
Impact Of Social Media on the teenagers

Introduction to Research Proposal

Present report is based on evaluating the adverse impact of social media on the teenagers of central London. Social media is one of the modest form of communication by which individuals can share their messages and information to each other. It is one of the cheapest ways for sharing thoughts and communicating with one another (Browne and Hamilton-Giachritsis, 2005). In modern era, social networking sites are mostly considered by the teenagers and youth people for exchanging images, knowledge and information for the purpose of entertainment and pleasure. Further, it is also considered by commercial entity for the promotion of its products or services because huge amount of population is available on these sites.

With the help of social media, networks of online friends can be used by individuals for keeping in the touch with existing and current friends (Ahn, 2011). Along with this, some sites help people to find better jobs and developing business contacts. Through social media, users can join different forums and groups in order share their interests with other members. Most social networking sites offers features to individuals such as designing profile page, uploading and downloading of videos, sharing of opinions and discussion on current issues.

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Literature review

Social networking sites are one of the types of internet websites which allow individuals to make their personal profile on it. Through using this profile, people can share images, information, knowledge, music and videos with their online friends.  In accordance to the study of Kietzmann, (2011), it can be stated that there is a phenomenon increment in the use of social networking sites in the past five years through which the number of internet users have been increased to a higher level. In order to attract more number of users, developers of these sites are focusing on providing more features to them which will be beneficial for business professional and population. But in case of teenagers, there are various adverse impact of social media because they doesn't have more sense to distinguish between the right and wrong (Kietzmann  and et. al., 2011).

As per the view point of Valkenburg, Peter and Schouten, (2006), there are various negative impact of social media on the social life of teenagers. Social networking sites allow all users to upload and download videos. Sometimes these videos includes irrelevant content which is illegally prohibited to broadcast on television. Availability of those videos put their adverse impact on the attitude of teenagers. According to the report of Ahn, (2011) it is revealed that 80% teenagers of central London use the social networking sites by for receiving and sending messages during school hours. Use of social media in school leads to decrease the effectiveness of education by diverting their minds in multitasking instead of study.

Research methodology

Methodology is one of the crucial parts of research which assists researcher to complete their study in an appropriate manner for the better achievement of its goals and objectives. It includes a range of tools, techniques and methods used by researcher to collect data and information from respondents and other sources (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). In order to draft valid findings and conclusion, it is necessary for researcher to include methodology in their study. In present report, research will be conducted for evaluating the adverse impact of social networking sites on the teenagers of central London. For collecting information about this topic, both primary and secondary sources will be considered by the researcher.

In case of primary data, information will be collected with the help of questionnaire method. In this method, a document includes a range of questions regarding the subject matter which will be filled by the 50 teenagers of central London (Valkenburg, Peter and Schouten, 2006). Further, secondary data will be gathered by using books, journals, online articles and other websites. For creating research in better way, inductive approach will be used by researcher along with considering the qualitative tools. Further, thematic analysis will be applied in this research to observe and collect information in an effectual manner. For eliminating the chances of ethical issues, data will be collected by the reliable sources and collected information will be analyzed by using appropriate methods.


Availability of limited time and cost was the major limitation which influenced researcher to select the sample size of only 50 respondents. With the limited cost, it is not possible to prepare more questionnaires for more teenagers of central London. Further, it was the biggest challenge for researcher to get reliable data because there is a huge amount of misleading information in case of secondary sources that can't be judged properly.


In order to eliminate the chances of ethical issues, data and information had been collected from the reliable sources. Further, collected data has been analyzed by using qualitative techniques for ensuring the effectiveness of those information. Along with this, high consideration has been provided to all activities in order to reduce the chances of biasness. In case of primary data, all the information had been collected by the teenagers whose age was 10-16 years. While, secondary data had been collected by using the authorized and updated additions of books, magazines and online articles.

Resources / Sample

Main aim of present research is to evaluate the adverse impact of social networking sites on the teenagers of central London. This topic has been chosen by researcher because the use of social media has been increasing continuously in this modern world. In this research, questions have be made in accordance to analyze the harmful impact of social media in the respect of teenager living in central London. In this study, both types of sources such as primary and secondary will be considered by the researcher to collect information (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005). Sample size for the project is the 50 teenagers of Central London. For present research, questionnaires have been filled by the 50 teenagers of central London in order to gain overall knowledge about the subject matter. 

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Research carried out

Research methodology is the most essential element of research which is focused on conducting the study in an effective manner for creating a valid conclusion and better findings (Neuman, 2005). It includes a range of methods, approaches and tools that helps researcher to get the answers of research questions in a proper way along this fulfilling the research objectives. Different approaches and tools used in methodology are as follows:

Research philosophy

Selecting a suitable philosophy is the most necessary for the researcher to conduct its research practices in a better way. There are mainly two types of philosophies such as positivism and interpretivism which assists research team in gaining accurate data (Kumar, S. and Phrommathed, 2005). In this study, interpretivism philosophy had been applied at the time of collecting data in accordance to the topic. By using this philosophy, researcher can deduct the part of more theories and increasing the volume of practical knowledge. Further, it was the best philosophy for researcher to get accurate data about the adverse impact of social media on the teenagers of central London.

Research approach

Research approach includes a range of activities used by the researcher at the time of collecting data and information. Inductive and deductive are the major approaches that can be used by researcher for conducting study regarding the subject matter (Churchill and Iacobucci, 2010). In present report, inductive approach had been considered for collecting and observing the qualitative information. With the help of inductive approach, the process of data collection is complected in an effective manner for the creation of better findings and conclusion.

Research design

In order to get reliable data and information, it is required for researcher to select appropriate research design in accordance to the topic of study. Along with the data collection, it guides research team to get the answers of questions set by them in the starting of research (Cooper, Schindler and Sun, 2006). Research design must be suitable and effective as per the research objectives which will be helpful for researcher to conduct study in proper manner. In the present research, exploratory research design had been selected which is focused on analysing the availability of problems in collected data.

Data collection

Success of research mostly depends upon the effectiveness of data collection by which better findings will be concluded (Harris and et. al., 2009). Data collection includes a set of tools and methods that can be considered by the researcher at the time of gaining information. For conducing data collection in an effective manner, primary and secondary sources had been used by the researcher. In case of primary data, information had been collected with the help of questionnaire method.

Research techniques

In order to conduct research in a proper way, two types of techniques such as qualitative and quantitative techniques can be used by the researcher of study. In present research, qualitative tools have been used by the researcher of study. In addition to this, thematic analysis had been conducted to measure the efficiency of data for achieving the research objectives. With the help of qualitative technique, researcher was able to gain info5mation regarding the adverse impact of social media on the teenagers of Central London. Seven questions have been prepared by the researcher for collecting data from the responses in an effective manner.

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Research Conclusion

In accordance to above research, it has been concluded that social media put their adverse impact on the teenagers of central London by reducing the effectiveness of its education and development. Social networking sites includes a range of unethical images, videos and other elements which influence the cultural and religious values of teenagers. Along with this, it creates confusion and ambiguity in the mind of them by providing useless information. In these sites, various advertisement of games, clothing and other fashionable goods influenced teenagers to buy those items which can become the cause the conflict in between the parents and children.


  • Cooper, D. R., Schindler, P. S. and Sun, J., 2006. Business research methods. New York: McGraw-hill.
  • Denzin, N. K. and Lincoln, Y. S., 2005. Qualitative research. Denzin, NK y Lincoln YS.
  • Kumar, S., & Phrommathed, P., 2005. Research methodology. Springer US.
  • Mangold, W. G. and Faulds, D. J., 2009. Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix. Business horizons.
  • Neuman, W. L., 2005. Social research methods: Quantitative and qualitative approaches. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
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