
Effect of Sociological Factors


Sociological factors are the factors that affect the person's lifestyle and these factors revolve around the ethics of a person. His religion, family, economic status, children,systems of politics etc. in short almost everything that surround the environment of the people. Sociological factors has a strong influence on the lives of a person and it affects the personality, lifestyles of the person. The attitudes of the person depends on the sociological factors. How the human behaves generally. Sociologist are the people who examine the connection among the personal troubles and social relations(Abell and Youldon 2013). Their are self motivated to improve life's of persons related to them, they want everybody to be happy and stress free. This report includes the various factors related to sociology and the concept of sociological imagination. The values and beliefs of a person plays a very significant role in the sociological factors . The concept of critical thinking has been evaluated here and the stereotypes factors affecting the people in Australia has been discussed in the present report.

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Task 1

1. Sociology and Sociological Imagination

Sociology is the study for exploring the knowledge about the social relationships of humans and various bodies. The concept of sociology is very vast it ranges is very wide it constitutes from family to state, criminal activity to religion, from distinction between social class, race, to the similarities between the religion( Abraham 2010). The whole study of sociological factors is conducted because to understand the behaviour of human. How their conscious and their actions vary according to the social and cultural surroundings. The socialist gathers information about the social life of an individual and wants to enrich their understanding of human behaviour.

Sociological imagination is a concept where individual thinks of themselves as they want themselves to see. They see themselves irrespective of what they look like . It can be further defined as the relationship between the self experience that with the society at large. The person to have social imagination must have the view point to see alternative things irrespective of looking at the situations ( Baddeley 2010). He should know how to divert himself from the situation. Say for instance, coffee. It is used for simple drinking purpose, when two people wants to meet they generally go for a coffee. In that scenario the person wants to talk over and coffee is not the main purpose. Whereas some person drinks it for caffeine , they use it as a drug. So the person see and takes what he wants to take . The object remains the same but the value changes in different cases.

2. Role of values and beliefs in sociological factors

The values of a person reflects in the way he lives his life. This is basic thing that holds importance in their lives. Their beliefs are generally came out as a way of their expression, and it is expressed through words or behaviour. The social factors that influence the lives of a person are religion, family , ethnicity(Berger 2011) , children etc. the values and beliefs plays an important role in the forming of sociological factors and they affect them in a very deep way. The values related to family is different for every person. Some people respect and value their families most that it became their priority, but for some person family comes last at the priority list. Person who believe in ethnicity and values it are the persons who abide by the m,orals and they does not get involve in criminal activities. When a person works as a community service worker he works for the betterment of the community. They work in the rehabilitation centres, does social work etc. and their values and beliefs are different from the other person of the society and thus because of their values and beliefs plays an important role in the society.

3. Working experience in the community sector

The community sector is the place where people work for the benefit of others and they are more than happy in serving other people. The persons who work there forgets the individuality and they work for the others. It is very important to step out of the individual experience and see ourselves from the outside if we are working in the community sector. We have to stop working as an individual and start working in a team( Bhattacharya 2011). To look from the outside one should start looking at various sectors of the community sector and build an interpersonal relationship and this well help in performing better. By taking care of the health and safety issues community workers plays an important role. The Australian community sector conducts various activities like self help groups, hobby classes, environmental groups etc. it is very useful to get out of what is inside you and what is lagging you behind. For helping others you have to forget yourself and involve in some other person.

4. Social and Cultural Institutions of Australia, their functions and impact on social factors.

The cultural institutions of the society of Australia are-

  • Australian National Marine Museum
  • Australian War Memorial
  • Museum Of Australian Democracy At Old Parliament House
  • National Archives Of Australia
  • National Film And Sound Archive
  • National Gallery Of Australia
  • National Library Of Australia
  • National Portrait Gallery

These are the list of social and cultural institutions of Australia. An cultural institution is an institute which is set up to preserve the culture and art of the Australian society. Their main function is to protect the art and values of the culture(Cohen 2011). It promotes and safeguards the interest of the artists. Individual, groups, communities and families are impacted by the socio- cultural institutions. It impacted in a positive manner and they are helpful in enriching the culture of the families and community.

5. Concept of critical thinking and writing

Critical thinking is the thinking process which involves judgemental views and the analysis of facts that forms a judgement. It results in rational decision making and assess the facts and evidences. Whereas critical writing is the writing which involves evidence to reach to a considerable conclusion and moral. Critical thinking is important in research as it helps in critical appraisal . As it helps in gaining the facts and provide evidence of it(Cushing Fine and Goldstein, 2013). critical writing helps in drawing the conclusions and check on the validity and reliability of data as it helps in writing the research prospects.

Examples of critical thinking:

  • A community worker at the rehabilitation centre use his critical thinking skills and see that which patient should be treated in which manner.
  • In a social welfare organisation, workers by using critical thinking skills decides that what will be the causes which they have to take care of and make strategies according to it.

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6. Possible effects and consequences of inequality experiences of communities, families and individuals

Workers need to identify effects and consequences of these factors because it is necessary to know everything about something we are working upon. Better relations can be built by knowing everything about the differences. Those who need the help could be served more than those who do not. Aiming at serving the right need. Working in community services aims at serving people in best and possible way as they require so by knowing their communities( Durkheim 2014), families, and individuals. Community services totally relates to understanding people and knowing them thoroughly so as to serve them so it is necessary to know everything about them in best possible way. All the ups and downs and the differences they face. Here by these factors the worker came to know about following factors like-


To what community they belong what is the culture what is their living style etc.


What is their background from where do the belong who are their family members etc.


All the factors related to the individual and its likes dislikes thinking and behaviour etc.

All the above reasons state why it is important to know the community, family and individual by the worker who is going to serve the society relating to them

7. (a) Age related stereotypes in Australia people

Stereotype means the common way of people to predict something about someone. They are the thoughts of someone about something( Hollenbaugh and Ferris 2014). They can be adequate sometime but not always.

Now moving on to the age related stereotypes in Australia they can be as under-

  • Being old is being sick
  • The old ones are dependent on someone
  • The lights are on but the voltage is low

The most common stereotype related to age are that making fun of the age and telling someone that they cannot do this because they are too old for it.

7. (b) Origin, assumptions, of stereotypes.

Tereotypes are developed by the common thinkers who perceive about something same as others. It develops through-

  • Common thinking
  • Mutual perceptions
  • Experiences

The assumptions are that it is growing day by day everyone judge the person before knowing actually about it.

The one who are labelled have a really hard time to go through all this and have to spend time on changing peoples mind about them(Julien 2014). Change of mind is very difficult so the person face the problems in facing the pre opinion about them

7. (c) Possible changes in current practices within the community services sector that could be adopted to address some of the factors that have a negative impact on your chosen group.

People can develop a behaviour of not perceiving things and knowing people and things before judging them. This would develop the environment of positivity and confidence among the people present in the society.

8. Concept of critical theory, outline its development, the core concepts that define it and how they inform research practices.

Critical theory means the real and deep study of the things without just depending on the photos and going through the literature and the deep study of the culture, history and all the other facts about anything. It aims at digging beneath the actual scenario of a topic to get the actual and deep information about something.

By the above definition we can state that yes it helps a lot and inform the researchers a lot about the given project. By this theory researcher get to know the in depth study of any topic and can do the research in more better way(Lin Ko and Wu 2011). This is a more reliable and more trustable source to do a research.

Critical theory is developing nowadays because people are getting more aware about everything so the researcher or any data analyser and interpreter has to go through in depth study of every topic to come out with the best result possible so as to maintain the research for a longer and up to date period of time.

The core concepts of it are as follows-

  • In depth study
  • Relates to the history as well as the current scenario of the topic
  • More reliable

9. (a) Brief list of environmental factors that relate to the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

There are many environmental factors that are directly related to the health and well being of the individuals and the communities and they are-

  • The air we breath
  • The food we eat
  • Water
  • Pollution

Everything the environment gives us should be conserved by us so as to maintain the people and community wisely.

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9. (b) elaborate on the impact they have giving examples and list references.

The food we eat

Healthy food less inorganic should be produced and consumed so as to maintain good health(Palizgir Bakhtiari and Esteghamati 2013). If the food will not be healthy it will cause health issues to the people and can make the person sick.


Drinking water is the main elixir for the body and every other thing so we should conserve it. Water is a source of living more important than food so it causes major diseases so the water has to be conserved.


It is one such environmental factor which is to be taken care of so as to have a good and hygiene environment( Pierre 2012). This can cause breathing problems as well as many other problems so we should use all the major factors in consideration to protect the environment from polluting.

10. (a) As community service workers why should we aim to identify,evaluate and analyse the social, cultural and economic backgrounds of communities we work with?

While working with any society for the community service we need to know the people and the community. If we do not than it would be like choosing someone randomly and afterwards facing problems because the chosen one is not appropriate. So it is compulsory to know the background, the culture and economic background in community service so as to ensure that what services are to be delivered to whom(Rahman and Kuddus 2014). There would be less hit and trial consequences and the work will be done more effectively and efficiently.

10. (b) List the research approaches you could use to gather this information? Briefly elaborate on the underpinning theories behind them.

There are Qualitative and Quantitative research approaches. In which the Quantitative approach focus on the quantity, numbering anything which can be calculated. The Qualitative approach focus on the quality aspect of the findings(Safaei and Khodabakhshi 2012). One can gather gather information by using both the approaches according to the research report where there is a technical analysis one can use the quantitative approach and if there is some non technical analysis than the quantitative research is more convenient.

The types of quantitative research are-

  • Descriptive
  • Correlation-al
  • Quasi- experimental
  • Experimental

The types of qualitative research are-

  • Case study
  • Grounded theory
  • Phenomenology
  • Ethnography
  • Historical

Task 2

Underlying assumptions of scenario 1

According to the sociologist 1, they are in favour of inclusion of deaf people. They are needed to be included in the society as it will create harmony in the society( Selznick 2011). The society should be able to fulfil the needs an d wants of the society members and they should help in achieving the shared goals. The society will be remarked as a good and harmonised society if it includes the contribution of deaf people also.

According to sociologist 2, the deaf should be excluded and does not entertain their interest. It is not a right practice but the society is suppressed under the majority of hearing people.
This scenarios 1 follow the order theory as they focus on macro structures, as they are taking care of both the deaf people and of the hearing people(Shaukat and Zafar 2010). The social structure governs the behaviour of humans and they are maintained and social stability and in accordance with the conflict theory they deals in micro system and they promote that inequality produces stability in some conditions.

Scenario 2

The two methods that the leaders wants to choose to understand the society are way different from one another. The method that I would choose to know the society will be the way by leader A as his idea includes critical thinking and he wants to gather facts and then will prove the evidence and pass the judgements( Smelser 2013). He wants to start from the scratch and it is the proper way to gain a understanding about the people. Leader B' s theory is also right to some extent that you should see the person inside out. He wanted to know the insight of the members of the tribes and the world. What they think about of being slave and how do they deal with it.

The subjective dimension is the theory that needed to be follows and it helps to understand the personal feelings, and judged by the tastes ,and opinions. In the second option is the objective theory and it does not include the personal touch and it generally includes the facts and figures.

According to me the social structure is more powerful in the society as they have solid background and the whole tribe is with them( Tunde 2013). It has a prevailing history. The underlying assumptions is that they must seek the benefit from the individual and help the society grow.

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As per the above report it has been concluded that the sociological factor has played a very important role in the development of society and they have a solid impact on the family, relations
political systems, society, culture etc. this report has summarised the theories of subjective and objective and the theory of order and conflict theory. They order theory has applied and it was in favour of the inclusion of deaf and conflict theory was in favour of exclusion as they do not think that the deaf can contribute at all in the society. It has summed up about the concept of sociological imagination and the important aspect of critical thinking and writing. In this report the way in which these leaders has behaved is remarkable as they take the right step to understand the society.

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