
IT Ethics

Introduction to IT Ethics

In modern era, technologies has increased the unethical issues and practices at work place. The technology is increasing the risk of unethical and illegal business practices which are performing by many organisations (Fromm, 2013). The using and spreading of information technologies are revolutionary aided the emergence and development in the computer technologies.

Task 1

Ethical dilemmas are greatly affect the business organisation specially small business because these organisation are not having this much capital outlay and expertise to deal with ethical dilemmas. Internet has big impact on the revolutionary change in the global communication. Internet has given so many opportunities in which people can find lots of things and can also share with others.

In XYZ company, computer crimes are illegal activities and these are performing by the employees. Computer crimes it include various activities financial fraud, virus infection, theft and many more (Lindgreen and Swaen, 2010). All the information of company are safe on the computer. The business activities are depend upon the information which are saved in computer. Computer crime affects all business activities which are relay upon the internet to operate. These computer crimes are arises at work place and it affect the business activities. Computer crimes has given the disadvantages to XYZ company in achieving the business activities. The ethical dilemma which are include in the computer crimes are privacy, equity in access, computer misuse, internal control integrity and many more. The company need the help of cyber law because through this the organisation can protect the misuses of computers which against criminal activities.

XYZ company is using the software piracy which is illegal activity. Through this software they copying illegal or distribution the use of software. According to the Business Software Alliance about 36% of software are currently stolen by many organisation at their workplace. These software are violates the copyright agreements. There may be an argument on the individual piracy which are not unethical which can lead to computer literacy and may increase the purchase in future (Noddings, 2013). However ethical dilemma on piracy are come when they are done on large scale. This will lead to serious loss to the manufactures who are specially affect to the small scale business. They might be incur a large amount of losses which eventually can close their business. XYZ company is continually making new software so that they can reduce the fear from the works which are done on piracy bases. The unauthorized copying of some purchase software. As most of the software are purchased which are licensed. When the company are using the licensed software then they are become to know as 'licensed user' rather than the owner of the software. At work place when employees are using the licensed software then they can not do any crime while using the unnecessary sites. Whenever the organisation are using the software then they must use authentication process. As it is that process where user verifies their identity (Shewan and Coats, 2010). It deals with the problems of those whether user are allowed to access the particular system or not. Four methods can be used by the company at work place which are user identification, possessed object, biometric, callback system.

Task 2

Doing Ethic techniques is not series but it applied specifically that are applied in ethical dilemma. It solve the various problems and more focused on the ethical behaviour of the ICT professionals. XYZ company is using the software piracy which illegal and it is copying the software which are not purchased or taken any licensed. Through this the company will not able to protect their software which are using by the employees.

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The facts of software piracy is that it can damage the computer system. All the information which are kept in computer can be loss if system are damaged. These software must protect all information which are saved in computer.

The unethical issue is that XYZ company has not taken the license to use this software and copying illegal software which can also damage the reputation of the company. The ethical issues are not arises because the company are using illegal software for protecting the information which are saved in computer system (Souder, 2011). This company has to make new software for protecting the fear from the piracy.

This software affect the whole organisation specially to small business because they does not have this much capital to deal with the ethical dilemma. In XYZ company it affect the whole the targets of organisation because they do not have so much capital to take the advices from the expertise. On other side, large organisation having the huge capital so it little affect them and they can take the advices from expertise to deal with these kind of ethical dilemma problems. The implementation of ethical issues are will give the positive impact to organisation in order to achieve their business objectives (Sparks and Pan, 2010). The ethical issues must be implement properly to resolve the issues which are facing by the using the unethical dilemma.

While using the software piracy the organisation can take various steps in doing ethics techniques. The organisation can secure their information using the high standard of software and provide the id and login password to particular person to whom they wish to give. The ethical issues must be related with the employees advantage, to satisfy the needs of customers and should not harm the organisation reputation to lead in competitive market. The organisation has to develop those solutions which can solve their problems while using the software piracy (12 ethical dilemmas gnawing at developers today, 2017). It is the responsibility XYZ company to find out the ethical issues which are involved in using this software so that they can use proper computer system and can protect necessary information from their employees or competitors.


From the above report it has been conclude that when the organisation are using the software piracy it can damage the reputation of the company also. It become difficult for company to deal with ethical dilemma issues because they have to apply those ethical which will give numerous advantage to the organisation.

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  • From, E. (2013). Man for himself: An inquiry into the psychology of ethics (Vol. 102). Routledge.
  • Lindgreen, A., & Swaen, V. (2010). Corporate social responsibility. International Journal of Management Reviews.
  • Noddings, N. (2013). Caring: A relational approach to ethics and moral education. Univ of California Press.
  • Shewan, L. G., & Coats, A. J. (2010). Ethics in the authorship and publishing of scientific articles.
  • Souder, L. (2011). The ethics of scholarly peer review: a review of the literature. Learned publishing.
  • Sparks, J. R., & Pan, Y. (2010). Ethical judgments in business ethics research: Definition, and research agenda. Journal of Business Ethics.
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