
The Development of Tangible Device decision making for Physical Access Control

Aim And Objectives


To develop a decision matrix for the selection of electronic physical access control devices.


  • To construct an essential assortment criterion in the selection of tangible physical access control devices.
  • To progress a tool for decision making that helps in appropriate selection of tangible access control devices.


Physical Security

Physical security is considered as protection of personnel, information and property with property including hardware, programs, networks and data against circumstances which may cause harm or loss to an organisation or individual (Boran, 2009). It has been noticed that by having improved focus on physical security the institutions and organisations can attain effective protection from fire, theft, terrorism, etc. (Scherer, 2011). Physical security systems are framed in order to meet the diverse significant protective activities. At the initial level, security systems were designed to provide protection to ongoing assets. However, security systems are now framed to protect human resource, buildings, equipments, etc. It means by having use of system, it can be make sure that only authorised person is having access to the assets (Mahdavi, 2008). Within the physical security domain this can be achieved through a variety of methods ranging from a simple sign and systematic process. It is also essential to focus on procedures, environmental aspects and other values that may improve protection. Biometric readers and electronic locking devices installation in offices also promote physical security.

For better assurance about security, doors and gates can be used so that barriers can be created. Along with this, better control device can be established through making sure that limited access is being offered. Guards, locks and electronic access systems must be placed at right place so that issues can be overcome in desired way. If these values are not well structured then it will be considered as weakness of security system (Stadler, 2009). It clearly reflects that security manager requires to implement strategies that improve standards and offer effective access device. Barriers framed in the structure must be well designed so that better strength can be offered to overall security system.

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Decision making

Decision Making is considered as a process that focuses on the formation of important decisions. It can be said that a structured decision process allows for the effective selection of logical choices from the list of available options (Turban, 2011). As per the detailed study, security manager need to take number of decisions on daily basis for improvement in services. It is significant for members to have decision according to consideration of diverse factors that are associated with risk management. It means on the basis of risk the security manager must take decisions so that goals and objectives can be accomplished (Stadler, 2009). Security domain also need to be referred for continuous improvement in security measures. Effective focus on formal systematic process allows to have identification of risk that are associated with environment. While having participation in decision making process the management must focus on diverse methods that allows to meet objectives. Evaluation of methods to manage risk is significant section and it helps in decision making process. Application of treatment strategies is also dependent upon the monitoring of existing process (O'neill, 2009). It means in order to have effective decisions security manager must evaluate number of methods that helps in meeting standards.

Decisions must be taken into account by having focus on key elements of organisational security controls (Strack, 2008). In addition to this, decisions are also needed to be taken according to damages that may impact the overall development. By having improved focus on such values the issues might get overcome in desired way. If standards are also followed in appropriate manner then it will allow to take decisions that are beneficial to recover from damages.

Theory Supporting The Study


Existing study is framed on the basis of theories of security science domain. It is beneficial to deal with specific kind of crime prevention and ensure that better support is being provided to Defence in depth. With an assistance of this, relationship between security and risk management can be improved. It also plays a key role in exploring the risk management so that decision making process can be accomplished effectively.

In addition to this, there diverse theories that may be used to have support in regard to access control. It helps in improving physical security system for continuous improvement. Many organisations adopt a physical security program to protect against fire, theft, terrorism, etc. There are various crime prevention frameworks that can be used to reduce the opportunities of criminal activities (Velis, 2012). The reduction of opportunity aspect of the framework involves measures that provide better protection so by focusing on the study, learning can be improved about these measures. By having a proper use of number of physical security devices can assist in meeting target. It is necessary to make sure that para-centric profiles must be well maintained so that issues can be overcome. Use of electronic access control readers will secure essential elements. Encryption of information is one of key factor that support the security system (Rangel, 2009). It is also significant for security manager to have better control over access so that potential targets can be accomplished. By having improved focus on exclude potential offenders the efficiency of security system can be advanced. It also helps to ensure that area is protected from potential attackers.

Decision making theory

Decision making process is a non-linear, recursive activity which is framed to have improvement in services. It is necessary for security executive to have consideration of criteria and characteristics of choice so that issues can be overcome. Along with this, identification and evaluation of diverse alternative ways is also significant because it allows to have improvement in protection (Flick, 2011). In order to have appropriate understanding about decision making theory there are supportive theories that need to be consider in appropriate manner. In addition to this, utility theory is considered as policy that allow decision makers to accomplish goals and objectives in appropriate manner. With an assistance of this, alternative ways can be chose in desired way. Proper values can be provided to system by having improved focus on key guidelines.

Expected utility theory is also a critical aspect that helps in meeting objectives. It allows to have combined used of activities and add on values. Proper course of action must be designed to make sure that expected utility can be offered. The course of action or alternative with the highest expected utility should be chosen and that the decision is consistent (Goddard and Melville, 2014). It is significant for members to have decisions as per preferences so that issues can be overcome in desired way. It has been noticed that there are number of standards and criteria that must be considered for effective selection of an access control devices. It also facilitates in overcome issues and improve the overall working. Complex issues in respect to decisions are mostly related with diverse aspects. Traditional and logical belief must be referred to improve work conditions (Daniel and Sam, 2011). Approach of multi criteria decision making is beneficial to meet the objectives and offering opportunity to improve mathematical framework. It is advantageous for self consistent analysis so that decisions can be taken into account.

Literature Review

Literature review is considered as most significant aspect for the study and it provides better learning in respect to subject by analysing number of secondary sources. It means literature in regard to decision making and its methodologies will be beneficial to understand the key measures of the study. It will also indicate the information about security and application of policies for effective selection of tools. The literature shows a trend of positive outcomes from the use of a structured decision-making approach.

Decision making theory is one of critical aspect that helps individual to make decisions in desired way. In this respect, it has been noticed that individual must improve decision making process by appropriate selection of tools. By having improved focus on decision making theory the security executive may have effective application of policies. Lee (2011) identified a number of decision making approaches that can be adopted by security practitioners for the appropriate selection of tools. In addition to this, it can be said that the decision making tool provides a great support to accomplishment of systematic decision making (Lee, 2011). By having assistance of this, security professional can ensure about the funding and need of new technological tools (Davis, 2012).

Bradley (2013) has contended that study on security managers is also beneficial because it provides a great support to learning process. By having improved understanding of security manager and their behaviour better outcomes can be attained in desired way. Behavioural learning also assist in use of decision making tool so that objectives can be accomplished. Study of secondary sources also indicates that security managers have limited access to tools that creates issues in systematic decision making. It is also one of key reason that most of decisions taken by security managers are according to their experience. Using their experience number of drawbacks are also identified that helps in decision making process. Along with this, decisions taken must meet the key needs of stakeholders.

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The study will adopt a qualitative research technique. In this, number of qualitative tools will be adopted by members to construct an essential assortment criterion in the selection of tangible physical access control devices (Bradley, 2013). Exploratory research design will be employed by researcher to provides more accurate knowledge and information about research topic and evaluator can compile several kinds of data without any problems. With the help of qualitative research approach better support will be provided to the study in order to have better outcomes (Creswell, 2013). In addition to this, it can be said that sampling methods also need to be referred as per need of organisation. Random sampling method will be employed by researcher to accomplish the objectives. It is a method that helps in primary research accomplishment. Interviews, questionnaire and surveys are also key methods that are mostly adopted by researcher in order to make sure that key standards are properly maintained. For accomplishment of current investigation, questionnaire method has been used to have appropriate collection of information.

Literature extraction

As per the detailed study, it has been identified that literature study is considered as initial level study that offers appropriate learning about subject. In this section, the detailed will be gathered and analysed in respect to selection of access control devices. Journals, books and other sources will be used to gather information about decision making process. Data is accessed on the basis of keywords so that better support can be provided to study. For having effective collection of information, researcher will focus on primary and secondary sources. In primary sources the questionnaire will be designed with consideration of motive of the study. It will assist in gathering responses and testing the designed decision matrix. In respect to secondary sources, number of secondary material will be accessed by experts (Daniel and Sam, 2011). Books, journals, magazines and online sources will be considered as critical aspect that will assist in effective collection of information. Information will also be presented in literature format so that proper interpretation can be provided. In order to provide appropriate explanation of collected information different themes will be designed. It means information will be presented in form of decision matrix and physical

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