
Clayton Crown Hotel - Proper Management


The effective and efficient management is very important for suitable running of a business organisation. The proper management and managerial operations will help an organisation to manage its business operations and activities to a great extent. A significant manager will look after the smooth and appropriate execution of a wide range of business activities (Avgerou and Walsham, 2017). For the present report, Clayton crown hotel and is as the chosen organisation. It is the UK based hospitality enterprise. The report will cover various types of management styles, different leadership characteristics, communication process, organisational culture and changes in cited firm. A skill assessment and SWOT analysis will be performed with prioritizing the objectives and targets to develop own potential. A team leading measure will be taken in consideration by the fiirm that will help in suitable rise in capabilities and thus will faciliates a proper management of business activity. The impact of own managerial and personal skills and development needs are been accessed for producing a development plan (Perlmutter, 2017).

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1.1 Comparing different management styles

Various management styles are taken in consideration as per the organisational structure and operational capacity of a business entity. There are a wide range of business activities and styles that have been followed within the firm. Some major styles are:

  • Autocratic style: This is a management style where the manager possesses all powers and authority that will lead to effective management of business activities within a firm. In such sort of management style, the staff members have no right to participate in decision making. Thus, it doesn't work in the long run (Crosson-Tower, 2017).
  • Democratic style: This is opposite of autocratic system. In this, the manager and other staff has authority to make decisions for firm. This helps an organisation to get new and innovative ideas for the development of firm. Besides this, it also facilitates good communication on the organisational and structural level.
  • Persuasive Style: It is a management style where manager will retain the power with them but will be supportive enough to handle and manage problems related to employees. It involves an effective communication which facilitates the appropriate solution of managerial problems within a firm. It is better than the autocratic style but not efficient as the democratic approach (Maxwell, 2018).
  • Laissez-faire style: It is an employee oriented style that helps in the suitable management and implementation of business activities within the firm in an effective and significant manner. In this, company’s management seeks employee’s feedback and opinion before the implementation of a policy or technique. This style is known for better management of company-employee relationship. The leader in this style or theory is more like a mentor. This is quite similar to democratic style although sometimes turns to be autocratic.

They follow various characteristics and theories like Maslow's hierarchy of needs, system method, contingency approach, etc. This helps in better following of the traits and qualities and help in achieving the goals and targets (Busse, Aboneh. and Tefera, 2014). The Clayton Crown Hotel uses the Laissez-faire styleof management where the management of Dalata Group act as the supreme body but support its functioning. While on the other hand, Hilton group follows Democratic approach.

1.2 Discussing leadership characteristics

Different kinds of leadership traits are required to be managed and handled by a leader at Clayton Crown hotel and Hilton Group, for the better handling of operations and activities within a firm. These traits and qualities as well as characteristics are possessed by a leader that will help the organisation and its staff to manage its business operations in a better way. Some major leadership characteristics are as follows:


Hilton Group

Clayton Crown hotel


A leader must be honest and integrated enough to motivate its fellow workers to work properly. The key factor for success of a leader is when he sticks to its values and ethics. This will help him to build a better bonding with its co employees. This will help in improving the performance at Hilton group.

The leader or manager at the cited firm has to maintain the ethics within the firm.


The leader is required to be confident enough to take decision and carry out operations within a firm by guiding work force of a firm to a great extent. The manager at Hilton group must be confident.

Manager must be confident enough to improve the business performance.


The leader must be able to motivate its fellow workers and colleagues in order to facilitate a good and effective functioning and thus will support management of business operations. Manager at Hilton group will motivate its employees.

He must able to motivate the work force at cited hospitality enterprise.

Good communication:

A leader or manager must be able to carry out effective communication on personal and professional level in order to remove conflicts and problems occurring at the workplace. It also helps in decision making. He will carry out a good interaction at Hilton Group.

He must be able to carry effective communication with its staff.

Creative and team builder:

The leader in team is required to be effective enough to come up with innovative or creative ideas and build a better partnership within a team as well as stakeholders of company. He must be adoptive to the latest and creative measures within hospitality firm.

He must be able to develop a good and creative team at the firm.

1.3 Evaluating communication processes in selected businesses

The suitable and effective communication process is followed at Clayton crown hotel as well as the Hilton group. At the Hilton Group of Hotels, the top management of firm look after all the functionality and thus will help in better rise in operational capability and thus meeting of targeted operations and activities is major goal that is been set by a firm. The managers and directors look after better management process that is followed within firm and guide the staff as well as employees from supportive organisations to perform their job activities in an effective and better way. Besides this, the communication is carried out in verbal, non-verbal, written linear, lateral, formal and informal manner. Whereas, in Clayton Crown hotel, the management of Dalata group decides the measures and policies for the hotel.

Any policy or rule that is been formulated at Hilton group is been communicated to managers and directors of firm. They will further pass it to the branch and department managers within the firm (Renz, 2016). The departmental managers will make their employees and staff aware about the policies or rules and will look after its effective communication and implementation. The managers or directors will act as a bridge between the ground staff and top management. This is basically dependent on the scale and level of department on which the communication is been carried out within firm. On the other hand, Clayton Crown group get the operational instructions from its parent firm, Dalata group, involving the staff selection, policy making and revenue or resource distribution.

1.4 Analysing organisational culture and change in selected businesses

Both Clayton crown hotel and Hilton Group follows the hierarchical organisational structure which supports the organisations to execute business operations and process a liner as well as lateral communication (August and Shanahan, 2017). Besides this, as the firm operates in hospitality sector, the organisational culture will involve the assessment of the people of various economic social, cultural and national backgrounds. Thus, the managers and directors of cited organisation will look through the effective following of business operations and activities within the firm. Besides this, the proper following of organisational culture will help the firm to improve its business performance and support the organisation to meet its organisational targets and goals in a very effective way.

Other than this, the firm also has to look after the change management measures that are been taken within the organisation.The effective change assessment will help in suitable planning by the firm (Burnell, Rakner, and Randall, 2017.). The organisational will help in suitable rise in the meeting of targeted goals and needs of their customers in a very effective and significant way. This will also help in better increase in managerial efficiency of a business organisation. The facilitation of the proper communication process will also help the business entities to increase their operational capability to a greater extent. Other than this, it will help in facilitation of a good communication process, enabling a proper rise in efficiency of organisation to carry out its business activities and performance.


2.1 Assess own management skills performance

The self assessment will be carried out for the effective identification of the capabilities and scope of improvement for a manger. As a manager, I will be accessing the various operations and activities that will be taken in consideration of the operational activities by the organisation. The proper assessment of the skill set will help in better rise in my personal capabilities and management skills. The assessment will involve the evaluation of my efficiency as the manager at Clayton crown Hotel (Bolden 2016). Furthermore, it has helped me to work effectively in a healthy work environment. My skills must be beneficial for the firm to have a good revenue generation and meet the customers needs and demands. The skill management assessment will involve the following responsibilities as manager:

  • Being a manager at Clayton crown hotel, I will communicate and coordinate with the fellow employees in order to fulfil the operational requirements of the business organisation to a greater extent. My effective communication and managerial skills will be helpful for me to improve the performance at the work place.
  • The leadership skills that are been possessed by me will help me in a greater extent. This will help in better assessment of the skills and qualities of the people and their effective management, controlling and guiding using my knowledge or skill set at the work place.
  • The project management skills that I will have will help me to carry out the operations and effective execution of the business operations and activities (Retallack and, 2016.).
  • The decision making skills will help the firm to make the proper plan and have a good control over the operations and activities that are been followed within the hospitality firm. As a manager at the hotel, it will be my duty to take the suitable decisions to hold the effective execution of business operations within the firm.

2.2 Analyse personal SWOT evaluation as a manager.

As a manager at the Clayton Crown Hotel, I will have to carry out my self assessment in order to identify may strength and weaknesses and assess the opportunities and threat factors associated. The personal SWOT evaluation will involve the SWOT analysis which is as follows:

SWOT analysis



  • Communication skills: this is my major strength. This skill helps me to have a good and effective transferring of knowledge and information from one department to another in liner or lateral manner (Liu and, 2016).
  • Leadership skills: the leadership skills helped me to motivate and guide my staff in an effective manner.
  • Lack of time and resource management: the lack of effective management of time and resources have affected my performance and event execution to a greater extent.
  • Improper personality: I have to work upon my personality in order to work effectively as a manager at the cited hospitality firm.



  • The major opportunity that I possess is to be an effective trainer or counsellor in the hospitality sector. My good communication and leadership skills will help me to manage the business activities and actions that are required to be managed by me as a manager at the cited hospitality firm.
  • The dependency of the services of hospitality sector to be time bounded, and my lack of proper time management can cause the adverse impact on business activities of the cited hospitality enterprise. Besides this, the inability of proper management of resources can also be a threatening issue.

2.3 Set and prioritise objectives and targets to develop own potential.

Various objectives and goals are been set by me as a manager at Clayton Crown hotel. This will help in increasing my efficiency as an executive within the firm. Some major objectives and targets that will be evaluated by me as a manager at the hospitality firm is as follows:



Way for improvement


Time management

In order to improve my time management skills, I will follow the proper assessment of the actions and activities that will help me in the effective scheduling of my roles and responsibilities as a manager in cited business firm.


Resource management

The effective coordination with the logistic department and handling of the business activities will help me to effectively improve my resource management skills as a manager at Clayton crown Hotel (Van Hoorn and, 2014).


Improvement in personality

For the effective personality development, I will attain various grooming session and workshops that will help to increase my knowledge about a personality carried by a manager in a hospitality firm. Other than this, the following the self assessment process involving of SWOT analysis and identification of the scope of improvement will help me to make the suitable changes and gain a good control over the operations and activities that will support a good rise in capabilities within the firm.


3.1 Lead and motivate a team to achieve an agreed goal or objective.

In order to motivate the employees at Frankie & Benny's restaurant, as a leader I will take various measures and operations which will help them to get encouraged in order to achieve the organisational goals and objectives (Ang and Van Dyne, 2015.). The proper motivation and encouragement will also support an effective handling of business activities and achieving of targeted aims in an effective way. Other than this, as the restaurant is expanding its business in a newer locality, thus in this situation, as a manager and leader, I have to take in consideration certain measures which will help the organisation to handle the business operations and activities to a greater extent. Some major methods that can be followed in order to improve the performance of the firm is as follows:

  • Training and skills development policies: in order to facilitate a good growth and development of the firm, I will arrange the proper training and skills development activities, that will help in improving the quality of services and products to be offered to the customers by the firm (Ward, 2016). The organising of different sort of workshop, training programmes and seminar or sessions related to business activities and performance in hospitality firm will help in encouraging the employees to perform well and in an efficient manner. Besides this, it will help in increasing the customer satisfaction level and lead to generation of a good quality of revenue generation for restaurant.
  • Involving in decision making: the involvement of the employees in effective decision making will help in development of the trust level between the employees and the restaurant. This will also help in making the suitable business plans that will help in increasing the performance of the firm to a greater extent (Whetten and Cameron, 2014).
  • Appraisals and other benefits: the employees can be also provided some monetary benefits or appraisals that will help in good assessment of business operations to a greater extent. This will encourage them to improve their performance and meet customers needs and demands.

3.2 Justify managerial decisions made to support achievement of agreed goal or objective and recommendations for improvements.

Proper justification can be given for the measures that are been taken in consideration by the organisation that will help in improving the overall performance and thus will help in good rise in the capability and operations of the firm. The implementation of these operations and actions will help in suitable rise in business operations to a greater extent (Dixon, 2017). The goals and objectives set by Frankie & Benny's restaurant will help in good assessment of the actions and activities that will help in improving the performance and expansion of the organisation. The proper justification of the operations are as follows:

  • Training and skills development policies: the proper training and skill development measures involving the workshops, training sessions and seminars. This will help in improving the skills and knowledge of the workforce working at the hospitality organisation. This will help in improving the performance of an organisation.
  • Involving in decision making: the involvement of the employees in the decision making will help the organisation to have a good relation with its employees. Other than this, it will reduce the worker turnaround. Other than this, it will help in increase their confidence level. Other than this, the improving the performance factor of restaurant. Other than this, it will this will also increase the chances of innovation and innovation and developing of a good quality product and services by the restaurant firm (Turner, 2014).
  • Appraisal and other benefits: the providing of proper appraisal and the development process will help in the suitable rise in the improvement of the business activities that will increase the performance of the business organisations. Other than this, it is a motivating factor for the employees within a hospitality entity to improve their performance and meeting of the targeted operations and activities.


4.1 Explain how own managerial and personal skills will support career development.

A self-managed learning on continuousbasis is important for almost all individuals who are aspiring to build a successful future ahead.This is in relation to the development of both their personal as well as professional skills and abilities where such kind of development is apparent to assist them in the development of their occupational expertise as well. Herein, I have referred to use a well-known technique named as Blake Mouton grid to understand the type and nature of leadership that I possess (Hunt and Weintraub, 2016). By this, I am intending to evaluate my own personal and managerial skills with findings revealing my biggest forte of being a motivational leader who inspires well. Although, I believe to use this sense of encouragement as a secondary concern with a foremost consideration of attaining profitable results at work. However, I have also found myself to master the work life balance by simultaneously managing both my personal and professional lives. I thereby believe in encouraging others in a similar manner and this helps me as well as others in gaining extreme level of satisfaction.

Besides this, I also prefer to address my workplace concerns or some work related issues on immediate basis. This assists me in enhancing the productivity of workers operating under me. It in turn also helps the company to obtain productive results from its workers. In addition to this, on referring to my interpersonal skills, I like interacting with people and help them equally to grow their career. Also, I believe in building effective relationship with both the customers as well the colleagues or peers at the workplace. In accordance to my views, these are the 2 most essential considerations of mine for becoming successful in the future (Cozolino, 2014.). This is mainly on considering the fact where 1 happy customer is apparent to help the company in getting at least 10 more contented clients. I also possess effective analytical skills along with an efficient capability of decision making were by aspiring my professional skills, I am intending to grow the chances of attaining an upper most position of CEO in the industry.

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4.2 Review career and personal development needs with a plan

In order to achieve goals and objectives a plan is developed. It will help in improving my skills and knowledge so that I can become a good and successful person. Also, it will help me in evaluating my performance and taking proper measures. The plan is as follows :- 

Learning objective

Current proficiency

Target proficiency

Development opportunities

Criteria for judging success

Time scale

Communication skills

I can communicate very easily with others. I am very comfortable in meeting new people.

I need to improve my communication skill. It will help me in becoming a great leader.

For this I need to attend workshops, watch movies, etc. this will help me in communicating with people in different ways.

By taking feedback from team members and managers.

1-2 weeks.

Time management skills

I am not able to complete task on time. This affects my performance.

I need to improve this skills as it will help me in leading a team and achieving goals in time.

By preparing schedule and performing activities accordingly.

Preparing time table .

4-5 week

Decision-making skills

I am not able to make decision in complex situation. This is affecting my efficiency.

I want to improve this skill as it will help me in taking effective decisions.

I will be able to solve complex problems . This can be improved by analysing case studies.

Taking feedback from others.

1 month


This report concludes that personal and professional skills helps an individual in career growth and development. Different sort of leadership traits are required by leader to handle and manage operations. The suitable and effective communication process is been followed at the Clayton crown hotel. A self-managed learning on continuous basis is important for almost all individuals who are aspiring to build a successful future ahead. Developing a professional plan helps in ensuring that proper skills and qualities are required in hotel industry. There are various ways through which employee performance can be enhanced. The implementation of these operations and actions will help in suitable rise in business operations of all the cited hospitality firms, to a greater extent.

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  • Cozolino, L., 2014.The neuroscience of human relationships: Attachment and the developing social brain. WW Norton & Company.
  • Hunt, J.M. and Weintraub, J.R., 2016.The coaching manager: Developing top talent in business. Sage Publications.
  • Turner, J.R., 2014.Handbook of project-based management(Vol. 92). New York, NY: McGraw-hill.
  • Dixon, N.M., 2017.The organizational learning cycle: How we can learn collectively. Routledge.
  • Whetten, D. and Cameron, K., 2014.Developing Management Skills: Global Edition. Pearson Higher Ed.
  • Ward, J., 2016.Keeping the family business healthy: How to plan for continuing growth, profitability, and family leadership. Springer.
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