
R/601/1758 Unit 20 Understanding Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Management operations can be stated as process which is highly interlinked with controlling and designing for the procedure of manufacturing and redesigning the business operations within the production for products and services. This kind of process mainly involves the roles and responsibilities for making sure that the business operations are much more effective in nature for attaining the customer needs (Christopher, 2016). Logistics can be stated as effective administration of the goods and its flows from the point of beginning along with the point of consumption so that certain needs and wants can be fulfilled in effective and better way regarding customers. There are number of resources which are being managed within logistics which in turn can include physical items, such as food, materials, equipment, animals along with time, information, particles and energy. As compared to the Logistics, it mainly to be much more even less consensus for the definition for term of supply chain management. From the view point of Gligor and Holcomb (2012) , Supply chain management can be defined as process in which there is the factor of systematic, strategic coordination for the traditional business functions along with tactics across the functions of business within the certain organisation along with business of supply chain for the various kind of purposes in order to improve the performance for long period of time.

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Company chosen for this kind of report is Aston Martin which is the British manufacturer of the luxury sports car along with grand tours. This company was mainly founded in 1913 by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford. In late 1950s and 1960s its became associated with the expensive  grand tours cars. This company has about 150 car dealerships within about 60 countries along with 6 continents making them global in auto-mobile brand. This company mainly had the trouble history mainly after the third quarter for the 20th century but it has also tasted the period of success along with stability (Green and et. al., 2012). Company has the made the statement in the first century they had gone under bankruptcy for seven times and thus they made sure that same should not happen in the second century. By the strong demand of Aston Martin's DB11, new model in decade and thus company came back to profit table within the first quarter of 2017 after sustaining six years for losses.       

Since 2015, Aston Martin has mainly sought out for increasing within its appeal for women as luxury lifestyle brand. For certain kind of degree, it is mainly meant to the company which has been moved kind of away from the traditional automotive core business. There are two topics which are being chosen for this report and those are Managing Quality and New Product development and Process which will be thoroughly analysed along with their tools.

First topic which is being discussed here is managing quality that is highly essential for the company. This is the basic expectation of the consumer while purchasing product from that they will have the high quality due to brand value (Hugos, 2018). Managing quality for the company regarding parts and manufacturing products is highly essential factor in order to attract customers and make better position within marketplace. There are various kind of theories which are highly related to the quality management and along with this there are tools for empowering employees, build a team atmosphere and thus it mainly focus upon providing high quality products to customers.

There are various theories like Continuous improvement, Customer focus, Team Involvement and data driven. There is the total quality management system which is being utilised by the company like Aston Martin in order to bring improvisation within quality of business operations and process so that high quality products can be delivered to clients (Jacobs,  Chase and Lummus, 2014). It is highly essential for an individual or an employee to mainly seek for zero defects along with bringing efficiency in order to implement continuous enhancement approach. There are various kind of areas where the continuous improvement is being needed in proactive mode.  The main focus of the TQM system is to provide internal and external customers. External customers are those who mainly places the order regarding the products which are being manufactured by the company. Within Aston Martin, there are some internal customers which mainly accept work which moves throughout the company. Example can be taken up of Aston Martin's production line within which an internal customer who is the co-worker at the next stage within the manufacturing process. In the process of mentioned company, customers needs to be determined by employees and thus evaluate the effective way for giving out maximum level of satisfaction (Mangan, Lalwani and Lalwani, 2016).

Aston Martin mainly uses the total quality management tools in order to have high quality products. Hence there are about seven tools and the first one is Pareto principle which states that many of the issues comes from the handful of causes. This allow the manager of Aston Martin to deal with factors which are causing issues including machinery or the operator error. This chart is being utilised to plot the after and before results to check the working of solution. Next tool is control chart which which has the central line for average along with upper and lower line which in turn represent the upper and lower limit. This can mainly assist the company for having managers to know about the car manufacturing. Third tool which can be utilised is Scatter Plots and Diagrams which is being utilised for making the decision process much more effective like launching up of new car in new decade which lead to grand success of company. Final step of the TQM tools is Check sheets and Check lists which are being formulated in order to collect data along with allowing users for analysing and data interpretation so that issues while production and sales can be identified and thus can be resolve by Aston Martin in effective way.

In aspect of TQM approaches, Aston Martin can be compared to the Toyota as both of the companies uses this kind of approach. Toyota mainly these kind of concept which is Customer first along with total participation which in turn states contribution of every employee. Toyota even introduced various concepts like Creative Idea Suggestion System and Statistical  quality control (Rushton, Croucher and Baker, 2014). Better efforts are being made by Toyota while Aston Martin, The composition for leading ceaseless change is by method for having a change facilitator who audits quality issues together with related groups to discover change openings. Cases refereed to by the quality director were enhancing the proficiency of creation procedures and methodology utilizing strategy consider systems, parts and working environment design, and fusing standard moment esteems (or standard circumstances) for forms. Change exercises are creation related, as well as non-generation regions, for example, acquiring and deals. One case given was the diminished in turnaround time for citations conveyed to clients; this was some time ago a manual exercise however had now been electronic. Despite the fact that the arrangement had all the earmarks of being short-sighted and self-evident, the contribution of representatives and administration in putting resources into innovation for better occupation execution prompted higher worker fulfilment.

Second Topic is New Product development and Process which mainly begins with various ideas which are being stared with the idea screening, concept improvement along with testing, marketing strategy evolution before the product actually commercializes and thus create wealth. In order to bridge the theory, employees of company works as team of developing  or branding the product and thus formulate the strategy of marketing to meet the needs within UK (Sarkis, Zhu and Lai, 2011). This kind of NPD theory mainly describes the new product development process along with the practice from idea generation by launching out and thus analysing benefits and advantages of the process.

The very first theory is the idea generation along with screening process for researching the ideas and thus opt out for the best ones. There are various kind of sources through which idea can be can taken and that can contain internal sources along with traditional resources along with developing sector and employees and thus external sources which are distributors and suppliers  along with customers as well. After having idea, company like Aston Martin can make its team  analysis the feasibility for the new ideas along with choosing up of idea like “E-cars” within company. Huge potential group can be the people who are aware about environment and thus mainly prefer eco-friendly things (Seuring, 2013). After the idea of electronic cars has been identified by the  Aston Martin, then marketers needs to  incarnate the idea details in meaningful consumer terms which in turn develops the idea into the alternative products and thus identify the most attractive concept for customers. Concept designed by the company needs to be tested with some of the targetted customers. This mainly includes the some kind of market research for finding out the need of market, niche and attractiveness (Stadtler, 2015). This will mainly reveal the most essential features for the new products and thus will mainly assess the purchase of intent for the customers. 

Behaviour of the consumer purchase are mainly influenced by the social, culture, personal and psychological features. Hence, it is being needed by marketers for conducting research within internal and external environments for new kind of product. It should be recognised by the marketers that the it can not attract any kind of buyers within the marketplace and thus it is highly essential to divide the market into smaller parts  and thus mainly offers the strategies as per that. This kind of theory has been applied by Aston Martin for the E-Car and thus for that company applied the PESTLE Analysis and SWOT analysis with the motive of market evaluation (Tummala and Schoenherr, 2011). Difference is that it is much more cost effective then other cars and thus customers can utilise it and save the money of fuel and save the environment. Market position of the company is to save the environment while still enjoying luxury services.

As per the theory of Kotler and Armstrong, process of business mainly involves the costs, sales along with profit within the new product. This can mainly provides help to the marketers for making estimate of costs and profits for developing of new product which is E-Car in order to analyse whether the new product has financial attractiveness and thus satisfy the aim of company. In order to make the car much more attractive among customers it is highly essential for the company to make effective marketing strategies outlining the planned price along with distribution along with marketing budget. A short time later the buy recurrence would be 12 times for each annum. In this way, the net deals would reach to £16.8 million in year 1, and the brand benefit would be about £ 0.87 million in year 1.

When the product has finished  the business test, then it is being transferred to product development. Main motive of this kind of theory is that it helps in developing the concept of product into the physical product for making sure that the new kind of product which is E-Car can be transformed into the workable market offering (Wang and et. al., 2016). Example can be taken up of Research and development sector which in turn mainly provides the idea along with engineering sector which  in turn will take up the ideas and thus mainly develops the possible prototypes along with manufacturing unit. Aston Martin has the product line for the electronic car and thus they are mainly focusing on developing the product strategy for the marketing plan. Company has applied the unique selling proposition which is “Save Environment and Be Luxurious and thus after this, various kind of car model can be manufactured for better purchasing and feedback of people.  

The last advance of NPD process is commercialisation the item into the market. Commercialization alludes to the advancement of the item idea, its effective dispatch, and cooperation with potential purchasers (Wong, Boon-Itt and Wong, 2011). The advancement strategies we intend to utilize incorporate a blend of advertising, for example, purchaser drove press and celeb supports, publicizing, for example, 30 second advertisements on TV slots or open air and press-Cosmo/GQ, online networking showcasing, for example, on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and deals advancements, for example, rebates and coupons.

In traditional method, there are business leaders which has the main focus on bringing sustainability within the business and thus mainly expand the traditional accounting which mainly includes the two performance areas which are mainly social and environmental impacts on the company. People who are considered as employees along with labour of the wider community where the corporation does the business. Company like Aston Martin has taken many kind of steps for making sure that their employees are feeling comfortable within the workplace. Triple bottom line companies makes the effort for giving back to the community. Example can be done of Rolex watches whose revenue mainly goes to the charity.

As per the report, there are about 64% of the Americans which are mainly worried about  global warming. Public has the point of view that the industries are harming the environment and thus they should also bear the cost and thus business can take notice. Hence, efforts are being made fort reducing the waste, investing in renewable energy and thus managing the natural resources (Wu and Pagell, 2011). Aston Martin being a global company has taken up steps for it and thus has put innovation like bringing electronic cars into market and making sports cars fuel effective. While every kind of business is mainly pursuing the financial profits, it is being seen as one by triple bottom line businesses. It is being recognised by the sustainable companies that the profit is not dramatically opposed to the people or the planet. Aston Martin reported their annual sales for  2016 which was $37.6 Billion. This mainly compiles for zero waste for land-filling across the globe.

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The accomplishment and advantage of corporate practicality exercises genuinely depend upon a specific something: a gifted agent who knows how to take the triple essential worry from speculation to reality. This delegate likely particular data of environmental science, accounting, and money related issues and organization aptitudes and the ability to use structures thinking to settle on imperative business decisions.

Aston Martin has been using these kind of theories in making the new product and bringing innovation within the existing ones. These kind of theories are being used partially by company along with TQM as they have their main focus on attaining the short term goals due to the high ignorance of the factors and thus seeking for present factors and siding up the future ones. So it is highly recommended that the company should look out for future term goals so that sustainability can be bought along with the brand value. This way they will be able to attain the loyalty of customers and attain the objectives in better and effective manner.

From the above essay, it can be concluded that the there are various kind of understandings for the operations, logistics along with supply chain management. These kind of factors has mainly contributed within company to attain the success and growth within the company. 

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