
Communication Skills for Successful Business


Effective communication plays key role in order to bring systematic operation in the organisation. Communication is the system which works as to deliver care plan to yield the best possible satisfaction to customer (Chang and, 2018). It is core part of each enterprise and it will help to achieve organisational objectives. The present report will give its major focus on theory of communication, methods and those principles which helps to make effective communication. In addition to this, communication is two way of sharing process and it is need to be in impressive manner and it also depends on mature of profession. Thus, it can be said that communication plays vital role in business enterprise.

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1. Description on models of communication and its system used in businesses.

Models of communication- The model of communication is systematic process which help to make effective understanding between working of an enterprise. There are number of ways of communication as are interpersonal, non-verbal, written and oral communication. Under this, some models are defined as are-

Linear model of communication- It can be called as the one way of communication, in this message flows in straight line and it works as sender to receiver (Oetzel, 2017). Under this no concept is given for conducting feedback. The linear model will be inclusive of set of components as are-

  • Sender- He is the person who works as to send the message after encoding.
  • Encoding- It is one of process which works as to converting the message in to the codes compatible with channel and it is easily understandability for receiver.
  • Decoding- It is also effective process which process as to have changes in encoded message into the language which can easily understandable by receiver.
  • Message- It is one of the information and its sent by sender to receiver.
  • Channel- It can be called as medium with help of which the message can easily be sent.
  • Receiver- Under this there will be person who uses to get message after the process of decoding.
  • Noise- There is one kind of disruption which are caused in the process of communication channel. It is need to be in effective and efficient manner.

Transactional model- In this kind of model, the sender and receiver both can be interpreted as communicators. Thus, they both plays effective and efficient role in order to make whole process systematic. This kind of model relates to social reality, culture up-bringing and various things relates to culture In these people can respond to mass communications like news, video etc. with help of these people can exchange their news and videos (Thompson, 2018). This is one of the effective method and it helps to process the systematic information so that operation can run effectively. It is used for having interpersonal communication.

Interactive model- The transaction and this model both are similar in nature. This both are two way communication model. In this way, it can be said that interactive model will be useful for media like internet facilities. It is useful in order to make mass communication with the things as videos, news etc. in this message can sent and received this kind of role is reverse, thus, this kind of process can be called as interactive model. It is new way of relatively new model of communication for running effective technologies.

Thus, it can be said that communication system will be inclusive of various process as are formal and informal. These are both effective process with help of which information can be easily passed between the managers and employees. In addition to this, the main goal of any kind of communication is to promote the effective and clear understandability of message. There is need to be sharing of information between individual of and enterprise and firms shares information to promotes its products or its services to its potential customers.


2. Define communication methods and technologies in business.

Communication can be take as essential part and with the help of it business can be conducted in effective manner. In this term it can be said that to be the successful business person it is important to use differed kind of communication methods. This kind of process will be helpful in terms to accomplish needs and objectives. These are defined in following manner as are-

Face to face communication- It is one of the effective way of making communication and it can be done with meetings, conferences etc. At the time of making effective communication the body language and expression must meet to conversation. It is one of the effective method in order to process effective communication among individuals.

E-mail communication- In this, E-mail is helpful in terms to communicate the whole world together in common platform (Fogel, 2017). It is enhancing the efficiencies of working as under this fast communication can be done. Thus, with help of this, quick response can be given and taken and attachments can also add. This kind of communication process can be carried between two or more person.

Teleconferencing- It is another method of business communication and it is most commonly used in workplace. It is useful at the time when people are not able to attend meeting. In addition to this, this mode will help as to save the travel expenses. In this way, it is systematic process as people do not have need to move from here and there to make the communication.

Video conferencing- It is quite similar to video conferencing, under there is also one common advantage is that individual do not have travel for attending the meeting. In addition to this, it can be said that technological has brought advantage which process effective working. It is two way of process under thus person can see each other and it can be done on TV screen and with help of monitor.


3. Description on outline of principles of effective communication.

Effective communication is one of effective source of making profitability and productivity. There are principles of effective communication as are-

  1. Principle of clarity- In this message should be clear and precise. Thus, ambiguous message will not be helpful in order to make effective communication.
  2. Principle of planning- In this before preparing any message the communicator should plan for message. With help of selecting media and process of sending the message to communicate.
  3. Principle of accuracy- under thus facts and information provides in message should be accurate. In this any kind of wrong information can create the confusion.
  4. Principle of relevancy- In this communication should contain relevant information. Thus, unnecessary things are need to be avoided so that effective communication be done.
  5. Principle of attentiveness- The good listening will be helpful in order to process effective communication. Under this receiver should be attentive at the time of receiving of message.
  6. Principle of time consideration- With help of this receiver should have its proper consideration over effective communication. In this term it can be said that timely passing of information from here to there will be helpful in order to run systematic information (Varey, 2002).

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From above report it can be summarized that communication plays significant role in order to process each things effectively. The present report has covered the various things as are theory of communication, methods and those principles which helps to make effective communication. Thus, communication is helpful in order to reach potential customers.

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  • Chang, Y.S and, 2018. Interventions to support effective communication between maternity care staff and women in labour: A mixed-methods systematic review.Midwifery. 59.pp.4-16.
  • Oetzel, J.G., 2017. Effective intercultural workgroup communication theory.The International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication, pp.1-5.
  • Thompson, N., 2018.Effective communication: a guide for the people professions. Macmillan International Higher Education.
  • Fogel, A., 2017. Two principles of communication: Co-regulation and framing. InNew perspectives in early communicative development. Routledge
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