
How New Is the ''NEW TERRORISM''


Terrorism is a major concern of today's era where it is rapidly increasing with a higher pace of time. It has simultaneously resulted in major devastation of varied parts in the nations. It is therefore considered to be a global and utmost issue at a worldwide level with a relative amenability of the regimental parties where they are correspondingly reacting to it (Duyvesteyn and Isabelle, 2004). However, at times, a prior intervention of various political parties has been revealed in the occurred terrorist attacks. It is where such governmental bodies have often collaborated with the insurgent parties that has in turn destructed some leading areas of the planetary. The present report have presented a meticulous description of such political involvement in terror activities where it has focussed on a well known insurgent group of Hezbollah.

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Terrorism- The term terrorism is referred as an unauthorized and illegitimate use of aggression that is followed by certain political intent.

Insurgent Groups- Such groups are essentially defined as a political group of rebellions where they are fighting against some prevalent policy-making systems that is not benefiting them and their relative considerations.


Case Study on “An Insurgent Group of Hezbollah”

As discoursed in the preceding section of definition where Hezbollah is defined to be a political party that has been established in the year 1985. With a foundation year of almost 31 years it is now a renowned insurgent group of Lebanon. It has also been nominated as a group of militants where they are a rebellion armed group of individuals who are frequently obsessed to perform terror activities in order to execute their such affiliated objectives (Cronin and AudreyKurth, 2002). With a similar reference to it, the Hezbollah group also has a rigorous forum of work where they are largely supported with some additive sources of funding. They also acquire training sessions to develop their armed skills with some breakneck weapons to accurately use it at the time of attacks.

All such discovered facts clearly defines a new facet of terrorism where its older version have depicted a complete reversal procedure by the attackers. It is where at the former time, they secretly used to perform such activities with a feared sense of being caged for it (Kilcullen and David, 2009). However, the new state of terrorism showcases an open consent of deterioration where they are fully supported by the requisite means that are usually being demanded by the terrorists. The main context of the study is hereby based upon a factual and contemporary context of terrorism with a leading aim of illustrating the relative measures of the rebel union named

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