
Study Skills for Higher Education

University: LSC London

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 7 / Words 1694
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Question :

Following are the questions which needs to be complete by the student are given below:

  • Prepare a proper study plan & therefore set the short term 7 long term objectives.
  • Describe the procedure which is necessary to develop comprehension and retention ability.
  • Explain the learning strategieB01681s & what techniques has been suggested for enhancing the retention and learning skills.
  • For getting the source, you need to use library information and media services.
Answer :


The skills which are important for an individual to efficiently learn & study are known as study skills, therefore, study skills are considered to be one of the crucial set of transferable skills of life. The study skill helps not only in boosting the confidence of an individual but also for helping it to succeed as well as enabling the individual to efficiently work. Moreover, as study skills are individual processes, improvement & development in study skills processes requires long time. Therefore, in order to become more efficient learner, study skills are required for higher studies. The study skills guides the individual for efficiently memorizing, test taking, time managing, stress management, note takings, reading comprehensions as well as enabling the individual to be active listener. Thus, in higher education, study skills are required for development of academic writing styles as well as in order to plan and write reports and essays (Cottrell, 2019).

2. Literature Review


According to Assiter, 2017, the comprehension could be defined as the ability of an individual to recall, process, understand as well read which the individual just has read. Thus, it is crucial for an individual to have excellent reading comprehensions. Thus, an excellent reading comprehension enhances reading as well as it helps individual in its personal life, professionally as well as academically.

According to another author Nisbet and Shucksmith, 2017, comprehension generally means to extract what is read. The process comprehension is combinations of strategy and interactions. The general strategies of reading comprehension are student’s uses prior knowledge when they are trying to understand the text they are reading. Thus, they tend to generate framework for new information they read.

According to another author Howard and, 2018, while reading student tends to predict or set expectations on the basis of pervious knowledge additionally, the students while reading comprehensions tends to identify the main idea behind the text they read and tends summarize whatsoever they read.

One of the author Moore and Morton, 2017, suggests that enabling student to focus on the text they read, the teacher could model the process in such a way that they ask and answer questions to its students. Additionally, the students tends to have better recalling capabilities for the texts they read who tends to regularly visualize what they ready, this is done by them by drawing images in their mind.

According to one author Wilson, 2018, the process of active reading which includes thoughtful and deliberatively reading which is carried out to improve individual's enjoyment & comprehension of text is called deep reading. While deep learning includes learning dispositions, having higher order thinking skills as well as rousting core academic contents.

According to author Tinto, 2019, the learning which are having general benefits as well as cognitive processing is called higher order thinking skills. Moreover it includes complex judgemental skills which include problem solving as well as thinking critically. Therefore, the author suggests that this higher order thinking skills are somewhat complex to teach & learn but these are having more value for usage in novel situation,


According to author Persky, Henry and Campbell, 2015, retrieving the information stored in memory for long term is known as information learned from retention. The author suggests that techniques for retaining of information includes learning in multiple ways or teaching another individual which one has learned as this help to solidify new knowledge in brain. Moreover, by utilization of previous learning in order to promote new learning as well as gaining practical experiences are the techniques to retain information’s.

According to another author Higgins and, 2015, instead of struggling to remember, if the individual tends to look for answers then there will be its better tendency to retain memory. Moreover, understanding the knowledge for how to learn best, or usage of testing in order to boost learning as well as stop doing multiple tasks at one time will helps the individual to learn more efficiently, and thus will eventually help it in retention of knowledge when required.

According to author Al-Emran and, 2016, the mental function which allows an individual to experience thoughts, impressions, recalling sensations, retain and aquire experiences is called memory. Thus, the author described the stages of memory in three parts i.e. long term memory, short term memory and sensory memory. Where the knowledge is gained permanently or for longer period of time is called long term memory. The knowledge which lasts only for few minutes or when the individual could hold the 7+/-2 knowledge at an particular time then this is called short term memory. While the sensory memory includes gathering of information through senses of humans. Thus, this information lasts only for few seconds.

According to an author Germaine and, 2016, the different techniques for memorizing what has been learned by an individual is by improving lifestyle, minding maps, repetitions or through building techniques. Additionally, the author suggest that there are few more techniques to memorize the learning that is through chunking, by storytelling, by mnemononics as well as through loci techniques.

3. Discussion (or analysis)


The interactive process in which the reader tends to construct a presentation of text by usage of strategies which helps in effective learning is called reading. For having effective reading comprehension proficiency the students tends to consider significant skills of effective reading. Thus, by having good effective comprehension & retention the individual could enhance the learning which eventually helps it in succeeding in its academic life.

The techniques for building effective comprehension and retention are by monitoring understandings, by summarizing, by practically previewing, questioning, and reading, reflecting, reciting and reviewing. Additionally some other techniques are usage of graphical organisers, usage of contextual clues, taking notes, being attentive towards structure of text as well as promoting cooperative talks are the several techniques to built effective comprehensions and retentions. Moreover, some time for extra ordinary building of effective comprehension and retentions required reading aloud as well as monitoring of reading and generation of questions which helps the individual to focus on learning (Rugemalira, 2017).


When students are unable to effectively read then it could create problem for them to success in school. As every subject requires reading comprehensions. Moreover, good reading comprehensions are too required in exams and tests. If an individual posses poor reading comprehension that it will soon tends to loose interest in learning and will eventually tries to quit reading, the individual could not be able to get meaning of each individual word, individual would not be able to interconnect paragraphs and sentences. Moreover, the individual would not been able to tell the story which it has read as well as it could not be able to know the logic behind each sentence. Additionally, the individual who is having difficulty in building comprehension and retentions would not be able to answer several questions which it has just read.

Due to several reasons an individual could posses problem in building of comprehension and retentions are boredom & disinterest, decoding of individual words as these slower down the ability of reading comprehensions, difficult test could sometimes creates challenge for students, oral language deficit too has association with difficulties in building comprehensions, when kids read too long sentences then they tends to face working memory deficit, sometimes students with the problem of visual perception tends to face visual processing disorders. Moreover, difficulties in building of comprehension and retentions could be due to poor memory skills which is generally seen in kids, additionally kids posses poor execution function disorders, limited vocabulary, dysphasia & aphasia as well as students suffering from ADHD could have difficulties in concentration towards tasks which includes reading (Rugemalira, 2017).

Thus, in order to overcome these difficulties of reading comprehension and retentions some of the strategies which could be used are by making learning fun and interesting, by sub vocalizing, by decoding difficulties, by using appropriate materials which are essential for students learning or by scanning which includes looking at titles, summarizing as well as reviewing the question which are at end of the chapter.


It could be recommended that, for getting success in academic life it is very much essential for an individual to overcome all the barriers which comes in achievement of effective comprehensions and retentions. Thus overcoming through this issue could be done by exciting the child to read as well as helping it in making connections with the story, by decoding of problems on could overcome reading comprehensions or by setting of reading goals. Moreover, by reading along with the child as well as by modelling the usage of comprehension strategies, by encouraging student for having deeper level of understandings, thus, these could be some of the effective techniques for overcoming such issues. Additionally, in order to increase reading comprehensions, one could generate questions or could read aloud or could monitor who checks whether every one is reading or not could be the strategies which ensures improvements in reading comprehensions for and individual in its academic life (Cottrell, 2019).


It could be concluded from the above report that, the skills which are important for an individual to efficiently learn & study are known as study skills, therefore, study skills are considered to be one of the crucial set of transferable skills of life. The study skill helps not only in boosting the confidence of an individual but also for helping it to succeed as well as enabling the individual to efficiently work. Moreover, as study skills are individual processes, improvement & development in study skills processes requires long time. Therefore, in order to become more efficient learner, study skills are required for higher studies. The study skills guides the individual for efficiently memorizing, test taking, time managing, stress management, note takings, reading comprehensions as well as enabling the individual to be active listener (Drew and Bingham, 2017).

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