
FY026 Preparing For Success Knowledge and Creativity


  • Unit No: NA
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2267
  • Paper Type: Essay
  • Course Code:


  • Downloads: 996
Organization Selected : Driscoll’s
Question :

This assessment will demonstrate some of the questions which are like:

  • What are effective areas in communication skills and also provide the context in relation to academics.
  • Give the reflection on the individual behaviour, performance and experience required in employment and education.
Answer :


Every individual prefers to take several initiatives in order to enhances chances of success at academics as well as professional life. The present project describes about effective communication and its importance in improvement of performance of individual. This report will describe about the real-life situation of individual in which effective communication have supported him in improving its performance.



Part A


1. What?



A description of the situation or event



What is/was the Purpose?



The main purpose of the event is to develop skills of employees at workplace with the help of effective training and development session at regular basis.



What happened in the event/scenario?



In this event, top most authority of my company have asked me to conduct few training and development sessions for employees in order to develop skills as well as knowledge on the organisational work in rightful manner. The respective authority have selected me for this session because they believe I have strong command over communication and this will allow me to convey actual information to employees. Along with this, it will also develop my stronger relationship with the employees so that I can easily influence them to work as per my guidance. As a result, it will result in the higher improvement in mine as well as employees performance in rightful manner.


What did I see/do during the event?



During the event I was providing training and development sessions to employees.


What was my reaction to it?


Here, my reaction towards the situation was positive as I believe that respective authority taken right decision of choosing me for organisational training and development session as I personally wanted to enhance my interaction with the employees so that they can work more effectively and as a result, I will also be able to attain my own organisational goal in the same manner.


What did other people do that were involved in this?



Other people involved in this situation were top authority of company and employees. Here, top most authority have indulged into the discussion and selected my name for the one who will conduct effective training and development session. Also, employees have participated in the session with their complete support. Some of these employees have also denied for the same as they believes that it is a time wasting activity.


How did they react or what did they do as a result of it?



Reaction of employees towards the training and development session was positive as well as negative. Positive reaction of employees towards the training sessions have boosted up my confidence and also made it easier for me to deliver good and worthy training sessions. On the other hand, negative response of employees towards the same have made made it difficult for me to covey my information to them


2. So What?



Analyse the Event


How did I feel at the time of the event?


At the time of the event I felt pride as I know I have good communication skill that will help me out in conducting best training session for the employees. Along with with, I was excited at the same time as I got opportunity to interact with maximum number of people who will be further going to work with me and support me in accomplishing organisational goal.


Were those feelings I had any different from other people who were involved at the time?



Yes, these feeling were quite different as compared to the other people who were involved in the same because as according to me to this event has allowed all to know about my strong command on communication skill. This will work as the motivator factor for me and result in higher improvement of my pe

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