
TOP10531 Study Skills for Higher Education(INDVIDUAL ESSAY)

University: London School of Commerce

  • Unit No: NA
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 5 / Words 1243
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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  • Downloads: 949
Organization Selected : NA
Question :
Some of the main assessment requirements in this report are like:
  • What are the different approaches of learning and also elaborate the effective learning style and the strategies opted by individuals to manage learning.
  • Make a long term and short-term plan goals that help to manage the professional growth and functions.
Answer :

Essential sills required in an individual for higher education

There are various skills required for higher education which are as follows:

SPACED PRACTICE: This skills is most likely to be present in any student who has been present to belong from any such communication skill, they have to arrange things as per requirement. It shall be deprived from the fact that students usually suffer from the fact that they tend to study just few days before the exams or any competition exam (Assiter, 2017). This tends to make the body more stressed as they do not have the main capacity in nature and plus they have to study continuously as they have not practices before exam.

ELABORATION: one needs to learn the expression and skill of keeping all things at prier practice and should know how to extend in nature. One has to schedule as per requirement. In this skill the student has to require to needed in their students life. It shall be irrespective to the fact that one shall not be gaining marks unless they can write in an elaborated way of writing all the information which is required in exams. This skill is required to maintain proper skills which shall be needed in the organisation, that shall needs to be concluded in later future as well. When people want to explain there thoughts properly, they always hesitate in explaining it correctly. Its very important to develop this kind of kills for learning better and faster in higher education system.

CONCRETE EXAMPLES: Usually things are understood by people if they have a good image of it in there head. Teachers should always use a correct reformative example which will stick in the min of student and as per requirement they have to understand all such concepts where the basic requirement is to remember things with a solid example that remembering it all the information required shall be understood more clearly (Lim, 2018). These ere generally given to provide better clarity in nature of making people understand the concept more better and in more detail. If a student understand things with more clarity they shall be able to understand concepts with better relation can always relate while making things clear in there head.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: it is a very important skill for higher education. How a person interact with its leaders, friends defines a person. Communication is of two types that is verbal as well as written. A good and effective communication is required for education so that students can perform their ideas and views to the audiences , they can share their skills, knowledge effectively to all the students. A good understanding and bonding only takes place when there is a proper communication between the persons. Communication skills include writing, speaking, reading as well as listening skills. To convey the message properly or effectively it is required to have good communication skills. Communication skills allows a person to understand the perception of others accurately & quickly. A good communication builds the confidence of the people and create a good image of a person. Effective and good communication inspire a person to perform high and maintain a good relationship with people.

TIME MANAGEMENT: For every person to be successful in life it is important to manage the time. To get success on academics, it is essential to e highly disciplined and well organised. Time management allows students to plan their day and finish the work on time or with in the time period. Time management helps to achieve more work in less time and also helps in achieving goals faster.(Wibrowski, Matthews and Kitsantas, 2017) It makes people more energized that is if a person finishes its task on time they have the time for their loved ones, going for trip, practice hobby and so on. Time management reduces the mental stress of a people and they feel relaxed if no workload is there. It helps students to be more productive due to which a person gains good results. In addition to this, it helps to maintain a balance between life and work.

TECHNOLOGICAL SKILLS: Higher education students require IT skills in order to do the things conveniently. Nowadays, Technology reach at peak level and gives greater convenience to the individual. People are shifting towards the artificial intelligence so that they can work with the new and innovative technologies. A student require technological skills to do their projects online as most of the universities prefer online project rather than wasting paper for projects. Student must have the knowledge about Google docs, Microsoft office, web search and so on which help them to do their assignments on time or in an appropriate manner. It helps students to be more efficient, valuable and different from other students. In addition to this, technological skills for higher education also includes programming languages, analysis of data, information security etc.

LEADERSHIP SKILLS: It is the ability of a person to take initiative and influence people to attain the goals. Leadership qualities is necessary to become competitive and different from others. Leadership skills helps a student to manage the team and carry out the responsibilities properly.(Wilson, 2018) It helps in building confidence and motivate other people to be a good leader. Leadership skills helps students in problem solving and decision making as it improves the thinking ability of a person. In addition to this, a good leadership skills helps a person to be familiar and make good relations with people. 


The willingness which will help a person in attaining all the goals and requirements which are specific in nature to conclude the basic purpose of making aim in a students life. Some goals are short term goals and some are long term goals and as per the requirement one shall always provide the correct workings of them in nature. These goals are set to make proper correction in later future and shall setup to make them understand all such goals which have to be achieved in later future. Such theories are to be set up so that one can understand concepts of making things applicable in nature.

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You may also like to read:


Assiter, A., 2017.Transferable skills in higher education. Routledge.

Lim, D., 2018.Quality assurance in higher education: A study of developing countries: A study of developing countries. Routledge.

Wibrowski, C. R., Matthews, W. K. and Kitsantas, A., 2017. The role of a skills learning support program on first-generation college students’ self-regulation, motivation, and academic achievement: A longitudinal study.Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice.19(3). pp.317-332.

Wilson, J. D., 2018.Student learning in higher education. Routledge.

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