
Mobile App Engagement and User Retention

Background of problem

Fillin app needs to increase its users in order to increase its popularity. Mobile app engagement and retention are two metrics which assist in providing genuine insight into the success of an application. However, low app engagement and retention are the formula for failure. The present research is based on identifying the way Fillin can increase the number of users of their app. For Fillin company it is essential to increase its app users including both players acting as fillin, and team requesting fill-ins. Most of the people do not know about the app due to which it becomes tough for them to increase its users. Through the help of marketing company can easily increase its users. There are various strategies which can be adopted by the investigator with respect to increasing its users which can be adopted by the Fillin company. It is easy to sign infill in-the app and play the game online or along with inviting friends.

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Aim: To identify the way Fillin can increase number of users of their app- A study of Fillin.


  • Research Objective 1: Investigate the rates of participation in social sport among Australian adults.
  • Research Objective 2: Examine the need for fill-in players among social sport participants in Australia
  • Research Objective 3: Evaluate attitudes towards, and perceptions of, the Fillin app

Research questions

All the research objectives are based on above mentioned research objectives

  • RQ 1: What are the participation rates across sports among Australian adults?
  • RQ 2: How do participation levels differ by location?
  • RQ 3: How do participation levels differ by demographic factors (age, gender, etc.)?
  • RQ 4: How commonly do social sports teams in Australia require fill-in players?
  • RQ 5: How does the need for fill-in players differ by sport?
  • RQ 6: What are the average attitudes and perceptions related to the Fillin app of participants in social sport in Australia?
  • RQ 7: Is there a relationship between attitudes and perceptions towards Fillin, and an individual’s past experiences of needing fill-in players?
  • RQ 8: Do attitudes and perceptions towards the Fillin app differ by sport?
  • RQ 9: Do attitudes and perceptions towards the Fillin app differ by demographic factors?.

Research design: The research design is known as a set of methods and procedures which is used in order to gather, analyse and evaluate the information in context to research problem. It is classified into three types that are exploratory, explanatory and exploratory (Kalra, Phadnis and Joshi, 2017). For the present research, descriptive research design will be used as it will help in describing the population covered in the study. It helps in depicting the participation in an appropriate way. With the use of descriptive research design, it requires the use of a specific form of data collection which includes survey, observation case studies etc. However, there is one of the primary weakness of descriptive research design that is confidentiality (Landau, Mitnik and Lev-Ari, 2016).

Data collection: It is essential for the investigator to collect information from different sources in order to make research reliable and valid. There are two important sources of data collection that are primary and secondary. Primary information is known as new information which can be gathered through a survey, questionnaire etc (Hwang, and Anzai, 2016). On the other side, secondary information is that kind of information which is already published by different authors in their books and articles. For the present research, both primary and secondary information will be gathered by the investigator. In primary data will be collected through a survey in which questions will be asked from customers of Fillin App. On the other side, secondary information will be gathered through books, journals and articles. Reason for gathering information from both the sources is to make reason specific and valid.

Data analysis: After gathering information from different sources it is essential to evaluate it on the basis of results with the use of different techniques (Mammen, Norton and Butz, 2016). There are two techniques through which researcher can easily evaluate the information that is qualitative and quantitative. In quantitative method researcher focus on collecting information in a numerical form. In this there are different types of test are applied such as Z test, T-test etc. The present research is based on identifying the way Fill-in can increase the number of users of their app, therefore qualitative research technique will be used. In qualitative information will be analyzed within non- numeric form. Here, thematic analysis is undertaken in which different themes are prepared on the basis of results. Further, different charts and tables are prepared for presenting the result in a systematic manner.

Secondary research

Investigate rates of participation in social sport among Australian Adults

According to the view of participation in the sports can work as to enhancing the physical activity of the individuals in market. As per the present report it can be stated that there is decreasing in the number of participants in Australia. In contrary to government is also taking several initiatives in order to bring improvement in sport and recreation facility. Hence, FILLIN app is useful in relation to have increment in participation rate of adults in Australia. In addition to this it can be stated that Australian individual can be involved in organised sport and physical activity as the players, participants, competitors or non playing rolls. Pointed out that participants are defined as those individual who are taking various initiative to take participation in the sports and physical recreation in the form of players, competitor and in other kind of physical active roles. The FillIN app is useful in relation to invite the payers in the large manner.

This will help to bing high level of participation of individuals in business enterprise. In contrary to states that the people who are taking maximum amount of participation in sport activity, they can contribute positively to the increment in the physical activities of the person. According to the view of stated that total participation rate of sport and physical recreation is remaining similar over the period. Hence, it can be stated that there is decrement in organised participation from 28% in 2005-2006 to 26% in the year 2009-2010. In contrary to in Australia participation rate for those aged under 25 and over 55 are dropped heavily between the 2011-12 and 2013-14.

Moreover, states that Australian government is making various kind of provision in relation to sport facilities for traditional team sports such as are cricket, net ball, foot ball codes are helpful in order to have increment in the participations of adult. With the help of its examination upgrades our comprehension of the rural– urban gap in movement of support activities and features which works as to significance of particularly low-level highlights However, the socio-economics.

It along these lines may illuminate policymakers to fundamentally evaluate wear advancement arrangements. In addition to this, states that this Kind of application is useful in relation to help the adults with depression and then they can feel better by targetting the underlying cognitive situations as are attention and focus. The Filling app can be knowns as sour out various kind of issues, thus it can be called as problem solving therapy. In addition to this, states that Mobile is the major channel for customers to engage and make better interaction with companies on behalf of the Web, social media, through apps and via advertising. This kind of application are also useful in relation to enjoy the leisure moments of the person, with the help of this the creativity of the individual can be increased. According to the current scenario the individuals are more demanding for the games. It is the kind of robust technology, which work as to attract the large number of customers.

To Examine the need for fill-in players among social sport participants in Australia

The social interchanges and feeling of gathering made through diversion and it remains a serious Constrain. As per the view of for each one of the individuals, the ability to not simply play or Take an enthusiasm with sidekicks yet what's more the opportunity to meet and make new friends was a primary thought in their past commitment in dealt with diversion and a key interest of future collaboration. In contrary to The social perspective was clearly more essential for these individuals than the centred perspective. According to the view of Entertain need to ensure that they are giving help openings that are based on social and also the more traditional centred commitment. Pointed out that Women have a vital part to play in the change of amusemTo Examine the need for fill-in players among social sport participants in Australiaent in Australia as individuals, volunteers, contenders, and diversions pioneers as guides and heads. However, in spite of all that women standing up to limits to sharing in wear over their lifetime likewise, an absurd non-appearance of profile all around, with respect to prevailing entertain.
To Evaluate attitudes towards, and perceptions of, the Fillin app

According to the view of demographic factors plays major role in relation to use of game application. The maximum number of adults are relayed on Fillin app to store new games in their mobile, the middle age people are also relayed on this app but on minimum level. In this manner it can be true to said that age factors plays the crucial role in relation to using of technologies. In contrary to Filling application, the large number of customers will be attracted if following games are having creative approach. In order to bring development government is taking various initiatives on the following ground as are schools workplaces, urban planning, social inclusion food environment evaluation. In addition to this, pointed out that the Australian government is taking various initiatives in order to support the action plan which is inclusive of improvement to sports and recreation facilities. This app is also useful in order to give enhancement to the indoor games.

Hence, it can be said that technologies palsy essential role in order to bring development in the activities of Filling application, with the help of more creation the maximum number of customer can be attracted.

Ethical consideration

It is known as one of the essential parts of the research with respect to complete it in an effective manner. Ethics are norms and standard which help in differentiating between right and wrong. While carrying out the survey it is important that research participants should be not be subjected to the be harm in any ways (Muriana and Vizzini, 2017). It is essential to make a clear reason for conducting research in front of respondents before involving them. All the personal information provided by respondents need to be kept confidential and no one should be forced to take participate. Anytime respondent can quit the survey if they feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Through following all the ways research can become authentic reliable. On the other side while collecting secondary information it is important for the researcher to ensure that all the information and data is collected from authentic sources and cited properly.

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  • Hwang, W. D., Mossa-Basha, M., Andre, J.B., Hippe, D. S., Culbertson, S. and Anzai, Y., 2016. Qualitative comparison of noncontrast head dual-energy computed tomography using rapid voltage switching technique and conventional computed tomography. Journal of computer assisted tomography.40(2). pp.320-325.
  • Mammen, J. R., Norton, S. A., Rhee, H. and Butz, A. M., 2016. New approaches to qualitative interviewing: Development of a card sort technique to understand subjective patterns of symptoms and responses. International journal of nursing studies.58. pp.90-96.
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