
Sample on Travel And Tourism Sector

  • History of Traveling

Tour and tourism holds a vast past and history of ages. Traveling is not a new concept and it has been done from ages in name of different needs and requirements. The tour means the activity of traveling of tourist or travelers, where tourism includes all the activity which is directly or indirectly related to operate the tour. Travel and tourism thus has developed an effective history in the world and has developed significant trend of operating and organizing tours for various purpose (Sharpley, 2006). The hospitality industry has helped in developing the effective impact on the development of tourism. Tourism industry has become one of the world's largest and most profitable industry. The scope of growth and innovation has created effective integration of services and development of the countries. The industry is the major sources of income for many countries within the world.

The present report focuses on developing an effective understanding about the industry norms and its system within various countries. The impact of various policies of government as well economic conditions tune its development and growth. Various bodies influences the profitability of the industry highly within countries (Middleton and, 2009). The report focuses on understanding the influence of these bodies on the industry. The success depends on effective integration of both local and national bodies thus the excellence of services are measured by the same. The report aims to build the understanding about the development of travel and tourism, its impact and different level of integration for services which makes the industry profitable and helps in overall growth of the country.

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Traveling is an age old concept and has helped in the development of the countries, families and people. Ancient people used to travel for food and resources but had the least idea about tourism (Blanke and Chiesa, 2013). With civilization within the economy the industry also developed an effective structure thus creating a definite form and system of working in the market. Tourism is defined as and activity of a person traveling to and staying in place outside of his usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for, leisure, business or any other purpose.

By the early 21st century international tourism has become one of the world's most crucial economic activities. The industry thus has developed an unique interest in its development and growth within ages (Tourism today, 2014). The major factors that has helped the growth of the sector consists of social, cultural, economic and technological changes within the market. These factors helped the operators in creating effective integration within various parts and stake holders. The resources that help an individual in developing the need of tour are time, money health, transport and safety.

Tourism history

Early tourism started with Nomads who traveled around the world in search of food and shelter. These travelers gathered food, traded around the world and gave rise to the barter system. 1500 BC is marked as the era when the Europeans visited pyramids and thus developed the tourism for pilgrimage. Religious curiosity enhances this within the economy (Visit Britain. 2015). Business travel was yet another crucial factor that helped tourism to grow within the economy. Merchants from various countries developed the tourism sector later in order to create an effective growth within the industry. In 14 century Christopher Columbus sailed westward. Vasco da Gama sailed to India to earn money. Thus business travel has always been the integral part of tourism industry. This developed the business travel within the world where merchants developed the coins and currencies to carry on trade around the world. The trades then were carried on ships in order to develop the trade relations all over

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