
D/508/0491 : Managing a Successful Business Project A Study on Bentley Motors


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 22 / Words 5552
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Organization Selected : Bentley Motors
Question :

Some of the questions mentioned and required in this report are like:

  • Frame small-scale research with data collection and other management projects by Bentley Motors.
  • What are the aims, time frame and objectives required in chosen theme for Bentley Motors?
  • Give the appropriate recommendations for the analysis and findings of Bentley Motors.
Answer :


Managing a successful business organisation consider as a critical task that need various skills and abilities in order to conduct the independent investigations for achieving the goals and objectives (Scott, 2017). Whereas, equality as well as diversity become inherent for all corporations because of demographic as well as globalisation characteristics of an environment. Every workers have different culture and background as there needs and wants are also different that might leads in conflicts as well as stressful workplace. For this, initiatives and strategies are required to formulate by management in order to overcome from barriers and issues as well as develop equality working environment. In this research report a case of Bentley Motors is taken which is a British manufacturer as well as marketers of luxury cars. It was founded in 1998 that headquarters in England, United Kingdom. Under this report discussed about the project aims and objectives for preparing a project management plan that includes several aspects like cost, quality, risk and so on. Work breakdown structure as well as Gantt chart also study in order to conduct a small scale research. Also, facilitates appropriate recommendation as well as reflection on this project.


P1 Define aims and objectives of project.

Purpose of research:

Continuous analysis or research of market environment is important for an organisation in order to manage their operational activities as it facilitates the reliable and detailed information that are required to take effective decisions (Brennan, 2018). This insure better findings and interpretation of environmental factors as well as cognition and behaviours of personnel and provide a clear view about marketing concepts and theories.

Overview of company:

Bentley Motors consider as a multinational company that deals in Luxury cars and vehicles which headquarters in England, United Kingdom but having its business operations worldwide. In order to that it become essential for the company to analyse and formulate initiatives and strategies for managing equality as well as diversity at working place. This report is based on the research about Bentley Motors in order to that prepare some aims and objectives.


The aim of this research report is “To analyse the several strategies as well as initiatives which require to be planned, formulated and implemented by Bentley Motors in order to brining equality and diversity at workplace by create diverse as well as comprehensive workers.”

Objectives: Some of the main objectives are discussed as follows:

  • To realise the meaning of equality and diversity development at working environment.
  • To analyse the several kinds of initiatives as well as strategies which can be formulated and implemented by Bentley Motors in order to build diverse and comprehensive workforce.
  • To ascertain the merits and demerits of increasing workplace equality as well as diversity of a company.
  • To determine the challenges as well as consequences which can be faced by Bentley Motors while bringing equality and diversity at workplace.


  • What are the views and implications of equality as well as diversity development at workplace?
  • What kind of initiative and strategies which can be planned and implemented by Bentley Motors to create diverse as well as comprehensive workforce?
  • What are the possible merits and demerits of accretive workplace equality as well as diversity at company's environment?
  • What kind of challenges and consequences which can be faced by Bentley Motors while brining equality and diversity at working environment?

P2 Develop a project management plan.

Project management plan: It refers to the process of analysing the aims and objectives of a business organisation to set up realistic and careful plan for conducting the research in accordance of the fulfilment of them in an appropriate manner (Bryson, 2018). This plan is to be used in order to develop action plan after predicting the issues as well as risks and satisfactory organised and manage the entire activities of this project. This leads in the minimisation of costs, efforts as well as risk in order to control and monitor in well defines manner after analysing all aspects of this. In this, various aspects that are cost, quality, scope, risk, time, communication as well as research that are required to plan in efficient manner to bring equality and diversity at Bentley Motors working environment.




It can be easily said that cost plays the most important role in any of the work it decides that whether work can be conducted successfully or not. It will include the overall cost of any of project for the purpose of fulfilling the objectives in best possible manner. In context of Bentley Motors, they have allocated £800000 for the purpose of introducing new technologies with their car where they will spend money in giving training to employees, research and development department will also require huge sum of capital and expenses will occur at the time of bring new assets in the company. This will be the amount which can help to utilise every resources in systematic manner. In terms of researcher, the estimation cost of conducting the whole research will require approximately £17000.



It is necessary during the course of conducting research that collected information must be reliable so that company as well as researcher can take the benefit. In context of research, they will required to collect the information from the method of qualitative as well as quantitative way. In case of Bentley Motors, they can only take the advantage out of those data which are reliable for executing the necessary activities within the given time period (Skjerven, 2019).


In any of the project it is necessary that resources should be available so that work can be done easily. In context of the research they will required to have some of the sources such as capital, time, support of respondents etc. While talking about Bentley Motors, they will require advance technologies, fund, skilled R&D department etc.


It creates number of opportunities for both researcher as well as organisation as it will help both of them to survive for longer period of time and even earning will automatically increase. Research will have the knowledge about latest technologies and how it has been helping the world to attain their goals. In case of Bentley Motors, company will be able to compete with their rivalries firm for longer period of time (Stone, 2019).


Communication always plays the crucial role in attaining the positive goals in given time period. It is their choice that how they uses it for attaining their personal milestones. In case of research, they can use different communication system such as email, telephonic discussion, face to face interview for doing effective communication for this respective research. In case of Bentley Motors, they will have the option to use oral as well as written communication which will help them to take effective decision for attaining the goals of a company.


Researcher will have the option to complete whole of the research within the time period of 7 weeks where as Bentley motors will require at least 6 months to implement the changes which they are willing to do for attaining the goals of a company (Todorova, 2019).


Whenever of the work is to be done then there are number of risk which is needed to be faced by researcher as well as company. In case of researcher, some of the risk that will occur during the research are related with lack of available time, inappropriate reply from respondent and capital in some of the cases. In case of Bentley motors, they will have the risk that whether company will be able to attract the customers or not.


P3 Work breakdown structure and Gantt chart.

Various tools and techniques are implemented by researchers to clearly understand about the task completion within the time-frame (Vuorinen, 2019). In this research, investigator used Work breakdown structure and Gantt chart for completing and performing the research activity on time. These are as follows:

Work Break down structure consider as a management tool which are generally developed by a manager and investigators for the purpose of decomposition of whole tasks into smaller parts that are monitored and controlled effectively. This provides a clear guidelines as well as framework in order to complete the activities on time by properly assigned roles and responsibilities to the team members (Burns, 2016). WBS is useful for conducting research activities for minimising the duplication of efforts and work as well as systematically divide overall tasks by assigning separate roles and responsibilities. This will assist in accomplishing the research objectives within a particular period of time after reducing conflicts and confusions towards the work allocation and performance.



Gantt chart refers to the management tool for managing the time for performing the activities as it shows a graphical representation of every stages of work to give the simplicity as well as transparency (Byrd, 2018). It is based on the bar chart which facilitates clear and detail information in either horizontal or vertical axis on different time intervals that shows schedule of all events. It is helpful for researcher as it display start and finish time of all events to complete in an appropriate manner as well as focused on reducing the wastages also.



P4 Conduct a small-scale research by using qualitative as well as quantitative research.

Research is conducted for the purpose of identifying, choosing as well as examining the information related to a specific problem or topic in order to make effective as well as reliable decisions for achieving the organisational objectives. There are several methods and sources that are made to conduct proper research activities. Some important methods are used in this Bentley motors research report that are as follows:

Qualitative method of research: This is to be applied for gathering the depth information regarding a specific topic. In order to that a researcher use open ended as well as conversational interactions by using focus groups, depth interview as well as case study techniques for collecting data. This kind of data is in theoretical form as it is difficult to present on charts and time consuming as well and it requires detailed skills, abilities and knowledge to use (Dai, 2014).

Quantitative method of research: In this kind of method, information is gathered in numerical form that can be simply converted into graphs as well as tables as it facilitates appropriate data presentation. Several statistical tools, facts, figures are made to examine the quantitative data for making effective decisions.

In order to effective research and facilitates appropriate conclusion towards the respondents opinions using both methods of research like qualitative as well as quantitative. Qualitative research ensures depth and detailed information for making decisions as well as quantitative research is applied for presenting that data easily in attractive manner (Fageha, 2013).

Sources of data

It shows the origin of information from where it is actually collected. There are mainly two sources that are as follows:

Primary source: It shows the first hand information that is basically gathered by investigators by contributing personal efforts and time. It facilitates up to date as well as authentic information which is related to the current scenario. It includes many techniques such as questioners, interview as well as survey for collecting information but it is a time consuming method.

Secondary Source: This kind of informations are already in existence as well as already collected by someone else. It considered as a easy and simple source as well as not a time consuming approach but it can be outdated and not reliable for important projects. There are various sources of secondary data collection such as books, journals, records, magazines, websites as well as newspaper (Hajro, 2017).

Both kind of sources are used by Bentley for this research as questioners form is used to collect primary or first hand information and online websites are preferred for collect secondary source of research.


It refers to the procedure of selecting a pre described unit of observation among total population that are based on some common characteristics. It provides the speedy as well as better research by using several sampling techniques such as probability, random, non probability, systematic, conservative and so on (Johanson, 2015).

In this research report random sampling is used to minimise the chances of biasness as well as favouritism in sample selection process. For this 20 respondents are chosen from Bentley Motors to study about the concept of equality and diversity at workplace.



Q1) Do you having any views and implications of equality as well as diversity development at workplace?

a) Yes

b) No

Q2) What can be reasons which provide improvement of equality and diversity at workplace environment?

a) Globalisation

b) Availability of low-budget labours in other nation

c) Healthier interactions of economies as well as culture

Q3) What are the achievable strategies which can be planned and implemented by Bentley for creating a diverse and comprehensive workforce?

a) Constitution of inclusion committee

b) Impressive cultural training

c) Exercise of more interactive style of leadership

Q4) What are the challenges that can be faced by Argos because of improving equality and diversity at working environment?

a) Lack of acceptation

b) Moral principle and social differences

c) Obstacles of language and communication

Q5) Are you agree with the fact which improving equality and diversity also have some negative outcome on operations and working Bentley Motors?

a) Agree

b) Disagree

Q6) What can be the manageable unfavourable significance and negative impacts of bringing the concept of equality and diversity?

a) Lack of effective communication

b) Troubles in decision making

c) More chances of conflicts

Q7) What could be the achievable aims of Bentley behind developing comprehensive and diverse employees at company's workplace?

a) Betterment in productivity

b) Improved business development opportunities

c) Enhance creativity as well as moral of employees

Q8) Will an comprehensive and diverse workers also facilitates more competitiveness strength to Bentley?

a) Agree

b) Disagree

Q9) What are the possible practises that can be implemented by Bentley in its regular operations to develop comprehensive and diverse employees?

a) Removal of Biasness from HR practises

b)Effective communication transmissions

c) Better orientation programme

d) More cultural functions

Q10) What demerits are faced by Bentley in absence of comprehensive and diverse manpower in workplace?

a) Limited organisational growth

b) Lack of creativity

c) Week market position

Q11) Any suggestion and recommendations?



P5 Analysis of data and findings.

Theme 1: Views and implications of equality as well as diversity development at the workplace

Q1) Do you having any views and implications of equality as well as diversity development at workplace?


a) Yes


b) No


Interpretation: From the above diagram, it can be analysed that 75% of respondent out of 20 respondents are having information about the vies and implication of equality and diversity in the workplace while 25% respondent are not much aware about the concept of equality and diversity.


Theme 2: Reasons which provide improvement of equality and diversity at workplace environment

Q2) What can be reasons which provide improvement of equality and diversity at workplace environment?


a) Globalisation


b) Availability of low-budget labours in other nation


c) Healthier interactions of economies as well as culture


Interpretation: It can be interpreted that 8 out of 20 thinks that globalisation is a reason of providing improvement in equality as well as diversity at workplace. While 7 thinks that low budget labour availability helps in it but remaining considers that positive interaction of culture and economies are more appropriate (Wen, 2019).


Theme 3: Achievable strategies which can be planned and implemented by Bentley for creating a diverse and comprehensive workforce

Q3) What are the achievable strategies which can be planned and implemented by Bentley for creating a diverse and comprehensive workforce?


a) Constitution of inclusion committee


b) Impressive cultural training


c) Exercise of more interactive style of leadership


Interpretation: It can be analysed from the above graph that 6 out of 20 consider that Constitution of inclusion committee strategy is more appropriate for the company's diverse and comprehensive workforce. Whereas, 8 thinks that Impressive cultural training and remaining believes on Exercise of more interactive style of leadership strategies effectiveness.


Theme 4: Challenges that can be faced by Argos because of improving equality and diversity at working environment

Q4) What are the challenges that can be faced by Argos because of improving equality and diversity at working environment?


a) Lack of acceptation


b) Moral principle and social differences


c) Obstacles of language and communication


&Interpretation: It has been considered that above graph shows that 9 respondents thinks that lack of acceptation, 6 consider that moral principles and social differences as well as 5 thinks that obstacles of language and communication kind of challenges are faced by the company.


Theme 5: Improving equality and diversity also have some negative outcome on operations and working Bentley Motors

Q5) Are you agree with the fact which improving equality and diversity also have some negative outcome on operations and working Bentley Motors?


a) Agree


b) Disagree


Interpretation: From the above chart it can be analysed that, 12 respondents out of 20 agree with the fact that improving equality and diversity also have some negative outcomes on operations and working of an organisation while 8 respondents disagree with this statement.


Theme 6: Manageable unfavourable significance and negative impacts of bringing the concept of equality and diversity

Q6) What can be the manageable unfavourable significance and negative impacts of bringing the concept of equality and diversity?


a) Lack of effective communication


b) Troubles in decision making


c) More chances of conflicts


Interpretation: It has been interpreted that out of 20, 10 respondents thinks that lack of effective communication helps in managing the negative impacts in an effective way. Whereas, 6 thinks troubles in decision-making and 4 consider chances of conflicts.


Theme 7: Achievable aims of Bentley behind developing an comprehensive and diverse employees at company's workplace

Q7) What could be the achievable aims of Bentley behind developing an comprehensive and diverse employees at company's workplace?


a) Betterment in productivity


b) Improved business development opportunities


c) Enhance creativity as well as moral of employees


Interpretation: From the above diagram it can be identified that 8 respondents out of 20 support the fact that aims of Bentley behind developing an comprehensive and diverse workforce at its working environment is achieving betterment in productivity. 5 respondents believes that better business development opportunities will be created by comprehensive and diverse workforce. 7 respondents thinks that an comprehensive and diverse workforce at its workplace is will raise the creativity as well as moral of manpower.


Theme 8: An comprehensive and diverse workers also facilitates more competitiveness strength to Bentley

Q8) Will an comprehensive and diverse workers also facilitates more competitiveness strength to Bentley?


a) Agree


b) Disagree


Interpretation: From the above graph it can be analysed that 16 respondents out of 20 support the fact that an comprehensive and diverse workforce also provides more competitiveness strength to an organisation while only 4 respondents are not agree on this fact (Kane, 2017)


Theme 9: The possible practises that can be implemented by Bentley in its regular operations to develop an comprehensive and diverse employees

Q9) What are the possible practises that can be implemented by Bentley in its regular operations to develop an comprehensive and diverse employees?


a) Removal of Biasness from HR practises


b)Effective communication transmissions


c) Better orientation programme


d) More cultural functions


Interpretation: From the above chart it has been interpreted that 9 respondents are having a viewpoint that discharge of favouritism from HR practises in regular operational activities will create an comprehensive and diverse workforce. 3 respondents considers that effective communication transmissions will develop an comprehensive and diverse workforce. 5 respondents are in favour of orientation programmes and remaining believes on cultural functions for creation of diverse and inclusive workforce (Kendrick, 2015).&


Theme 10: Demerits are faced by Bentley in absence of comprehensive and diverse manpower in workplace

Q10) What demerits are faced by Bentley in absence of comprehensive and diverse manpower in workplace?


a) Limited organisational growth


b) Lack of creativity


c) Week market position


Interpretation: From above diagrammatic presentation it can be interpreted that 5 respondents are in favour of lack of comprehensive and diverse workforce in organisation will bound the growth opportunity. 5 respondents accepts that lack of creativity will be created in absence of comprehensive and diverse workforce while 10 answerers are in favour of that absence of comprehensive and diverse employees will bring down the competitive strength of organisation and make week market position (Ng, 2017).

P6 Recommendation.

From the above analysis it should be recommended for the benefits of Bentley Motors in order to plan, formulate as well as adopts many strategies and initiatives to develop a diverse and comprehensive workforce. It can be considered as follows:

  • As Bentley should facilitated training to their employees regarding the clear understanding towards the different cultures as it can help in increasing the respectful feeling of them towards each other.
  • Orientation programmes consider as effective strategy for Bentley as it should be executed in a better manner that can be implemented to develop clear understanding as well as communication among staff members.
  • The company should required to focus on removing the biasness in order to facilitates equal opportunities to all candidates this will increase the company's competitive strengths as well as employees skills.


P7 Reflection.

Firstly I am very thankful to all who gave me this opportunity for gaining a detailed information towards a topic of “To analyse the initiatives and strategies which require to be plan and implemented by a business organisation in order to bringing equality and diversity at workplace.” within the context of Bentley Motors. From this research I had learnt many new concepts and things that enhanced my entire knowledge. I learnt about the views of workplace equality and diversity along with its merits and demerits. As this has also improved my several skills like communication, analytical thinking, research as well as interpersonal skill as I have interacted with lot of people during this study and got an opportunity to know about the views and perceptions of different people who are associated with Bentley Motors. I had made appropriate use of Work breakdown structure as well as Gantt chart for de compositing the entire tasks in effective manner which improves the working efficiency of me and my team members. Also, develop a plan of whole project in order to manage them by performing within the estimated time, cost, scope as well as several aspects. I had also properly used some qualitative and quantitative measures for undertaken research appropriately (Polonsky, 2018).

Several issues and challenges are also faced by me while undertaking research activities as that are mainly related to the lack of resources and time. But this problem are resolved by making use of WBS as well as Gantt chart that helps in proper allocation of tasks into smaller activities among team members as well as assist in performing tasks on timely basis. Also, me and my team members contribute extra hours and overtime for performing tasks within the time-frame and available resources. It has opened several new opportunities for us as it enhanced our confidence and overall personality (Roll, 2015).

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It has been concluded from the above report that the management of an organisation need many skills as well as abilities to conduct research in an appropriate manner and manage as well as coordinate the employees efforts. As increasing in the equality and diversity at working environment leads in making management role very crucial. In order to that, a company prepare project management plan in order to examine the cost, time, risk, scope and so on factors that are necessarily used in this research project. In addition, qualitative as well as quantitative methods of research also used for collecting the information in an appropriate way. Whereas, equality and diversity at working environment plays a crucial role to develop competitive strengths as well as skills that results in greater productivity and profitability. To build a diverse and comprehensive workforce a company use several strategies like orientation programmes, cultural activities etc.

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Books & Journals

Brennan, M., 2018. Diversity metrics, measurement, and evaluation.

Bryson, J. M., 2018.Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.

Burns, P., 2016. Entrepreneurship and small business. Palgrave Macmillan Limited.

Byrd, M. Y. and Scott, C. L. eds., 2018.Diversity in the workforce: Current issues and emerging trends. Routledge.

Dai, L. and et. al., 2014. Entrepreneurial orientation and international scope: The differential roles of innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk-taking. Journal of Business Venturing. 29(4). pp.511-524.

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