
Unit 3 Working WIth And Leading People Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Business Regent College Higher Education


Human resource is identified as an effective process that includes the all workforce of the enterprise including both employees and employee. It frames the guidelines and counsel for workers for good knowing of their work. At this process and activity people are hired via a pre-defined option and screening procedures when it is needed. In this assignment, given organisation is C. & J Clark international Ltd, it is a British based, international shoe retailer and manufacturer. It was established by James Clark and Cyrus in 1825 in Street, England, Somerset. They required to hire a new store managers in the organization (Azhar, 2011). This report divided into different tasks which cover various aspects such as preparation an advertisement to hired a new staff, Report on leadership, management and motivation of staff. Along with them, training plan report is also determined in this assignment.

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1.1 Documentation required for recruiting and selecting new employee

Clark is a British based internation show retailer which was founded by two brother namely James Clarks and Cyrus in Street, Somerset England. They expand their business operation at different area in which they highly needed store manager who can easily accomplish long and short term goals of company (Bush and Middlewood, 2013). Thus, it is the role and responsibility of Human resource manager is to apply different documentation which are shown as below:


The Job vacancy is needed in Clark international Ltd, it was famous show manufacture and retail company.

Role Title : Store Manager- Hove (Franchise)

Store Name: Clarks Franchise Hove Adults

Type of Role: Perm

Hours: Full-time

Salary & Benefits: Up to £22,000

Closing Date: 17/07/2018

Post : Store Manager

Report to: Top management who are functioning at higher level.

Main purpose of the job: Main purpose of this job is to needed talented and knowledgeable manager who are accomplish predetermined and desired objectives of company.

Main roles and responsibilities:

  • Maintaining financial and statistical records.
  • Managing budget in proper manner.
  • Overseeing stock and pricing control.
  • Increasing profitability and meeting sales targets, covering motivating and encouraging staff members to do so.


Person Specification



  • Past experience of handling a high performing team members.
  • Have strong organisational, time management, analytical and planning skills.
  • Strong interpersonal quality and better relationship management (Chen and et. al., 2014).
  • Have the capability to work with other members effectively and maintain respectful and open two-way communication with assist functions.

Skills & Qualifications

  • Excellent information technological skills, excel and power point.
  • Better planning and control.
  • Managing the long lasting relationship with customers.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication quality are important.
  • Minimizing costs and delivering KPIs.

Clark Group Values

  • Success
  • Integrity
  • Humour
  • Family
  • Excellence


  • Entire workers must work and perform in accord with the sustainable implementation of group polices.
  • A commitment and understanding to equal chances in sport and employment.

Application Form:

1.2 Impact of legal, regulatory, and ethical consideration to recruitment and selection

It is important and essential for Clark human resource administrator to have appropriate knowledge and skill about the legislation related with regulatory, ethical and legal consideration (Drennan, 2012). There are some regulations which are impacted on Selection and recruitment process are determined as below:

Impact of Equality act (2010): This regulation was established for the workforce so that managers cannot do each type of favouritism in between the workers on the basis of religion, colour, race and caste. It is necessary for Clark to follow this legislation so that entire members of the company feel secure and safe. So that this act highly effects on the process of recruitment and selection.

Race relation act (1976): Such kind of legislation was develop for protecting workers from them aid they are working in the business for their sex, colour, caste, religion etc. Thus, manager of Clark should check or observe that no workers is distinguish as per this factor (Goffee and Jones, 2013).

Equal pay act (1970): It is important and necessary act in which workers are are functioning and performing at equal level that should gain equal salary. It is important because without this act employees feel demotivation which impacted on business profitability. Clark apply this type of act with aim to decrease employees turnover and maximise sales and revenues.

1.3 Part in Selection Process

As a human resource manager at Clark international Ltd, I am having different roles and duties in the selection process which is organised by the organisation so as to hired new store manager who can attain long term goals of company. There are some steps which are included in selection process are determined as below:

Choosing the selection and recruitment team: It is a first process which is apply by the Clark in order to recruit best candidates at right place (Goleman, 2010). The Clark management will have to choose few candidates who will go as well as organise selection process. In this process, there will be a 4 team member and I am also a part of them.

Short listing the selected candidates: Under this phase, role of human resource manager is to short-list knowledgeable and experienced candidates who can fit for the post of store manger. It is possible with the help of different documentation, one is CV.

Interview section: After short-listing CV of candidates, role of human resource manager is to conduct interview program where interviewer and interviewing meet with each other. In this Clark manager asked different questions to the candidates which are based on experience, skills and responsibility of given post (Grint and Holt, 2011). As a human resource manager of the company I will also ask some questions to people and observe their personal and professional knowledge.

Final Appointment: It is identified as a last phase where the candidates are finalised for the vacant position of store manager. As a HR manager, I have different role and duties to give full information related to candidates data to the company so that they are able to finalists best candidates.

3.2 Demonstrate working in a team as leader and member

In given situation as per the case study, 2 applications such as A and B are shortlisted or selected by the recruitment team of Clark. Both has better skill and knowledge about the post of store manager. So it is difficult situation for the HR manager to recruit best one. So it can cause as a conflict and misunderstanding between them.

As a human resource manager of Clark, I have different roles and duties to handle such kind of difficult situation effectively and provide better solution for overcome this (Hallinger and Bryant, 2013). So, as per my point of views, I think about to applied middle approach which help me to sole this situation in easy manner. Under this I will take some steps which are determined as below:

Step 1: At this phase, I will check the CV of both candidates such as A and B as well as see whose have best skill and knowledge about the given post of store manager. In this I will also conduct group discussion where I asked different questions as well as observed confidence level of shortlisted candidates whose are better for this post.

Step 2: Under this phase, I take my full contribution in an interview process where I am capable to ask different questions to both candidates such as A and B. In this process, they are evaluated as per their skills like leadership and management. Thus, whose candidates pass this process effectively, I will select best one.

1.4 Own Contribution in Selection Process

As a trainee human resource manager of Clark, I take my full contribution in the selection process. Under this I collect all data and information about the candidates who are actually fit in the position of store manager. In order to gather all necessary document papers I have some role to invite large number of persons for the interview who are really interested for such job (Heath, 2012). For this, I posted advertisement related to the post of store managers in business journals and newspapers. In this all prospects must be told regarding the job role and the need via job description provided beside with the advertisement.

As a member of recruitment team, I also have different roles to recruit best one at right place. Under this I conduct interview secession and asked different questions to the candidates. Thus, in this process I will easily identify conferences level of candidates and select them. I am also capable to provide job profile through advertisement and many other tools which help them to easily aware candidates for this.


2.1 Skills and Attributes needed for leadership

Self -motivated:-Motivated leaders want to achieve all the objectives .This comes from their passion, pride and desire to become better and the motivation to do thing better than everyone else. If anyone wants to succeed as a leader, they need to be motivated .

Standards:- Leaders hold themselves and the people around them to a higher standard than most on personal level (Lev, 2013). They understand that in order to achieve higher standards, they need to have strong values, hold themselves accountable for their words and actions .

Communication:- The leaders have a better picture regarding what they want to do and how they want to achieve it. When it comes to assigning roles and responsibilities to team member, sometimes leaders unable to connect with other people in an effective manner which results ambiguity. If they want to avoid these situation , then they must know how to communicate with its member in proper way.

Commitment:- Good leaders know that success not possible without the help of their employees. They provide ample of training opportunities to their staff and expressing their confidence in their work (Mayfield, 2014). They allow their employees to make decisions, order tasks and plan projects.

2.2 Difference between leadership and management

Basis for comparison




It is process of ability of an individual to influences, motivate and enable others to contribute towards the effectiveness and success of organisation (Leadership and management, 2017).

It comprises planning, organising,controlling,

directing or group of one or more people or entities for the purpose of coordinating that groups towards accomplishing a goal.


People oriented

Task oriented

Approach to tasks

They simply look at problems with new, creative solution by using their charisma, and commitment .

They create strategies, policies and methods to create terms and ideas that combine to operate smoothly.


Leaders have followers

Managers have followers


It is based on trust

It is based on control.

Example of leadership and management:-

If in an organization, manager is a person who perform all major function of management. So. Manager act as leader but not all managers are leaders only those managers are considered as leader who perform function like motivating, encouraging etc. Leader is one who influences others people (Mendenhall, 2012). As same is adopted by Clark international limited in their system.

2.3 Compare leadership style for different situation

Autocratic style:- In this type the leader possesses total authority and exercises complete power over the people. This style is considered good foe getting routine jobs done by employees who require close supervision or situations where decisions need to be made quickly. This is mostly used by military commanders. In this no one can challenge his decision.

Laissez-Fair:-It is based on trust. In this leader is available to provide guidance .Thy allow people to work at their own pace and provides maximum scope for innovation and flexibility. Some people who prefer supervision, careful monitoring and clear instruction are often not comfortable working under this style.

Charismatic Leadership:- In this leaders create a self image through which they influence other by projecting the strength of their personality (Morrison, 2010). They are energetic, full of passion and believe in motivating others to move forward.

Participative style:- This is also know as democratic leadership which give importance to the opinion of team members and engage them in decision making process. It is used when leaders have part of the information and their employee have other parts. This help in boosting the morale of team members as when leaders considers their inputs, it make them feel valued and satisfied.

Comparison: Among all the mentioned leadership style, participative style of leadership is adopted by many business enterprise. Because autocratic style is not adopted by everyone .Under this all decision are taken individually by leaders and no one can challenge their decision. The Laissez-Fair style of leadership is not adopted by all organisation. It is best adopted by one who have high skilled and experts personnel. Therefore , it is concluded that participative style is mostly adopted by all organisation (Whitney, TrostenBloom and Rader, 2010). This is the reason Clark international limited is adapting this style.

2.4 States ways to motivate staff to achieve objective

Motivation is essential for the each and every organization is to motivate employees as per its work and performance. There are different theories of motivation which are used by the leader and manager of the Clark with motive to accomplishing long term goals. Clark is using Maslow's theory which assist them to encourage their entire workforce. Such kind of theory will be determined as below:

Treating entire workforce equally: It is identified as a role of business managers is to treat their all worker equally. With the help of Maslow's, business entity provide equal benefits in different terms such as fair remuneration, health and safety needs and many other. All these are support employees to work with full dedication and gain maximum amount of money for company.

Reasonable payment: Maslow's Theory also support the company to motivate their workers by providing reasonable payment as per the employees work (Winn, 2013). Accurate salary and reward is beneficial for the company to maintain long lasting relationship with employees.


3.1 Benefits of team working

Team working is more essential for the Clark to attain long term goals and objectives as well as maintain strong relationship with them. There are some other advantages of team working which are determined as below:

Establish Employee Relationship: Team working support the business manager to establish better relation with them. Further, it is the achievement of better growth and success in marketplace. In cause of Clark, there are different departments whose are working with each other with motive to establish long term relation with workforce in organisation.

Effective Growth: Effective team working is also beneficial for the business to maximise their growth and development in marketplace. It is essential for maximising sales and revenues of the firm which help them to gain competitive advantages in a systematic manner.

3.3 Effectiveness of team to achieves goals

Effective team working is beneficial for the enterprise to improve their effectiveness and performance in marketplace. It is also essential to achieve long term goals and targets by providing fair remuneration and equal treatment to entire workforce. With the help of this, they can easily increase their sales and revenues in an effective and efficient manner. In this business should tries to apply different kind of leadership and management styles that assist to treat all workers in equal way (Winn, 2013). So it is important for the business enterprise to maximise their turnover as well as attract large number of customers towards business goods and services. In this manager is responsible for satisfying basic needs and wants of employees.

4.1 Factors involved in planning the assessment and monitoring of work performance

The learning styles of the workers is identify as a one of the best factor. In this Clark manger apply Honey & Mufford learning styles which help in planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance. This styles includes different parts which are shown as below:

Activists: It can be problem solving, brainstorming, puzzles, role-play, group discussion, competition and many other. So that they style help to work with full dedication and efforts.

Theorists: It may be includes models, background information, statistics, using concepts theoretically, quotes, stories and many other (Chen and et. al., 2014). It will also essential for work and function with the aim to achieve long term goals.

Pragmatists: In order to learn basic skills and knowledge, this style is highly help to plan an effective strategies and policy with motive to accomplish long term objectives. In this they learn better via taking important time period to think regarding how to use learning in case studies, reality, discussion and problem-solving.

Reflectors: They like to paired self-analysis questionnaires, discussion, time out, feedback from other and many other.

4.2 Plan and deliver the assessment of development needs

Development needs of the store management is identified in different situations which are determined as below:

Development needs of store managers:

Development needs

Need may be addressed

Job design:

It is a basic need of the store manger which is mainly related to the relationship, methods and contend of job in order to fulfil organisational and technological needs as well as personal and social requirement of the job. In order to addressed this Clark should provide motivation to them.

Job rotation:

It is another need of the store manager as to promoted at different level as per their work and performance. It is the role of HR manager is to promote Store manger as per its work.

Job enrichment:

It is addressed with the help of HR manager because they are responsible for providing motivation to their manager. So that they work with freely and increase sales of the company.

Job enlargement

In this roles and responsibility of store manager is increase. So that they are able to work with full efforts.

4.3 Measure the success of assessment process

Above discussed plan is important and required by the human resource manager is to evaluate employees performance (Bush and Middlewood, 2013). There are mainly three methods which are essential for analysing employees performance are determined as below:

Improved productivity: In order to improved employees performance and productivity is essential for the success of development plan. It also assist to reduce employees turnover in an effective and efficient manner.

How to measured employees performance: It is another process which is essential and beneficial for the company to measure employees performance by rendering motivation to them (Azhar, 2011.). In this Clark use KPI's framework which help to measure employees performance in an effective and efficient manner.

Effectiveness of employees performance: Employees performance is important and beneficial for the organisation to maintain long lasting relationship by promoting them.

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From the above mentioned report, it can be concluded role of human resource manager is very important for the success and development of company. There are different roles and responsibility which are play by HR managers to motivate and encourage employees while working and functioning in better manner. Recruitment and selection process is essential for the each and every company to hired best candidates. Different styles of leadership and its impact on individual and company highly effected on its performance. Team working is essential and beneficial for the organisation to accomplish their long term goals and objectives. In the business there are different issues, it is the HR role to provide motivation to their employees.

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  • Bush, T and Middlewood, D., 2013. Leading and managing people in education. Sage.
  • Chen, L. K and et. al., 2014. Sarcopenia in Asia: consensus report of the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.15(2). pp.95-101.
  • Drennan, J., 2012. Masters in nursing degrees: an evaluation of management and leadership outcomes using a retrospective pretest design.Journal of nursing management.20(1). pp.102-112.
  • Goffee, R and Jones, G., 2013. Clever: Leading your smartest, most creative people. Harvard Business Press.
  • Goleman, D., 2010. Why leading sustainability matters more than ever. People & Strategy. 33(1). pp.7-9.
  • Grint, K and Holt, C., 2011. Leading questions: If ‘Total Place’,‘Big Society’and local leadership are the answers: What’s the question?. Leadership. 7(1). pp.85-98.
  • Hallinger, P. and Bryant, D., 2013. Mapping the terrain of educational leadership and management in East Asia.Journal of Educational Administration. 51(5). pp.618-637.
  • Heath, H., 2012. How to optimise the registered nurse contribution in care homes: staff shortages are leading some managers to review traditional patterns of working. But, as Hazel Heath explains, any changes must not compromise the care essential to meet the choices and complex needs of older individuals. Nursing older people. 24(2). pp.23-28.
  • Lev, A. I., 2013. Transgender emergence: Therapeutic guidelines for working with gender-variant people and their families. Routledge.
  • Mayfield, P., 2014. Engaging with stakeholders is critical when leading change. Industrial and Commercial Training. 46(2). pp.68-72.
  • Mendenhall, M. E., 2012. Global leadership: Research, practice, and development. Routledge.
  • Morrison, K., 2010. Complexity theory, school leadership and management: Questions for theory and practice.Educational Management Administration & Leadership. 38(3). pp.374-393.
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