
Understanding Employee Relations

1.0 Introduction

Employee relationship management (ERM) is required in the organization to understand them and enhance their ability and performance by resolving their issues. It helps in managing and building effective team work to achieve organizational goals. For this purpose. HR. helps and support through training and development programs. ERM involves various aspects like identifying objectives of staff, determining the employees needs, maintaining their work balance and their requirements (Demerouti and,2014). Moreover, they create better communication channel so employees can raise their voice. Further, monitoring and measuring is done in order to assess and develop their qualities. In this report we will be studying the role of ERM in NHS.National Health Service trust is a legal unit which, from the consent of the health department of any country provides service related to health care. Like all the organisations, these health care units also face problem related to the employees. These problems consist of the absenteeism, de motivation of the employees, lack of involvement in the overall business procedure of the company and the issues related to the change management which is necessary for the organisation. This paper first presents a report highlighting the issues faced by the NHS trust and then talks about the problems and the challenges they are facing related to the employee relations. Lastly, the paper also showcases a personal development plan for the self assessment of the skills and the techniques of the researcher.

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2.0 Proposed solutions:

There are many of the challenges a company face related to the employee relations. In this case of the NHS trust, the company faces similar problems as well. The job role of the front staffs of the company is not challenging enough. Costas and Kärreman (2013) highlighted that lack of challenge in the job role can make the employee de motivated. Apart from that, the roles are very much monotonous and lack the scope to teach skills to the front staffs. Consequently, the front staffs find it de motivating and hence leaves the company increasing its attrition level. Furthermore, the motivation of the existing staffs decreases as well. According to the theory of human resources, employee motivation directly impacts the performance of the company in which he is working. A de motivated employee will approach any kind of problem half heartedly and hence their productivity falls. Being the drivers of the business of NHS, the employee then will have their impact on the performance of the company (Menguc and Auh, 2015).

Furthermore, most of the business model of the NHS, does not involve the views and the ideas of the employees. The security and the safely requirements are also not adequate for the safe operation of the company. As a result the effectiveness of the employee reduces (Bravo and,2017). Consequently, they contribute ineffectively for the company they are working in. Eventually, the quality of the service provision falls by degrading the reputation of the company as a health and social care unit.

However these problems can be mitigated if the managers take decisions based on the theories and the common practices of the health and social care practices. The management of the organisation may undertake a decision to follow a change process within the company. Demerouti et al. (2014)stated that, a change process is a decision which can address a lot of issues for a company. However, Shantz et al.(2013)argued that, following a change management process for the betterment of the service provided and the performance of the company, the management needs to address the other issues beforehand. A de motivated manager of the company will not take the responsibility with full commitment and hence the objective of the change management process of the company can go in vein. Therefore, it is necessary for the management of the company to address the other issues faced by the NSH trust (Albrecht et al.2015).

The company does not consider the employee interaction process within the operation of the company. As a result, there is no channel using which the management of the company can understand the behaviour and the approach of the employees (Trépanier et al.2014). For the mitigation of this problem the management of the company can hold sessions for the interaction among the employees of the company. Big and successful corporations of the world such as Google, emphasises on the interest of the employee along with the interest of the customers (Demerouti et al.2014). A number of brainstorming sessions, competitions and reward programmes keep the employees of the company motivated and hence it is easier to keep the motivation of the employees at a high level. In this regard Breevaart et al. (2014) stated that, this effort from the side of the management of the company also helps them retain the valuable employees. Therefore it is important for the NHS trust in organise employee interaction programme within the organisation.

Another aspects and the underlying problem of employee dissatisfaction is the lack of communication among the employees of the NHS trust. 69% of the NHS trusts operates rather informally. In line with this, the number of meetings with the operation, finance and the marketing team remains very low (Rokka et al. 2014). Consequently, all the function of the business are not connected to each other. This eventually harms the co operation of the functions of the NHS trust and hence the engagement of the employee reduces. For the mitigation of this problem the management of the NHS trust can use various types of channels to communicate with the employees of the company. The more will be the number of meetings and the face to face interview with the employees of the organisation the more will be the understanding of the management about the engagement level of the employees. For this process as well the company can hold employee interaction process within the company. Costas and Kärreman (2013)highlighted that, successful business such as IBM organises yearly employee interaction sessions not only to keep the employees motivated but also to put forward the necessary information of the company to all the members of the company.

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Stone (2013) stated that, leadership of the management of a company also has a huge role to play in the human engagement of a company. The appropriate leadership ensures that there remains trust among the management and the employees of the company. Trust also makes the employees of the company sure that their interest will be taken care of by the management of the company. Consequently they will feel valued working for the company and their personal performance level will increase (Costas and Kärreman, 2013). According to the theory of organisation, this increased productivity of the employees in turn will improve the financial performance of the company. The management in this case needs to instil a sense of trust among the employees of the NHS.

According to the existing employees of the organisation, the business owner engages himself in the process of partiality and discriminates among the employee of the organisation. Therefore there is urgency for the management to develop trust between the employee and the management of the organisation. In order to do that, the management needs to ensure that it is not lying to the employee for any kind of benefit of the organisation. Singh (2015)highlighted that many of the contemporary companies especially the small business often gives false promise to the employees related to the ad hoc payments. This, most of the time, is not paid to the employees and their trust for the management of the organisation fades. Mone and London (2014) pointed out that, this is very much harmful for an organisation when the employees lose their trust on the management. The management needs to ensure that only authentic information is shared from the side of the management. Another way the management of an organisation can develop trust with the employees of the organisation is by keeping the private information of the employees secret (Rokka et al. 2014).

Furthermore, the managements can also increase the trust with employees of the organisation by having good judgemental skills. The company management needs to refrain itself from giving any harsh comment to the employees. In this regard, Menguc and Auh (2015)stated that, a diplomatic stance can always be beneficial for a management of an organisation. In this process, the managers and the owner have a huge role to play. Again the managers also have to be consistent what they say and what they do. Any kind of inconsistent behaviour of the owner as well as the manager can decrease the engagement of the workers and the performance of the health care unit may go down. Bal et al.(2013)stated that it is necessary for the manager to come to the office and met every worker of the company every day. In order to keep the employee engaged with the objective of the company as a whole, the managers and the owners are required to keep their promises every time.

Furthermore, changes in the body language of the owners and the managers of the NHS trust can also give out a good message to the employee of the organisation. According to the psychological study of the employee behaviour within the organisation, nonverbal communication plays a crucial role in the employee- management relationship. Albrecht et al. (2015) stated that, not only the verbal communication, but also the body language of the managers needs to make the workers comfortable. This will also allow the workers to be comfortable with the owners and the managers of the company. This in turn will allow the managers and the owners to get extra information about the behaviour of the employees. It makes easy for them to identify the group of people who can oppose the change process initiated by the company.

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Again according to that theory posited by Trépanier (2014)employees get dissatisfied and lack engagement due to the quality of the bosses they deal with. Therefore the company and the management needs to make sure that the front line manager of the companies are fulfilling their duties and giving a good effort to maintain healthy relationship with the employees of the company. The management in the case of employee engagement needs to understand what kind of behaviour the employees and the front line staffs of the health care services expect from the management of the company. Breevaart (2014),the previous belief to have a good control over the employee and to put your belief in them has shown not to be working in light of time where the number of employers in any of the industry is growing day by day.

Employee feedback can also increase the engagement of the employee in the process of the business. This will allow the managers to track the ideas and the views of the employees. Consequently their interest will be kept while taking any kind of decision for the company. The employees will in turn feel that they are being valued by the management of the company (Bravo and,2017). This can impact positively on the employee engagement of the company. Lastly but importantly the management of the company can bring some reward system for the employee of the organisation. These will also engage the employees of the company in a healthy competition with each other. They will be challenged by their peers at every stage. This may in turn be able to enhance their productivity which is a huge positive point for any kind of organisation (Demerouti and,2014).

Thus, these changes can be undertaken by the management of the company as via change management procedure. The result of which will mitigate all the problems and the challenges faced by the NHS trust. The company needs to appoint a board of members who will monitor the activities of the employees of the organisation (Menguc and,2013). This will also help in the sustainability of the change that is taken as a part of the change management process.

For improving the patient care, NHS employees through CIPD report suggested that if they are consulted and engaged in proper way they could help in more effective ways. Building the effective communication by listening and then getting response to it helps staff to feel empowered. Employees voice in NHS is concerned over three factors. They are raising concerns, suggesting them for improvements and at last their involvement in the NHS decision-making. Moreover, employees said that NHS supports and encourage to reduce the errors at the work. Further, suggestion are provided so that new innovation and quality services can be provided to patients. At last, involvement of employees in decision making helps to suggest the ways which affect their service. They get involvement in that process in two ways; individually and through the complete group union (Bal, Kooij and De Jong, 2013).

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Improvements in the financial performance which is maintained at the fiscal year. Due to effective support company is getting help and had earn 1.2 billion pound. Moreover, they reduce the loss by 2.9%. Company have to focus on various areas as they are losing the trust of customers. They found that their operating revenue was around 39 billion dollar.

Operational Performance was seen in the accident and emergency departments as they found that they had increment in the 4.1 % in patient admitted to hospital. 34.8 % flt that they were receiving the late care services. But there are positive values also it was found that 89.74% people who were admitted, with proper treatment and service they were discharged in 4 hrs. Further, it was found that ambulance service was facing similar issues. Another impact was due to strikes of junior doctors due to which 3.51 people were affected. Due to carelessness 107500 patients were affected and 386000 had received delayed bed services. Company inflection control details that they had loss from their previous values. Company is spending more than 900 Billion dollar on the staff still they are unable to deliver better services.

NHS can use following things which could help them in improving:

Communicate their goals and expectation to the employees so that they can focus on them work and make target to achieve the goals. Company should improve their transparency which will result in performance improvements. Encouraging the communication level in company. Promote firm potency, repute, values and ethics. They should follow the culture which helps to encouraging the employees. Encouraging innovation and developing the budget can also help to improve. Using the team management can also help to support and develop organizational structure. If NHS generates the sense of belonging and take the feedback from employees they can improve their services. All such factors can improve and help NHS to understand employees clearly.

3.0 Summary and Conclusion:

The paper sheds light on the employee engagement of the organisations dealing with the health and social care sector. The paper takes one such NHS trust case study and finds out the issues faced by the company. After the issues identified by the paper, it goes on to discuss the implementation procedure to solve the problem faced by the company. The implicitly provides the theories and the concepts of the employee engagement process. Additionally, the paper also gives subtle recommendations to the company. Lastly the paper concludes with a discussion of the change management procedure that needs to be taken by the management of the company.

4.0 References

  • Mone, E.M. and London, M., 2014.Employee engagement through effective performance management: A practical guide for managers. Routledge.
  • Stone, R.J., 2013.Managing human resources. John Wiley and Sons.
  • Albrecht, S.L. and, 2015. Employee engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage: An integrated approach.Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance. 2(1). pp. 7-35.
  • Bal, P.M., Kooij, D.T. and De Jong, S.B., 2013. How do developmental and accommodative HRM enhance employee engagement and commitment? The role of psychological contract and SOC strategies.Journal of Management Studies. 50(4). pp. 545-572.
  • Bravo, R. and, 2017. Managing brand identity: effects on the employees.International Journal of Bank Marketing. 35(1).
  • Breevaart, K., Bakker, A.B. and Demerouti, E., 2014. Daily self-management and employee work engagement.Journal of Vocational Behaviour. 84(1). pp. 31-38.
  • Costas, J. and Kärreman, D., 2013. Conscience as control–managing employees through CSR.Organization. 20(3). pp. 394-415.
  • Demerouti, E., Bakker, A.B. and Leiter, M., 2014. Burnout and job performance: the moderating role of selection, optimization, and compensation strategies.Journal of occupational health psychology.19(1). p. 96.
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