
Change Management


When an organisation perform their operations in the market than they have to adopt some changes in order to perform well than their competitors. For this, change management strategy have to be followed by an enterprise in order to manage all the people. Change management is a process that guides the firm that how decisions can be made and how new changes can be adopted by all the individuals in an effective manner (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). Through this, overall outcomes or results can be achieved and that will lead the company towards success. The present report is based on Ambulance Victoria Which perform their operations in human and health services. It provides medical emergency services to the number of people so that they can get the services on time.

Task 1

Needs and opportunities of change in Ambulance Victoria

There are some changes which are implemented by the organisation so that they can enhance their overall performance in the market. When overall needs are identified than appropriate strategies can be formed so that overall management can be improved. For this, Ambulance Victoria can use change management so that overall changes can be ensured in more successful manner (Keppel and WardellJohnson, 2012). There are some opportunities that should be adopted by the agency so that they will be able to provide quality services to their service users.

Change management is a process that can move an enterprise from their current state to another state so that desired future results can be achieved. For this, an appropriate process should be used by an enterprise so that sustainable objectives can be achieved in more effective manner. Some theoretical models are used in the change management such as:

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Lewin's change management model

This model is developed by the Kurt Lewin so that organisation can manage their overall operations (Raineri, 2011). This is based on three stages such as freeze-change-refreeze. On the basis of this, changes can be adopted by the firm in more successful manner. Here, motivation play an important role in developing and implementing the change at the workplace and their growth can be improved. These stages are as follows:

Unfreeze: Here, in this stage organisation identify the changes which are necessary in order to improve their performance. The agency have to assess their current position in the market and on the basis of that strategies should be formulated. There are some of the issues like poor financial performance, sales get decline and dissatisfied people with the services. So, strategies should be made on the basis of the values, beliefs and culture that is followed by an enterprise (Lewis, Passmore and Cantore, 2016). Through this, overall crisis can be managed in more effective manner and their overall growth can be enhanced in the market than other rival firm.

Change: When overall issues are identified than now in this stage new ways are developed so that problems can be resolved. All the employees have to start work on the new direction that is established by the management. Whenever some changes are occur than it will take some time to participate into the new environment. It is necessary that all staff members should know about the benefits of changes than only they will be able to attain success. Along with this, the health and social care agency have to avoid some factors which can affect their changes (Hamraz, Caldwell and Clarkson, 2013). There are two key factors which play their vital role in the change management like all employees need time in order to understand the changes. Along with this, effective communication should be their between all the people and the care agency. By adopting these, overall changes can be established in more successful manner.

Refreeze: When all the changes are implemented and staff members adopt the changes then now it is the responsibility of Ambulance Victoria to perform other operations in an efficient manner. At this stage, the care agency will be able to incorporate their changes at their workplace. Changes are incorporated so staff members feel more comfortable while performing their operations in new ways. This stage is vital in the change management as through this the firm will be able to achieve competitiveness in the market as compare to their rivals.


This model is stands for awareness, desire, knowledge, ability and reinforcement. Through this, overall performance can be managed so that future outcomes can be achieved. When each individual adopt the changes then only they will be able to perform better and achieve their sustainable goals (Liu and et. al., 2011). There are some actions which comes under this model and these are as follows:

Awareness: In the first step, organisation have to identify the requirement of changes that are take place at the workplace. Through this, all the people will be able to know that why these changes are necessary and how performance can be improved. The most essential factor which play an important role is communication as through this overall needs of the employees can be identified.

Desire: It is related to the extent to which all people are take participate into the changes that are takes place at the workplace (Gattermeyer and Al-Ani, 2013). When workers are fully aware about the new change than only they will be able to support the changes. If they are fully desired than their overall growth can be enhanced and objectives can be accomplished.

Knowledge: This should be there among all the staff members then only they will be able to perform better. For this, Ambulance Victoria can provide training and development to their people then only their core competencies can be enhanced. Two kinds of knowledge should be their among all the people one is related to the change and another one is related to their performance.

Ability: This is related to the capability of an individual that how much they are able to perform their operations in an efficient manner (Kool and van Dierendonck, 2012). The higher authority have to monitor the performance of their staff members on continuous basis than only they will be able to perform better.

Reinforcement: This is the last step of change management which explain that how changes can be sustained for long term. The sustainable performance can be achieved through positive positive feedback and other motivational activities. Through this, changes can be measured and effective outcomes can be received from the new strategies or methods.

Force field factors

There are some internal and external factors which may affect the performance of Ambulance Victoria. Some of the internal factors are like employees, suppliers, executives, manager and these are controllable (Manzo and et. al., 2012). As through this they will be able to enhance their performance. Along with this, there are some macro factors such as political, economical, social, legal, environmental, technological. These are uncontrollable so firm have to manage their operations as per these so that competitiveness can be achieved. By analysis the force field, the organisation will be able to know about their strategic position in the market.

There are some factors which highly affect the services of healthcare enterprise and these are as follows:

Technological factors

These are related to the innovation, technological advancements and so on. In this dynamic world, the things are changing from time to time so they have to adopt the changes in order to improve their growth at the marketplace (Pieterse, Caniëls and Homan, 2012). If all service users will get innovative services than their overall satisfaction level can be increased. So, in this manner Ambulance Victoria can use the technological features so that patients will be able to get the quality services in more efficient manner.

Political and legal factors

These are related to the political stability, trade barriers, foreign exchange and so on. So, the care agency have to follow all rules and regulations that are made by the government so that countries economy can be improved. When economy is get improved than due to this the performance of Ambulance Victoria can be enhanced.

Social factors

Sometimes these factors highly affect the performance of health and social care. Social factors are based on the needs, demands, interest, preferences, choices of the consumers. For this, service providers have to identify their expectations level so that their requirements can be fulfilled.

Economical factors

These factors are related to the interest rate, inflation rate of the country. The health and social care have to follow all their operations in an efficient manner so that profitability level can be achieved (Free and et. al., 2013).

So, all the changes should be formulated on the basis of these different factors. Through these, the care agency will be able to improve their overall growth in an efficient manner.

Evaluation of changes

There are some of the changes that are take place by Ambulance Victoria such as to enhance the culture and to improve the innovation in the services. Through this, they will be able to fulfil the needs of their patients on time. When they will receive the innovative and quality services then they will be able to create a strong base of the customers. The needs that are examined by the care agency are like to adopt the technological advancements and they have to follow all rules that are made by the government so that overall smooth functioning can be ensured. Some of the opportunities are there for the health and social care centre. If they will grab these opportunities then they can sustain their competitive advantage as compare to other rival firm.

When changes are evaluated than their overall performance can be improved. Along with this, organisation can take feedback from their staff members after implementing the changes so that their views can be identified (Daley, 2012). Through this, their different changes are evaluated and select one which is more appropriate for organisation. So, overall impact of different changes can be identified in more effective manner so that benefits can be achieved.

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Task 2


Intervention is an action that is taken by the organisation in order to improve their services. When the services of health and social care is get increased then they will be able to improve their growth in an efficient manner. Here, Ambulance Victoria can take two interventions such as corporate culture change and innovation intervention. On the basis of these, the care agency will be able to fulfil the needs and demands of their customers in more effective manner (Soparnot, 2011). These interventions are implemented at the workplace so that overall objectives can be achieved. These are as follows:

Intervention 1: Corporate culture change

Organisational culture is the combination of different values, beliefs, attitude and culture. Through this, it can be governed that how people can perform their operations or in what manner they are going to perform their activities. In today's era, every enterprise follow or develop the culture in which they set some of the boundaries and guidelines for their staff members. Through this, they will be able to make their unique image in the market than any other competitors. There are some characteristics of organisation culture and these are:

Innovation: This is one of the factor which can enhance the performance of health and social care as through this their overall brand image can be improved. Through this, they will be able to create a strong base of consumers.

Teamwork: When people are working in a team rather than individual then they will be able to improve their growth at the marketplace (Nasim and Sushil, 2011). For this, positive relationship should be there among all the people.

Emphasis on people: When company is focusing on their customers than through this they can create value for their service users. It is the responsibility of manager to identify that how the needs of their customers can affect their decision making.

Emphasis on outcome: The health and social care enterprise have to focus on their result that they are receiving from their own performance. In order to increase the overall sales, the care agency can forecast their overall sales.

Stability: The companies who are stable at the marketplace they can offer more valuable services to their customers so that effective outcomes can be achieved.

Holistic diagnostic model: In this model, overall operations and activities of organizations are included so that their overall performance can be improved (Lin, 2011). This model is more focused on the different functional areas and their performance. Here, Force field analysis has been used by Ambulance Victoria so that overall communication can be improved at the workplace and due to this effective decisions can be made.

Force field analysis is a model that is used by health and social care agency in order to make the decisions after analysing all the factors. Through this, reasons can be examine behind the decisions that are taken by an individual. The overall factors can be examined in an efficient manner so that valuable outcomes can be achieved. In this lewis's focus on two forces one focusing on the factors which driving the change and another one focused on the factors which restraining the change. It there are equilibrium in these forces then there is no changes are driven in an effective manner. Internal forces are related to the profitability of the an enterprise, competitiveness, ineffective communication and so on. On the other hand, there are some external forces such as political interest, ethics, high competition, globalisation and so on.

Implementation: The overall corporate culture can be managed in more effective manner so that their overall performance can be improved (Polasky and et. al., 2011). This implementation can be performed on the basis of change management so that their overall activities can be managed in more effective manner. After the implementation, post implemented behaviour of people can be analysed in more effective manner by getting their feedback on particular change.

Intervention2: Innovation

Each and every organisation is performing their operations in the market and their strategic position is based on the products or services. Ambulance Victoria have to focus on the innovation factor so that they will be able to attract number of people. When patients get quality services or treatment then their brand image can be improved in the market. There are some features or components of the innovation are like compatibility, relative advantage, observability, compatibility (Manzo and et. al., 2012). On the basis of these, their overall performance can be improved in more effective manner. Through the innovative services, the health and social care can add value to their services and their overall performance can be enhanced.

Holistic diagnostic model: Here, Ambulance Victoria can use an appropriate holistic diagnostic model so that innovation in the services can be improved in more effective manner. Products and service building invention is used by the organisation. Leavitt's diamond model is used in this so that their overall services can be improved in more effective manner. Through this, overall activities of the organisation can be managed and that will lead towards the success and their goals can be achieved.

Leavitt's model is based on four components such as task, people, structure and technology. On the basis of these, they will be able to achieve their objectives or goals so that their overall performance can be improved (Gattermeyer and Al-Ani, 2013). These four components are as follows:

People: People are the one who are working in the organisation so that their overall objectives can be achieved. So, the care agency have to focus on the skills, knowledge, experience of their employees so that they will be able to offer quality services to their service users. This factor have to be managed by the firm on the basis of other components so that overall intervention can be performed.

Tasks: This is based on the objectives and goals that are established by the enterprise at the workplace. This component is based on two factor such as how things are performed and in what manner they accomplish (Hamraz, Caldwell and Clarkson, 2013). When task are formed than the organisation have to look on the benefits that is achieved from the work.

Structure: This is a kind of structure that is followed by the organisation at their workplace so that their overall performance can be increased. On the basis of structure, overall operations or task can be performed in more effective manner. Through this, communication gap can be reduced between different people who are working at the workplace. This is related to the factors that how information is flow in different ways.

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Technology: It is related to the factors which adds more value to the tasks that how overall performance can be improved in more effective manner. On the basis of technology, they will be able to communicate with their different service users at different locations.

Implementation: When an organisation use Leavitt's diamond model then products and services can be implemented in more effective manner. Through this, Ambulance Victoria will be able to gain the attention of the customers.


From the above carried out analysis it can be concluded that health of an individual is important so for this they have to take quality treatment. All the health and social care organisations have to focus on their services so that they will be able to fulfil the needs and demands of their customers. There are some internal and external factors which may affect their performance or activities. Here, Ambulance Victoria uses some of the holistic diagnostic model in order to improve their interventions. Through this, the overall growth and brand image can be improved in more effective manner.


There are some of the suggestions that should be followed by Ambulance Victoria so that that their overall growth can be improved. All the changes can be implemented in more effective manner so that their overall success can be achieved. Some of the recommendations are as follows:

  • When changes are implemented at the workplace then they have to identify their own strategic position in the market. Through this, they can formulate the changes which are necessary for the care agency. After this, they will be able to know about their different factors which can affect their performance.
  • Before implementing the changes, they have to identify the needs and demands of their customers so that changes can be formed as per the requirement of the people who are associated with the organisation.
  • Ambulance Victoria have to provide training and development to their staff members so that their overall core competencies can be enhanced. Through this, they will be able to offer quality services to their patients.


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  • Gattermeyer, W. and Al-Ani, A. eds., 2013. Change Management und Unternehmenserfolg: Grundlagen—Methoden—Praxisbeispiele. Springer-Verlag.
  • Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson.
  • Hamraz, B., Caldwell, N.H. and Clarkson, P.J., 2013. A holistic categorization framework for literature on engineering change management. Systems Engineering. 16(4). pp.473-505.
  • Keppel, G. and WardellJohnson, G.W., 2012. Refugia: keys to climate change management. Global Change Biology. 18(8). pp.2389-2391.
  • Kool, M. and van Dierendonck, D., 2012. Servant leadership and commitment to change, the mediating role of justice and optimism. Journal of Organizational Change Management.
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  • Liu, X. and et. al., 2011. Efficient change management in long-term composed services. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. 5(2). pp.87-103.
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  • Pieterse, J.H., Caniëls, M.C. and Homan, T., 2012. Professional discourses and resistance to change. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 25(6). pp.798-818.
  • Polasky, S. and et. al., 2011. Decision-making under great uncertainty: environmental management in an era of global change. Trends in ecology & evolution. 26(8). pp.398-404.
  • Raineri, A.B., 2011. Change management practices: Impact on perceived change results. Journal of Business Research. 64(3). pp.266-272.
  • Soparnot, R., 2011. The concept of organizational change capacity. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 24(5). pp.640-661.
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