couriers firm of the UK so there are some basic qualities which should be there in their leaders other than this the report contain information like how a leader can motivate the staff or employees in order to achieve the objectives. There are numerous benefit when individuals work as a team in the enterprise. Present report tells what are the basic qualities which should be there in a leader of a team in order get best results. Leader of the enterprise should opt or change his style of leadership in accordance with the changing situations of the enterprise in order to get effective results.

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Task 1

1.1 Documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff

Select and recruit a new employee for the enterprise is an important activity for the enterprise because it requires a lot of fund to recruit the right person for the right job in the enterprise. Documentation to select and recruit a new employee for the enterprise include the following:

  • Job analysis
  • Recruitment
  • Selection
  • Performance appraisal

Job analysis:Job analysis involves analysis or evaluating the objectives and task of each job of the enterprise. Job analysis is done by the enterprise in order to know the qualities requires in a person to perform that job(Mendenhall, 2012). Job analysis include description and specification of the job tasks. Job analysis can be done by the enterprise by following these steps:

  • Collect information
  • Review on the collected informations
  • Selecting position
  • Verifying the informations
  • Developing the job specification and description

Recruitment:Recruitment involves inviting a large number of persons in order to evaluate their qualities and skills. Process of recruitment create a large pool of participants.

Selection:Selection process starts with evaluating the skills and abilities of the individuals in order select the best candidate to perform the task.

Performance appraisal:Under this manager evaluate the activity or task performed by the individual in order to appraise or improve hie performance.

1.2 Assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the recruitment and selection process.

Process of recruiting and selecting is very important for the enterprise. Because selecting the right people will contribute in the success of the enterprise(Lev, 2013). If the enterprise fails to recruit the right candidate for the right job than the enterprise can never achieve its objectives or goals. So it is very important that proper attention should be given by the managers to the process of recruiting and selecting. To be effective the recruitment process should fulfil the following criteria:

  • Develop profile for each job.
  • Posting the vacancy.
  • Evaluate the resumes of the candidates
  • Interview them.

Other than this the process of recruitment should fulfil all the legal framework or rules decided by the government. Recruitment process can give more positive results if is done in ethically way(Offstein, Morwick and Koskinen, 2010). If the manager of the enterprise follows the unethical instructions and laws in the process then this will give negative results to the enterprise. Selection of an individual for the job of the enterprise is one of the most important activity of the enterprise because it is directly related with the success of the enterprise so this activity should be done in an ethical way.

1.3 Selection process:

Following steps are include in the selection process:

  • Preliminary interview: It is the first and basic step of selection process. In this the candidates are interviewed by the managers of the enterprise in order know more about the candidate. This is called screening of candidates who pass the minimum eligible criteria.
  • Application forms: Under this a form is filled by the candidate. Candidate fills the basic information in the form like age, qualifications etc.
  • Written test: Under this a written test is done by the recruiters in order to evaluate the writing skills of the candidate.
  • Employment interviews: It is the main interview which takes place between the interviewer and the candidate. These interviews are more formal than the preliminary interviews.
  • Appointment letter: The candidate who have all the qualities to perform the job and who pass all the criteria got the appointment letter from the enterprise.

1.4 Contribution of HR manager to the selection process.

Human resource(HR) manager plays an important role in the process of selection of candidates for the employees. In the absence of the human resource the recruiting process will not give effective results to the enterprise. Because it is the HR manager who do the specifications of each job and decide the main qualities which should be there in the candidate in order to perform all the tasks of the job(Peterson, 2011). HR manager can better evaluate the potential candidate and can study whether the particular person is right for the job or not. With the help of HR manager all the activities involve in selection process can be better executed. So HR manager plays an important role in selection process of the enterprise.

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Task 2

2.1 Skills and attributes needed for leadership

Leader plays an important role in executing all the tasks of the enterprise. There are some basic skills and qualities which should be there in a leader. These are as follows:

  • Communication: This is one of the basic quality which should be there in a person to become a successful leader. A leader should have the ability to communicate well with employees about the organisation's policies and procedures. If the task is well communicated with the employees it will results in better results.
  • Motivation: One of the main skill needed to become a successful leader is have the quality to well motivate the employees I order to perform well in the enterprise.
  • Positivity: Positivity of a leader not not create a healthy work environment but it influence its employees also to do the same.
  • Responsibility: Leader should have the skill to be responsible for the results which arise from the task given to them. Other than it is the main responsibility of a leader to motivate all his employees to perform best.

2.2 Difference between leadership and management

Difference between leadership and management can be understand by the following:



·Leadership is a activity done to motivate employees and to provide them guidance in order to perform well.

·Leadership is a narrow concept.

·Leadership is a part of management.

·Leadership influences more on the employees.

·Management is a concept include managing all the activities of the enterprise.

·Management is a broad concept.

·Management is not a part of leadership.

·Management more focuses on the structure of the organisation.

2.3 Leadership styles for different situations

There are number of leadership styles are there which exist in the business environment. It depends on the organisation culture or on the leader what kind of approach he adopt in order to influence his employees. Leaders can change their approach according to the changing situations of the business. Mainly there five types of leadership:

  • Teamwork leadership: As the name implies this is type of leadership under which the leader tries to build and motivate the workers to work in a team(Goetsch and Davis, 2014). If all the individuals start to do work in a team this will results in effective solutions to the problems and there will be synergy.
  • Autocratic leadership: Under this type of leadership the leader takes all the decisions individually and give direction to the subordinates what to do. The subordinates will be punished if they fail to achieve the target results.
  • Free-rein leadership: Under this type of leadership employees take the decision at their own end and leader take very little or no part in their activities.
  • Participatory leadership: As the name implies under this type of leadership approach both leader and subordinates take decision with the mutual understanding.

All the leaders of united parcel services can change there style of leadership according to the changing situations.

2.4 Ways to motivate staff to achieve Objectives

A manager or leader can motivate his subordinates in the following way:

  • Clear vision: Creation of create vision and communicate the same with the employees.
  • Clear communication: Communication which takes place in the enterprise should be clear there should not any query related with the work in the mind of any employee.
  • Employee development programmes should be made by the manager.
  • Performance appraisals of the employees.
  • Upward communication should be there so employees can make there suggestions.
  • Involvement of everyone in the decision making process.
  • Clear communication with the employee in order to let them know what the enterprise really want from them.
  • Treatment of employees with respect and dignity.
  • Empowerment of the employees.
  • Encouragement of employees.
  • Motivate employees to take more risk.
  • Provide opportunity to the employees for their growth.

By applying all these in the enterprise a leader can better motivate the employees to perform well in the organisational context.

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Task 3

3.1 Benefits of team working for an organisation.

In any enterprise number of individuals work in order to help the enterprise to achieve its growth and to earn profit. If individuals work in a team then this will help the enterprise to achieve its goals effectively. There are number of advantages when people work in team. These are as follows:

  • Fosters creativity: One of the main benefit of working in a team is that it fosters the creativity in the business operations(Savikko and, 2010). When lot people work together than they shared knowledge and skills with each other and enhance knowledge of the people gives birth to the creativity.
  • Build trust: When a number of people work together as a team then it results in build trust for each other. In a team all the members are dependent on each other because all the tasks are interrelated with each other and this results and builds trust among all the members of a team(Stubbs and, 2014).
  • Encourages healthy risk taking: When lot of people work together in a team then this encourages the risk taking ability of the employees.
  • Increased innovation: If lot of people will work together than everyone shares or tells about his experience with the other group member of the team and this results in enhance knowledge of every individual and this gives birth to the innovation.
  • Better solutions of the problem: When a problem arise before a team than every member of the team tells his or her idea or give advice relating to the solution of the problem and helps in achieving a better solution of the problem.

3.2 Demonstrate importance of working in a team as a leader.

From the leader point of view, it is very important for the enterprise to develop teams and motivate individuals to work in a team(Czabanowska and, 2014). When lot of individuals work in a team than it gives better results to the enterprise and give better solutions to the complex business problems. Other than this the importance op working in a team can be understand by the following points:

  • Ideas: When all the team members discuss or try to solve a issue related with the enterprise so when all the members of a team do the discussion together than it gave the comfort to the members of the team to suggest their ideas in order to solve the business issues.
  • Support: One of the great benefit of working as a team that it can use as a supporting tool tool for the individuals. Team members help each other in order to better the performance and also provide lot of opportunities for personal development.
  • Efficiency: When a task is given to a team then there are more chances that team will better perform the task rather than an individual. In large organisations when a task is performed to a well performed team then the team achieve the task more effectively.

3.3 Effectiveness of the team in achieving the goals

The teams who perform well are just not appear a lot of efforts are required to develop an effective team. It is the responsibility of a leader to set the achievable but complex tasks for a team in order to influence them to perform well and to increase their effectiveness. A team play an important role in the overall success of the enterprise. Because in large enterprises number of tasks are performed by a team so it is very important for a leader or manager of the manager to increase the effectiveness of the team by assigning them complex problems and by providing proper training and development to them(Kuroda, Yuki and Kang, 2010). Because number of individual work in a team so main advantage is that it creates synergy and motivate the members of team to give their best. When people work in a team there are chance of optimum utilisation of available resources. The main benefit of working in a team is that it results in effective results and reduce the cost of operations. A team contributes better than an individual and provide effective results to the enterprise manager of every manager should try to and motivate the employees to work in a team.

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Task 4

4.1 Factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance.

Because of the changing working environment it is become essential for the enterprise to become more effective, perform better and provide quality products and services to the customers and this can be achieved by the enterprise if the enterprise has a skilled labour and employees. People or employees working in a team plays a big role in achieving success for the enterprise. A lot of attention is given by the enterprise to fulfil the needs and demands of the man power in order enhance their skills(Gwyer, 2010). To increase or enhance the effectiveness of the employees manager does their performance assessment. Performance assessment means evaluating the performance of the employees. When the assessment programme successfully implemented by the enterprise than it provide various benefits to the managers.

4.2 Plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs of individuals

An effective plan for the development of the needs of the employees should include following:

  • Effective goals: The goals set by the management for the employees should be effective according to the skills of the employees.
  • Communication: Effective communication should be there. The employees should have the knowledge what results are expected from him or her.
  • Support: Employees should provide the basic support like proper resources for achieving the task.
  • Performance assessment: Assessment of the performance employees should be done on a continuous basis.
  • Feedback: The findings of the assessment should be well communicated with the employees in order to tell them about their performance.
  • Training: If it comes to the surface that there is a need to provide training to the employees than proper training programmes should be made by the managers to develop the skills of the employees.
  • Monitor staff development: To continue improve the skills and traits of the employees it is necessary to continue monitor their performance. Continue evaluation of skills of the employees help the enterprise in deciding their package and provide them lot of opportunity for growth.

4.3 Evaluate the success of the assessment process.

For evaluating the success of the assessment programme manager should give answer to the following questions:

  • Were the purpose of assessment clear: To achieve the goals of the assessment programme its purpose must be well defined and communicated with the employees.
  • Methods used should be valid: Methods used by the management should be valid and should give reliable results of the assessment programme.
  • Assessment should be free from any bias: To get valid results from the assessment programmes , it should be free from any bias.
  • Feedback: The assessment should provide feedback to the employees(Fraley and, 2011).
  • Objective of assessment should be transparent with the employees: What are the main purpose of assessment and why it is conducting by the enterprise all the things should be cleared and well communicated with the employees.


From the present report it can be concluded that assessment of the employees qualities is necessary for every enterprise because it results in enhancing the skills and qualities of the employees. Report contain important information about how an enterprise can effectively done the selection of the individuals to perform the task of the enterprise. It is on of the most important process of enterprise because man power plays a big role in success of the enterprise. What are the main process of doing the suitable candidate for the job are given in the report. Report present that there are number of leadership style exist in the business environment and a leader can change his style of doing the work according to the changing situations. Number of ways are given in the report to well motivate the employees of the enterprise. Managers of united parcel service can use these ways to motivate the employees of their enterprise.

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Books and journals:

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