
Organisational Behaviour of 4com plc


The operations and the behaviour that are been taken in the consideration by the firm will help the organisation to have a significant growth and development. This will help in the proper management of the operations and thus will help the firm to have a significant behaviour in a very effective manner (Miner, 2015). This is required to be effectively managed in order to have a significant growth and development that will help the fir to carry out its business operations in a very significant manner. For the report, 4com plc is been chosen as the organisation of context. It is a UK based telecommunications firm.

The report will emphasis on the various factors and influencing elements that will help the firm to carry out the operations in much effective and significant manner. The impact of power, politics and culture of the operations and behaviour of an individual as well as a firm is been evaluated. The content and process theories of motivation are been chosen with the analysis of an effective team over the ineffective team. Other than this, various concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour is been evaluated at the business.

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Analyze how an organization's culture, politics and power influence individual and team behavior and performance of 4com plc

An organisation like 4com PLC or any other firm will see through the effective placing of the business operations that will help the organisation to handle the operations that are based on the cultural, political and power factors that are been shared among the organisation or the firm. These factors plays a very crucial role in the management of the business operations and activities that will help the firm to carry out the business operations that are been carried out at selected telecommunication entity (Wagner III and Hollenbeck, 2014). This will help the management of the organisation of the organisation that will help the organisation to have a sustainable growth in the market. Besides this, it will help the organisation to have a good management of the business operations and activities that will help the organisation's employees and the team to have a good management of business operations and develop an effective team. The team building is the major factor that is required to be managed and see out by the selected business entity as this factor is the most susceptible entity to the adverse impact of the cultural, political and power vectors that can impact the overall performance of the operations in a more effective and significant manner.

The workplace politics that is been followed by the firm will help the organisation to enhance the quality of operations and improve the motivation and confidence level of the employee's workplace. However, it may have the negative impact on the operations of the organisation. The negative workplace politics will cause the work force or staff to lose their interest in the work, affecting their dedication and may lead to the employee to get turn around (Luthans, Luthans and Luthans, 2015). Thus, the firm is required to enhance the quality of the work environment in order to carry out the business operations in much suitable and effective manner. Besides this, it is also required to enhance the quality of operations that are been taken in consideration by the firm. The adverse and non supportive work place politics may cause the employees to develop a non supportive, reluctant and adamant behaviour that can affect the overall functionality of the organisation. The negative behaviour will affect the team building of the firm and thus will impact the business operations and activities to a greater extant. This can be said that the positive management of the workplace politics will help the organisation to carry out the business operations and development of good individual and team behaviour and performance.

Power is also the crucial factor, that impacts the overall performance of the operation and thus will lead to the management of the effective operations and thus will lead to the management of operations in an effective and significant manner. The power is been allocated by the management of a selected telecommunication enterprise to its specific employees in order to carry out the business operations and activities in much effective and significant manner. The power allocation should be made in a very cautious manner, as the wrong person with the power or authority at the workplace may lead to the failure of communication and thus may cause development of negative perception or behaviour that will help the fir to carry out the business operations in much effective way (Jesinoski, Miller and Volker, 2016). A good power to take the appropriate decisions is very important for the firm as it will impact the business operations and activities in much suitable manner and in a very effective manner. Besides this, a good power and authority will help in the proper guidance and thus, will support the improvement in the performance of the business operations and activities that will help the organisation to have a good growth and management of the business activities that are been followed by the selected business entity.

The culture also plays very crucial and effective role in the management of the business operations that will help the organisation to enhance the quality of services and the overall performance of the operations that are been taken in the consideration by the firm. In an organisation, the workforce from the various cultural backgrounds will come together to carry out the telecommunication operations that are been followed by the firm. This will help the organisation to enhance the quality of services and products that will help the firm top carry out the business operations that will lead to the rise of performance (Miner, 2015). The management of the selected firm will have to see through the proper management of the people with different cultural backgrounds to carry out the business operation and activities that will help the firm to enhance the overall performance and operations that are been taken in the consideration. Any sort of cultural difference at the workplace will impact the operations and activities that will help the organisation to enhance the business operations and actions in much effective way.

Thus, all this factors are required to be taken in the effective consideration by the firm in order to have a good team building and setting up of the operations that will help the organisation to enhance the quality of services and actions that will lead to the management of the business operations and activities within the organisation. It will lay a good influence on individual and team behaviour to have a good rise n performance of the selected telecommunication business firm.

Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques enable effective achievement of goals

Motivation and motivational techniques are required to be taken in the consideration by the firm that will help to enhance the quality of performance and thus will lead the organisation to carry out the business activities and operations in much suitable and effective manner. This will help the firm to enhance the quality of products and services that are been taken at the workplace and thus will help in suitable management of the business activities and the action plans that are been undertaken within the consideration by the firm (Pinder, 2014).

The process and content theories that are been taken in the consideration by the firm that will help the organisation to enhance the quality of products and services that will help the business entity to adopt the business operations and action plans in much suitable and effective manner. The motivation and encouragement process that are been taken in the consideration will help the firm to enhance the overall operation and this will help the fir to carry out the business operations and action plans in much suitable and effective manner (Luthans, Luthans and Luthans, 2015). The motivation and the motivational theories including the process and content theories are been taken in consideration by the firm to manage the theories and operations that help the firm to enhance the quality of products and services by encouraging the empl;oyees to perform well. Some major process and content theories that are bee taken in the consideration by the firm are as follows:

Process theory: the process theories are the concepts and the action plans that are been taken in the consideration by the fir that will help their organisation that will help the organisation to enhance the quality of products and services offered by a firm. These theories will state and support in the development of the knowledge about human behaviour is been effected and motivated (Wagner III and Hollenbeck, 2014).

The major Process theory that is been taken in the consideration by the selected is Vroom's Expectancy theory which is as follows:

Vroom's Expectancy Theory: This theory starts the motivation as a process that governs the choices and the voluntary behaviour that is been taken in the consideration by the firm like 4com PLC. This factors involve the 3 factors which are as follows:

Expectancy: It is based on the principle that more efforts will help the organisation to handle the operations and action plans that will help the firm to enhance the quality of services and products by an individual employee. This states that if a team or a team member will work harder, the organisation will have an improvement in its performance.

Instrumentality: This is the factor that the operations of the organisation will help the firm to carry out the business operations and actions in much suitable manner that they are meant to be interconnected. It states that if an individual or a group of people will perform better, they will be defiantly rewarded. This will motivate them to perform them in most effective manner.

Valance: It is an extent of the acceptance of the value of the person to adopt the result of success and the team work. This will motivate the team to improve their performance to a greater extent.

Content theory: This is the set of theories and action plans that help the firm to identify what factors will affect the motivation and how to management them successfully in order to get the desires results from the operations and action plans that will support the growth and development of the firm (Greenberg, 2014).

The content theory involves the assessment of the needs and requirements of an individual person based on the Maslow's hierarchy of needs, that helps in developing the better understanding of the factors that impacts the motivation to a greater extent. The Maslow's Hierarchy of neds theory is as follows: 

  • Physiological needs: This are been termed as the major and basic needs of an individual that are required to be fulfilled at the workplace in order to motivate the person to perform and take the appropriate operation in a very effective way. It involves the needs like food, water, shelter cloths etc (Gelfand And, 2017).
  • Safety needs: This are the needs that are been taken in consideration by the fir in order to carry out the business operations and activities to have a better rise in the protection elements like job security, freedom of fear, personal safety etc. that will help the firm to enhance the quality of services and actions which lead to the adoption the business quality and operations in a very significant manner.
  • Love and belongingness needs: this are the psychological needs that are been taken in consideration that will help the individual at the firm that will support a good rise in meeting of motivational requirements of the individual at the firm. This involves the friendship, lover and other relationships (Carpenter, Berry and Houston, 2014).
  • Esteem needs: This involves that factors that will help the firm to enhance the confidence level of the organisation that will lead the firm to improve their performance. It is the desire to have feeling of achievement and reputation from others, that drives the person to act and perform in a better way.
  • Self actualization: this is the personal realization of the potential, self-fulfilment of one's personal desires and actions in much effective and significant manner (Miner, 2015). This improves the performance level of the organisation in much effective manner.

All these factors will help the firm to enhance the quality of measures and the performance of the individual in an organisation. All this factors will help the organisation to enhance the quality of service that are been taken in consideration by the fir to meet the needs and requirements of the individual.

What makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team.

A team is a group of people that come and work together to have an effective and significant growth of the operations that will help the organisation to enhance the quality of business operations and action plans that are been developed by the firm. A good, well maintained and effective team will help the organisation to enhance the quality of products and services that are been developed in the firm and taken in consideration to have an effective profitability and effectiveness (Podsakoff, Mackenzie and Podsakoff, 2016).

An effective team is a group of skilled and efficient leaders that help the organisation to handle the business operations and activities in a very effective way. The effective team is very different from that of the ineffective one in many ways such as:

Effective team

Ineffective team

An effective team is capable to find the solutions to every issues they face.

An ineffective team fails to solutions to the issues and drawbacks that they face.

Each and every member of an effective team contribute in the development and fulfilling the goals and operations related to the organisation.

The members in an ineffective team fails to maintain a proper management of the business operations and activities causing the team to fail.

If any conflict arises, the effective team try to resolve it in the most effective and shortest manner possible.

They fail to resolve the conflict, causing the firm to have prolonged discussion and delay in work (Klotz and Neubaum, 2016).

They follow all the code of conducts and other operations that will help the firm to impact the business operation and other operations that are been taken in the consideration by the firm.

There is no proper code of conduct that will help the firm or an organisation to enhance the quality of products and services, leading to the failure of operations by the firm.

Proper decision making is been carried out at the effective team, improving the performance of the business organisation (Bolman and Deal, 2017).

The decision making in an ineffective team is susceptible to failure impacting the overall performance of the organisation to greater extent.

There are various measures and theories that will help the selected organisation to have a good development of the effective and efficient team. These theories and action plans will help the firm to enhance the overall performance operations and undertake the measures that will support the firm to enhance the quality of products ad services that are been offered by the firm (Lazaroiu, 2015). The effective team development measures and theories like Tuckman's team building theory that are been taken in the consideration by the firm are as follows:

Tuckman's Team building Theory: Stated by Bruce Wayne Tuckman in 1965, this theory states the various stages of team development that will help the firm to have a very good team dynamics. This includes the 5 stages that will help the selected firm to enhance the business measures and activities which will lead the organisation to enhance the quality of team building which are as follows:

Stage 1: Forming: This is the process that will help the firm to develop the effective team it will help the organisation to gather the effective team members to build and effective and efficient team. Suitable screening process is been carried outto select the best employees for the team (Kinicki and Fugate, 2016).

Stage 2: Storming: This is the process under which the effective planning of the team development process is been taken in the consideration, the effective marketing plan and the operations related to the business operations are been taken in the consideration. Besides this, many of the team members opt to leave at this stage due to the extensive level of conflicts.

Stage 3: Norming: At this stage, the team will be susceptible to face certain issues and conflicts that can affect the overall performance of the organisation. A sense of mutual understanding and team bonding develops at the team that helps the fir to enhance the quality of products and services that are been taken at the firm.

Stage 4: Performing: At this stage the effective team that is been developed at the firm performs and executes the plan that is been developed (Kanfer and Chen, 2016). The conflicts are been resolved and the output is been given that improves the work performance of the overall firm.

Stage 5: Adjourning: When the purpose of the team building is been fulfilled, the team is been dissolved and the constituent team members are then sent to work on any other project.

Concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour

Various concepts and philosophies of the organisational behaviour is been taken in the consideration by the firm. These concepts and philosophies will help in the improvement of the business operations and thus will support the proper growth of a wide variety of business operations and development of the behaviour of a team and an individual (Leana and Meuris, 2015). The concept of organisational behaviour includes two major concepts that are been taken in the consideration by the firm which are nature of people and nature of organisation. Both this factors impact the operations of the organisations that will help the firm to enhance the quality of their products and services in a very effective manner. This can be described as below:

Nature of people: This is the key factor that impacts the operations of the firm to enhance the quality of products and services that is been offered. A good and supportive nature of the people will help the firm to enhance the quality of products and services that will help the organisation to enhance the quality of business operations and thus will lead the firm to enhance the operational effectiveness of an individual or a team as a whole (Zhu and, 2015). This involve the various factors such as:

  • Individual differences: The individual difference is the major factor that influence the impact of the business operations in a very significant manner. Proper resolution of these measures is important as it can affect the team bonding and thus impact the performance of the firm.
  • Perception: It is an ability to conclude and develop a mindset about someone and something. It is a crucial factor as a negative perception influence the business performance of the organisation in significant manner.
  • Motivation: This is the key factor that impacts the overall performance of the organisation or an individual person. This is the major motivating factor that impacts the performance of the organisation. It involves the positive and negative motivation, which encourages a person in one or the other way to have a good behaviour at selected organisation.

Nature of organisation: This is the factor that impacts the overall performance of the organisation. It defines the character of company, by setting certain social roles and responsibilities to be followed by all (Lindebaum and Geddes, 2016). It involves the following factors:

  • Social system: It involves the customers and thus it impacts the organisation to have a good management of their needs and operations which will support a good management of business operations and activities.
  • Ethics: This is the major factor that is required to be taken in the consideration by the firm. This will impact the business operations to a greater extent. It will help the fir to enhance the quality of operations that will help in the meeting of wide range of operations. This will help the fir to improve their service quality to a greater extent.

Besides this, various philosophies or organisational behaviour are been taken in consideration that involves the following classifications such as:

  • Autocratic: This involves the proper management of the behavioural operations that involve the concepts that one person is right and all other in a group are required to follow his command (Lu, 2014).
  • Supportive: This philosophy of behaviour will help the firm to have a good management of the business operations and other factors. It takes in the inputs from others and support them in their growth.

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On the basis of the evaluation that is been carried out, this can be concluded that the organisational behaviour of an individual as well as a team will impact the business operations and placing of the various operations impact the business activities to a greater extent. The impact of culture, power and politics is been taken in consideration with the details of content and process theories on selected firm. The difference between effective team and ineffective team is been discussed and various concepts and philosophies related to organisational behaviour and growth of the selected business entity is been taken in consideration. 

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  • Bolman, L.G. and Deal, T.E., 2017.Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Carpenter, N.C., Berry, C.M. and Houston, L., 2014. A meta‐analytic comparison of self‐reported and other‐reported organizational citizenship behavior.Journal of Organizational Behavior.35(4). pp.547-574.
  • Gelfand, M.J. And, 2017. Cross-cultural industrial organizational psychology and organizational behavior: A hundred-year journey.Journal of Applied Psychology.102(3). pp.514.
  • Greenberg, J., 2014.Behavior in Organizations: Global Edition. Pearson Higher Ed.
  • Jesinoski, T., Miller, G.J. and Volker, J.X., 2016. Entrepreneurial Human Relations And Organizational Behavior.Business Journal for Entrepreneurs. (4).
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