
Individual and Organisational Learning of Whirlpool


In this world full of competition there are many businesses which are entering in to the market. In order to attain success in the business it needs to train it employees and enhance their skills so that they can work with higher efficiency. Human resource department in the company perform different functions and make people grow more for the work they need to perform in the company. In this present report, Whirlpool has been chosen for assessment. It is a multinational leading company that deals in electronic items and provide services for the same. This project will cover appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours that are required by HR Professionals. Along with this, this report will also determine difference between training and development and individual and organisational learning. Furthermore, approaches to performance management will be described in brief.

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1.Appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours that are required by HR Professionals.

In every organisation there are various functional units which have different works but all works to achieve the goals and objectives of the company. Human resource department is one of the functional units which perform duties for managing the people. All the employees of the company go to HR in order to solve their problem which arises while working. All the conflicts are also solved and managed by HR of the organisation. From recruiting people for vacant and desired position to give training to them for enhancing the skills, everything is a work that is performed and managed by HR of the company.

Skills required being a HR:

Conflict Management skills: While working together for a company people share their views, ideas and emotions with each other. Many a times, thoughts get contradict with each other and ends up with conflicts. HR of the company has to take actions and manage such conflict that arises between the employees of the organisation. In order to manage conflicts HR to listen to both the parties very patiently and take decision after considering all the aspects.

Effective communication skills: Fluent and effective communication skills are required by every HR in order to perform their duties in well manner. To do everything perfectly an HR needs to have good command on their speaking skills. This skill of a HR helps them to perform duties in well manner. By good and effective communication HR can train employees and conduct induction programme in well manner. HR of Whirlpool has good command on speaking skills and that is one of the reasons of success of good working environment in the company.

Decision making skills: HR department takes all the decisions regarding employees of the company. They have to take major decisions while any conflicts get arises or it will be the major concern of every HR to make proper decision in order to perform their duties in well manner. So this is a very important skill that every HR should possess while working for an organisation.

Knowledge that HR should have:

Software: To work as a HR in the company a person should know the operations and functions of software. As it is important to have knowledge of it because without software it is not possible to make salary slips of employees. Along with that many other duties will also not be able to perform while working as HR. It helps in working in more better and easy way.

English language: To work as a HR in the company English is really necessary to know about the English language (Haber‐Curran and Shankman, 2018).This is the language which prevails in the entire organisation so it is must to know about the language. This knowledge is really important in order to work as a HR in the company.

Being an HR executive Manager, Internal analysis has been conducted by the way of strengths and weaknesses analysis. It is been conducted so that it will help in knowing about Strengths that the HR possess. Along with this it will help in knowing about the weaknesses and will help in determining the same.

Strengths: While doing the entire internal analysis it has been concluded that HR executive of whirlpool is highly equipped with communication skills. It helps in performing the duties well on time and effective manner. It is really important skill to know whether duties can be performed by the HR executive or not. They also have the skills of proper decision making after listening to both the parties to conflicts or in any other case.

Weaknesses: HR of Whirlpool lacks in many skills and for that they should take initiatives to improve the same. In order to improve the weaknesses and make them strengths it is really important to attain and perform different activities. Major area of lacking is that HR can not make quick judgements which is the most necessary part and action that HR needs to perform. They are not even so up to the mark in making presentations and presenting the same in any conferences or meetings. In addition to this, Formulation of teams for working together is also made by HR. It is also a major weakness of HR of Whirlpool.

2. Developing professional plan on the basis of personal skill audit.

It has been determined that this internal analysis will help in improving the weaknesses in to strengths. So in order to bring same under progress the following chart will be prepared.

Skill audit


Peronal audit


Leadership skills


More motivation skills are required to bwe developed to become a better leader

Decision making skills


Fast decision making skill

Presentation skills


Better presentation must be developed by considering all the factors pf making a presentation

Team building


Require to work more on systematic group working andf work allotment

Communication skills


Patience of listening for better communication is lacking



Trust is required to be developed more to develop reliability

Ethical behaviour


Working ethically should be improved


Skills need to be developed






Leadership skills

These skills can be enhanced by attending different seminars and by performing team activities. HR of Whirlpool should go through some books and magazines of the leaders to whom they follow. It will help in knowing about the traits and skills that leader possess. Leadership skills can also improve by analysing the current team leaders and their qualities that how they perform their duties.




2 months




Decision making skills

This skill can be improved majorly by attending and reading different cases. These case studies will help in knowing about the different situations one can go through. It will help In analysing a particular situation and decision will be taken regarding the same. In every organisation conflicts arises because everyone has their own mind set and at that point of time HR has to make decisions. It can be improved by making more decisions at the time of conflicts and when people go in different directions.




4 weeks





Presentation skills

To improve this skills HR of the company has to attend meetings where different presentations are being presented. In addition to this, HR has to give presentation to others which will help in improvement of this skill. This will also help in enhancing the skill more and more. It is that way through which presentation skills can be developed by way of abilities and proficiency level.





5 weeks





Team Building

Being the HR manager of Whirlpool, managing teams and their development is the biggest task that is required to be performed (Grandin, 2018). To develop this skill HR has to go through different groups and has to start managing them. Different teams and their formulation can only develop the skill of team building. Thus, this can be developed by the same. Thus, this will result in organising the sessions more and achieving the targets.





1 month



Communication skills

In order to improve the communication skills one has to develop it by going to different seminars and conferences. It can also be developed by reading different author books as it will help in building the confidence.



5 weeks






This can be improved by working more and taking different responsibility

2 weeks

Ethical Behaviour

Ethical behaviour can be improved by attending different training programmes.

1 month

3. Difference between organisational learning and individual learning, training and development.

Training: It is that part of an companies procedure where representatives get prepared for the work they have to perform in the organization. Preparing to the workers is a part of each and every organization in which HR of the organization is responsible for upgrading the abilities of representatives. Training process is likewise conveyed by organizations with the goal that new joine can comprehend about the work they have to perform in the association (Aoki and, 2013).In Whirlpool preparing program is of a half year which is for advancement of trainees. New joinee gets prepared by the HR of whirlpool with the end goal to make know them about the work culture of the association.

Development: It is a consistent procedure that whose main aim is to development of a person from inside, as per the given situation Whirlpool will enhance their employees. It is essential for the representatives in the association to prepare and grow new aptitudes through viable learning, Individual learning. This process of training and development refers to accomplishment of self- growth by enhancing aptitudes and capacities. This will result in self-growth and targets through the same. Then again on the other side organisational learning refers to enhancement of information, aptitudes and capacities to accomplish business goals. There are numerous contrasts among individual and hierarchical preparing, learning and advancement. Organisational learning enables an association in expanding its current execution and thus overall performance and growth can be enhanced by the same. Different functional department can achieve their specific goals that they set in order to make proper functioning of company.

Organisational learning concentrates around significant goal and focus on the business. Every single large office gets associated with the organisational learning process. In this system the preparation and improvement programs are created after concerning the prerequisite and requirements of an organization. An association plan and manage trainings for their workers to enhance their abilities to perform particular jobs for accomplishing business objectives

Then again Individual getting the hang of, preparing and advancement are led for development and enhancement of abilities for acquiring individual targets or destinations. This kind of learning process enables an individual best to enhance his or her own abilities. This expert abilities develops and helps in achievement in close to home and in addition proficient life. Through individual taking in a man can grow new aptitudes, capacity, learning, thought and ability and so on, which help to enhance their polished methodology and identity. It tends to be condensed that individual learning is connected with self-improvement and hierarchical discovering that meets the adjustments in the association ( Begeer and, 2010).It tends to be said that authoritative learning is for a particular period with the rising needs of the business and economic situations though singular learning process is deep rooted through which a man accomplish their development and wanted destinations. The organisational training and improvement is more valuable for business or organizations in which workers inspires preparing to upgrade their execution and efficiency through which a business can upgrade and get benefit from the same.

It is to be resulted that both the learning changes the person and organisation but individual learning helps in a person development but organisational learning ends up with overall development of company and its members. Organisational learning is a process which is just for a limited and specific period of time whereas, individual learning is a process for a lifetime where a person learns and develops their skills and personality to a great level. Along with this, this will help in organisational enhancement and helps in overall productivity of the all the departments of the company.

Results of learning for individuals and organisation

If individual will learn than it will help them to enhance their skils and grow more towards success in the future. It is really important for organisation and individual to learn from the past mistakes so that it can not be repeated again and better productivity can be attained by the same

Results of not learning for individual and organisation

It will make them feel demotivated in life and also failures will be faced by organisation. Learning is reqally important for on eto grow more but if they do not learn then it make difficult to stand in this compeptituve world.

4. Analysis of the continuous learning and professional development to drive sustainable business performance

Continuous learning programmes of every company helps in growth and overall productivity of the organisation will be improved in a constant basis. Professional development is something that helps in development of personal growth along with the entire establishment. This will help in continuous growth because of learning programmes developed by companies on a regular basis. Every department of the company needs a development in order to attain professional gain and growth.

Whirlpool Company should practice such programmes which will help in overall development of the organisation and its employees. A business performance requires to be improved from time to time. And in order to do the same Whirlpool has come up with different development programmes and learning sessions for workers and managers as well. Employees will give quality work and their efficiency will also be improved by the same. Activities of all the departments of the Whirlpool will be upgraded and helps in overall improvement of the establishment.

Overall position and development can be attained in the market by the company by continuous learning programmes. 

5. High performance working contributes in employee engagement and competitive advantage in the company

Employees are the most important part of every company who runs the organisation and helps it in attaining higher growth and productivity. They perform different work and every work man performs duties for the department they have been allocated to. Likewise, Whirlpool has different functional units like marketing, finance etc. which works together to run the organisation. High performance working is that process which can help in increasing overall profitability of the company. Different rewards and incentives help workers in giving more time and higher engagement towards the organisation. There are different challenges that are faced by the company while executing the planning. It can be overcome and solved only by high performance working by employees where work mans can give better ideas and more solutions to the problem that arises in the form of different challenges. . In Whirlpool preparing program is of a half year which is for advancement of trainees. New joinee gets prepared by the HR of whirlpool with the end goal to make comprehend them about the work culture of the association.

This all challenges affects the productivity of company as maximum time is spent during solving the problem that arises while these challenges.

In relation to Whirlpool, the association faces difficulties identified with correspondence and administration which is contrarily influencing the execution of the organization. As indicated by this circumstance, Whirlpool can enhance its efficiency and execution through better working of the representatives (Serrat, 2017). Superior working can result in building worker commitment, every single individual improve their execution which is exceptionally valuable and viable in expanding association's benefit. Joint effort and diligent work of representatives can help the organization to accomplish a noteworthy and aggressive position inside the commercial event. A decent market position is again fundamental for each business or association to make progress in long run. The hard working empowers representatives to support up their execution and work to accomplish the define objectives or targets by the administration of the company. Giving basic obligations to the representatives causes them to get occupied with the business capacities all the more adequately and core interest. This expanded commitment assumes an imperative job in enhancing the level of benefit in a business. Every single representative gets exceptionally occupied with the elite working which prompts viable and productive accomplishment of objectives.

Benefits of High performance working

  • High performance working contributes more towrds the productivity of the company.
  • It will also lowers the cost as employees will contribute more by their performance than more productivity will lower the cost of overll organisation
  • Lowering the cost will give higher profits and more growth to the organisation. 

6. Evaluation of the various approaches of Performance management

Performance management is an essential and important approach which helps in improving overall working and management of the company. It helps in developing a good environment of working along with a better work culture. In Whirlpool, different methods of managing the performance are used so that productivity can be improved of the company. Below are some of the approaches of performance management. Performance management is all about improving every department of the organisation along with its working and different approaches. It will help the company in improving and enhancing in its overall profitability and performance.

Collaborative working: In a workplace, the most important thing is to manage the performance by working together. All employees work together in different teams or departments to attain the common goal. It helps in sharing ideas, skills and knowledge among all the work man working together (Welch. and Welch, 2018). Thus, better ideas can be used for increasing profitability of the company. It also helps in knowing the performance of employees as when everyone works together it is easy to know that which person is contributing more in the team or department.

360 degree of appraisal: Performance can be measured by this way as it will help in managing employees in better way. Appraisals are given in every organisation as it helps in retaining employees and provide them job satisfaction. HR of Whirlpool also does the same by taking feedback from everyone in the company. Performance is measured in the company by knowing the regularity, work, behaviour and ethics that a person follows while working in the organisation. Efficiency is also being measuredly checked because it is the key to judge the improvements in performance of work. So this approach of performance management is the key essential approach to improve overall productivity of the company (Niklas and Cobb, 2017).

Scale Ranking: In this approach top level management of the company give ranking and grades to the employees on the basis of their performance. There are many other ways also to judge the employees on the basis of efficiency or punctuality and many more. This grading and raking system also helps in employees about knowing their performance and by the same they can improve themselves. Overall productivity of the company can be enhanced by the same. Healthy and better working conditions are also attained by the same.

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From the above assignment it has been summarised that work man contributes maximum to any organisation. There are various tools which are being used by management system in order to enhance the working system and overall growth of the company. In addition to this, High performance working helps in attaining objectives of the company and organisation can earn competitive advantage as well. Furthermore, various approaches of performance management has helped Whirlpool in overall enhancement and profitability by applying the different approaches in the working system. 

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  • Haber‐Curran, P. and Shankman, M.L., 2018. Emotionally Intelligent Leadership: An Applied Model for Developing Individuals and Advancing Organizations. In Emotionale Intelligenz in Organisationen (pp. 213-225). Springer VS, Wiesbaden
  • Grandin, T., 2018. Developing Individuals Who Have Different Kinds of Minds.
  • Aoki, Y., Abe, O., Nippashi, Y. and Yamasue, H., 2013. Comparison of white matter integrity between autism spectrum disorder subjects and typically developing individuals: a meta-analysis of diffusion tensor imaging tractography studies. Molecular autism, 4(1), p.25.
  • Begeer, S., Malle, B.F., Nieuwland, M.S. and Keysar, B., 2010. Using theory of mind to represent and take part in social interactions: Comparing individuals with high-functioning autism and typically developing controls. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 7(1), pp.104-122.
  • Welch, D.E. and Welch, L.S., 2018. Developing multilingual capacity: A challenge for the multinational enterprise. Journal of Management, 44(3), pp.854-869.
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