
Unit 6 Critical Thinking Project UKCBC


In this documentation, this assignment defines about to Apply company’s leader are facing diverse types of ethical issues at the workplace while making major decision in the firm for several changes in the company effectively. They need to consider all the ethical norms and rules in order to proper operation of their all functions of the business in the industry in sufficient manner.

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Task 1

In case of each business, organisational leader need to make decision in order to sustain in the market in more relevant form (Bell, 2010). These decision could be on day to day operation in a company and also for long terms process as well. So in case of Apple Company, there are several circumstances presented by which effective decision making process could be executed within the organisational environment in sufficient form. There are several kinds of ethical issues arising in the country which making great influence on organisational culture at local and global prospective in sufficient form. Operating a company in industry us necessary for making proper consideration of ethics rules in respect to proper formation of decision within the business in effective manner. Business ethics defines that, when they are making decision in the company, organisational culture must be accepted by all employees within the organisation in relevant form. Moreover, strong ethical decision making process of the company can also assist the company in respect to determine the best business opportunities to the company in the industry in relevant form. In terms of complex competitive global business environment in the world. There are several kinds of ethical issues is being faced by the firm in the industry effectively (Forgacs, Nowell-Smith and Boelhower, 2012). In case of resolution of these issues in the company, the leader of the firm need to set up appropriate code of conduct and ethics of working at the workplace, which must be followed by each person in the company in relevant form.  in case of increasing diversity in each business sector, Apple company is also facing several kinds of ethical problems and complex issues includes of accommodating diversity, empathetic decision-making and compliance and governance with a company’s core value efficiently.

Fundamental issues: The most appropriate fundamental issues of the company is facing is that, its integrity and trust. The general understanding of integrity is the business is that, the way of idea conducting on your business operation in the industry in relevant form to treating every customer fairly in order to sustain in the market in more relevant form. They must make sure that, all of their customers and employees must be treated with dignity and respect at the workplace effectively (Markham, 2011). In case of building positive and ethical relation with their each customers to the company’s services, the organisational leader require making decision to improve the ways of provision services to their customer in sufficient form. It leads to build a positive relationship and trust between Apple organisation and their customers in the country in relevant form.

Diversity issues: There are several types of diversity could be seen in Apple company in order to operating their business function in the industry in relevant form. in this case, current and potential employees of the firm belongs to different-different culture and country at the workplace. So its business professionals needs to make sure that, all of their employees are treating in the organisation as their ethical norms in the country in proper manner. The organisational leader must making sure that, all the activities which is being done in the company ought to be fair ethically (Jackson, 2015). Most of the times, it has been seen that, many employees in the company facing integrity and conflict situation because of diverse culture of their own at the workplace. The company’s also have responsibility to ensuring that, diversity begins with recruiting a diverse workforce in the company, so as per business ethics norms in the country, they need to make sure that all employees are being given equal and fair opportunity while recruiting and training and development program at the workplace in effective manner. This is most critical issues for Apple Company when hiring new workforce for different purpose in the business entity effectively.

Decision-making issues: A useful method for exploring ethical dilemmas and recognizing ethical courses faction includes collection of the facts, evaluating any alternative actions in the company in relevant forms.  The organisational leader need to make sure that, after the implementation of their decision making process in the company, the outcomes of the company must be in positive favour towards the company’s employees and its customers effectively as well (Mulnix, 2012). Decision made by leader of the organisation must be in form of protecting the rights of customers and employees in the business sufficiently and ensuring that all business functions is functioning as per the fair and relevant form. The organisational leader also require to making sure that, all the decision-making process just be fair at the workplace and outcomes of their decision making process, all of they have individual values and beliefs of workers are protected by top authority of the company in sufficient manner. Moreover, there are several other elements are also presented which affect the decision-making process of leader in Apple firm effectively. These are several government issues and compliance occurring in the business in order to making appropriate decision in the company in relevant form (Paulson, 2011). Many times it has been seen that, if each any employees of Apply company break law and go against the company’s value and policies, then the company can make critical decision in order to fair that employees ethically from the company in effective form. So leader of Apple need to making sure that, all the decision made by them should be in fair form as per ethical norms in the country in sufficie

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