
Affect Of Computer Games on Social Behavior of Children

Introduction to Gaming

In recent years, it has been noticed that electronic games, home computers and the internet has taken a very important place in our life and slowly we all are become addictive towards it. Modern day children are getting highly attracted towards these things and because of that their social behaviour is getting disturbed. Children don't talk to people any more personally and they just use internet to interact with people. Other than this, craze of computer games is also increasing day by day and most of these games are based on action and because of that these children are become rude, less social and moody. It can be said that this technology has become a curse for these children rather than becoming a boon. It is high time to take some actions otherwise these children will never be able to grow and understand the real world.

Future Scope

More and more children are getting attracted towards the computer games and internet all around the world and it has greatly affected their growth in a very negative manner. Because of this increasing addiction, children are becoming less social, aggressive, rude and moody (Wilson, 2014). If this habit of children is not changed soon than more disastrous effects will be seen on these people. This particular project will be very much beneficial for different scholars, parents and other readers in order to understand that how this habit is affecting children and what can be done in order to make changes.

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Factors that Motivated for Research

Main aim of this particular proposal is to understand and examine the impact of internet and computer games on the social behaviour and growth of children of modern age (Voegtle, 2010). From last many years it has been seen that children all around the world and especially in UK are getting affected a lot in terms of their attitude, school performance, etc. and the situation is very much alarming. This particular topic has been under a great debate among different scholars and researchers in order to find solution towards this issue. Because of all these factors, this topic has been selected so that proper understanding of all these issues can be made in appropriate manner.

Literature Review

As per Rice, (2007), the time is ripe to access the impact of internet and computer games on the development and growth of children. Over the past few years, it has been noticed that growing number of UK households have added electronic games in terms of X Box and play station, home computers and internet some of the technologies like telephone, radio, stereo system, etc. As per the author almost 60% of children between the ages of 8-17 have home computers and 61% have computers with internet access. Also 70% of these children have access and addiction towards computer games and systems like X Box, Play station, etc.

Technology methods and its impact

It is a fact that Technology all around the world is changing very fast and because of that means of communications have changed. As per Pamf, (2014), more and more people communicate with the people they know or they don't know through the communication sources which do not allow them to meet face to face. It has greatly affected the behaviour of children particularly on those who have made these sources entirety of their lives. Before this internet, children used to go out of home play, communicate with people directly face to face but now they can easily contact with each other while sitting at home due to computers, internet, mobile, etc. Use of technology among these children is increasing with age and because of that more and more of these people are just sitting at home and going nowhere.

As per Munger, (2011), it is a fact that while engaging in conversation with other children, people, etc. words are not the only thing that is shared but also the body language, facial expressions, vocal tone, and other emotional indicators are displayed. Because of these factors, children are not able to express what they want and just spend time over these technological devices. A survey was done on parents and they all said same thing that all these home computers and internet were made available to these people so that proper educational opportunities can be provided to these people and also they can be prepared for the information age. They also added that computer games and other things were provided so that children can get relaxed after stressful time in schools and tuitions. But slowly these people are becoming concerned and highly disappointed over their children because of the excessive use of internet and computer games. Because of these factors, children are not growing up and their academic performances are decreasing day by day.

Computer games and its effect on children

Computer technology has made the life of children and other people much easier than the generation before them. As per Pamf, (2014), attraction of computer games among young children are increasing day by day and because of that children are not able to grow themselves in proper manner. Computer games are very unique form of entertainment which includes lots of fun graphics and real life situation scenarios. It has been noticed that these children approach video games like junk food and play them without even noticing what is going on in their surroundings. It is very well said by author that games are fine in terms of moderation but at the end they are an evil temptation that is curse more than a boon.

According to Shapiro, (2014), mainstream view of gaming has become very much less curmudgeonly in recent years and these children no longer think of games as horrible evil demon that is trying to corrupt them. However adults feel that these games have a great negative influence over their children. It is a high time to make these things limited and restrict them. In UK, 97% of the teens are engaged in the video games and because of those sales of this market is reaching sky.

TFP Student Action, (2012) said that most widely acknowledged positive impact of the video game is that it helps children to improve their mental capabilities and alertness and because of that games are considered as most powerful force in the life of children. However, most of the studies have shown that violent contents that are shown in these games are making behaviour of teens more aggressive. It was found in a research that most of the youth in UK spend almost 8-10 hours playing these games and because of that social behaviour of this population has changed completely.

Negative effects of computer games

According to Rice, (2007), there are various types of computer game available in the market today and these all are intended to target the different aspects of life of children. These computer games are totally comprised of variety of educational, serious and casual games but in reality children don't like these games anymore and instead of that they play action games which are full of violence. Educational games were famous at one point of time but in today's world both girls and boys are only attracted towards these senseless games.

Shapiro, (2014) identified that there are very negative effects of playing these violent computer games over children. Children who play violent games have higher heart rates, dizziness, nausea and aggressive thoughts against the children who don't play games like these. Also changes in the mood of these children are also very common which have been noticed by parents on normal days. Other negative aspect of the video game is that kids are spending too much time on playing them rather than playing physically outside. By spending too much time on the computer games children are completely missing out their social life. All these children are less likely to compete in the extracurricular activities and it restricts them from meeting new people and makes friends.

According to TFP Student Action, (2012), children who play these games have stronger preference for each of the three types of violent games and it was completely associated with lower self competence scores in one or more developmentally important areas like academic, interpersonal and behavioural skills. Another bad impact of playing these video games on the children is that they are becoming obese. Because of spending too much time on these games, children do not go outside or conduct any physical activities and because of that physical health of these people are getting affected in one or the other ways. Diseases like diabetes, body pains, and back problems have become common among teens of UK but still children are becoming more and more lazy and indolent.

Factors that attracts children towards internet and computer games

Pamf, (2014) identified that there are many factors that force these children to use computer games or internet. One of the most common factors is the nuclear families as this concept is increasing day by day in UK. Both the parents get too much busy in their work and because of that proper attention is not provided to children. To do that time pass, children usually start playing games and because of that they cut themselves from real world. Another factor is that most of the parents are themselves addicted towards these things and other gadgets and when children sees that they also get attracted towards it. So this also makes them addicted towards all these gadgets.

As per Munger, (2011), there is one more factor that forces children to go for internet and computer games and it is that most of the children are not aware of the traditional physical games. Most of the parents are too engaged and due to that they don't have time to spend with their children. Some other factors like greed and laziness are also encouraging these people to play computer games and spend their time. Games attract children by advertising that there are many monetary rewards associated with them and due to it attraction is increasing day by day.

Research Questions

Research questions as per aims and objectives have been identified as impacts of internet and specially computers on the social behaviour of children. Further analysis will also be made on the reasons that attract children towards the use of computer and internet. It is also important to know the different ways by which the attitude of children can be changed towards the use of internet and computers.

Matching of the resources efficiently with the research question

In this particular report, questionnaire method is used in order to analyse the impact of internet and computer gaming over the social behaviour of children in UK (Dey, 2002). In order to understand the issue in proper manner data has been collected from both primary and secondary resources. In primary resources 50 parents from UK are selected and their views is analysed on particular matter and in terms of secondary resources, different books, journals and articles are been studied to develop different theories. Further different tools like MS Excel, etc. are used to present data in appropriate manner (Golafshani, 2003). Further the time that will be required to do the project will be almost 12 weeks and cost that will be required is 500 pounds.

Proposed research Methodology

Different types of methodologies have been used in this report in order to analyse that data collected in proper manner. In terms of approaches, there are two types which are inductive and deductive. As per the nature of the report, inductive approach is used because it allow researcher to understand the situation and develop the observations in proper manner (Infante, 2008). In terms of philosophy there are two types which are Interpretivism and positivism and in this report Interpretivism philosophy is used because it connects researcher with the real world and also help him to highlight some important facts and figures (Bajpai, 2008). Further descriptive design is applied because it allows researcher to understand the particular scenario in deep manner. Data analysis is done by both qualitative and quantitative analysis. In terms of quantitative analysis questionnaire is used and data is analysed using charts. In terms of qualitative analysis different theories have been developed and recommendation has been provided. Sample of 50 parents from UK is selected with the help of non-probabilistic random purposive sampling because these methods understand the situation and helps researcher to select the appropriate method for study (Beiske, 2007).

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Use appropriate research evaluation techniques

In this present research, both qualitative and quantitative methods are used in order to understand the views of the parents in much better ways (Bernard, 2011). Qualitative approach has been used in order to understand the impact the of internet as well as computer games on the social behaviour of children. Different themes will be formed and then analysis will be done appropriately. With the help of this approach, researcher will be able to understand the factors that are forcing these children to go for these computer games and different solutions that can be provided so that parents could solve this problem (Grbich, 2012.). In terms of quantitative approach, sample of 50 parents has been taken and their views have been studied in terms of chart. It will help research to develop proper findings.

Conclusion and Recommendations

From this project, it can be concluded that children are getting very much addictive towards these technology and computer games and due to that many disastrous effects can be seen on them. It is affecting their, social behaviour, health and growth. If some measures are not taken then many bad situations might arise in future.

The first and the foremost thing that parents should do are to know their child because it will help them to understand what are their child's needs and demands. If parents will sit with children spend time with them then the addiction of computer games will automatically reduced. In this fast changing life it is very difficult for parents to spend much time with children so parents should look this factor and they can also arrange extracurricular activity class for children so that child will get less time to spend over internet and digital media.

Further, it is also important for parents to talk with their child about the video games he or she is playing so that they can know what the motto of game is, will it affect the behaviour of their child, etc. Parents should talk about the online safety particularly if their child is playing with strangers over internet. Other than this, they should also discuss about the violence in media and differences between game and r

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