
How Counselling is different to a conversation?

Introduction Counselling and Conversation

Present essay is based on differentiation of counselling to a conversation. In this context, key concepts of counselling framework has been explained with quotation of suitable examples. Furthermore, different between counselling and conversation is also highlighted. Apart from this, critical evaluation of the identified differences has been done. A specific disease as depression has been taken for understanding the framework applied for counselling.

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Key concepts of counselling framework

There are different kinds of counselling framework is applied in the field of medical. This enables doctors and therapists for the purpose of resolving the queries effectively and providing right kind of treatment to those who are suffering. Basically, pluralistic framework of counselling encounter with psychological difficulties which are caused by several reasons. For this purpose, single therapeutic approach can be considered as the more suitable to deal with different kind of people at the same time (Lambert, Bergin and Garfield, 2004). The mentioned framework consists of three parts such as goals, task and methods. With the use of pluralistic framework empirical inquiries are highlighted to provide the right kind of services for the sufferers. In this manner, specific framework is applied for the purpose of humanistic-existential ethic through which conceptualization is committed and facilitates to engaged with people.

However, it is political and ethical commitment to respect and value the specific aspects in order to cater the need of patients suffering from specific kind of disease such as depression. The goal of pluralistic framework of counselling is to understand the wants of clients because everyone need treatment for their disease. For example, some wants to feel more secure whereas other wants to cope up with changing work scenario and manage the situation of depression in a more effective manner (Hill and Lent, 2006). For this purpose, therapists must be highly skilled and knowledgeable in order to treat the tackle the situation and analyze the whether the previously set goal has been achieved or not. This work is done with the consent of client or patients suffering from depression. Therefore, on-going thread of goal-focused conversation is applied by therapists with the client. The next procedure of pluralistic framework of counselling is task under which preliminary list is prepared by counsellor in accordance with issue which is being faced by a person with depression. For example, first of all current problem in living will be discussed with normal conversation and then both clients and counsellor move towards the sense of problematic situation so as to take the appropriate solution and then behavior changing phase is focused. In addition to this, schedule is prepared to negotiate the life transition and then client is made understood to let go the feelings and emotion which is creating barriers in living. Thereafter, analysis is done in accordance with findings and then information is processed for meeting the requirement to clients (Cooper and McLeod, 2006). At last, self-care is enhanced with the help of personal, cultural and social resources. Apart from this, task is completed with the help adoption of several kind of methods under which client activities is divided in the line of therapist activities. In addition to this, methods such as felt sense, two chair dialogue and other therapeutic aspects are applied for better management of pain and promoting the stress free life.

Difference between counselling and conversation

Different people have diverse set of perception over the type of services that are being provided to them. It is important to make sure that one understand the type of services that are delivered to them. In health care, conversation is an aspect in which two or more than two people talk over particular topic (Dryden and Mytton, 2016). With time there are conditions in which the topic can change to other. On the other hand, counselling is something in which a patient or an individual is provided with information regarding the problem or issues they are having. For example, in a family if husband and wife have frequent arguments and plan to get separated, then there is a requirement of counselling. In counselling the professional will listen to the issues that are being faced by both of them and come up with appropriate solution. Counsellor will explain them the things that has to be considers and things that has to be changes so that the problem will be solved. There are different type of counselling and they are as follows:

  • Educational counselling: It is a type of counselling in which individuals are guided with the type of education that they should consider or take up in which opportunities will prevail.
  • Mental health counselling: In this type of counselling, counsellor will focus on understanding the mental state of person and the things that changes their behaviour towards situations (Müller and Wolff, 2015). Counsellors are helpful enough to understand the things that has to be considered when one gets into some serious situation.
  • Marriage and family counselling: There are issues among families and these counselling enables to understand the perception of each member within family and they provided proper steps that should be take in order to overcome the problem.
  • Guidance and career counselling: It is a development program that assess to make implementing informed educational and occupational choices.
  • Rehabilitation counselling: It focuses on people who have disabilities in achieving independent lives, career, etc.
  • Substance abuse counselling: In this counselling, people get help so that they will be able to get rid of addictions.

All this counselling’s have diverse type of purposes and make sure that the issues or problems that are being faced by people are solved or appropriate outcome is being determined. On the other hand, conversation is of four type which are as follows:

  • Talking nice: It is a type of conversation in which people about general things and it does not start with any type of topic.
  • Talking tough: This is based on particular topic. There are cases in which debate and clashes take place in this type of conversation (McLeod and McLeod, 2015).
  • Reflexive dialogue: In this one aims at getting information or focus on developing their knowledge about some that they do not have known.
  • Generative dialogue: People involved in conversation does not have topic to talk for. They will try to make use of conversation.

From the above make comparison, it can be stated that counselling is done as per the type or the area in which individual face issues. However, conversation is make on random topic that enables to know each other.

Analytic and critical view about it ‘s differences from conversation

The pluralistic framework of counselling is arisen with the help of situations through which a client is going through. It assists therapists to develop the alternative solution and provide the platform for clients to communicate all the issues. Lee (2006) asserted that meta communication is considered as the most effective aspect through which specific terms of client is clarified. It is also known as the process contracting wherein good or faithful relationship is developed among patients or therapists. This process of contracting as concept is arisen in accordance with the demand of situation and effectiveness of the treatment or procedure applied as per the requirement of clients. On a critical note, Lilliengren and Werbart, (2005) stated that clients who are provided their preferred therapies come with relatively low difference or results in comparison to those are offered randomly. However, Lambert, Bergin and Garfield (2004) explained that conversation is the part of counselling where it is important to ensure to collaborative talks between clients of therapists for clarification of the situation. However, counseling is schedule just after the conversation. As per McLeod, (2013) people tent to share their issues or problems when they develop a trust and confidence that by sharing views they will be able to get appropriate outcome. For this process, it takes time and it requires proper communication or interaction as this is helpful enough to develop trust and confidence within others mind. There are cases in which, it has been identified that people feel comfortable to share their issues with individuals whom their do not know. This happens in some of the cases. On the other hand, majority of people share their issues with individuals whom they are close with. In counseling, it requires one to have proper listening skills so that the problems that are being faced by them are given with appropriate. Most of the people feel that they do not have some to listen and for this they tent to make use of counseling so that they can overcome their problems.

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From this report, it can be concluded that communication play vital role in which it helps in developing trust and confidence among the mind of patient or the one who are in need of counseling. Listening is important so that situation can be determined and proper solution can be provided accordingly.


  • Cooper, M. and McLeod, J., (2006). ‘Establishing a counselling research clinic based on a pluralistic model of change. 12th Annual BACP Research Conference, Glasgow
  • Dryden, W., & Mytton, J. (2016). Four approaches to counselling and psychotherapy. Routledge.
  • Hill, C. E. and Lent, R. W., (2006). A narrative and meta-analytic review of helping skills training: time to revive a dormant are of inquiry. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training. 43. pp.154-172
  • Lambert, M. J., Bergin, A. E., & Garfield, S. L., (2004). Overview, trends and future issues. In M. J. Lambert (Ed.), Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behaviour Change (5th ed., pp. 805-821). Chicago: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Lee, A., (2006). Process contracts. In C. Sillls (ed.) Contracts in Cousnelling and Psychotherapy. (pp. 74-86). London: Sage.
  • Lilliengren, P. and Werbart, A., (2005) A model of therapeutic action grounded in the patients’ view of curative and hindering factors in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training. 3. pp.324-399.
  • McLeod, J. (2013). Developing pluralistic practice in counselling and psychotherapy: Using what the client knows. The European Journal of Counselling Psychology. 2(1).
  • McLeod, J., & McLeod, J. (2015). Research on embedded counselling: An emerging topic of potential importance for the future of counselling psychology. Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 28(1). 27-43.
  • Müller, H., & Wolff, S. (2015). “Problems” in Employment Services. Social Work & Society. 13(1).
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