
Fundamentals Of Management


The essay is based on the fundamentals of management in the learning organisation. Fundamental of the management is referred to the basic elements of the management which is followed by the managers of the organisation(Pohl, 2010). The basic elements of the management includes the principles, management functions , techniques and importance of management. The management is a referred as forecasting and planning to achieve the desired aims and objectives of the organisation by organising and controlling. The management is widely used by organisations to achieve its aims and objectives with effectiveness and efficiency within the time frame. The fundamentals of managements and learning organisation are described in the following essay.

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As discussed above the fundamental of the management are referred to basic elements of management which are used in the organisation in order to achieve the targets of organisation. The elements of the management which play a significant roles in a Sweport i.e. learning organisations situated in London a cloth manufacturing organisation are described as follows:-

Learning organisations is a term given to the normal company which provides learning to members within organisation. The learning organisation significantly work together in order to enhance the skills and abilities of the member to attain the goals and objectives effectively and efficiently.

Management is to forecast the future of the organisation and plan for it and organising and coordinate and to control the activities.

Management is also referred as art to get things done through and with individuals.

Characteristics of management

The some of the characteristics of management are described as follows:

Management is the goal oriented process it is only done to achieve certain desired targets of business organisation(Griffin, 2013). As management is goal oriented process it helps Sweport a learning organisation to provide proper learning to its labour force for attaining the objectives.

It is universal process which means it can be adopted by every organisation for performance of its activity. Due to universal characteristics of management it helps Sweport company to manage learning activities within the organisation effectively and efficiently.

It is referred as a multidimensional process it can be used in management of the work, people and operation activities of production. Because of the multidimensional process the learning process of Sweport can be managed(Brigham and Houston, 2012).

The process of management is continuous in nature it never ends. The both learning and management process is continuous in nature. It helps Sweport company to provide learning continuously with the management of work and learning process.

The management is an group activity which is done by the members with there different roles and responsibilities to achieve the targets.

It is a dynamic function in the organisation which can changed as per the situational changes in the organisation to achieve the targets significantly. The learning process has be changed with the situations and new innovation within the Sweport company. The management helps in adopting change in learning process according to situation and innovation.

The management is not a tangible part which can be seen of felt by the anyone. The management can be seen by its results whether they are achieved or not. The management and learning both are intangible process. This can only be felt by the increase in the ability and skills in performance of work force in a Sweport company.

It is a composite process which is performed in the stages and it is dependent on each other. The learning and management both goes step by step. Management helps to arrange the learning stages significantly in Sweport company.

Importance of management

The process of management have certain importance for which the organisation has to follow. The some of importance of management to organisation and learning organisation are as follows:-

The management is the key important factor in the organisation. The management activity within a organisation helps in achieving the desired goals and objectives. The process helps in forecasting the future demand and supply. The forecasting through management helps in allocating the resources required to meet the future demand which helps in achieving the desired targets of the organisation. It helps in motivating the labour force to work effectively and efficiently(Campbell, Polk and Vuolteenaho, 2010). The management helps organisation in proper utilisation of the available resource such as man power, raw materials and funds. The effective management within the organisation help in maximum utilisation of resource which directly helps in reducing the production cost. The management helps in maintaining proper coordination and eliminating the miss management.

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The management have great importance in the learning organisation i.e. Sweport company situated in London(Gummesson, Lusch and Vargo, 2010). As it is a learning organisation it continuously provides learning sessions to its work force which is done to attain the goals and objectives significantly. To provide significant learning it is necessary for organisation to manage process of learning. The management helps to forecast when the training is to be provided and to whom. In also helps in determining tools to be used in the learning process. The proper management is only factor to get a desired result through learning.

Functions of the management

The management process is done in the stages. These stage are described as a function below:-

The first function of management is planing. It is a basic function in a management. In the function of planing managers of organisation frames plans of achieving the future targets of organisation. Planning is done to forecast the future demands and supply of raw materials, funds and human resource to attain the desired goals and objectives. The planning function of management helps Sweport company to frame a plan for providing learning to the labour force. Planning helped Sweport to determine when to conduct learning process and how it has to be done and also helps in determining which tool is to be used in learning of a individual.

The next function of management after planning is organising. The organising is a function where all the resources are allocated as per the plans framed to achieve the targets. The organising must be done within the time frame for effective and efficient working. The organising function of management helps Sweport to allocate all the resources and tool by which learning is to be conducted. The organising help in allocation within the time frame.

After organising the next function to management is staffing. In this function roles and responsibilities are divided among all the members to perform work. The function staffing helps in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency in performing the task. Staffing helps to provide responsibilities and roles to individuals as per their skills and abilities to perform for the preplanned common objective of organisation. The staffing is the key function which bring specialisation in performance of work(Osborne, Radnor and Nasi, 2013). As discussed staffing is dividing of the work within individuals the roles and responsibilities must be provided to the individuals which will help to provide learning effectively and efficiently without wastage of time and funds of Sweport company.

The next function is coordinating(Tieman, 2011). The function helps to coordinate all the activities which are performed by the individuals to attain common goal. The coordination among the activities helps to eliminate mismanagement in performance. The last function of management is controlling. This management function helps Sweport to coordinate the learning activities of work force. The coordinating helps Sweport to conduct the learning process significantly without any miss management in the organisation. It also eliminates the miscommunication in process of learning(Griffin, 2013).

In controlling the results are measured regarding the attainment of desired goals and objectives. The controlling helps to check whether the desired objectives are achieved or not. If not achieved it helps in formulating the plan to achieve for attaining it. The controlling have helped Sweport company to measure the effectiveness of the learning process. Controlling determine the reach till where the objective of learning have been achieved. If the objective of learning have not achieved controlling helps to eliminate the factor which decline the achievement.

Principles of management

There are certain principles of the management some of them are described as follows:-

The principle of division of work states that organisation must divide its works between individuals as per their capabilities and skills to enhance effectiveness in performance. The principle have helped Sweport company to divide the work which helps in specialisation of work by the work force. The work have been divided among the instructors in learning process.

The principle of authority and responsibilities states that the authority and responsibilities must go equal i.e. authority must be provided according to responsibilities(Pohl, 2010). The principle have helped to provide proper learning to the work force by giving authority and responsibility in order to provide learning.

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From the above report it is being concluded that the management is a process of getting work done through others effectively and efficiently. The fundamental of management include the basic elements of managements such as functions, characteristics and principles of management. The report concludes that the management is the key element in the success of the learning process which is conducted by the Sweport company i.e. a learning organisation. The management have helped Sweport company to achieve its learning objectives significantly.


  • Pohl, K. (2010).Requirements engineering: fundamentals, principles, and techniques. Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated.
  • Griffin, R. W. (2013).Fundamentals of management. Cengage Learning.
  • Brigham, E. F., & Houston, J. F. (2012).Fundamentals of financial management. Cengage Learning.
  • Campbell, J. Y., Polk, C., & Vuolteenaho, T. (2010). Growth or glamour? Fundamentals and systematic risk in stock returns.Review of Financial Studies,23(1), 305-344.
  • Gummesson, E., Lusch, R. F., & Vargo, S. L. (2010). Transitioning from service management to service-dominant logic: Observations and recommendations.International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences,2(1), 8-22.
  • Osborne, S. P., Radnor, Z., & Nasi, G. (2013). A new theory for public service management? Toward a (public) service-dominant approach.The American Review of Public Administration,43(2), 135-158.
  • Tieman, M. (2011). The application of Halal in supply chain management: in-depth interviews.Journal of Islamic Marketing,2(2), 186-195.
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