
Manage Continuous Organization Improvement

Culture Of Improvement In Nhs Hospitalsand

Culture is a set of shared attitudes, values, goals and practices which will make an organization. This reports explains how to create a Culture Of Improvement In Nhs Hospitalsand the opportunity for improvement in organization activities (Windsor, 2003). As change is very important in the present era, so it should be adopted by organizations. This project also explains the features and the process of the organization change.

Features of organizations that encourage and allow continuous improvement

Unique strategy - NHS hospital can come up with a new strategies . Their strategies will encourage the improvement in the organization. New strategies will boost up the morale of the employees and motivate them to work. In order to provide high quality services, Hospitals needs to adopt unique strategy to escalate improvement.

Process improvement and simplifications - Improvement of the process is very necessary in Hospitals and with the improvement of the services it will be simple for the employees and for the management. Unnecessary procedure and the policies that not leading to any effect should be eliminated to facilitate the work for the staff. (Smillie and Hailey, 2001).

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Performance management - In order to encourage the improvement in NHS hospital they need to measure the performance of their staff and the doctors. If they don’t do that then they will fall behind the competition. They can have trainings and the development program for the staff of the current trend and practices as this will help employees to improve their skills.

Innovation of the products, services, process and core competencies - NHS have many different-services and they can innovate in their way of giving services. They have various products and services which they are offering to their patience's. However, they can bring little changes in their services and in the core competencies. NHS further can expend their core competencies. Innovation is taking place in the present era so they should also have to do so which will lead to improvement. (McAdam, 2000).

Leadership and management styles that facilitate continuous improvement

Autocratic leader - This type of leader can take the decision without consulting their team members. In NHS hospitals this type of leadership style will not work as for the continuous improvement it is required to have the support of the team members. This type of team or the style can be demoralizing and high absenteeism can be the result.

Democratic leaders - In this type of leadership styles leader can only make final decision but they involves their team members in the decision making process. NHS hospital possibly have this type of leadership styles as leader is engaging the employees and they feel their importance in the organization. Employees might have the job satisfaction and the good productivity (McAdam, Stevenson, and Armstrong, 2000).

Laissez-faire - NHS can have laissez faire style. Leader gives their team members a lot of freedom. It may facilitate continuous improvement and make it easier in the organizations. Members of the team in this style is highly motivated and they have job satisfaction. leader can provides support and advice to the team member. They provide resources also if it is necessary for them .

Features of the learning organization

Access of the information - In learning organization the information is not hidden by the management. Learning organization share the dates whichever they have with them. Accessibility of the information is the main feature of any learning organization.

Failure is not punishable - It is possible that if any firm is accepting the change they may fail while trying. It is better to work on any idea and fail rather than not to work . Nature of humans is that they try again and again. Surety is not their for the idea due to the fear of failure he can not stop thinking. So the mistake or failure are not punished in the learning organization (Cameron, 2012).

Learning in high properties - Another feature of learning in an organization is that they primarily focus on the training and development part. They timely run their new programs so that untrained staff can take trainings. Learning organization always force to learn new things.

Constantly learning - Employees of any firm can not do the same thing for years and years. They need something different by which they can learn some different things. Learning organization have the feature of continuous learning.

Approaches to introduce and embed change within an organization

Training and development - NHS hospitals introduce training and development programmers for embed change within an organization. For employees they can have different types of training like work management, and the patients management etc. Training helps in brushing up the knowledge of the employees and the staff. They can learn about the new techniques of the work (Carr, and Hancock, 2006).

Employment participations - In any learning organizations employee participation is required as they are the key people who will do all the things and aids in attaining business objectives in a desired manner.

Learning organization - For embed the change organization must be learning and if it is not accepting the new technology and the new technique then their is less chances of growth of organization.

Approaches to quality improvement

Adoption of change - NHS can look forward to adopt changes. It will help in overall development of hospital. Putting the employees first in the changing environment and then looking for t their improvement. This is also one strategy in adopting the change in business. A small group of employees can first go with the strategy and the rest employees latter if it adopt.

Transformation - In transformation Organization design a future and invent ways to bring it . It will change old into new and give birth to a new future.. Patients who will visit the hospital will also feel something new. It focuses on making the things better, faster and cheaper.

Rewards and incentives - Approaches in the quality improvement also include the incentives parts to NHS hospital employees. Rewards and incentives always motivate people to work better and give quality work or services to their patients (Kangasniemi, and Robinson, 2005).

Resource management - It will include that how one can manage the present resources. Effectively management of the resources is required at every small, medium or large firms. Hospitals required the resources like blood, medicine, injections, or some urgent resources which is very important to manage as this is all dealings with someone's life. As the management of the resources is very important specially in the hospitals.

Participations of the employees - Employee participation is very important in company to improve the quality as they are the one who produce the products and can emphases on the quality.

Sources of information likely to identify opportunities for improvement

Primary sources - NHS hospitals can identify opportunities for improvement - through primary sources . The feedbacks generated by consumers provides complete overview of hospital. Customers can tell better area which hospitals can work on. They can have the feedback form in which customers can tell how happy they are from the hospital services. Hospitals can have different ways to approach the customers and ask them that how mush they satisfied with the services, also they can ask them the area of improvement in any fields.

Secondary sources - The information can be collected from within and outside the organization. The NHS hospital can identify opportunities for improvement by the resources they have. Management of resources in the hospital like stock of fresh medicine, stock of blood or injections are the major one which are required to manage properly. Specially in the hospitals it should be take care as the hospitals deals with the human lives (Smillie, 2001).

Internal sources - Management information systems (MIS) should be managed by the companies, it will provide the complete information about particular patients. Starting from the point when patient visited for the first time till he gets completely recovered. All the information requires for the organization to manage that where they stand and how much wellness hospitals providing to their patients. Good record of patients help in further improvement.

External sources - External sources for any company could be measured by the other industry. NHS can compare their services to other hospitals and if they finding any areas where they can work to make it better, they should immediately apply it. Comparison of industries is always helpful in identifying the opportunity for improvement.

Information to identify areas for improvement

Profit Ratio - If NHS get the information on the areas for improvement than it can easily identifies where they want to focus. Ratio of profit is important for the hospitals as it only takes the organization forward. Every company in the market focuses on the area of improvement so that they can improve profit ratio.

Market research - Market research will reveal the percentage of the company in the market. If the company will conduct market research then it will come to know about positive and negative areas. It will also show the area of the improvement.

Competitors status - NHS is very big organization and everyday lots of patients come to visit the hospital and it run on trust also known as an acute trust. Hospital need to know about their competitors so that they can improve their quality. It is not good that competitors are strong and they have good market share .

PEST analysis - Political, Economical, Social and the Technological are the areas where company have to focus. Technology is crucial one in the present era as most of the businesses are accepting it. This is time where all the companies whether it is small or large are using technology. By finding all the areas of the improvement like the PEST, hospital can increase their share in the market (Diefenbach, 2007).

Assess the impact of proposed changes to organizational activities

Change is an evitable and constant feature; change affects all the aspects of the operations and the functioning of the policies, procedures, rules and role. Positive impact of the change will bring the learning source. Learning is very important, it will increase the thinking process of employees. They can think out of the box and their knowledge will improve. In reality, organizational change is difficult to do. Some people resist change because they believe that change is disruptive and stressful. Latter on all the people come to know about the importance of the change. Change will boost the business and make their employees able to compare themselves with the other employees (Duffy, 2001).

NHS will get the benefit of the adoption of the change. They can make more profits and can open more branches of the hospital. Patient can approach them easily and make their life better. Among their customers they can build brand or a reputation in the market. Their services will be appreciated. Yet the their is also some negative impact of the change like Loss of self confidence, confusion or the conflict.

Evaluate proposed changes to organizational activities

Technological changes - New technology always tends to replace the old technology. Machinery in the hospitals like X - ray, ECG machine, OPG unit etc need to change after a certain time.. The improvements in palnt and machinery helps in improving business performance.

Cultural changes - As the company will accept the change, culture of the hospital will change. This will need adjustment as it is not easy to accept it quickly.

Strategy changes - Defining novel strategies for long term and short term is necessary. Strategy needs to be accepted by all the employees and the management.(Petouhoff, Chandler, and Montag-schmaltz, 2014).

Operational changes - Changes in the operational are also required to adopt and implement to the staff. As it will impact on the organizational activity.

Team changes - One major tool for promoting change is communication. It have two major importance one is conveying information that the audience needs to know and the other is to promote the change in organization. Team also changes with the change in the organization.

Determine changes required to introduce improvements to organizational activities

Culture - It aims at changing the behavior pattern of the employees. Changes related to people or organizational. This change is attempt to improve employees decision making skills and motivation by reward and recognition programs.

Social - This change means the modification of the establishment relations. This includes an empowered workforce, collaborative work arrangements and matching personal fulfillment to organizational needs (Agyemang, 2013).

Leadership - In policy, people, organizational structure, procedures are more easily introduced to leadership change. This changes affect the leader and their group.

Structural - It could be occur due the external changes. As their is different types of changes, this focus the structure if the origination.

Training and development(coaching) - T & D will improve the employees by work on their personality and skills. This change will trained peoples from top to bottom and everyone can take the advantage of development program.

Proposed changes with stakeholders

Stakeholder of the NHS hospital are the persons who all are associated with the company. Government who's concern is of the taxation, legalities, externalities, VAT, or legislation of the NHS. Employees who focus on the rates of pay, job security, compensation, respect etc. NHS customers, suppliers and the creditors look at the value, quality, equitable business opportunity, and credit score of the hospital. Organization changes will impact on all the stakeholder. They also need to know about the changes. They will definitely get the benefit of introducing the changes in company. Internal stakeholder may already know about the proposes changes as they are in the company but external such as investors, government, creditor, or suppliers must be aware about the new changes (Kangasniemi and Robinson, 2005). NHS hospital is operating on the trust and it also getting donation from outsiders. Precisely all the stakeholder of the hospital will impact by change.

Produce a plan for the proposed changes and communicate to stakeholders

Meetings - This is one of the most common method of communicating to stakeholders. By meetings one can avoid the misinterpretation. Each and every second of the meetings should be used effectively and proper delivery of the message should be done through the verbal and non verbal cues. In the meetings management and the stakeholder can talk face to face, stakeholder can solve their queries and ask about their doubt to the management.

Newsletters/ Email/ posters - NHS can use this strategy of utilizing emailed updated, hard copy brochures, posters, newsletters etc can be used . This type of communication is only type in which stakeholder can only read the message which management have sent, but they can not reply to it. It should make sure by stakeholder that feedback quickly deliver to the hospital (Saka, 2003).

Conference calls - This type of communication reduce the travel expenses. In this services only the cost of the phone call is required, this will facilitate the system so smooth. Presently this type of method id quite in use.

There are also some informal method in which the major one is lunch and dinner with the stakeholder and the playing the sporting events with them.

Design systems and procedures to support the changes

Acceptable - Supporting of the change in the organization should be acceptable in NHS. Member of the hospital should be persuade to take the change. Environment of the office should be positive that they want to learn new thing and want to adjust according to change. Only the acceptability of the plan of change will create positive environment.

Communication - In the procedure to support the changes communication is another thing which could be called coordination between the top and the low level employees. Coordination adjust the level of improvement (Agyemang, 2013).

Participation - Participation of the NHS employees and the staff is essential as they affect by the change majorly. Even after the acceptability management should bring the basic changes first so that it should not effect on the employees mind.

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Support - Support for the changes is very necessary. Knowledge about stakeholder's opinions, expectations, knowledge, and needs must be collected and understood by the company.

Training and development - This also comes in the major procedure to support the change. It states clearly that for accepting change in organization, it required the training and development of staff.

Review the change process for an organisation

  • Build awareness - Building awareness in the NHS hospital is the first step in the changing process.
  • Recognize need - Recognize that where in the hospital is the most important need right now.
  • Diagnose the problem - In the hospital diagnose the extent of how broad the opportunity is to improve. Collect and analyze as much information is needed when managing change in the workplace.
  • Develop, Review and Compare Possible of Action - It should also be determine that which action will give best result.
  • Selecting the best course of action and plan change - Among the best plans it is required to have the best course of action by hospitals.
  • Reassess and adjust/ implement plan - NHS at the last should adjust the above plan and then it should be implement (Essers, Böhm, and Contu, 2009).
  • Follow-up Measure and review - Measure the actual outcome against the planned deliverables and review it.


This report clearly shows that adoption of change is very important in the present era. It explains the opportunities for improvement to organizational activities and the feature of the learning organization. NHS hospital must incorporate organizational change and provide proper training and development program for their staff. To develop the skills and knowledge require to create a culture of continuous improvement. In any organization, learning should be at the main priorities not to make profit, cause behind that if employees are skilled to work effectively then the output of that work will be appreciated (Fugate, 2012).

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  • Blackard, K. 2000. Managing Change in a Unionized Workplace: Countervailing Collaboration. illustrated.
  • Cameron, E. and Green, M. 2012. Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models Tools and Techniques of Organizational Change. illustrated.
  • Carr, N. A., and Hancock, P., 2006. Space and time in organizational change management. Journal of Organizational Change Management.
  • Duffy, R., 2001. A Trip Too Far: Ecotourism, Politics, and Exploitation. Earthscan.
  • Gupta, P. S. and at.el, 2008. Cultural tourism in India: museums, monuments & arts : theory and practice. Indraprastha Museum of Art and Archaeology & D.K. Printworld.
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