
092106F Business Information Technology Systems

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  • Unit No: 33
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 18 / Words 4622
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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Organization Selected : British home Plc
Question :

There are following question which will meet the requirement of the brief are given below:

  • Analyse the use of IT systems in various functions of the company and define how IT systems contributes to the achievement of objectives in a particular organisational context.
  • Give in what ways IT systems store or process data for knowledge management, customer relationship management, data management and communications management.
  • Justify how systems can be used to support value added change for enhancing business operations, performance and sustainability.
  • Give recommendations on practical IT systems solutions for the organisational scenarios which cover a range of common business issues and experience within the workplace.
Answer :


Information technology is basically represent the use of computers and other electrical devise to store, transmit, retrieve and manipulate a set of data or information. Information technology system includes all the hardware, computer equipment, servers and all other information technology systems that are owned and used by an organisation or business firm to create, process, store, secure and exchange all relevant data in an electronic form (Abbasi, Sarker and Chiang, 2016). This assignment is based on British home Plc which is a medium sized group of companies. British home plc is operating and deals in many industries which include retail, travel, property for renting purpose and also provides legal and accounting consultancy. This assignment includes analysis of use of IT systems within different functions of organisations and also evaluate the different ways in which IT systems store and process data for knowledge management, customer relationship management, data management and communication management. Beside this, this report also consists use of IT in improving business operations, sustainability and performance. Finally, recommendation for practical IT system solution is also included in this report.


P1) Use of IT systems within different functions of an organisation

British home plc is a successful medium sized organisations from 1950 which deals in various industries like consultancy, retail, travelling and also in property. But this organisations failed in innovating and improving its operations thus, lacks in appealing and attracting youth and also its business operations has became obsolete with passes of time. Thus, its chairman decided to sell British home plc to an American company. Currently this organisation is having no centralised department thus, the new chairman of British Home plc has decided to become modernise and invest in information technology. The use of IT systems within different functions of organisations that can be availed by British home plc after its modernisation and advancement is provided below:

Human resource department

HR department of every organisation is responsible for recruiting and hiring talented and skilled people (Abramowicz, 2015). It includes making advertisement and appeal for respondents to apply for vacant jobs. Use of IT system by British home plc is helpful is increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of HR function through attracting more customers and also facilitates effective training. The main role and use of IT systems in HR function with respect to British home plc is described below:

Online advertising- Use of It systems for adversing facilitate reach to larger number of individuals thus, attract more better pool of individuals for a vacant position. At the same time online advertising provides a cheap and much cost effective way to British home plc to make regular advertising which reduce the cost of printing advertisement in newspaper or any other media. Use of their on website and social media can be made British plc for the purpose of online advertising.

Email- Use of IT systems also provide an effective away to British home plc to intimating and informing its probable targets for filling any urgent vacancy through sending Email. This facilitates an easy and less time consuming process for HR department and also a provide a more talented and suitable individuals for a specific job who's skills and talents are already evaluated by HR manger (Abu Naser and Al Shobaki, 2016). Thus, transfer of information regarding job vacancy through sending Email minimise the crowd and also attract only those individual who have potential to perform that job in an effective way. Use of IT in British home plc will also helps HR department in scheduling meetings and informing all employees and member about meeting.

Video conferencing- IT systems has provided the facility of video conferencing through which online interview has become easy for HR department. Use of IT systems in British home plc will facilitate conducting interviews and interaction among employees more easily and efficiently through videos conferencing (Anaya, Dulaimi and Abdallah, 2015). This also facilities a medium for providing virtual training to workforce so that their skills and talents can be enhanced. An effective way of communication is also provided by use IT systems in organisations through way of video conference and virtual interaction which saves the cost and time of travelling.

Finance department

This function of an organisation is having the responsibility of preparing report and timely budget. Use of IT systems provide an effective way for recoding and keeping tracks of day of day transaction and also reduce the chances of bugs and calculation mistakes in preparation of financials budget and other reports. Use of an effective transaction processing system can be made by British home plc to properly record, collect, retrieve and modify its financial data. Use of IT also facilitates an easy transfer of data from one branch to another to have a centralised processing of financial data so that a compile and complete report regarding the over all expanses and profit of British home plc can be made which will provide better information regarding achievement of objective and financial success of an organisation.

Marketing function

This function is concerned with promotion and advertising of an organisations and its product also maintain effective relationship with customers (Bach, ÄŒeljo and Zoroja, 2016). Use of IT system in marketing functions increase its reach and also provide an effective way to promote and communicate with its customers. The main advantage offered by IT system in marketing function in respect of British home plc is provided below:

Attractive content creation- Use of IT systems provide better way for creating a more attractive and informative content through making use of various videos, images, pictures, graphs, etc. in content. This helps marketing department of British home plc in attracting more customers and also facilitates creation of awareness in its customers about its services and products.

E- commerce- It is the latest trend in business market which is impossible without IT systems. E- commerce facilitates an easy way of electronically buying or selling product with use of internet and other IT systems thus, increase scope for success and better profitability for British home plc.

Digital media- This provide an effective way for communicating and interacting with customers through making use of social media and other software and apps (Benckendorff, Xiang and Sheldon, 2019). Implementation of IT systems in British home plc will facilitates an effective way of communicating and provides a better of interaction with costumers which helps in maintaining healthy and long lasting relationship with customers that is necessary to meet the objectives of organisations.

Administration function

this function is related with management and control of people and is related with planning, budgeting and organising. British plc can make use of IT system for improving its administrative system as various app and control measures are provided by IT system for efficient planning and control of employees. Use of thumb impression for digital attendance of employees can be made by British plc to have a better check on absenteeism and attendance of employees.

Accounting function

This function is mainly related with budgeting and report keeping. Thus, use of IT system in accounting function of British home Plc will ensure timely recording of day to day transaction without any error or calculation mistake. Thus, use of IT system enhance efficiency and authenticity of accounting function through keeping a check on all financial aspects and reducing the chances of error and miss calculation while preparation of budget and other accounting report.

P2) Contribution of IT system in achievement of Objectives

A vital role is played by IT system in achievement of organisational goal and objectives through improving efficiency and effectiveness of its business operation. The contribution and role played by IT systems in timely and most efficiently achievement of targets and objectives of British home Plc can be understood from following points:

Process improvisation- Many software and technology are provided by IT system to have improvisation and improvement in process and operations of organisations which enhance their efficiency and also improve productivity. British home plc can make use ERP software (Enterprise resource planning) which include product life cycle management, supply chain management (like purchasing, manufacturing and distribution),customer relationship management (CRM), warehouse management, sales order processing, financials, human resources, online sales and decision support system thus, lead to overall process improvisation (Burrough and et. al, 2015). Thus, use of IT system will makes process of British home plc more accurate, easy and quicker which will yield better result.

Product Development- For every organisations to remain successful and to have better competitive strength it is necessary to develop and create better quality product with best features and minimum possible cost. Use of IT system provides an effective way to British home plc to design and develop it product and services through making use of computer aided design( CAD) software and other techniques for speed up its production and also helps in taking effective decisions regarding features and quail of product and services.

Cost efficiency- Installation of IT system can be expensive but its implementation increase and improve the efficiency of all function and department thus, in overall IT system makes operations cost effective thus, yield better profit. Use of various software and other technology will lead to better performance of operations like better management of resources, effective design, etc. which improve the cost efficiency and at the same time all reduce the expenses and other wasteful activity through keeping a check on all financial transaction (Cassidy, 2016).

Effective communication- Use of IT system facilitates effective channels of communication with in an organisation and with customers also. Use of online and digital media provide a better base to British home plc to interact with employees and its customers through making use of social media and other platforms.  

Evaluation of IT system to achieve higher performance

Use of IT system improves performance and working of all functional department in an organisation. Like, it provide a more effective way to finance to keep timely records and budgets also facilitates effective check on all expanses thus, reduce the amount of wastage which is helpful in achieving the target of cost efficiency. Beside this, it improves the marketing function through providing an enriched way for promotion and advertising also develop an effective and long lasting relation with customers through making use of social media and other platforms thus, increase the productivity and revenue of an organisation. Therefore, adoption and implementation of IT system in British home plc will facilitates achievement targets of cost efficiency and improvement in its operations thus, lead to avheivemt of higher performance.


P3) Analysis of different ways in which IT system store and process data

IT system provides different ways and software and technology to store and process data for knowledge management, data management, customer relationship management and communication management. The role of IT system in storing and processing of data in British home plc is explained below:

Costumer relationship management (CRM)

CRM software consolidates customer information and documents into a single CRM database so that mangers and other employees can more easily access and manage customer information. CRM provides a combination of strategies, practices and technologies that can be used by British home plc to effectively analysis customer interaction and other data through out the customer life cycle which will improve quality of services and lead to better customer relationship and retentions of consumer for a longer period of time thus, drives sales growth for an organisation (Chang, 2016). Use of CRM by British home plc also ensures better sales management, delivering actionable insights in customer preference and will also provide an improved integration with customers and employees through making use of digital media. The various advantage and disadvantage that can be yield by implementation of CRM system in British home plc are provided below:

Advantages of CRM

  • Provide stronger connection and a deep relationship with clients and customers through proper recording and retrieving information about customers.
  • Through making use of relationship and past order detail helps in discovering new up sell and increased opportunity for cross sell (Hitomi, 2017).
  • Trough developing and establishing better communication channels with in the organisations, CRM also facilitate better team collaboration.
  • CRM also lead to increase in revenue and profitability through increasing productivity and reducing time taken in sales cycle thus, enhance the ability to provide some additional products and services to its client to improve their satisfaction level.

Disadvantage of CRM

  • The issue bad challenges related with data protection and security of information has increased with the use of CRM system as all the data is centralised and recorded at a single place.
  • The implementation of CRM process is costly thus, can lead to increase in cost of operations of British home plc.

Knowledge Management System

It is a IT system that stores and retrieves knowledge to improve understanding, collaboration, and process alignment (Jaques, 2017). Knowledge management refer to a systematic approach for capturing and making use of collective expertise of business to create value. Knowledge management system act as a repository of all information that an organisations wants to transfer between its internal team and also to its customers. Use of knowledge management system will allow the British home plc to publish all necessary documents for betterment of organisation and its wide consumption. With effectively making use of knowledge management system tools, British home plc can put together and implant a collection of best practices and it also lead to effective customer support and other related activities for workforce Enablement. The main advantages and disadvantages of knowledge management system in context with British home plc is provided below:

Advantages of Knowledge Management System

  • Improve organisational ability through better and faster decision making and also facilitates quicker problem solving.
  • Through systematic approach for allocating expertise it lead to increase in rate of innovation and also support employee growth and development (Laudon and Traver, 2016).
  • It also provide an effective way of communication through providing a set of most relevant information which is necessary to transfer to all employees to have an improved business process.

Disadvantages of Knowledge Management System

  • It is a hard and complex system to understand through an average worker and training of worker through knowledge management system is also costly.
  • Knowledge management system require internal updates to function efficiently which is difficult task for an organisation to keep with a new technologies which can effect working of knowledges management systems (Long, 2018).

Data Management

This is an administrative process that includes acquiring, processing, storing, validating and finally protecting the required data with the aim of ensuring relatability and accessibility of customers data. Use of data management system can be made by British home plc to have a better collection, storing, organizing, protecting, verifying & processing essential data to make it available to organization. It is important for an organisation to reduce the number of compliance related with mishandling of customer data (Pearlson, Saunders and Galletta, 2016). The main advantage and disadvantage of data management which can be availed by British home plc are described below:

Advantages of Data management

  • Use of data management provides better access to important information and also facilitates effective management of personal and crucial data of customers.
  • Data management system improve the security level thus, provide better protection to information of customers and saves it from threat of hacking and other issues.

Disadvantages of data management

  • Many sophisticated software and other technology are required for implementation of data management system which is costly for an organisation.
  • It is a complex process which makes use of many technology thus require a skilled personnel to handle this system which enhance the cost of training and development (Peltier, 2016).

Communication management

Communications Management is mainly associated with systematic planning, implementation, monitoring, and control of various communications channels and activities going on in an organisation. It ensures timely transfer and flow of information between different department and branches of an organisations. Use of communication management system should be made by British home plc to have a strong and efficient communication between all its branches and department winch ensure free flow of operation without any confusion and chaos thus, lead to achievement of desired target (Smith and Wong, 2016). Communication management also provides a base for having better interaction and relation with customers through providing a coordination between all channels of communication. The other advantages and drawbacks of communication management system in respect of British home plc are elaborated below:

Advantages of Communication management

  • The biggest advantage of this is that it reduce the cost of communication through providing effective coordination between all channels and also reduces cost of communicating through print media by providing effective use of digital and social media.
  • Effective implementation of communication management improve performance and productivity of an organisation through providing better interaction which reduce chances of chaos and flaws thus, improve overall performance.

Disadvantages of Communication management

  • The threats of virus and other security and safety issues are increased as data can be hacked and lost in transaction (Baumecker, EntIT Software LLC, 2018).


P4. Evaluation of use of IT systems to improve performance, sustainability and business operations

There are various software and technology provided by IT system use of which can improve performance, sustainability and business operation. Theses systems which can be used by British home plc for improving performance, sustainability and business operations are described below:

Management Information System

Use of this system is made by organisation to record, store and process data to produce information that is required by mangers and other decision makers to take an effective decision in during performing their day to day operation (Darnton and Giacoletto, 2018). MIS is a collection or set of hardware, systems, procedure and other related people that work together in coordination to effectively process, store and produce relevant information that is useful for the organisation. Use of management information system can be made by British home plc as it analysis all the data and inputs with proper algorithms which provides better summarisation and comparison of information so that better decision can be made to have better performance in future. For example: sale system which is a part of MIS provides information about the products which are doing well and having good sale and also provide information about product or services which lacks in performance so that effective decision can be made for improvement in those products and services (Abbasi, Sarker and Chiang, 2016).The other advantages and disadvantages of MIS with respect to British home plc is provided below:

Advantages of MIS

  • Use of MIS improves the quality and efficiency of plans through providing all the relevant information for sound decision making.
  • MIS minimize information overload through converting complex data in to a summarize form thus, avoid confusion which may arises because of complexity of data.
  • Use of MIS brings coordination in an organisation through integration of specialised activities which makes control easier thus, improves the ability of management and overall performance of organisation (Abramowicz, 2015).

Disadvantages of MIS

  • MIS record most sensitive information thus, proper monitoring and security is required to protect the leakage of information.
  • Budgeting through MIS is difficult as it lack flexibility.

Decision support system

It is a computerised IT program that is used by an organisation to support judgements, determinations and course of action in a company (Building Decision Support System User Interface, 2019). Use of decision support system cab be made by British home plc to analysis massive amount of data and for compiling comprehensive information that can be used by it for solving problem and effective decision making. The other advantage and disadvantage of decision support system which can be availed by British home plc are described below:

Advantages of decision support system

  • It enhance the productivity and performance of an organisation through making use of computerized decision support system which reduced decision cycle time thus, increase employees productivity.
  • Use of decision support system lead to better communication and collaboration among decision makers which encourage fact based decision making for success of organisation.

Disadvantage of decision support system

  • Collection of all the relevant data is difficult and complex process.
  • Use of decision support system can lead to overload of data or information thus, analysis and evaluation of data become difficult for taking any mutual decision (Abu Naser and Al Shobaki, 2016).

IT system add value to organisation

use of management of information and decision support system which are two important tool of IT system add value to organisations as MIS improves and facilitates better decision making through providing all the relevant and required information need for effective decision making, thus add value to organisation. Decision support system also add value and lead to success of organisation through enhancing productivity and efficiency of organisation as all the decisions are made after due analysis of prevailing situation through making use of computerized decision support system.


P5) Recommanded practical IT solution

IT is helpful for an organisation to manage all its business activities and operation in a effective and efficient way. IT system helps in evaluating problems and also provide effective solution for there removal. The main problem and issues which are faced by British home plc with recommanded practical IT solution are provided below:

Problem faced: British home plc is facing a problem of lack of innovation in its organisations.

Practical IT solution: for solving and effectively handling this issue of lack innovation, it is recommanded for British home plc that it should make use of Computer aided design (CAD) which is a IT or computer technology for design a product and lead to better documentation (Anaya, Dulaimi and Abdallah, 2015). It facilitate manufacturing process by transferring detailed diagrams of a product’s materials, processes, tolerances and dimensions with specific conventions for the product thus, helps in developing new features. Thus, will improve the creativity and innovation level of British home plc.

Problem faced: British home plc is facing issue in management of resources and unskilled workforce is also a problem faced at its workplace.

Practical IT solution: for addressing the issue of management of resources use of ERP (Enterprises resource planning) system is recommanded which lead to better control and planning of resources (Bach, ÄŒeljo and Zoroja, 2016). For solving the issue of unskilled workforce use of virtual training can be made by British home plc to provide effective online training to its workforce and employees.  

Practical IT solution

use of following tools and techniques of IT system can be made to have better solution for various problems arsing in an organisation related with inefficiency of operation and function. British home plc can also make use of theses practical IT solution:

Cloud computing

Use of this technique provides and offer a faster innovation, flexible resources and economies of scale through delivering better computing services which include different servers, storage, database, networking, software, analytics and other intelligence tool. It provide an easy way for organisations which helps in lowering operating costs and run infrastructure more efficiently. Cloud computing provides different services through the Internet, including data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software. Cloud-based storage makes it possible to save files to a remote database and retrieve them on demand thus, provide better tool for recording of important data and information.


5G basically represent the 5th generation network. 5G will elevate the network to not only interconnect people, but also interconnect and control machines, objects, and devices. It will deliver new levels of performance and efficiency that will empower new user experiences and connect new industries thus, provide better connectivity to organisations. 5G will deliver multi-Gbps peak rates, ultra-low latency, massive capacity, and more uniform user experience thus, provide a better way to organisations to connect with their customers. Use of 5G network provides much higher data rates enabling customers and organisations to download and transfer data more easily and has also increased the capacity as network has expended.

ERP Software

It is a modular software system that is designed to integrate the main functional areas of an organization with other business processes into a unified system to facilitates better efficiency in operations. Use of ERP(enterprise resource planning) system offer next generation capabilities to an organisations like AI, IoT, and other advanced analytics to foster digital transformation thus, provide solution to many problems of organisations which are related with effective communication through providing an effective digital way for managing business operations.


On the basis of above assignment it can be concluded that use of information technology is made by an organisation to properly store, retrieve and process a collection of data or information. Use of IT systems are made within in different organisational function to improve their effectiveness and performance. IT system plays an important role in process improvisation through making use of ERP software. IT system also facilitates better communication with customers and within the organisation through making use of digital media. Use of management of information system and decision support system are also made to enhance decision making process. At last, it can be summarised that IT also provide solution to different issues and problem faced at workplace.

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