
Prospects of development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy


Ayurveda and herbs are considered as one of the most traditional and conventional forms that are used as medicines for treating a number of diseases. Various natural products from different plants and herbs form the main basis for curing of infections. From centuries ago, there is a very high demand of Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy. Use of Ayurveda and herbal remedies and therapy is becoming popular because of various kinds of side effects of allopathic medicines and treatments. It is being used widely in developing nations like India and Nepal as well as China. However, in spite of the various uses that these herbal medicines can be put to, these are still not fully accepted by people in countries like U.K. and U.S.A. The herbal products are now steadily gaining awareness in the countries like U.K. as are promoted and supported by the government. With this, it is important to find the possibility of development of ayurveda in U.K. In this respect the present study is done with aim of identifying the prospects of development of ayurveda and herbal medicines in U.K.

The data in the present study has been collected through secondary one in which books and studies conducted earlier by scholars and researchers are present. Also, various online materials are referred so as to get an in dept information on the topic of study. The analysis of data has been done through qualitative methods with technique of thematic analysis in which themes are being formed.

The last part of the dissertation consist of findings and conclusions that are drawn by highlighting the major findings that there are high possibilities of development of ayurveda and herbal medicines in U.K. On this basis, recommendations are also drawn related to ways in which promotion of ayurvedic drugs can be done.

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Background of the study

Ayurveda is the 5000 year old concept which provides information regarding medical science. This basically showcases the traditional way of treating the diseases of an individual in an effective manner. This concept was basically found out in an Indian scriptures called by the name of Vedas. This book provides detailed information regarding different types of treatment with the help of which any kind of illness and diseases can be cured in an effective manner. In this respect, it can be said that ayurveda is natural Health and Medicare system and one of the ancient health care systems in world. The word ayurveda has emerged from two different types of aspect such as Ayus and Veda (Ayurveda - An Introduction, 2014). Ayus indicates the combination of these four identified aspects being body, mind, and senses along with soul. It is due the combination of these identified four aspects only life of any persons can be sustained in an effective manner. Besides this, Veda describes about the knowledge and information. Ayurveda has a one specific objective that is to maintain the health of an individual who are ill. In this respect, ayurveda suggest that with the help of specific diet, hygiene, living habit and exercise an effective cure with respect to the specific type of illness can be carried out (Lad, 2012). On the other side the herbal medicines are the part of medical treatment which is made up of plants and herbs and therapy is the treatment through which heal or diseases is relieved.

In addition to this, in such type of treatment sometime illness is cured by using animal parts, shells, minerals, fungal and bee etc. In recent years it was observed that there was development in Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy in UK. There are three different developments in the field of health and medicine which is attracting the people to use them instead of going towards allopathic treatment (Pole, 2012). In this regard, various usefulness of these type of treatment are identified. With the help of these treatment the possibility of increased side effect of medicines can be used which is usually occurs when people adopt allopathic medicines. Further with this, ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy can be used by any type of individuals irrespective of their income level because of its cost effectiveness. However, this treatment possesses biggest limitation in terms of time. These types of treatment involve larger process for curing the patients in an effective manner (Gupta, 2005).

In spite of having this limitation, there are various prospect with regard to the development of ayurveda, herbal and medicines is being seen in United Kingdom market. On the basis of an analysis it has been identified that, among 62 billion global markets for Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy 45% of the market share has been covered by European Union (Global Market, 2014). On the other hand, it has also being identified that there are 40000 therapists operating in UK that has outnumbered the services of conventional doctors. In addition to this, it has also being identified that nearly 43% of adults in the UK purchases herbal medicines instead of allopathic one (Ayurveda spreads wings in UK, Europe, 2014). This type of ratio indicates that young population of UK are also directing their efforts in terms of using herbal treatment with an aim to get themselves cure from their diseases.

However, with an aim to get quick relief from their pain many of the population in United Kingdom still relies on the allopathic treatment. This type of instances reduces the use of Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy. Hence it also causes its significant affect on the prospect with respect to the development in particular country. It is due to the presence of this particular aspect only the development of the concept in United Kingdom such as Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy is uncertain. Further with this, many of the people in United Kingdom do not rely and believe in such type of treatments. This also raises as well as affects the prospect with regard to the development of such type of medical treatment in the particular country.

Research Aim and Objectives

Aim: To examine the Prospects of development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy in UK

Objectives: On the basis of the aim of research, some objectives are framed in order to accomplish the aim of study in appropriate and proficient way.

  • To identify the present status of development in the field of Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy.
  • To evaluate various areas of development in Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy in UK.
  • To identify the benefits and drawbacks of using Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy for curing human ailments.
  • To identify the benefits of Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy for UK economy.

Focus and purpose

The focus of this report has been directed towards understanding various prospects with regard to the development of the concept like Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy in United Kingdom. This particular aspect can be identified by analyzing the pros and cons of the herbal treatment and medicines in the given particular country. It is through such type of ways only prospects of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy can be assessed. For example, if on the basis of analysis it has been identified by the researcher that allopathic medicine provides quick treatment with regard to the any kind of illness and diseases (Frawley, 2004). Then in such condition there is very less prospect in terms of the development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy can be seen. In addition to this, the focus of the study has also being directed towards the area such as analyzing the present status of development in the field of Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy (Singare, Lokhande, Andhale and Acharya, 2010). With the help of this, need relating to the expansion in particular field in United Kingdom can be identified. In addition to this, by performing such type of activity that particular area can be identified by the researcher which needs to be required an improvement in an effective way. The report also focuses on the benefits of using Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy for UK economy (Goodier, 2012).

On the other basis of analysis it has been identified that in order to get the quick relief from the diseases and problem many of the citizens in United Kingdom prefers to get allopathic medicines instead of herbal one. This is being considered as one of the biggest barrier that may hamper the prospect of the development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy in UK. Due to the present of this particular aspect given study has an aim to identify the Possibilities of development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy in UK. It is being regarded as the main purpose of the report (KarallieddeIndika, 2009).

Research framework and analysis

Framework and analysis consist of entire methodology that the researcher is going to implement in the present dissertation so as to accomplish it. The methods of research methodology are discussed as follows –

  • Research design – In the present study, researcher will apply descriptive research design. This is because study on prospects of development of Ayurveda in U.K through this design would help in gaining in-depth information to the subject.
  • Research type – The present dissertation is qualitative type as the subject of development of Ayurveda is such that it will cover theoretical aspects.
  • Research approach – Here, the approach implemented by the researcher will be of deductive one as thesis will be moving from general to specific.
  • Research philosophy – In the present research report, the researcher will apply interpretevism philosophy as with this in depth knowledge can be gained related to the topic.
  • Data collection – The present study will be based on collection of data through secondary methods where researcher will refer to a number of secondary sources like books and journals related to the subject of development of Ayurveda in U.K.
  • Data analysis – The data collected in the present dissertation will be analyzed through qualitative methods by technique of thematic analysis. In this, themes will be made according to the secondary data gathered.

Potential significance

The current research on examining the prospects of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy in U.K consist of a lot of significance in academic and practical aspects. In the practical one, the present study will help in understanding of the development of herbal medicines and therapy and various benefits of using these to health as well as to the entire economy of U.K. Apart from this, the knowledge that will be gained through the study and its results would help the various organizations dealing into herbal medicines and Ayurveda to make more effective measures to develop these properly.

In addition to this, the present dissertation also holds significance from the academic aspect also (Srivastava, Kumar and Vankar, 2012). This is so as for conducting the study good amount of information will be collected related to prospects of development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy. With the data gathered, many academicians can conduct researches in future related to similar or somewhat similar aspects.

From ancient times, people are using and believing in Ayurveda and herbal treatments for the purpose of getting relieve form different types of problems faced by them. Natural and herbal medicines and treatments always stand as a golden mark for exemplifying outstanding phenomena of symbiosis (Deutsch, 2008). Various natural products from different plants, minerals and animal are the main basis for treatment of various kinds of human disease. It is estimated that in recent time, approximately 80 % people of the world are still relaying on the traditional herbal medicine of various species of plants, minerals and animals for their major health care (Somogyi and et. al., 2011). From centuries ago, there is a very high demand of Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy. Use of Ayurveda and herbal remedies and therapy is becoming popular because of various kinds of side effects of allopathic medicines and treatments. There is no kind of side effect from use of any Ayurveda and herbal medication and therapy and this merit of natural products is also supporting use of various herbal remedies and treatments instead of allopathic medicines. It leads to increase in producers of Ayurvedic and herbal drugs.

Literature review is the section which identifies the gaps between the various studies. It conducts the critical analysis of all the findings and facts related to the subject. It also analyses the contributions made by the previous researchers (Goddard and Melville, 2004). With this chapter the researcher makes an attempt to gain the knowledge regarding the research issue. It helps him in grabbing all the positive and negative consequences. This study tries to examine the development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy in UK. All the findings helps in achieving the propose aim and objectives of the study.

Ayurveda in World

More than 500 plants with their curative and medicinal uses are mentioned in primeval literature and approximately 800 plants have been used for the medicines of indigenous systems. There are variety indigenous systems such as Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and Allopathy that use different types of plant species for the treatment of various ailments (Thatte and Dahanukar, 2000). The total global market for these treatments is of almost size $ 62 billion and European Union is the largest market with a market share of almost 45 % of the total global market (Pole, 2012). Further other major herbal products markets include North America with 11%, Japan with 16%, ASEAN countries with 19% and rest of European Union with 4.1% market share. Various nations like China and Japan has properly marketed own traditional Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy abroad, which are well accepted in nations like US and UK. Thus Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy are effectively used in varnish nations of the world.

Since early 19th century, a variety of allopathic and western medicines and treatments are become popular, which has reduced use of herbal medicines and therapy for the treatments of their ailments (Katiyar and Khare, 2012). Allopathic and western medicines and treatments have become alternative methods of treatment and remedies for different kinds of human diseases. It has become conventional medical cure in various nations like US, UK and others (Baker, 2003). As various allopathic and western medicines and treatments are also popularly used along with these things, so the development is uncertain, especially in the developed nations like UK many people do not believe and rely in Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy and go to make use of conventional allopathic and western medicines to get fast relief from their ailments in UK. But, on the other side, this form of medicine is now contributing towards the economy of U.K because of which it is now gaining attention as well as acceptance by the government and people too.

Present status of development in the field of Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy

Ayurveda is an Indian world which means life knowledge. Nowadays people are much more concern about the Ayurvedic treatment as well as medicines. It is the way of diagnosing illness and using a wide range of treatments and techniques. On the other hand, herbal medicine uses mixture of plants to treat illness or promote health. It is a whole body approach which mainly looks at the physical, mental and emotional well being. (Morath, 2004) stated that there are different types of herbal medicine but in UK mainly western herbal medicine and Chinese herbal medicine have been used. According to the Khare and Katiyar, (2012) development of Ayurveda has intense mythological association with the creation of cosmos and safeguarding of life-force. In most of the countries the status of Ayurveda varies widely but it has not been recognized legally as a Medical system. It has established its position around globe and as a unique health care system and it provided positively channeled to benefit the maximum people with minimum expenses. One of the main aims behind the development of Ayurveda is to offer a cost effective and safe health care to the public at large.

Muller, Bezuidenhout and Jooste, (2006) determines the present status of Ayurveda as a world's oldest medical system and knowledge system which is as simple as it is composite. There is a huge development in the field of Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy. Practitioners developed a number of medicinal preparations and surgical measures for the treatment of various ailments. Ayurveda presented a broad image with well integrated services to Indian national healthcare system. It is expanded through all the state hospitals for Ayurveda established across the country. The present status of development of Ayurveda and herbal medicines varies according to the status of country. There are different choice and mentality of people in different counties. According to Berger, (2013) in India up to the 85% people use some form of traditional medicines, a category which includes Ayurveda. The government of India also supports the research and teaching in Ayurveda with the help of many channels at both the national and state levels. Almost 30 % sales of drugs in the world are based on herbal and natural products and therapies. According to Katiyar and Khare, 2012, one of the most important features of Ayurveda and herbal therapies is that it is completely patient based. Due to this reason, from ancient times, people in UK and other nations are using and believing in Ayurveda and herbal treatments for the purpose of getting relieve form different types of problems faced by them (Morath, 2004). There is a very high demand of Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapies in western countries like UK, as Ayurvedic and herbal products becoming popular because there is no kind of side effect from using them (Srivastava, Kumar and Vankar, 2012). According to a WHO survey, almost 75% of the population of Nepal uses herbal medicines. They feel it a most practiced form of medicine in the country and further these services expands with high range. In addition to this, Sri Lankan tradition of Ayurveda refers to texts on the subject written in Sanskrit, which are common in India and Sri Lanka. In the population of this country there are 62 Ayurvedic hospitals and 208 central dispensaries in the public system. In the western world it has begun to be advertised as alternative medicine and this terminology has also been adapted specifically for western consumption. A variety of researches and studies have been earlier on the topic related to Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy, which has helped the researcher for properly conducting the research. Ayurvedic medicine, also known as Ayurveda, is ancient holistic health care system that is native of India (Pole, 2012). According to Subrat, Lyer and Prasad, (2002), the English meaning of Ayurveda is science of life, i.e. Ayu means life and Veda means science. Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy are greatly accepted in other nations including UK. Various natural products from different plants, minerals and animal are the main basis for treatment of various kinds of human disease (Wang, 2006).

Although approximately 80 percent of people today depends upon the herbal medication and in different countries therapies are given to the patients to provide them best possible services. Herbal medicines nowadays potentially contribute to the advancement of healthcare and incorporation of safe and effective herbs into medical system (Wujastyk and Smith, 2013). These medicines are prepared from the plant origin and through the drugs from the natural sources. There is an increasing rate of development in the field of Ayurveda and Herbal as it brings balance and harmony back into the body of patient, which they think to prevent. Ayurvedic medicines help in increasing the energy of body and wellbeing as well as decreasing stress.

Various areas of development in Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy in UK

On 16th February 2011 the secretary of state for Health and the health professional council of UK has been asked to establish a statutory register for practitioners supplying unlicensed herbal medicines. According to Crawford and Leventis, (2005), UK market is one of the largest markets for herbal and natural products, as it alone holds almost 45 % market share of the total global market of Ayurveda and herbal medicines and treatments in world, which is of the size of almost $ 62 billion. Countries like China, India and Japan have properly marketed their own traditional Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy abroad, which are well accepted UK (Young, 2007). Along with Ayurvedic and herbal treatments and medicines, various allopathic and western medicines and treatments have also been popularly used in the Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy in UK for curing different human diseases (Singh and Verma, 2008). The number of producers of Ayurvedic and herbal drugs is also increasing with a significant rate in UK, which leads to increase in future prospects for development in Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy. With the help of increase in number of manufactures and producers of medicines and drugs of herbal and natural products, the supply of various herbal and Ayurvedic products increases. According to McKenzie, Tuck and Noh (2011), further many new producers are entering in UK’s Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy market with new ideas, which leads to new developments in area of herbal and natural medicines and treatments. A variety of developments in the field of Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy has been made earlier in UK. A variety of new herbs and natural products are identified and new treatments and Ayurvedic remedies are identified for various kinds of human diseases and ailments.

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The practices of Ayurveda flourished in the UK in late 80's and Ayurveda College UK has been trying to start a B. Sc and M. Sc course in Ayurveda with the collaboration of Middlesex University (Dhiman and Kumar, 2006). It can be clearly stated that UK comes under the fastest growing countries and it is very difficult to change the mindset of people in this field. For this purpose, they are carrying various services through which people are much more attracted toward their services. The latest competitors to the Ayurveda field are Ayurveda Practitioners’ Association. This association has been established to empower the Ayurvedic Practitioners to deliver best practice solution with the help of continuous program of professional development. It requires creating a regulatory environment in which full range of modality can be safely and effectively practiced. Herbal medicines were identified as posing particular challenges for public health and it requires having a statutory regulation in the UK (Franco and Tavares, 2013). Further, UK is the fastest growing country and there are various rules and regulations owned by government. There is expanding range of outlets in the UK comprising Ayurvedic hospitals, residential treatment centers, high street shops, health clubs etc. Different universities are starting different courses through which they can expand the level of Ayurveda and hospitals as well. Apart from setting up and Ayurvedic charitable hospital in the London, a 3 year university degree course on Ayurvedic studies at Thames Valley University in the UK has been started (Berger, 2013). With the help of this course an individual can get all the appropriate information about the therapy treatment and causes of Ayurvedic treatment. They can also be counted as a medical health professionals and try to expand these services across the world.

According to Muller, Bezuidenhout and Jooste, (2006) Ayurveda is an important aspect of Vedic knowledge which is basically about to developing the full potential of the individual and society. There are various ways through which countries are promoting the relevance of Ayurvedic healthcare in helping to improve the health and well being of people in UK. Ayurvedic medicine system is world's oldest medicine system and it is considered as a complementary health approach. There are several different practices used as a complementary approach nowadays in UK such as herbs, messages and specialized diets (Khare and Katiyar, 2012). Ayurvedic medicines use variety of products and practices which are helpful in having a potential to be toxic. There are not enough well-controlled clinical trials and systematic research reviews on the Ayurveda. Further, it is determined that people are very health conscious and they are trying to use all the complementary approaches. Moreover, the prevention of bloodshed inspired the Ayurvedic doctors of that era to innovate new and highly developed healing technique to avoid surgery. Population of UK uses these services in order to avoid major operations and surgery. Morath, (2004) determines that Ayurveda is crowned as a "Mother of Healing". In order to provide various benefits different practitioners have developed a unique formula of mixing mercury, sulphur and different metals with beneficial herbs in medicinal compositions. In UK statutory regulations have been set which would ensure that appropriate training has been established and it gives positive results with the understanding of the evidence base for their therapy process.

With the development in the field of Ayurveda various legislative provisions for herbals medicines are to be found. Most of the people using these medicines as these are very cost effective and depending on the treatments individuals have. Ayurvedic medicines can cure and control huge diseases such as cancer etc. These patients can take treatment with using herbal medicines (Wujastyk and Smith, 2013). It is an alternative therapy which people can use to feel better and feel more in control of their situation. Herbal remedies are using at increasing rate nowadays as some of the studies showing that most of the people using herbal remedies alongside conventional cancer treatments. Most of the companies making herbal products and they are essential for them to meet the quality standards. Dr. Godagama, adviser to the MHRA on Ayurvedic products stated that "" we are not herbalist, we are Ayurvedic Physician and it is the complete system of medicine.

Franco and Tavares, (2013) Stated that about 150 Ayurvedic doctors are practicing in UK in order to understand the Ayurveda as a medical system with independent status. Two colleges are also running in this field and it offers 1000 hours of classes for the course of B.A. in Ayurveda. UK allows to sale the Ayurveda medicines under the label of herbal medicines and most of the practitioners are practicing without the license as an herbalist. In EU countries currently a Medical Control Agency proposed a directive to regularize the practice of traditional ethnic medicines. Ayurveda associations are believed to have represented the system in the consultation exercise. The future of Ayurveda in the whole of west will be dumped into darkness for the next few decades if countries are not adopting these services as whole (Berger, 2013). They should follow all the laws maintained by the government of UK.

Advantages of using Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy

It is very evident that from the ancient times, humans have believed in the treatment done from Ayurveda and herbal medicines. This is because; these things have really shown some remarkable results in the medical areas. These type of medicines and therapies have become popular because of many advantages and benefits (Heng, McGeorge, Loosemore, 2005). The herbs that are used in the production of Ayurvedic medicine are highly nutritive and consist of many healing elements. Today this herbal treatment has increased side by side with Homeopathic Unani Tibb and Western conventional medicine. It is recognized widely because it is considered as a substitute to drugs (Hudson, 2012). These medicines are developed from the constituents which have no side effects. Each of the herbs comprises of good aroma and flavour. It is very effective in achieving a spiritual balance between minds and spirit. As compared to other synthetic drugs, these do not cause any type of side effects on the human body (Lidén and Edvardsson, 2003). It helps in efficiently fighting against different types of diseases and infections and ultimately in obtaining speedy recovery. It is believed that these Ayurvedic medicines are a hypothetical substance which saves the life of humans in an indefinite manner. Despite of simply focusing on curing of diseases, this type of science also functions for good genetically identified characteristics of both the internal and external features. It ensures internal synchronization of various body components and also connects with the surrounding nature environment (McMurray, 2006). They refresh and revitalize the complete body rather that just focusing on a particular part of the body.

According to Dhiman and Kumar, 2006, Ayurvedic medicines does not possess the side effects which generally arises in case of use of pharmaceutical drugs. Patients taking ayurvedic treatment can avail the herbal medicines in effective manner and with less unintentional consequences as compared to pharmaceutical things. These herbs have no side effects and are much safer to use. Further they respond very effectively to the long time health illnesses which find it difficult to heal from traditional medicines. For instance, Vioxx is a very popular drug which is used to treat the disease of arthritis was recalled because it was discovered with the risk of cardiovascular problems. While on the other side alternative options like adding herbs in diets, removing vegetables from the nightshade family and decreasing the consumption of white sugar etc were having very few side effects.

According to Wujastyk and Smith 2013, Ayurvedic and herbal treatments are having the benefit of low cost. Costs of these herbs are much less than the pharmaceutical drugs. There is lot of costs involves in the development of traditional medicines related to research, experimentation, market etc. Ayurvedic things are made from plants and herbs which are available easily. These are available without any type of prescription. People can grow some of the herbs such as peppermint and chamomile at their home also. It some remote areas of the globe, herbs can be seen as the only cure available for ailments.

Disadvantages using Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy

Apart from having many valuable benefits herbal and ayurvedic medicines also have some disadvantages. According to Dhiman, K. A., and Kumar, A., 2006, this type of treatment is not suitable in all the conditions. A modern drug reacts very quickly in case of sudden accidents or sickness but herbs show their results very slowly. Further they are incapable of providing cure in serious trauma situations. For instance, ayurvedic treatment will not be able to provide speedier cure in case of broken bones, appendicitis, heart attack etc. It can be done effectively by an conventional doctor through surgery, pharmaceutical drugs, modern diagnostic tests etc. According to Berger, 2013, herbal medicines are possessed with the risk of harm because of the self-dosing by the people themselves. Here same thing can be argued in context with pharmaceutical things. It is observed that many of the herbs do not come with package inserts and instructions so there are very strong chances of overdose. It was also observed that there is a risk of poison with the wild herbs. Using wild aromatic plants is very risks because there is a chance of poison which can put the life of patients in danger or even can result in death. So it is very essential to identify the correct herb for treatment. According to Crawford and Leventis 2005, herbal treatments can also interact with the medications. It means it can be ungrateful if an individual uses both types of cure. Hence it is very essential for the people to discuss their medications and herbal supplements with their respective doctors in order to ignore harmful reactions. Another thing which negatively affects the use of herbs is the lack of regulation. There is no strict regulation framework on the use of these medicines and people also have the risk of buying inferior quality products. The quality of these things is differentiated in terms of brands and manufacturers. So it is very complex to suggest proper dose of herbs (Lovell, Lee and Brotheridge, 2012).

Research Methodology

Next chapter that starts after literature review is of research methodology in which details about various methods and techniques that researcher have applied to conduct the investigation is discussed. In order to complete the dissertation, it plays the most significant role as without this part to complete it would not be possible. Here, a detailed framework is given consisting of several methods of data collection as well as of data analysis (Chapman and McNeill, 2004). In this research project, information is being collected from different sources for the purpose of investigating about the chances of development of herbal medicines in United Kingdom. This study serves as that kind of structure which makes the investigation easy for the scholar to conduct. The researcher has done this investigation by keeping in view the prospects of development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy in UK (Naturopathy as a Profession: Current and Future Prospects, 2005). All the methods and techniques used in this report for the purpose of doing investigation are discussed in detail.

This present study is showing different sources from which data is collected so as to predict about the possibilities according to which herbal medicines and therapy will have the future in UK. All the positive as well as negative points are included in this study along with number of benefits and challenges. The information that is being collected for the purpose of investigation shows the future prospects of Ayurveda in nation, United Kingdom in terms of whether it will get success or failure (Yin, 2011). Several facts and figures are being gathered by the scholar in this report that is totally based on various objectives and aim of the research. Whatever information is being collected for the investigation of present topic, it is being composed in such a manner that it would become easy for the researcher to use and to make his judgments accordingly. Through this, he will be able to explain the present situation in a correct and accurate manner as well as to conclude the result of the study appropriately (Christensen, 2008).

Research Design

Research design is the blueprint of all the steps that has to be undertaken to conduct investigation for the present topic. This part of the research plays an important role in research methodology. It acts as the guidelines and principles according to which researcher has to perform his investigation. It includes all the necessary steps that scholar is required to undertake for the specific topic for which he is doing research (Exploratory, Descriptive, and Causal Research Designs, 2011). According to the research design only, information is collected by investigator with the use of different sources. Then he analyzes the complete collected data so as to reach at correct and accurate result. If the research design that the scholar has selected is correct, chances to make any mistake reduces to a high extent. Generally three types of research designs are there that are mostly used by the investigator. These are descriptive, exploratory and causal research designs (Grafton, Lillis and Mahama, 2011).

In the present report, researcher is required to predict about the nature of study where he has to determine the future position of herbal medicines, Ayurveda and therapy in UK. In accordance with the topic of present report, descriptive design is being used as here a deep insight about the study along with different views of people is required. With the help of this study, it has become easy for the researcher to get the thorough knowledge about this topic (Goddard and Melville, 2004). The present study on identifying prospects of development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy reveals that its nature is qualitative and this is the reason, descriptive research design is best suitable for it. The chances of development of these medicines and therapy are in the main focus of study where researcher is able to analyze these prospects in detail. With the use of this research design, collected information on this topic can be easily analyzed by the scholar in a descriptive manner. He can also interpret his collected data in a deep manner (Ihantola and Kihn, 2011). In order to achieve the objectives of study, this design proves to be very effective and assists the investigator to analyze field of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy and its future in UK.

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Research Type

Majorly two types of research are there, that is, quantitative and qualitative. Present study of investigation is on identifying the prospects of development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy in United Kingdom. So, here major focus in on qualitative side of the research as the subject of investigation involves mainly theoretical aspect (Qualitative research methods, 2013). Reason behind applying this type of research is that it helps the scholar to focus on sharpening and strengthening the level of understanding about the topic. As in present report, researcher aims to identify the prospects of development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy in UK, he requires theoretical information from many sources so as to know the view points of different people. This proves to be very helpful in making his corrective judgments about the problem (Jogulu and Pansiri, 2011).

In this study, researcher needs to have knowledge about present situation with regard to these medicines and therapy in United Kingdom so as to predict about its future position in the market of this nation. For this purpose, qualitative research proves to be most beneficial. However, instead of getting success, if its results would become negative, reasons behind that is also studied by the scholar with their justification (Krishnaswamy, Sivakumar and Mathirajan, 2009). Through this study, researcher also gets the deeper insight about various ways by which Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy can get success in market of UK. For getting appropriate results about the study, qualitative method is most helpful and beneficial.

Research Approach

The way of producing new information and knowledge with respect to the topic of study so as to enhance understanding about the subject of investigation is known as research approach. It is all about to work with compliance to the methodology that the researcher desires. While doing investigation, mainly two types of approaches are being used, that is, inductive and deductive (The four main approaches, 2013). In inductive research approach, thesis moves from specific to general. It means from specific information, the conclusion of the research moves to general results. While in deductive research approach, gathered data moves from general to specific results which are generally done when research is qualitative. In the present report, the approach that researcher has used is deductive one as in this complete theoretical information is being used that is having no set of rules and procedures in order to have the qualitative results (Massingham, Massingham and Diment, 2012).

The main reason behind using this approach is that previous available data about the topic is also analyzed so as to have future predictions about the development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy in UK. Here the researcher matches the present situation of herbal medicines and therapy in the market of UK with the previous one so that future position of the marketplace can be analyzed (Prorokowski, 2011). For scholars, it is one of the scientific investigations that help him finding the prospects of development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy in UK. In this present study, deductive approach proves to be very helpful in making researcher understand the actual position of UK market so that development of these medicines can be analyzed. This approach has started from the general theory but later it comes to specific results with an accurate conclusion (Sekaran, 2006).

Research Philosophy

Research philosophy stands for a complete idea that is inclusive of all approaches which are used by the researcher at the time of conducting investigation. It is the explanation of performing entire procedure of exploration for scholar. Philosophy of investigation is the kind of pattern that proves to be helpful for the researcher for adopting correct methods and techniques for his investigation about specific topic (Modell and Humphrey, 2008). In order to choose the most appropriate tools and techniques in dissertation, it provides support to the scholar to a great extent. Through research philosophy, chances to get deviated from the study reduce. Mostly three types of philosophies are being used in research and they are realism, positivism and interpretevism. In the present study of dissertation which is on identifying prospects of development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy, interpretevism is used by the scholar (Hannabuss, 2007).

With the help of this philosophy, past, present and future scenario of these medicines is analyzed by the researcher in this report. It is entirely based on the assumption that management is a social aspect which is complex in nature and cannot be framed in theories and methods. So with the present study, it is also not possible to measure the prospect of development of Ayurveda in UK market. This is the reason; interpretevism is being applied here by the investigator (Golafshani, 2003). Along with that, this philosophy also helps the researcher to make necessary steps to reach at final and accurate conclusion of the study. In addition, it also helps in completing the dissertation with end results. In this report, as the nature of study is qualitative, viewpoints of various people is taken, that is the reason its results can also be more than one. In addition to this, with interpretevism philosophy, it is usually considered that researcher is having the knowledge about the topic but to have the entire knowledge regarding environment of is not possible (Taylor, Sinha and Ghoshal, 2006).

Data Collection

To collect information from different sources plays the most important role in any research as its success or failure is based on it only. It is considered to be the most critical part in dissertation as the entire study is based on the information that is gathered. Then researcher depends on the methods that he uses to have that information. By primary and secondary methods, data can be collected and used. Primary data is one that is gathered for the first time and is fresh and first hand information (Flick, 2011). While, secondary data is one which is collected from generally published material on which many other people has already done research. In the present study, majorly secondary data is being used by the researcher from various sources like books, journals, articles and many other sources like past sales records etc. Reason behind using only secondary data is that the study is entirely based on theoretical and qualitative aspect which does not require any quantitative information (Sowell, 2009).

Here, to use primary data by the means of interviews and surveys are not appropriate and even not feasible as well. As in this report, researcher needs to identify prospects of development of Ayurveda, thermal medicine and therapy in UK; data from secondary sources can only help him to reach at end results. It is because; he requires analyzing the present situation of United Kingdom so as to know about the scope of these medicines in marketplace of this nation (Chapman and McNeill, 2004). Based on this data only, future prediction can be made by the scholar to formulate final conclusion. In order to have the suitable information to conduct research, data from published researches is mainly used by the investigator. Apart from this, number of books based on the subject and several online websites that were authenticated have also been referred by scholar so as to get the relevant information for the study (Yin, 2011).

Ethical Considerations

At the time when research is conducted, to perform it in an ethical manner is very important for the researcher. Any study, if followed without considering ethical norms cannot be believed to be complete. At the time of conducting research for identifying prospects of development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy in United Kingdom, some ethical standards were considered in which to have permission from some sites was the most important. It is because there were some websites in where to see and read complete was not permitted (Massingham, Massingham and Diment, 2012). In this case, researcher took the authorization and then used that information for his investigation. Scholar of this research has given proper attention to the ethical consideration that was related to plagiarism and cited the data correctly and properly. Along with that, it was also ensured that none of the content is copied or pasted that is any other author and the whole dissertation was written by the researcher in his own words. In addition, he also considered that the investigation would be beneficial for the society, other authors, academicians and scholars too (Prorokowski, 2011).

Research Limitations

To conduct the research without having any problem is not possible for any researcher. Reason behind this is that it involves number of problems and challenges along with it. For the investigation of present research that is on identifying prospects of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapy in UK, some of the limitations were there that scholar has faced. As for this topic, researcher has collected secondary data only from number of sources like books, journals, online articles of various authors, published information etc; it has become a very lengthy process (Sekaran, 2006). To complete the investigation in a long time is one of the biggest limitation as to collect and analyze data from these sources is time consuming. But researcher had to complete his research within a stipulated time frame that is why he has given less time to carry out the entire work which was a demerit for the research. In such a less time period, it was not feasible for the investigator to explore all the details of the study.

In addition, another limitation was of unavailability of information (Hannabuss, 2007). All the data that was required by the scholar was not easily available due to which it was not possible for him to include every important aspect of information in his investigation. Some of the sites were there that was not having access to use which could provide much valuable data was also one of the very big limitation in this research. Last but not the least, as to access these sites, particular amount of money was required that proved to be very expensive for the scholar which ultimately leads to one of the demerits as due to this, to access those sites was not achievable (Golafshani, 2003).

Data Analysis

After the process of data collection, the next step in the dissertation is its analysis so as to reach the results and draw conclusions based on it. Analysis is considered as categorizing information in order to find the answers to the research questions framed for the study being done. In the present dissertation which is on identifying the prospects of development of Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapies, analysis of data has been done only with qualitative methods and the technique implemented for the purpose is thematic analysis. The purpose behind implementing only qualitative methods for analyzing the data is that all the data has been gathered only through secondary sources by referring to variety of books, journals as well as online materials. The evaluation of information that has been collected through these sources is not feasible to represent in numerical or graphical manner so use of qualitative method has been appointed (Milton, 2009). The technique of thematic analysis involves generation of themes on basis of common patterns that are observed throughout the data that has been gathered. The formed themes are then analyzed so as to reach at the results.

Ayurveda and herbal medicines is used in most parts of the world

From the various sources through which data was collected, it has been found that Ayurveda though considered as one of the oldest means of medicines is used for various treatments is almost all parts of the world.

It can be analyzed that majority of people, that is, 80% of them from all over the globe are still showing their reliance on these traditional forms of medicines and making use of a variety of plants and minerals as herbal medicines. This form of remedy is nowadays is now accepted by all as an alternative to the modern allopathic medicines as these are having a number of side effects associated with them while on the other side herbal and ayurvedic medicines do not have any kind of side effects to the users. Analysis can also be drawn that among the various nations utilizing the ayurvedic as well as herbal medicines and therapies, European Union holds the major share, that is, 45% of the market of this category of remedies. The other countries putting these natural medications on use include North America, Japan and ASEAN countries with 11%, 16% and 19% of the market share respectively. However, on the other side, it can also be analyzed that western countries like USA and UK are not in much favor of the Ayurveda and herbal medicines as here these are considered as conventional sources of treatment. Also, because of various effective western and allopathic treatments available this form is not accepted to the fullest. But, on the other side, it has also been noted that Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapies are now contributing to the U.K economy because of which it is now slowly and steadily gaining acceptance (Singare, Lokhande, Andhale and Acharya, 2010)

Status of development of Ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapies is different in different parts of the world

After observing the various facts collected from different secondary sources, it has been discovered that the status of development of Ayurvedic medicines and herbal therapies is varied among all countries of the world.

Analysis can be drawn that the present status of Ayurveda and herbal therapies is that of the world’s oldest system of medication used for treating a number of ailments all over the globe. Also, there is a different level of usage of this form of remedies in various parts of the world. For example, it can be analyzed that 85% and 75% population of India and Nepal respectively is utilizing natural form of treatments through plants and other natural products. Their development in these two countries is quite huge and wide and even to such an extent that this is supported by the government also. The development here can also be seen from the fact that it is felt as the most practiced form of medicine and so these are even expanded further to a wider range.

Observation can also be made that because of the increasing growth and popularity of Ayurveda and herbal therapies, the demand for these in the western countries like U.K and U.S has now started to increase. The status of development of this form of medication in U.K is that these are advertised as an alternative form of medicine. In addition to this, it is now accepted in countries like U.K that herbal medicines do not have any kind of side effects because of which they have now gained public attention and thus started to develop (Goodier, 2012).

Many manufacturers and producers of Ayurveda and herbal drugs are now coming up in U.K.

After looking at previous works of scholars related to the present topic, it has been found that one of the areas of development of Ayurveda and herbal drugs and therapies in U.K is of increase in the number of manufacturers of this form of medication in the country.

Interpretation can be drawn that with the rising popularity of ayurvedic medicines and herbal remedies for treatment sickness in U.K there has been a rising trend in number of producers of this form of medication with a significant rate. This causes the increase in the supply of natural medicines in the country. It can be analyzed that hike in number of manufacturers for this form of treating diseases is leading towards more and more new developments in herbal remedies in U.K. many new varieties of natural products and herbs as well as ayurvedic remedies are discovered and identified that can be used for treating the different diseases. Also, many more new ideas are coming up into this field as more and more number of producers are taking an interest to enter in production of this form of medication (KarallieddeIndika, 2009).

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After having analyzed the findings the next part of the dissertation is that of conclusions. In this section, the major findings of the study being done are highlighted so as to reach at the conclusions and fulfill all the set objectives. From the data analysis being conducted, it can be said that the present status of ayurveda and herbal products are considered as the oldest forms of medicines for treating various diseases all over the world. Though being considered as a traditional form of treatment, it is now gaining acceptance slowly because of the discovery of a number of uses that these can be put to. Though ayurveda and herbs are considered as effective for curing some of the diseases but still it is not totally accepted in western countries like U.K and U.S to the fullest. However, governments of these countries are now also taking efforts so as to raise their awareness among people.

The objective of analyzing the present status of development of this natural form of medication can be fulfilled by drawing the conclusion that it is different in all parts countries of the world. The level of usage has been found to be varied. In countries like Nepal and India, majority of the population is in favor of the ayurvedic and herbal medicines and are used at a significant extent. This is even supported by the governments of these countries as well. In addition to this, it can also be said that now awareness of usefulness of the natural products is quite well because of which their popularity in developed countries like U.K. The present status regarding development of ayurvedic medicines in U.K is that they are not promoted by various agencies and supported by government as well.

The objective of evaluating various areas of development in field of ayurveda and herbal products in U.K. can be accomplished by reaching at the conclusion that there are a number of activities taking place in the country for expanding the natural medicines. It can be said that with increasing awareness of various uses to which natural herbs can be out to there are now a number of manufacturers and producers in U.K who are entering into this form of remedies. With this, there are now a number of discoveries and development of new herbs that can be prove to be beneficial for curing a number of ailments. Also, many more number of ideas are now adding on to the utilization of ayurvedic products with producers taking interest in the field. Apart from this, it can also be concluded there are also development of various organizations like Ayurveda Practitioners’ Association (APA) taking place in U.K. APA favors the growth of ayurveda in the country by representing the herbal practitioners and therapists as well as students who provide herbal services to the people thus increasing its awareness. In addition to this, another significant area of development taking place is in form of many universities of U.K. coming up with three degree course related to ayurveda and herbal therapies. Thus, it can be concluded that there are a number of areas in which developments related to expanding the ayurvedic and herbal medicines is taking place in U.K.

Apart from this, the objective of benefits of ayurvedic and herbal medicines can also be fulfilled by drawing the conclusion that the herbs and natural products are quite useful for treating a number of diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. Also, these are even used for curing of illness conditions like diabetes, neck and head sickness as well as that of pediatrics. In addition to this, these are even helpful in preventing a number of ailments by ensuring proper digestion and working of immune system. Along with this, the ayurvedic medicines provide a soothing effect on mind and soul giving a spiritual touch. It can also be said that one of the biggest benefits of herbal medicines is that they do not have any side effects to the individuals on their use and are cheaper as well in comparison to the other allopathic and modern drugs. Thus, these natural medicines are quite cost effective as well.

However, it can also be concluded that there are certain disadvantages also of using ayurvedic and herbal medicines. One of them is that these do not react immediately and take time to do so because of which they are not suitable for curing of serious trauma conditions. Also, these have the risk of having poison in certain wild plants which can even endanger the lives of people using them. In addition to this, these natural medicines do not come with prescription and so people can even take overdose of these. Thus, it can be said that apart from having various benefits the ayurvedic medicines and herbs are having disadvantages too.

The objective of contribution or benefits of ayurvedic and herbal medicines towards the U.K economy can be fulfilled by drawing the conclusion that these herbs hold a lot of significance for the country. It can be said that because of increased awareness of usefulness of these products there are now opening a number of spas, health clubs as well as massage centers. This has led to the generation of employment opportunities in the country for herbal practitioners and therapists. In addition to this, people are now taking use of more and more services related to ayurvedic and herbs which again is a source of employment and income for a number of private herbal practitioners. All this is becoming a good source of income for the U.K economy to a significant level. In addition to this, it can also be said that since ayurvedic medicines are cheaper so it is even affordable by low income earning sections of U.K thus ensuring their health which again is fruitful for economy of U.K.
With this, it can thus be said regarding the prospects of development of ayurvedic herbs and therapies that there is a lot of scope for expansion of this field in U.K. in the future owing to the increasing attention that it is now getting from the people of the country.


On basis of findings and conclusions made on the study conducted on prospects of development of ayurveda and herbal medicines and therapy in U.K. certain recommendations can now be provided. From the findings, conclusions can be drawn that there is a lot of chance for the development of ayurvedic medicines and herbs in U.K. in the future. Owing to this, recommendation can be provided that because of the number of uses of these natural herbs and products people should make use of these in curing infections caused by bacteria and viruses. Apart from taking them for treatments, these should also be used normally so that diseases can be prevented to a certain level. However, care should also be taken that ayurvedic medicines should be used on prescribing of an expertise like practitioners in this field so as to avoid taking of overdose of the herbal drugs (Nirmala, Bisht and Laishram, 2014). Thus, by making use of ayurvedic medicines carefully people of U.K. can take a greater advantage of these.

It can also be suggested that owing to the higher possibilities of development of ayurvedic medicines and herbs steps, should be taken so as to promote these in U.K. It can be said that campaigns should be organized at national level educating people of U.K. regarding the benefits of natural products especially to the lower income earning group. Apart from this, government should also take initiatives in order to promote and raise awareness among public regarding use of these products. Advertisements can be done in form of rallies, campaigns as well as organizing events and press conferences at national level people get to know more and more about the various types of ayurvedic herbs and medicines and their uses as well (Crawford and Leventis, 2005). In addition to this, various ayurvedic organizations in U.K. should make efforts for generating proper consumer guidelines on use of herbal medicines with appropriate dose and quantity. This can be done by providing leaflets along with packets of ayurvedic medicines that consist of proper instructions related to use of these products. Apart from this, the government of U.K. should frame proper legal regulations related to practice of ayurveda therapy so that people start believing into these form of medications also. There are still a number of illegal practitioners and therapists who practice ayurveda without any legal license because of which also people do not believe in herbal medicines and therapies. Here, it can be suggested that the government should issue strict regulations related to issuing of license to only true practitioners in the field. The authorities should also fund the research and testing into field of ayurvedic and herbal medicines (Wang, 2006).

With this, it can also be suggested that further studies related to prospects of development of ayurvedic medicines and herbs can be conducted in other developed countries as well like U.S.A. Related research can also be done on identifying various other ways through which ayurvedic herbs can be promoted further in the western countries. In addition to this, study can also be carried on ways in which these herbal products are identified and used in countries like India and Nepal where these are preferred to a significance extent (Chhabi and, 2014).


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