Following report is prepared for the tourism sector including its sub sectors and other special interest groups. The report will help in understanding the different challenges faced by them and how these challenges will be overcome TUI is the worlds biggest company in travel and tourism and is doing its business at a large scale. They face different challenges and this report will give more importance to the food based tourism as it has more scope of expansion and development. For more details of the topic further study of the report can be done(Fullagar Markwell and Wilson 2012).
Task 1
Tourism is directly connected to travelling,people travel for business or for pleasure. Tourism is the activity of attracting people to travel different places by providing them different accommodation facilities like entertainment, accommodation and doing the tour operating business. It is done on both national and international basis. TUI is an international group which has its headquarters in Hanover,Germany. This is the largest leisure organization in tourism in the world. Leisure is the free time with the individuals which they get from there daily routine work and in tourism and leisure that time is spent on travelling.
There are different sectors in the tourism activity like the culture tourism, special destination based tourism, specialist transportation, nature and adventure tourism. There other special interest sectors also like the travelling with the access needs, specialist lodging in which there are different options available with the customer like lodging which is place specific or based on some specific theme(Karlis,2011) These all sectors come under the sub sectors of tourism which have less competitors and there are many opportunity with the company to do the expansion by providing the facilities under these segments. Information regarding the tourism is also provide through cookies. It is a little amount of information received by the web browser which is stored in the hard drive and can be assessed through only that website which has an assess set up of it.
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Food based tourism
This is a sub sector in the tourism which has got the development due to the demand in the food products by the food obsessed people. People started the culture of tasting all the food type that is there on earth. This curiosity gave rise to the travelling culture among them as people started travelling from one place to another in search of different foods. In order to meet the demand of the people travelling for food there is need to open more food establishments and food corners.
Everyone wish to eat and drink while they are on holiday. Therefore there is a need to increase in the variety of food items. It has a clear scope of making improvements and development therefore this tourism should be supported with the different concepts and innovations.
Food tourism is so much influenced by the culture as people support the food of there tradition and like to promote it. Therefore for food tourism it is important that the restaurants should follow the theme of culture in different food items. In this special tourism taste is an important factor which has to be maintained in order to balance the tourism and also to promote it(Tribe,2015). When this sector was analysed it was observed that food and beverages includes the maximum expense by the tourists while they are on a tour. If they are provided with good facilities of food there half of there satisfaction is achieved.
Although this industry is expanding with the change in time there are lot of challenges which it has to face in the marketing and the management. They can be understood more in detail further:
Marketing and management challenges
Lack of guides available
In order to promote tourism there is need to have adequate amount of guide also. Due to the shortage of there availability tourism can not be marketed much in the public.
Lack of education
Public is less educated about this sector therefore it becomes difficult to convince them about the advantages of this sector also the customer has wide range of choice to choose the best for them(Buhalisand Darcy,2011).
Lack of information
Customer find less information through marketing activities. They find it difficult to trust the agency and don't take the risk to try the services. They have this mind set that these agencies are meant to exploit the customers and they can visit the places in less price if they go on there own.
Ways to overcome the challenges faced by the sector are
Increase in the investment
The different sections should increase the investment in the food industries. This is important for providing better services to the customers. If it is done than the customer will get wider choice supported with better services. Later that invested amount will be enjoyed as a profit by the investors(Benson,2010).
Improve infrastructure
With the increase in the variety of products work should be done on the infrastructure also so that it looks more better and attracts more people.
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Effective marketing
In order to attract more people there is need to do the effective marketing so that more and more people get to know about about the services offered by this industry and they feel like taking their services.
Educate people
The public should be made aware about the advantages of this tourism in order to influence them to use its services(Morgan Pritchard and Pride2011).
Q.1 Was the customer satisfied with the quality of the services?
Ans.(a) Yes
(c)Up to a level
Q.2 Were the customers satisfied with the cost incurred in total trip?
Ans.(a) Yes
(c)Up to a level
Q.3 Did the customers found any inconvenience in there stay at the hotel during their trip?
Ans.(a) Yes
(c)Up to a level
Q.4 Did the consumer found it difficult to make his bookings with the travel agency?
Ans.(a) Yes
(c)Up to a level
Q.5 Will they recommend the same agency to their friends or family?
Ans.(a) Yes
Task 2
Mystery shopping in tourism helps the sector to take the various corrective actions and do changes in the existing activities. This help in maintaining the quality of the services and products which are offered to the customers. In this process the management get to know about the areas which need more attention and for this the employees are motivated to achieve the standards that are set against the particular service(Dredge,2010). By setting the standards it also becomes easy to evaluate the performance of the different individuals and this help in planning the incentive and appraisal plans for them as it is given to those who achieves the set benchmarks. This way it becomes a tool for motivation for the employees. It should be done in regular basis in which the mystery shoppers buy the product or service than ask all the relevant questions and than give his reaction to the service or product which he has used . This activity help the management in maintaining the long term relationship with the customer by solving all there problems(Morgan Lugosi,and Ritchie2010). There issues with the service can be make out through conducting a survey in which the the mystery shopper will include all the relevant quality questions from the customer.
Objectives of mystery shopping
Provide valuable information
It is formed to provide the organisations with the quality information so that they can work on improving there different from which the customer is not satisfied fully. It is done by assigning a confidential buyer who visit the work place and asked to put up questions and use the product of the company. It is hiss duty to notice all the small and big actions that take place there and notice the flaws in them
Provide unbiased opinion
It is the duty of the mystery buyer to provide the business with an unbiased opinion. After the shopper observes any mistake in the functioning of the management like delay in giving the services or other. He should clearly explain this flaw to the management supported with his own suggestion to the problem(Hall and Page, 2014).
Increase customer satisfaction
Through the process of secret shopping the customer are provided with better services as once the mistakes are identified by the secret shoppers actions are taken. The management works to improve its faults and through this the customer is benefited with improvement in the product and the service.
Improve Employee Performance
This system of secret shopping also help the management in improving the performance of the employee. As the employee will not be aware about the identity of the secret shopper they will behave responsibly all the time in a fear of being caught by him if he is not behaving properly at the work place(Richards, 2011).
Mystery shopping Methodology
The process of mystery shopping can be implemented in a number of ways. It include both the latest and the traditional methods like:
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Anonymous mystery survey
In this method the mystery shopper visit the work place himself and behaves like a normal customer. He makes contact with the staff members by asking them for help and observes their attitude that how they response to him. Once the observations are made it is transfers into a report form and presented to the client with all the quality information.
Open control shopping
It is similar to the anonymous system. In this also the shopper visit the place and present his observation in the report. He also meets the client and discuss his observation with him in which he share all the small and big details of his watching.
Mystery call
It is a different method of observation. In this he doesn't go to the work place by himself but do the observation through making a call. He communicates with the employee on phone asks questions to him and make conclusions about the supervises which he revise on call and present it to the client.
Results of mystery shopping
Monitor and measure service
This system helps in keeping an eye on the functioning of the different departments as through this process their mistakes are recognised and than the management can take the corrective actions accordingly.
Supports promotional programs
As it is not necessary that the management always get to know about the flaws of the work place. There are chances that the secret shopper comes to know about the efficient and dedicated working staff through his investigation. It helps the management in taking the decisions regarding selection of employees to be promoted.
Identify need for employee training: As through the process of secret shopping the clients get to know about the minute details of the employee performance it helps them in knowing that weather the staff need training or not. Sometimes it is possible that even after the training(Hall,2011 ).
Improve customer relationships
Through this system as the secret shopper visit the place as a customer he observes the difficulties which a customer faces therefore he works towards improving the quality which ultimately improves the customer relationship with the front line.
It shows how the tourism sector is benefited with the secret shopping concept. They with the help of this sector improved their relation with customer. The services were also improved as they were examine practically by the secret shopper report of which acted as a ground for them to make the improvements. It also helped the management in removing the unskilled labour because of whom the overall results were decline(Ashworth and Page,2011).
From the above report it can be concluded that the tourism is facing different challenges and these challenges are different for different sub sectors of the industries(DunkleyMorganand Westwood 2011). In order to overcome these challenges the sector need to take the corrective actions so that they can do the expansion and improvements which is very important for there development(Fredman and Tyrväinen2010). Secret shopping is also a technique to make the improvements in the business as this gives the best feedbacks to the management which are purely based on the practical experience of the individual(Morrison 2013).
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- Buhalis, D. and Darcy, S. eds., 2011. Accessible tourism: Concepts and issues (Vol. 45). Channel View Publications.
- Benson, A.M. ed., 2010. Volunteer tourism: Theoretical frameworks and practical applications. Routledge.
- Morgan, N., Pritchard, A. and Pride, R., 2011. Destination brands: Managing place reputation. Routledge.
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- Special Interest Tourism 2017.