
BMT7073 Quality Management Assignment Part 2 Level 5


Quality management in care setting is important concept which helps to bring effectiveness their treatments and operations. This will providers the opportunity regarding improvement of satisfaction of patients with their services. In this regard, different regulations are provided by the government which are need to follow by all care homes for improvement of their existing services. Such different standards works as guiding factor for medical practitioners and staff members which are working in care homes (Agus, 2011). All such activities ensures optimum health of patients. It is the duty of the management of NHS is to apply different motivational theories to ascertain their interests with care activities for bring effectiveness in their operations. This report includes application of different strategies and approaches which helps to attain effectiveness in care setting functions.

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Task 1

1.1 Concept of managerial effectiveness

Managerial effectiveness refers to perform all managerial activities in an effective manner. Under this, managers perform their activities in a right manner and at right time. It is necessary that managers should be knowledgable, intelligent and also imaginative. It is ability of manager in order to accomplish the desired results (Bergman and Klefsjö, 2010). The main elements of managerial effectiveness are motivation, administrative skills, leadership and also skills of people. Effectiveness of manager of NHS firm is measured in efficiency of firm in order to attaining goals of business. In addition to this, for increasing productivity of firm there is a need to manager to make improvement in effectivenesses of manager.

1.2 Effectiveness means in a care context

In context to heath care setting, there is a need to managers to perform their difficult managerial responsibilities in a better manner. In the healthcare setting, it is necessary that manager should aware about all the care related things as well as system. In this, manager should understand the needs and problems of patients and try to give them better treatment in order to make them feel very comfortable. It is essential that manager should provide training to its staff so that they can deal with patient in health care in proper manner.

Task 2

2.1 Quality management objectives

Quality management is also known as QM and its root in production industry. Quality management assures that products or services of an organisation should be consistent. Under this four different components are included like quality assurance, quality improvement, quality planning etc. It is an act of tasks as well as activities which are needed to maintain desired excellence level. The main objective of quality management is to maintaining quality of services and products. Quality management objectives are major methods which are used through organisations to focus on goals in improvement (Bon and Mustafa, 2013). Quality management objectives are given below:

  • To execute system of quality management which depended on ISO 9001:2008through establishing process to increase access to quality.
  • To regularly review as well as monitor performance level of organisation.

2.2 Quality management objectives in a care setting

Quality management seeks to make improvement in effectiveness of all treatments and also enhance satisfaction of patients with service. In addition to this, it is necessary to manage or health care organisation to check all machineries and equipments before using. System of NHS firm comprises large as well as small entities like for an instance medical clinics, hospitals, pharmacies in context to give better quality of treatment to patients so that their health can be improvement rapidly.

Task 3

3.1 Theories of motivation

Motivation is a main reason for actions, needs and also desires of people. Motivation is helpful in increasing working performance as well as development of an organisation. In order to managing roles in social and health care includes working with the others and which includes volunteers, professionals, colleagues and also managers (Fürber and Hepp, 2010). It is necessary to understand the motivation as well as behaviour of person. There are different kinds of motivational theories which can improve performance of staff members or team to make improvement in quality. There are some different motivation theories and these are Maslow, two- factor theory, Vroom etc. Under this, Maslow Hierarchy of Needs is motivation theory and it is a Growth motivational theory of Maslow is helpful as well as useful in health and social care. It is one of the most necessary theory and helpful in fulfilling needs which are based on five basic requirements. The five element of this motivation theory are Physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness, esteem and self- actualisation needs (Goetsch and Davis, 2014).

3.2 Relevance of theories to health and social care

In health and social care setting, motivational theories are more necessary to implement for managers. These can be applied in regards of viewing service users as well as patients. In context to this Maslow theory is helpful in know about the needs, wants and also problem of patients. So, in addition to this manager of NHS organisation to revise as well as adopt this theory and fit is its role in a better manner.

3.3 Role of diversity

Diversity is related to education, organisations, society and care setting. It is connected to justice as well as equality notions. If in NHS business firm, staff members does not feel comfortable and treated in unfair manner then they get demotivated. Under this, there is enhancing diversity in ability, age, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation in the workforce of health and social care. So, in context to this it is necessary for manager of NHS business firm to treat all staff members in a better manner so that they will motivated and will work towards achieving organisational objective in a proper manner.

Task 4

4.1 Values that shape organisations

Values are necessary as well as long lasting ideals or beliefs which are shared through employees of culture about bad or good behaviour. Values have the main impact on attitude and behaviour of person and also serve as wide guidelines in the all conditions. Some of the common values of business are innovation, community involvement and fairness (Hoang Igel and Laosirihongthong, 2010). The values are related to ethical code of the practices and ethics inform value of NHS firm. The vision of NHS organisation is regarding objectives to accomplish in proper time period. It is necessary that firm should use and apply all values at business place.

4.2 Values can shape service delivery

The values which can shape NHS business firm and found in international as well as national policies. Policy and political frameworks identify the vision as well as values of business firm, while the professional values have codes of practice, frameworks and ethical standards. The users of service can assess shape to the service delivery with the help of using their feedbacks or reviews and connecting expectation as well as experience of service users to policy. Affect of values on the service delivery which be viewed as line from policy values and international political by national values (Ipeirotis, Provost and Wang, 2010). All the standards provide structure of delivery of products and also values. It is necessary that firm should take care values so that staff members can do all activities in a better or effective manner.

4.3 Complexities of managing values and vision in an inter-organisational

In inter- organisational, two different firms are work together on achieving the common target. So, their vision and values both are different from the each other. From this, many some complexities are arise like staff members will be confuse that they follow vision and values of which organisation. In addition to this, from this kind of confusion, sometimes conflicts are arise and it affect values of those business firm which are sharing information as well as working in the partnership. So, it affects on profitability along with the productivity of business firm in negative manner.

Task 5

5.1 Distinguish between end users of need, want and expectation

End users of services have their different perception regarding the activities which are provided by care homes. They have different perceptions which are classified as per their need, want and expectations. Their is significant difference in all the three terms. In respect of care setting operations the difference between the need, want and expectation is defined below:

End-users need: In respect of care setting, the need of end user is availability of all basic medical equipments which ensures safety of their health at initial level (José Tarí and Molina-Azorín, 2010).

End-user wants: Their wants in respect of care setting is to availability of new and modern medical equipments from which they ascertain optimum care facilities.

End-user expectation: Their expectation is development of multi facility care home where all facilities are present at one centre.

5.2 Feedback collection from service users

Feedback collection is importance aspect which helps to understand about their actual views regarding the existing services of NHS. Primary sources is effective method which helps to collect the data from service users. This process of feedback collection has large number of importance for NHS which are mentioned below:

  • Helps to understand the actual issues which are present in care home
  • Implementation of new medical equipments for bring effectiveness in their operations

The different information which is collected from feedbacks are:

  • Number of people with complex health needs (Kim, Kumar and Kumar, 2012).
  • Poor coordination which persist in their current services
  • Need for development existing infrastructure.

5.3 Service environment, responding to needs and demands

The three different components which are included in service environment are:

  • Internal: This will includes staff, resources and present facilities which are need to control by the manager for effectively respond towards the need of service users.
  • Near: This will includes service user, contractors, suppliers, competitors whom are having the influence over the functions. Need to manage effectively to reduce their influence.
  • Far: External factors like social, technological, economic, environment, political factors etc. which have adverse impact upon acre facilities. Effective management helps to bring changes as per their needs (Kneese and Bower, 2013).

Task 6

6.1 Involve service users in the planning of services

There is huge importance of involvement of service user regarding planning about existing services. This will provides the opportunity regarding development of their services as per their requirements ensuring optimum care services in NHS.

To ascertain the participation of service user in planning process need to create effective link with them. The process of participation is conceptualised in three different ways from which information is gathered through consultation, partnership and User led services. This can be further classified into three stages:

  • Action: This includes ascertaining their views through having effective discussions, asking questions and sharing of information.
  • Processes: This will includes their participation in decision making processes, setting of agendas and building of relationships (Lin, 2010).
  • Values: This will provides about citizens rights, inclusion, democracy, power

6.2 Support decision making

Their is huge importance of collection of appropriate evidences in effective decision making regarding different aspects. This can be defined as the process of decision making on the basis of accurate informations and evidences which helps to get effective results.

Evidence: It is based on data which presents in the form of numbers, statistics, written statements, oral statements, photographs, videos, letters/emails, papers/report etc. All such documents works as supporting material in decisions, treatments, claims, strategies and policies framed by care home. It provides the opportunity regarding development of their existing services and satisfaction of the needs of visitors.

6.3 Research approaches when planning consultation

While the Care home like NHS plans about the collection of information with services users and wants to consult with them for improving their existing services need to adopt different research approaches which assist them in such

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