
Nursing Case Studies


In the present research report, discussion has been included regarding Carla whose daughter has been experiencing different health problems and due to lack of financial capability, she is unable to access health care services. Thus, the study has been describing importance of social determinants and how it can be properly addressed.

What are the characteristics of the individuals in this case study?

In the present study, there are three major people that are playing crucial role and they are also showing different characteristics.


Carla is an elder woman who has been raised from her aunt and from her childhood she has been facing several economic problems. She married when she was young and she had two children as well; however later on she separated from her husband and as a result she had to start focusing on employment so as to raise her family. She worked in grocery department so that she can manage her livelihood. As a character, it can be said that Carla has been repressing the personality of a struggling person who has been in this situation since childhood.

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Carla’s daughter

As discussed above, Carla has two children and in the case, her daughter’s situation is also discussed. When she grew up, she moved to the city for employment and currently she is living with her boyfriend in a tiny room apartment. Carla’s daughter is pregnant and she has also developed gestational diabetes due to which she feels tired all the time. She is pretty much excited about the baby; but at the same time she is worried as well because she is unable to raise her the child due to financial condition.

Carla’s daughter’s boyfriend

He lives with his girlfriend in a small apartment and in the evening he goes to school (Butts and Rich, 2013). However, after hearing about the baby, he is thinking to quit the school so that they can save money to raise the child. He represents himself as a person who has caring nature and who needs good opportunity of employment so that to raise his family.

What are the social determinants of health that are evident it the case study?

Social determinants of health are regarded as the conditions in which people are born, grow, work and manage their life. This shapes the condition of their daily life. Basically these forces and systems include economic policies and systems, development agendas, social norms and political systems. In the present case, two basic social determinants are highlighted like as social and economic factors. From her very childhood, Carla has been experiencing problems due to financial conditions. Earlier, her husband used to assist her financially; but later on when he had a head injury, he stopped giving financial aid to the family (Ball and et. al., 2011). This lead burden on Carla and she found it harder to stay employed as needs of the family changed. Somehow, she is managing herself; but her daughter got pregnant and then she is unable to give her proper medical assistance due to lack of financial capability.

Thus, looking towards the situation it can be said that the entire situation is depicting the role of economic determinant on people. Moreover, because of this Carla as well as her daughter both are unable to manage health aspects (Butts and Rich, 2013). Carla’s daughter has gestational diabetes and looking towards this situation her mother shows great concern to her health. Considering the impact of economic facto, Carla has been trying hard to save the money; but still she is not getting appropriate support. Moreover, she is not having any sort of social support which also impacts her overall condition; thus the issues requires to be addressed suitably.

Social determinants and describing the best ways to address issue in order to have an impact on the whole population

According to the given case study, Carla 54 year old woman is facing issue related to social and financial problem. She was unable to manage her life effectively and handle all related task. However, financial problem was the major issue through which she was not in condition to get the treatment for her daughter. Due to the financial issues it has been become typical for Carla to educate the children and enhance their standards to get the good job. For this purpose, social determinants has been taken (Fairman and et. al., 2011). She was not getting the proper social support and accordingly was unable to manage the life effectively. For this purpose, social support can be rendered to Carla to get the right employment opportunities even with lower education. It would be effective for her children to become independent. However, some of the social services can be availed her in context of food.

For example, people living below the poverty line can be offered eatables on weekly or daily basis. It facilitates Carla to save some money and get the treatment for her daughter. For this purpose, three different factors identified such as social contentedness, economic inequality and sense of efficacy. However, government of UK is contacting to several parties such as voluntary and community sector and investors as well as philanthropists etc (George, 2011). This would be effective to generate employment for the people even with the low education. However, not for provide or NGO kind of organizations are supported by the government of the so that social excluded or poor people can easily contribute towards the success of the business (2010 to 2015 government policy: poverty and social justice, 2017). On the other hand, government take several actions such as Social Justice;transforming lives and series of report under which families and individual are provided support in term of employment and free services related to transportation and health care (Townsend, 2014).

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Role of health professionals in addressing the issue

The department or field of health care is very important in the nation which facilitates to provide the right kind of services for the general community. For example, care home services can be provided for the daughter of Carla. It would be free of cost. It can be critically evaluated the communication procedure is more critical to approach the health care services, if a person is not financial sound (Pearson, Hegney and Donnelly, 2016). Owing to this, health care professionals need to ensure that detail of care home is provided effectively on suitable mode of communication. This makes it possible for Carla and her family to reduce the financial burden. However, immense support is provided through social services of care home under which feel get emotion support too (Parahoo, 2014). However,health professionals of UK are assigned work to keep record related to social exclusion and poor families or individual who need support. In this manner, people with poor financial position can also get appropriate kind of services for having positive impact on their health. In addition to this, aid of health professionals a nurse can be assigned at Carla's home for treatment of her daughter which would save the cost of transportation and better services delivery would be possible in a convenient manner.

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The aforementioned report concludes that social and economic determinants must be considered to render the services for those who are suffering from health issues. However, support from government and local health care home is also helpful to treat the situation of people like Carla. It can also be said that promotion to organizations like voluntary sector or non-profit would have significant impact on social excluded people.


  • Ball, M. J. and et. al., 2011. Nursing informatics: Where technology and caring meet. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Butts, J. B. and Rich, K. L., 2013. Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
  • Currie, J., Chiarella, M. and Buckley, T., 2016. Workforce characteristics of privately practicing nurse practitioners in Australia: Results from a national survey. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
  • Dossey, B. M. and et. al., 2012. Holistic nursing. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
  • Fairman, J. A. and et. al., 2011. Broadening the scope of nursing practice. New England Journal of Medicine.
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