
Personal and Professional Development Plan


Personal and professional development plan plays significant role in individual’s life. It aids in taking necessary actions in order to minimise the lacking points and strengthen the strong points (Davenport, Koch and Rumrill Jr, 2017). Present study will create own PDP that will show the skill development in past 12 months. Furthermore, report will assess how strategies for skills development may support in career development. It will create blog that will show the effectiveness of performance management. In addition, it will evaluate how high performance strategies can enable the person to work effectively as part of team.

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a) Create own individual PDP that shows evidence of your development achieved in past 12 months that applied in planned development for 12 months

In order to achieve effective outcomes with significant objectives, it can be stated that PDP plan successfully helps to accomplish goals and objectives with several development activities. In this consideration, different activities and tasks can be ascertained towards goal setting and personal skills audit with considering SWOT analysis (Lee, Ahn and Kim, 2014).

SWOT analysis: In order to increase personal skills and development, it can be stated that following strength, weakness, opportunities and threats possess:

  • Strength: With respect to consider successful personal development plan, I have good communication skills that assist to communicate with innovative ideas and opinion with several members in a particular group. With the help of innovative and creative skills, I can develop my own performances towards manager position (Chongtham, Gupta and Chavan, 2015). I am good in creating network with different people to show effectiveness at workplace. There are different values and importance also successfully develop to show significant advantages for powerful people. I have some personal resources that assists to meet with innovative results in the business. For instance, senior guidance, mentor support, etc.
  • Weakness: However, I am lack in managing stress, so that I need to set strategy for development of these skills in successful way (Audulv, Packer and Kephart, 2016). Moreover, I am also unable to implement positive thinking capabilities because of lack in it. Furthermore, lack of assertiveness to produce PDP plan so that it is also need to develop successful plan so that it helps to build appropriate work with these skills.
  • Opportunities: I have opportunity in my management career to develop more desired results at workplace. In this regard, advance technology assists to me to develop creativity and effectiveness to accomplish goals and objectives in positive consideration. With the help of market potential, I can also create network with strategic contacts to offer good advice that helps to create effectiveness with team colleagues (Powell and Enright, 2015).
  • Threats: Other colleague's performances is also major threat for managing self and others. In addition to this, my colleagues are also possessed creative skills performances which is also creates major impact on technological changes that is threatened to my position. Furthermore, weaknesses also lead to threat so that it reduce my efficiency and effectiveness for goal setting.

Personal skills audit with SWOT

  • With respect to consider SWOT analysis, there are several benefits can be successfully implemented. In this context, personal skills audit helps to develop strategies to attain more desired goals (Clegg, Kornberger and Pitsis, 2015).
  • People can perform better than their friends and colleagues.
  • Currently it shows stand on path of success in the business as manager position.
  • I need to reach desired goals so that it boost career, life and personality as well.
  • It assists to me to explore and enhance soft and hard skills (Sheehan, Mayo and Draucker, 2016). 

b) Produce illustrate report that assesses how strategies for skills development and lifelong learning enable career development for you and team colleagues

Skill development is the essential part of human life, as it supports in getting better career opportunities and promotional chances. Individual must concentrate on developing their own skills and capabilities so that person can work well and can meet their personal objective (Robertson, Cooper and Curran, 2015).. In order to develop positive thinking skill, individual is required to make frequent connection with seniors and have to participate in motivational seminars. This strategy will definitely help in making the person positive and finding positive way to overcome the issues. Lifelong learning supports in learning most of the things from experience or observations. By this way individual can utilise their knowledge and experience in their professional life in effective manner. This is helpful in getting career development opportunities. If an individual is positive or has developed their positive thinking skill then individual will be able to make other person positive as well. It aids in employee motivation and minimising staff turnover at workplace (Magnusson, Brunetta and Annosi, 2017).. This will develop team bonding and all people will support each other well. This will minimise negativity at floor.

In order to accomplish goals and objectives, there are several strategies for skills development and lifelong learning successfully build to attain more desired level results. With skills development and lifelong learning, career development activities successfully ascertained goals of individual and group as well (Matthews, Murnane and Snyder, 2017).

Managing stress is very important at workplace. If employees work under pressure then it may hamper their performance and they will not feel satisfied in organisation. Individual may attend motivational seminars, can take breaks time to time at workplace and can also talk to supervisors. These strategies will be beneficial for person to get career development opportunities and raising productivity of all team colleagues workplace (Tenuto, Gardiner and Yamamoto, 2016). If person is able to manage their stress level then individual will enjoy their work and will not feel pressurised. This would be better in handling a big team and keeping all team members motivated. Such type of persons contributes well in minimising the staff turnover issue at workplace. This is better forgetting progress in professional life and creating better workplace environment. 

Lifelong learning that enable career development

Lifelong learning enable aids in career development of person and team colleague as well. With this regard, Metis Holistic Lifelong Learning Model represents link between lifelong learning and community well-being. This model explains that life experience of person always support in getting better development opportunities. This enables the individual in getting promotional opportunities. Furthermore, if people share their learning experiences with each other then it would help in raising other’s skill as well. This is helpful in motivating other and improving their working performance (Todd, Stubbs and Pugh, 2018).


a) Create your own blog to produce concise summary on how high performance people be developed by effective performance management?

Every organisation consider changing their performance management systems. There are several numbers of reasons which included difficulty of doing performance management. It is more important to implement effective talent management that is important and effective performance and play vital role in success (Matthews, Murnane and Snyder, 2017). Performance management is completely reinventing in particular guided in which article show feedback to employees and increase promotions as well. I have seen that high performances of people can increase opportunities to use information technology and potentially it is powerful effect and create more effectiveness in performance management process. High performance in the business implement to ascertain new system which assists to reduce labour cost and involve appraisal performance. Number of people also reduce to increase individual performance in positive consideration. Good ideas also produced to save time and it is critically important to manage effective performance in the business.

I can share common purpose in suitable way that assists to focus on the facilities and software development program. Interdependence is a key determinant where goals and objectives will be successfully ascertained to make solution for the business problem. Furthermore, consumption also involved in the process to use information technology and social media to share goals. These functioning can be successfully develop and evaluate to accomplish targets. I have understood that reducing number of people involved in appraising each individual performance which is good and another way to save labour cost. It is good action to ask wrong individuals for rating. Building high performance culture is fresh look for performance management activities. With this regard, accurate and authoritative information regarding subject matter covered so that professional services can be develop and sought with licensed professional. Regarding specific policies and practices in the organisation, I need to look upon retrieval system or transmitted in whole part. In several decades of research and practices, it can be stated that performance management is most important part to understand and improve within the business. Traditional performance review process also continuous effective for managers and employees so that high performance can be accomplish positively (Davenport, Koch and Rumrill Jr, 2017). I can also increase annual reviews with day to day process of managers to communicate expectations with providing feedback and leveraging employee talents. With the help of performance based cultural using strategies, communication can be successfully improve to identify specific tools to develop more effective performance management behaviour at workplace.

With the help of effective practice guidelines, series also successfully implemented that support lifelong learning for manager. Along with this, creating educational resources for major perspective and originally it is developed understanding and increase promotions in positive consideration. Furthermore, use of information technology also assists to save time that contain important role in effective performance management system. Role modelling needs to begin at the top and demonstrate appraisal in strategic management. Second feature also successfully develop to focus on the challenging practices with high performance workplace culture. Report also identifies tool to develop effective performances' management behaviour in the organisation. Effective practice guidelines series also supports life learning for HR professional. In addition to this, creating educational resources word-wide develop positive work so that it assists to made possible outcomes and support life long learning for HR professional. With the help of effective performances and outcomes, it can be stated that desired level of results will be accomplish to focus on targets and goals.

b) Produce illustrate report that evaluates how high performance strategies enable to reflect on how you may work effectively as part of a team

High performance strategies consider important role in success of team goals. In this regard, profitability can be accomplish through ascertained desired level of results. Development of work teams is a long established tradition for managers so that they can be done well in particular job and tasks. I had seen that it is important to create strategies that helps to make business more success. Create excitement and energy work also define goals assigning key roles and giving positively structured feedback. As a result, employees will appreciate challenge and spirit to seek their place of work. Following are different strategies can be successfully implemented at workplace:

  • Specify goals: In order to define specify goals, it can be stated that key initiatives can be accomplish to start team project. It helps to provide perfect ideas for achievement when employees know exact to accomplish targets. I had set daily or weakly goals to reach team's overall objectives. It assists to workers to stay on track as deadline develops to complete tasks.
  • Build excitement: Excitement about project also increases flow of adrenaline in work that assists me to work in team and eager to perform functions at high level. Express enthusiasm about work in front of team members inspire to take advantages and work as optimism. Employees in a group can easily talking about work so that plan can be develop to focus on the meeting employees needs and requirements. With the help of right track and adjustment, it can be stated that high performing level goals will be accomplish at workplace (Matthews, Murnane and Snyder, 2017).
  • Team identity: Working in a team also assists to perform better so that it develop particular identity. Therefore, team members requires to come together as individual. Furthermore, they are also taking participation from leaders and innovators. In order to accomplish more desired level of results, team role successfully defining so that management should be encourage maintain trust and team accomplish their high level performances.
  • Roles assignment: Each member need to take part with defined goals and objectives to work in a team. According to the roles, it is essential to know about outlined work in detail so that staff members knows exactly to accomplish targets and outcomes in appropriate manner (Davenport, Koch and Rumrill Jr, 2017). With the help of responsibilities, it can be stated that time frame also need to successfully applied. Individual roles can be given to all members in the enterprise so that it integral valued part of the team and strategies develop to reach high performance level.

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From the above report, it can be concluded that managing self and others consider important role to accomplish business goals and objectives. With this regard, effectiveness of team performances can be successfully develop to maintain high growth and performance. Strategies also undertaken that helps to focus on the team work which would be develop to focus on targets and goals. Furthermore, it summarised about development plan which undertake on the basis of 12 months plan. As a result, it also focuses on the individual and team work performances to attain more desired outcomes in the organisation. At last, different strategies of high performance has been explained that assists to accomplish positive results in the group.

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